The new tournament

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"Ah quidditch eh I'm a chaser on the Slytherin team and Amy here is the keeper" ,Ryan said in response. Amy took a sip from her bottle and looked at the two, "I'm sure we'll have fun while you're here I can show you guys around if you want".
Jr smiled "sure" he took another slip of his butterbeer, lisa smiled and oulled out her want tio and pointed at his butterbeer she whispered something and jr spat out the liquid that was in his mouth onto the ground "lisa!" Jr yelled lisa giggled
"What did you just do"? Ryan asked curiously, Amy was giggling after witnessing the young man spit out the liquid. Ryan looked at the two, "So what do you two think about the tournament, Amy and I are entering into it" ,he stated trying to make friendly conversation. Ryan was a very good sport and loved competing and never cheated or got angry if he lost.
Lisa giggled "i changed his drink to rubbing alchol" lisa said to ryan, jr spat at the ground and looked at lisa "your in trouble" he said standing up. Lisa shrieked and a broom appered she swung up on it and flew jr looked at amy and ryan "be right back" he said and summoned his broom and flew he was faster then his father was and caught up to his sister easily and grabbed her off her broom and dropped her into a puddle he made from his wand. Lisa sheriked and stood up drenvhed jr grinned and landed next to amy "sorry about that yeah I plan on putting my name in I dont know about lisa though" he said and sat down next to amy
Ryan and Amy watched as the two siblings bickered in a way they reminded them of themselves. When the two came back over and Jr. answered the question that was asked Ryan smiled, "Ah I look forward to competing with you if we both get picked" ,Ryan told him. Amy giggled a bit, "Pssht Ryan you know damn well if you put your name in you'll get picked, you're the bravest most athletic person at this school" ,Amy said. Ryan blushed, "I'm not that great Amy" ,he said quietly.
Lisa came back over "same here but I don't know if ill get picked" she looked at her watch "madam is going to be mad at me if I'm late" she said and kissed her brother on the cheek before she left running. Jr shook his head "just like mom" he mumbled
"I can walk you if you'd like" ,Ryan offered. He was a kind young man and he didn't want the girl walking the grounds of Hogwarts alone at night. Amy looked at Jr. and smiled, she was beginning to think him and his sister weren't too bad, "You don't have anywhere you need to be do you"? She asked curiously. Amy hoped the young man would have time to have a few more butter beers with her.
Lisa smiled "im would like that Ryan" she said to him she thought this guy was cute and now he was acting like a gentlemen she smiled. Jr grinned "no I don't have to be anywhere" he told Amy and smiled he thought she was beautiful hut she was even more beautiful when the firelight cast shadows on her pretty face. "beautiful" he mumbled
Ryan stood up and held his arm out for the girl to take it, "Right this way my lady" ,he said kindly giving her a smile. When Jr. said he had nowhere to go Amy smiled and blushed slightly, the young man was very attractive and she was enjoying his company very much. She heard him mumble beautiful and it made her smile, she looked over at him, "You're not so bad yourself in fact I find you quite handsome" ,she stated right before sipping her butter beer.
Amy smiled and took his arm "youre very kind" Jr smiled at her "so what is there to do around here Amy? Besides looking at beautiful women though I wouldn't mind just at you"
Ryan smiled, "Well thank my lady" ,he said in response. Amy blushed at the young man's comment, "Well me and Ryan normally just play quidditch or go to Hogsmeade" ,she told him in response.
Lisa smiled and continued to walk. "hogsmeade? never heard of it maybe one day you can show me around" he told her and lept up when he heard a familiar roar "great he finally made it" he grinned as a Chinese fireball dragon the size of Jr landed in front of him. Jr went up to him "what took you so long chi I was beginning to worry" he said and patted the dragon. The dragon in response rubbed its head against its chest showing affection. Jr looked at Amy and smiled "oh did I forget to mention I have a dragon freind/pet....Amy this chi xui ling but call her chi for short...chi this is Amy" chi looked at Amy with her magenta eyes and let out a small huff and growl. Jr smiled "shes saying hi"
Amy smiled when he said he had never heard of Hogsmeade, "I think that can be arranged" ,she stated in response. When the dragon landed by them Amy smiled again, she liked all kinds of creatures and Chi was definitely a beautiful dragon. "Well hello Chi I'm Amy" ,she said as she looked at the dragon.
"This is quite a pet you have here" ,Amy stated excitedly. "There's a place in Hogsmeade where we can buy her stuff when we go I buy stuff for my pet there all the time".
"yeah dad gave me her on one of this trips over to China and since then I have been taking care of her" Jr said smiling "would you like a ride?" He asked
Amy listened as Jr. spoke and when he asked if she wanted a ride her eyes lit up, "I would love a ride" ,she stated excitedly as she stood up. She then looked to the rest of her friends that were sitting around the fire, "Don't wait up for me guys tell my brother I'll be back whenever" ,she told everyone before looking back to Jr. and Chi, "I'm ready whenever you guys are".
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