Return of The Basilisk (Krys Snape & Zengor)


Nov 23, 2011
Rhode Island
Alexis Rayne made her way onto Platform 9 3/4 and waited for the Hogwarts Express to arrive. She had recently been offered a job for the position of defense against the dark arts professor and she was excited to start despite the rumors of the position being cursed. When the train arrived Alexis made her way onto it and walked down the aisle until she found and empty compartment. She placed her luggage in the overhead and took a seat, she didn't mind that the compartment was one of the student compartments in fact she rather sit with a student or two and get to know who she'd be teaching this year.

As she awaited the train's departure she flipped through a book she had on hand to pass the time. Alexis was excited to start her new job and she was also excited to see what the school looked like after being repaired she knew the war had torn the beautiful castle apart and was sure that the staff fixed it up nicely. She began to watch as the students passed by the compartment after she got bored with her book, she waved at a few as they passed by.
King's Cross Train Station was full to the brim with Muggle and Wizard alike. An orchestra of thousands of voices reverberated off of the walls. Rumors had been continuously circulating for the past year of the secret of Wizards had been revealed to the greater population of Muggles but if it had, Draco remained oblivious to it. Indeed, the Muggles seemed as stony faced and indifferent as always.

Draco walked briskly to the entrance of platform nine and three quarters. All belongings he had where concealed in a small bag, using a simple enlargement charm to significantly enlarge the space within the bag. A small gust of air blew against Draco as he passed into the platform, ruffling his blond hair. Immediately, his ears are assaulted with the sounds of hundreds of children, thrilled as they began their first year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

Ignoring the noise, he walked alongside the black and crimson "Hogwarts Express," and enters the train on a staircase. He begans to travel down the isles, seeking a free compartment near the rear of the locomotive. He found only one that was remotely free, the sole occupent being a lone woman, clearly too old to be a student, but only just.

Her immediate beauty struck him immediately, causing him to cock an eyebrow. He eases into the bench in front of her and places his right leg over his left knee, causing the wand in his right pocket of his denim pants to stand out in sharp relief. Patiently he waited for departure.
Alexis looked up when she heard the compartment door open, she smiled at the young man as he sat down. He was quite handsome for a student and she was eager to get to know him. Being the outgoing friendly woman she was she introduced herself, "Well hello there my name is Alexis Rayne and I'm the new defense against the dark arts teacher" ,she stated. Assuming he would introduce himself to her she didn't ask for his name not wanting to push him to introduce himself. Most students didn't really like talking to their teachers and she wouldn't take offense if he ignored her.

The woman couldn't help but look the blonde young man over a few times, his blue eyes and tall frame the way he sat so properly. She could tell he was a gentleman, she could also tell he had an edginess to him and that she liked, a lot. When the train finally departed Alexis leaned back and crossed her legs making her skirt lift up slightly showing off her perfectly smooth legs. After a little while the snack trolley came by and she looked to the young man before her, "Would you like anything? My treat"? She asked with a bit of a seductive smile, she was trying to be subtle but in a way hoped he would notice her flirting. Alexis knew she was breaking all kinds of rules by even finding the young man attractive but she didn't care she was a Slytherin after all.
He sat nearly perfectly still through her introduction, only being moved by the jarring of the the train. Formalities weren't his specialties since the war. He seemed to literally chew upon the words he wished to say to her, yet as he opened his pale lips to speak, the snack trolley rolled into the compartment, breaking him off. Instead, he interceded her action of purchasing the food.

"I've got it," he says, turning to the older witch pushing the cart. With his right hand he reaches into his bag and retrieves a large green sack and hands it to the woman."I'll take the lot," he says, handing her the bag and dismissing her with a loud clash of a closing door. He tosses a pumpkin cake to Alexis and freezes as he catches sight of her exposed flesh. His tongue runs past his lips, moistening them.

"I'm ..I'm Draco Malfoy," he says nearly tripping over his words. He tried to ignore her smooth thighs, yet it proved impossible to do so. His eyes kept drifting to her flesh and he cared not if she saw him.
"Ah Draco I know your father I met him at the Ministry a long time ago he is quite the gentleman" ,Alexis stated. She smiled at the boy's nervousness. She opened the pumpkin cake and to a small bite of it as she looked at the young man, "So you're in your final year huh? I can tell you're not that young so I know you must be in or close to your last year". Alexis wanted to make small talk and let the young man know he had nothing to be nervous about around her. "Thank you for the cake it is quite tasty I owe you one for being so kind" ,she said with another smile.

