Triple Trouble in Gotham ( X-Vash00 x Tellmi_Moore)

Terry was still squatting down in the cupboard trying to pull out some things for breakfast. His eyes moved to the corners of his sockets as he heard the light sounds of footsteps across the kitchen floor. He reached for a glass plate and was prepared to use it as a disk to toss at the intruder, his trained Batman instincts kicking in. He then realized it was just Luornu walking out of his bedroom and he just set the plate down and went back to grabbing things for breakfast. "Hry, do they still have cereal in the future?" He pulled the various boxes out and set them on the counter above him, still not turning around. Once the boxes were out he had an idea to make breakfast a little better. He went to the fridge and started pulling out the orange juice, bacon, eggs, and milk. He kicked the door shut and listened as she figured out how the coffee maker worked, he wasn't one for coffe, too bitter.

He turned to face her and answer her question. "Yeah, Bruce gave us a-Whoah!!" He now saw that she was totally nude, if he had anything to drink at that moment he probably would have done a spit take. He was shocked to say the least, he had never even seen Dana naked before. He knew that they had crawled into bed naked with him, thankfully they were under the sheets while he lyed above, but why in the hell was she naked now?! Oh that just brought up a point, which Luornu was she? Was she the one in the purple that was hitting on him after pounding some Jokerz, the timid orange one that Bruce had to deal with, the one in the hospital, or the one that formed when the purple and orange got together? Dear god that was going to drive him crazy just trying to figure that out constantly! He was hoping that he was masking his shock and confusion, but seeing as she blindsided him with her naked form he wasn't to confident that he was. "A-a-and uh...this is why we're going shopping." He lowered his head and used his hand to cover his peripheral vision. He was hoping she would finally put on some clothes so he wouldn't have to do this the whole time. "And uh if you d-don't mind me asking... Which Luornu are you? Also, why are you naked?" He hope he wasn't being too rude with her by asking that.
Triad startled slightly and almost spilled a little coffee when Terry shouted. She frowned toward him as she steadied her hand - but then she saw his face and realized it was more a compliment at seeing her nude body. "Agh," she smiled, putting one hand on her bare hip, shifting her wait to one foot, eyebrows up, sipping her coffee as she watched him squirm.

"A-a-and uh...this is why we're going shopping," Terry said. She looked down at her body and wondered if she should be offended or amused at his discomfort.

"And uh if you d-don't mind me asking... Which Luornu are you? Also, why are you naked?"

Luornu looked up, grinning. "Well, it's very complicated, but, basically, I'm naked because I'm not wearing any clothes at the moment." She set her coffee down on the kitchen counter and walked over to Terry, holding her hands behind her back, coyly, moving very close to him and leaning forward to catch his eye. "Don't slouch, Terry, look me in the eye... okay, good, as to 'which Luornu' I am..." she took another step closer to him, almost pressing her body up against his, her face pushed very close to his, looking into his eyes. "You can always tell by looking me straight in the eye. You see how my eyes are this lovely shade of lilac without any icky amber? That means I'm the best Luornu, all of my confidence, all of my boldness and strength - I'm both physically and mentally stronger than my other bodies - also my breasts are much firmer, though the other mes will deny it..." She was enjoying his discomfort. It seemed to strange to be so upset by nudity. Her friends Garth and Ayla came from a planet of nudists and often walked around the headquarters nude in their off hours without any major comment from their fellow legionnaires - though Saturn Girl and Cosmic Boy, their Titanian and Braalian cultures showing, often admitted that nudity made them a little uncomfortable, but never anything so shocked and amazed as this boy from primitive Earth. A wicked through crossed her mind and she had to suppress a nasty little grin.

"Do you... why are you so upset, Terry? Is nudity really this taboo in your culture? Or is my body just that offensive to you...?" she did her best to sound and look hurt and offended, even though she was laughing on the inside. Messing with primitives was fun!
Terry's eyes remained locked down and he kept Luornu in his periphery. Even while he was looking down he frowned at the naked comment that was smothered in sarcasm. Of course she wasn't wearing any clothes and that's why she was naked! Sure Terry enjoys a little witty banter, but right now? He was not in the mood for it being that there was a nude woman in his kitchen, his family's kitchen for crying out loud! And he was lucky that neither Max or his mother was home... well really his mother, Max would just stop and ogle until he grew bored or until Luornu slapped him.

He was pulled away from that fearful trian of thought when he heard the padding of he feet on the floor as she slowly walked toward him until she came close to him and dipped her head to meet his eyes. She even ordered him to not slouch and stand up straight. He had no choice but to do so and stand up straight, his eyes shooting up and stayin locked in on hers. She then went on to explain about which Luornu she was and it was indeed quite simple. He found it quite interesting that they are so exactly the same, other than their personalities, that the only way to tell them apart was a simple look in the eye. The other differences she described were probably only there to turn him red and cause even more discomfort of the current situation. Well if they were or weren't, they did do just that. "Uh... Yeah I-I-I can see that or uh I guess in this case..... feel that."

She then proceeded to become suddenly shocked and hurt about his discomfort asking if this was because he thought she was ugly. "No no no its not that! It's not that at all!! It's just that... It's just that..." He was starting to become stuck due tithe fact that he was trying to think on his feet and normally that was something he was good at when he was fighting the big bad uglies of Gotham, but this was entirely different situation. Suddenly he got an idea, "Well it's like what you said, it's taboo in this time. Being naked infront of people is left for THE most private moments between a couple." He hope this was making sense to her or this was about to go downhill fast.
Luornu burst out laughing and stepped back, placing her coffee on the counter. "Yeah, I know, I've been to twentieth century Earth before - in Smallville. Also, some of the human colony worlds like Braal and Titan still have taboos against nudity - I'm just messing with you. You know two of the leaders of the Legion - sort of like your era's Justice League - are from a planet of human nudists. And on Cragg and on most other human worlds it isn't really an issue."

"What's so funny?" came a sleepy voice as Luornu walked into the kitchen, also naked, rubbing her eyes. "Is that coffee I smell?"

"Sure is!" Luornu poured the sleepy Luornu a cup of coffee, handing it to her and tilting the sleepy, amber and lilac eyed Luornu's chin up so she could kiss it gently - rubbed her side tenderly, letting her hand slide down to settle on the other's hip, accepted a kiss back from her other sleepy self, and leaned their foreheads against each other. "How's my adorable little bundle of neuroses this morning?"

"Mmmm..." the sleepy Luornu muttered, nuzzling her head against her other self. "Coffee...?" She pulled back from her other self and drank the hot, gently steaming cup.

"Enjoy it, sweetie," the lilac-eyed Luornu said as she gave her other self a playful little slap on the bum. "I'm sorry, Terry," she said, switching gears and crossing her arms over her breasts, casually, but with a conscious effort to take pity on the poor hero. "I'm also the repository for my sense of humour, so I'm not above poking fun at other's discomfort. So, anyway, shopping today?"

"Who's uncomfortable?" the other Luornu was saying, leaning her bare butt against the cool kitchen counter and drinking her coffee.
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