The new tournament

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The original Valkyrie
Apr 27, 2012
The Void
Lisa stepped out of the carraige marked Beauxbatons academy. She smiled upon seeing her twin brother Victor Jr. Whom was weariness his Drumstrang unifrom. She walked to him and covered his eyes "guess who" she said. Jr sighed "well its either a domentor or my twin sister playing a trick" he said and turned around "damn wrong one" he said jokingly.

Even though they were twins they went to sperate schools, there father Victor Krum the qudditch play wanted Jr to attend the school he taught at. There mother Luna lovegood had decided for Lisa to attended Beauxbatons Academy, though it saddened Luna a bit to know they would not be taken care of each other.

Today was a special day it was the day of the triwizard tournament and hogwarts was hosting again. If smiled and offered his ARM to his twin sister and walked with her to the front doors. Though they where twins the only thing they had in common was there gold eyes. Jr was a exact copy of there father just like Lisa was the exact copy of there mother.
Ryan and Amy sat at the Slytherin table and awaited for the guests to arrive, the announcement about the Triwizard tournament was made the week prior and the two were rather excited to see who would get picked. They knew only one student per school would be chosen and Amy knew her brother Ryan was the perfect candidate for Hogwarts, he was tall athletic, and feared nothing.

The headmaster scanned the Great Hall and stood up after a few moments to introduce the students from both Beuxbatons and Durmstrang. Amy rolled her eyes and played with the strings of her hoodie as she waited for the invasion to begin. "Why don't they just hurry up and get on with it I'm freaking starving" ,she said with an aggravated tone. "Relax Amy they'll be here soon" ,Ryan said in response.
Both Lisa and Jr walked in when they where announced several wispers sounded as there last name 'krumc was pronounced. Behind them there father Victor krum walked behind both his was black hair was salted with grey. Victor krum was now the headmaster at drumstrang. He went up to the headmaster and shook hands before sitting himself at a table. Jr sat at the same table as his sister which was the gryffindor table. There he nodded at the 'hi's' and 'hello'@' cause much like his father he was part of a professional qudditch team and took his fathers place once Victor Sr. Had retired form qudditch. Lisa just giggled at it and whispered something in its ear that made him go 'pfft'
Amy rolled her eyes at the students as they walked in her clapping was slow and people could tell she didn't really care about the other schools. Ryan on the other hand welcomed the people in and clapped with a charming smile on his face. "This is so stupid I mean do they really need such an extravagant introduction" ,Amy hissed. Ryan nudged her and gave her a stern look, "Amy can't you just be nice for once in your life" ,Ryan stated playfully. Amy stuck her tongue out at her brother then continued to fiddle with the strings of her hoodie.
Jr smiled as a slytherin girl he knew came up and gave him a hug after the food appered. Jr gave a hug bacl to her. "ill see you later Jr" she said and sat back across from Amy and Ryan. Lisa looked at him eyes wide "old freind SIS" Lisa nodded and went to eating
Amy noticed the girl from Slytherin talking to one of the boy's from the other school and rolled her eyes again, "Traitor" ,she muttered as the girl walked back over to the table. Ryan gave her a stern look that told her to stop it so she just took her fork and poked at her food for a moment to occupy herself.
Jr watched as the headmaster of hogwarts began explaing what the triwizard tournament was after a hour of eating. Lisa smiled at her father who looked there way. Victor Sr wanted them to enter and they both said they would.
Ryan listened as the headmaster spoke and was very excited to enter the tournament as was his sister. The two were very competitive and were always trying to out do what the other did and if one of them made it into the tournament the other would never hear the end of it.
Jr looked at his sister and smiled. He stood up as the dinner was over. He walked out and waited in the hall for his sister and his father.
When the feast was over both Ryan and Amy walked out of the Great Hall. Amy noticed a few students from the other schools and gave them a nasty look as she passed. Ryan on the other hand smiled as he walked by.
Ryan and Amy made their way out onto the grounds for the usual beginning of the year celebration the Slytherin house usually held every year. When they got there Amy made her way over to a few of her friends and Ryan grabbed a few butterbeers and brought one over to his sister.