After finishing her cake she leaned down to open her backpack that sat on the floor at her feet, she had a low cut shirt on and tried her damnedest to try and show the least amount of cleavage possible knowing that Draco was right in front of her. She pulled out a bottle of water and uncapped it and to a sip, she swished the water around her mouth to remove the cake residue a bit before swallowing it.
Draco yawned loudly at the mention of his dad. His father, Lucius Malfoy, had been the talk of the town for quite some time now. All whom spoke to Draco wished to know what had happened to the Ministry employee, to which Draco continuously gave the same response. "My father got what was coming to him." He spoke the words as though rehearsed. Above all he he wished to speak of his family the least, so he said, "I'm two years older then the other seventh years. I am returning to finish my schooling."

He moved his hands to lay them in his lap, though as he did so his right hand taps against against the handle of his wand as it poked from his pocket. As he touched it a muted pop was heard. Thousands of holes opened up in the bottle from which Alexis drank from causing the water within to pour onto her thin shirt and smooth skin. Draco's pale cheeks flushed red, though his voice failed him so he couldn't apologize. He would get detention for sure and they weren't even at school yet. The train jarred hard causing his sight to veer from her now transparent shirt. He wasn't completely sure, but he thought she didn't wear a bra.

To give himself time, he snatched up a Chocolate frog from a pile of sweets in the center of the compartment. He rips open the package and grabs the chocolate as it leaps from the box and shoves it on his mouth, chewing upon it with exaggerated slowness. His sapphire blue eyes catch hers and scans her frame. Finally swallowing, he stutters, "I'm sorry ma'am."
Alexis gasped as the water poured onto her top, she didn't usually wear a bra so her nipples poke through the wet shirt as they hardened from the cold water. When Draco apologized she smiled at the young man, "Oh no worries accidents happen" ,she told him. Alexis pulled out her wand and waved it making the shades cover the windows in the compartment then locked the door. "Listen don't tell anyone about this I can get into serious trouble for it if anyone found out" ,she stated before removing her top and draping it over the back of the seat. The woman was ballsy and figured Draco was a man not a boy.

"So I think it's great that you've decided to finish school education is very important" ,Alexis stated. She acted as if she weren't sitting there half naked in front of one of her students. In all reality she was nervous as hell but she didn't want to show it.
Draco's jaw seemed to drop into his lap as her large breasts fell before him, bouncing before his eyes tauntingly. He closes said eyes and shakes his head hard, throwing his hair into disarray, before returning his gaze to hers. He softly bit his lip, his right hand twitching slightly in his longing to caress her soft flesh, but he resisted the urge. Rather then acting upon impulse, he softly spoke, "I won't tell a soul." Surprisingly, he ment the words.

To break the stillness which had shadowed the compartment, he slouched into the seat. He remained that way for several minutes before he noticed the impression of his dick again his pants and he sat straight once again, recrossing his legs and praying she didn't see. To shake off the feeling, he reached over with his right hand and poked her left nipple.

"Defense Against the Dark Arts huh? They say that job is cursed, but the curse died with the Dark Lord." His confidence began rising as he gazed into the woman's eyes, a rare smile on his lips. "I honestly hope you make it."
Alexis could tell Draco was a bit nervous and she noticed his arousal through his pants, she knew she was a beautiful woman and most men had that reaction toward her. When he reached out and poked at her nipple she got chills, she couldn't believe she was sitting half naked in a seclude compartment with one of her students. The rules they were breaking and the rules they could be breaking excited her even further. She looked at the young man biting her bottom lip, "So Draco tell me if I allowed you to do one thing to me what would you choose to do"? She asked seductively.
Draco paused for for a moment, but that moment seemed like an eternity to him. A thousand perverse ideas ran through his head at her words, each idea better then the last. Finally he made a decision which seemed both pleasing and safe. "I would love to pull you into my lap and kiss you while rubbing those rock hard nipples." As the words left his lips his expression became hard. It wasn't at his answer but that the zipper of his pants had came undone and his throbbing member burst free.

