Return of The Basilisk (Krys Snape & Zengor)

The ride to the castle was, if anything, uneventful. Without Hagrid around, the first years rode upon the back of the Giant Squid instead of the massive row boat. Even from the massive distance between he and them, the echoes of their childish screams echoed amongst the woods and reached his ears. He couldn't help but remember his first journey to the castle and he didn't blame their excitement.

The coaches came to a jarring stop in front of the massive oaken doors. To each side stood a large hog carved from granite and above the doors was the Hogwarts coat of arms. Yet, no matter how the teachers had tried, scars still marked the dwelling. It wasn't physical markings but the residue of darkness. A great groaning snapped Draco back to reality. The doors had opened. It was time to enter.

Empty. That was the only way to describe it. Empty and forbidden. How could all of the statutes and paintings just be...gone? The only thing that gave him any comfort was when Peeves the Poltergeist flew overhead, a wicked cackle breaking the silence,as he flew threw the second years. A shadow of a smile whisped past Draco's lips as he continued to the Great Hall. His attendance would be noted as well as Alexis' so he made a point to be seen.

Draco fell to his knees. Tears flood his eyes and fell to the floor. Before him, covering every inch of the Great Hall was a poster of the ones fallen in the war. Snape, the Dark Lord, Remus, and...Crabbe. Sadness overcame him. Without thinking he drew his new wand, an eleven inch, Japanese oak with dragon heartstring, and violently flicked it towards the picture of Crabbe.

"How dare you, " he whispered, though, knowing he wasn't heard, he screamed it again, "HOW DARE YOU!!!" from behind the headmistress' chair, which was oddly empty, the picture melted in a cascade of hot liquid. Hundreds of eyes were upon him, yet he cared not. They hadn't seen their best friend burned alive.
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