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[mxf] sluts, line up!

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Jan 23, 2010

Hello all. I am balloon, and I am interested in smutty roleplays. I like a bit of plot, but unless you've got a really novel idea, I'm only interested in the smut. If you do want to play a good story, send over your idea, as I am willing to consider everything. The smut can and should be detailed though, and I like to post 2-4 paragraphs generally. I, of course, expect a reciprocal amount. If you don't often post this much, then I don't think it will work out between us.

--fucked up fairy tales
--fandoms (suggest anything your heart desires)
--monsters (tentacles, etc) x petite women
--demons, succubi
--master x slave
--many more combinations. Typical plots with no twist are cliche and boring, so be creative.

I like to play on pms, but not threads. Don't respond to this thread either, unless you want to bump it for me.

Here's my f-list
RE: [mxf] nymphos, sluts, milfs, whores, cumdumps, and lusty ladies-- enter my domain


For specific characters, or requests I haven't listed here, you should ask in a pm. I'll potentially get into new things if you ask really nice.

Fullmetal Alchemist
Shingeki no Kyojin/Attack on Titan
Adventure Time
Gurren Lagann
Rurouni Kenshin
Tales of the Abyss
Tales of Symphonia
Code of Princess
Catherine (major craving)
Soul Calibur
Street Fighter
Star Ocean 4
Eternal Sonata
Fire Emblem Awakening!
Mario is Missing!
Legend of Zelda
Dragon's Dogma
Dark Souls/Demon's Souls
Resident Evil
Harry Potter
RE: [mxf] nymphos, sluts, milfs, whores, cumdumps, and lusty ladies-- enter my domain

will edit my second post to show you.
RE: [mxf] nymphos, sluts, milfs, whores, cumdumps, and lusty ladies-- enter my domain

bump. there are so many dirty girls hiding in here. I love you all. <3
RE: [mxf] nymphos, sluts, milfs, whores, cumdumps, and lusty ladies-- enter my domain

So many women want to be violated by monsters. Such dark desires...
Keep them coming, pun intended.
RE: [mxf] nymphos, sluts, milfs, whores, cumdumps, and lusty ladies-- enter my domain

bump for something besides monsters. lol.
RE: [mxf] nymphos, sluts, milfs, whores, cumdumps, and lusty ladies-- enter my domain

Pm Sent.
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