He did nothing to hide himself as this happened, instead, he leaned back so he could be further exposed. The strain against his pants had made his dick hurt and it pleased him to be free of them. His eyes cast over her expression to see her reaction. They had broken nearly a hundred rules yet he cared not. He had more experience in magic then some of the teachers so what was the worst they could possibly do? Finally he speaks again. "And you? What would you do if allowed?" His voice had grown deeper, rougher. He wanted her but attempted to hide the fact.
Alexis smiled at his words and made her way over to the young man and sat on his lap, she pushed her hair out of the way then leaned down and kissed his lips while moving her body against his rock hard cock. "Hmm what would I do"? She said seductively after breaking the kiss. She looked into Draco's beautiful eyes before standing up and slipping her panties off. "Well seeing as you're extremely hard right now I might as well take advantage of it" ,she said as her hands pulled the young man's rather large cock out of his boxers. Alexis stroked Draco's cock for a few moments before getting back on top of him and positioning herself over his cock. She placed the tip at her entranced then slowly slid down his shaft her pussy already wet from being turned on by the kiss. Alexis gasped when he was fully inside her, "Draco promise me we can keep this a secret" ,she whispered right before kissing him again as she slowly began to slide up and down his cock.
He gasped hard at the sudden weight of the woman's lips hard on his. Momentarily he relaxed, just enjoying the way her kiss felt and letting her guide the kiss how she saw fit. But then then he seized control. His tongue slid into hers as his lips forced hers to open. His tongue wraps around her own briefly, then slides along it as he pulls his tongue into his mouth once more.his strong hands grip her waist and he begans to bounce her faster and harder. Soft moans break into the kiss as she moves along his thick, long member. Her soft pussy lips kiss his balls as they meet, drenching them in her hot juice. A bead of sweat rolls from his left temple, down his cheek, and drips off his sharp chin. The rocking of the Hogwarts Express, usually peaceful, drove him even deeper into her, his dick head hits against her cervix. Her firm breasts press hard into his chest, the hard nipples leaving impressions in his flesh.
Alexis quickly grabbed her wand and placed a silencing charm onto the compartment before she began moaning to loud. She bounced hard up and down on Draco's long thick cock, she held him close as she continued to ride him. Alexis knew that what the two were doing was so wrong and she could get into serious trouble for it but the young man felt so good and she hadn't been with anyone in such a long time, she needed this and Draco seemed more then willing to give it to her. " feel amazing" ,she gasped as she came closer and closer to her climax, her body twitched with pleasure.
He chuckles deeply as she broke the kiss. Draco had been waiting for her to cast such a spell and finally she had. He stands to his feet quickly and pushes Alexis firmly to the wall opposite them of the compartment. His hands slide from her waist to behind her knees as he holds her frame level to his. He begans stoking in her slowly at first as he grows use to added weight but he then begans to drill in her hard and fast, slamming his full length in her womb. Pussy juice dripped from his balls like a faucet. "This pussy is mine," he growls seductively in her ear. He always wanted to fuck Hogwarts over and now he was fuckin the new teacher. The irony would have made him laugh at any other time.
Alexis was surprised at the sudden movement but she enjoyed it none the less, her body shook with pleasure as Draco thrusted into her. She moaned even louder as he continued to fuck her her hands reaching up to pull at his hair. "Yes Draco all yours" ,she growled in response to his statement. She pulled his head back by his hair and kissed his neck softly then bit down gently letting him know she could play rough and didn't mind if he got a bit rough with her.
His head rolls in response to her pulling. A loud moan leaves his vocals at her bite as he finds out it turns him on even more. His hands yet again shift, this time to her ass cheeks. The middle finger of his right hand rubbed her little ass hole in slow, clockwise rotations before slowly sliding in up to the first knuckle. A slight hiss of pleasure fills him. He rams into her even harder, a small dent forming in the wall. Hide chest seems to vibrate in lust and pleasure.
Her body squirms a bit as he touches her ass this was something she wasn't used too but didn't want to stop the young man. Alexis just continued to pull at his blonde locks as he slammed into her. She could feel herself building up more towards her first orgasm. After a few more moments her walls tightened around his cock and she came hard, her loud moans echoing off the walls of the compartment. The hand that wasn't pulling on Draco's hair made it's way under the young man's shirt and she dug her nails into his back.
Her pussy squeezed his dick almost painfully tight. A small stream of pre+cumm leaks from the top of his member and coats her womb. He didn't slow down whatsoever, actually growing faster. The finger dug in her ass further and harder until he was fingering the hole as quickly as he was fucking her pussy.