Jr smiled and went.onto the grounds and to hagrids hut where he was still the keeper of grounds be knocked on the door. He smiled when hagrid answered "well ill be Victor krum Jr haven't seen you since you was a sprout" Jr smiled "yeap its been a long time hagird"
Ryan and Amy enjoyed their butterbeer as one of their fellow students lit a fire in the pit, Ryan spotted one of the boy's from Durmstrang at Hagrid's and looked at his sister Amy, "Do you think I should invite him over"? He asked. Amy just rolled her eyes, "Whatever I think it's a stupid idea though" ,she said in response. "Nonsense I think we should get to know our guests make them feel welcome" ,Ryan stated before walking off. He made his way over to Hagrid's hut, "Why 'ello Ryan, what bring you here aren't you and the rest of the Slytherins doin' the bonfire"? Hagrid asked. "Yes and that is why I am here" ,he looked to the young man standing on Hagrid's doorstep, "My name is Ryan James and I was wondering if you would like to join us down by the fire, we have plenty of drinks and snacks and we're about to light off some fireworks". Ryan extended his hand with a smile, unlike most Slytherins Ryan was a kind selfless young man and he just wanted to have fun.
Jr looked at the slytherin and shook his hand "im Victor krum Jr I would be delighted to join you Ryan for the bonfire" Victor looked at hagrid "ill talk to you later hagrid" Victor said hagrid nodded "ill right Jr" he said and closed the door. Jr walked with Ryan and stopped when he heard his name being yelled, his sister came running "I thought you where going to bed?" He asked her. Lisa shook her head "im decided to bug you" Jr rolled his eyes "oh I forgot Ryan this is my annoying twin Lisa..Lisa this is Ryan"
Ryan smiled when Victor introduce his twin, "Ah I too have a twin sister and let me say now I apologize if she is a bit rude it's just she's very competitive and with the tournament going on her attitude has been heightened a bit" ,Ryan told the two as they walked toward the fire.
Jr laughed "well thanks for the warning Ryan" Jr smiled and shook his head as his twin jumped onto his back. Jr just walked with her on his back like she was some sort of backpack "im sorry about her she acts sometimes like a kid when we see each other cause we go to different schools so we only see each other on holidays and months off" he told ryan
"Ah no worries mate I understand" ,Ryan said in response. When they reached the bonfire Ryan grabbed the two a butterbeer. Amy glared at the two but had to admit she found the boy quite attractive but she would never admit it.
"thank you" both Jr and Lisa said in response to Ryan when he handed them a butterbeer. Jr arched his back somewhat making how sisster fall bacl on her but on the grass "that hurt you ads!" Lisa complained "takes one to know one" Jr said back he then looked at Amy "hi I'm Victor krum Jr but you cac call me what you want most call me Jr..." He nods to his sister "thats brat" he said "hey! I am not!" Lisa said then looked at Amy "my names Lisa" she said correcting her brother. Unlike his father its hair was long it ended above his waist but usually pulled it back to a Japan knot. He undid the knot and let his hair fall down in a black silk wave.
Amy looked at the two as they introduced themselves, "I'm Amy Ryan's sister", she said in response. She watched as the man let his hair fall down, she thought it was quite beautiful.
Jr sat down on the grass and cracked open how drink and took a drink of it. "so do you slytherins do this every year?" He asked Amy. Lisa looked at Ryan and smiled thinking he was cute
"Yeah we do this every year within the first week, it's a tradition so the teachers don't mind us doing it as long as it's on the weekends due to school ya know" ,Amy said in response. She was starting to warm up to the two even though they were from other schools. Ryan noticed the girl smile at him and he smiled back showing off his perfectly white teeth.
"thats cool I wish we had something like this at drumstrang but my father is so Damn uptight about it" he said to her. Lisa blushed slightly at his smile and tried to cover it up by taking a drink of her butterbeer.
"So what do you guys do for fun at the schools you go to"? Amy asked before taking a sip from her butterbeer. Ryan looked at the two and awaited their answers Amy had brought up a good question and he wanted to hear the answer as well.
"well during my spate time I play seeker on the Bulgarian natonal quidditch team, I took over after my father retired" Jr said. Lisa smiled "I choose usually to study and learn to care for magical creatures I get that from our mother Luna lovegood"
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