In that moment, the woman was all his. He knew he could do whatever he wished to her and she could do nothing to stop him. He pulls his neck from her lips and nuzzles into her own neck. Soft, sputtering moans rip from his throat. His balls smackd her ass hard as he pounds in her.
She screamed out has he took her, the feel of him inside her was amazing. Alexis began to move her hips against him as he thrust into her wanting to make him feel as good as he had made her feel. She ran both her hands up and down his back her nails scratching at his flesh as they continued.
He growls again as he shoves into her a final time. He grunts hard an cumms hard in her cunt. His thick sticky jizz fills her up to the point where a copious amount runs down her legs. He shivers slightly as a steady stream of blood runs down his back, covering her fingers. He stands there for a moment, his knees shaking. Slowly he slides down to sit in what was originally hers, still cradling her in his arms. He hides his face into her hair, his breath was hard an ragged.

Draco wondered if he should feel bad about what he had done. She was his teacher after all, yet as hard as he tried he felt only happiness. Happiness he hadn't felt since the day he received his acceptance letter into Hogwarts.

Through the window the sun had began to set. The compartment was filled with a beautiful burnt orange which made Alexis seem even more beautiful. "Wow. You was amazing." His voice was rough as a whetstone.
Alexis laid in his arms snuggling up to his chest after they had finished up, he had made her feel amazing and she was quite satisfied with what had just happened. After the woman caught her breath she pointed her wand to her stomach and muttered a spell to keep her from getting pregnant. She then stood up and muttered a spell to clean herself off, she felt her shirt to make sure it was dry then put it on. Alexis then took her seat next to the young man again. "Maybe you will be able to see my quarters at the castle" ,she stated playfully laying her head on his shoulder.
Draco threads his thin, nimble fingers through her thin, smooth locks of hair. The smile remains plastered upon his face and he nips at the left side of her neck, forming small bruises to form. His heart remained pounding against his chest as though it was attempting to break free of his solar plexus. Through the window, smoke issued from chimneys from the houses on Hogsmead Village whirled past. The village was still some leagues away but Draco knew he needed to adorn his school robes. He tried to keep this thought from his mind. Instead he kept it onto himself and concentrated upon the beauty in his lap.

Her scent. What was it? Where did she get such an intoxicating aroma? It was one of pine and smoke. He remembered the smell clung to those whom hid during the war in woods, yet he could not imagine her running from battle. But hadn't he done the very same?

Draco turned his attention to her proposal, thinking upon it for a long minute. He could not imagine that he made any form of impact upon her as she was the only one he ever had fucked. He began to kiss her left cheek over and over. Somewhere near the front of the train a barn owl hooted. "I can come tonight to serve out my detention, if that is okay with you Professor." He chuckled at the honorific title he had called her, as she seemed to be anything but.
She smirked at the young man's words, "Well that would be great I'll put it in my books so that your professors know where you are" ,Alexis stated. She looked out the window to see how close they were to the school and realized they would be arriving rather soon, with a wave of her wand she set everything back to normal including herself. The woman wanted a shower badly and was anticipating their arrival so that she could go to her quarters and freshen up before the feast.
Sighing slightly, Draco lifted the woman from his lap and sets her into her original seat, his dick sliding from her cunt. He then stands and reaches into the depths of his bag and pulls from it a bundle of black fabric. "Yes I know," he says as he tosses the cloths and the bag into the seat, "It seems lazy but this way I know where all my belongs are."

He strips his Muggle clothes quickly, hesitating slightly to flex before Alexia. He would then pull over his head the black robe, the Head Boy pin standing in sharp relief against the dark background. "And the teachers won't worry where I'm at. I'm Head Boy so I'm suppose to roam the castle." Picking up the Muggle cloths, he shoves them into his bag and sits next the the teacher, a soft yawn passing his lips.
When the train came to a stop Alexis got off and made her way up to the school before all the students. She made her way to her quarters and took a shower, when she was finished she got dressed and made her way to the staff room for the start of the year meeting. When the meeting was over she followed the rest of the teachers to the great hall for the sorting ceremony.
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