The Twins of Tattooine (Terentatek and Wingshadow)

Smiling over as she walked inside, and then shifting over to sit by her side, he shrugged and then pulled her up into his lap. "Maybe later." he says, but I like it like that. I had a good morning though, got quite a bit. I'll tell you how much when you tell me how your morning went." he says with a cheeky grin, a hand slipping underneath her shirt and up to gently tease her breasts. "I'm going to go to the port again later and see if I can find anyone willing to take us both on as crew, we really need to get off here..."
"I already told you... I had a terrible time and I didn't bring in all that much today," she protested, trying to stand up and pull herself out of his grasp as she knew that he was once again in the mood for sex, "Now please, let me go... I'm already exhausted as it is, and if you do this I will probably just pass out in the middle. You wouldn't like that nearly as much, now would you?"

She had already given up directly opposing him, but appealing to his desire for pleasure might be more effective than outright denying his advances. Granted, his libido was such that this wouldn't dissuade him if he knew what she was up to.
"I was only giving you a hug..." he said, although his tone clearly showed he had also been contemplating more. "I had a reeeeally good morning. I haven't gotten any food yet, but we have enough money to buy us a week's worth... I think uhm just enough for us to maybe hop a shuttle to somewhere a little less hot and dusty, but not far enough away from here..." he says eagerly, giving her a tighter hug, "I'll go get us some food, but then I want to uhm..." he stops short of saying it, but the way the words stopped would say it all.

"After it starts cooling down, I will go and see how much it will cost us to get a shuttle somewhere, instead of tonight's usual pockets run."
"I think your head needs to cool off, brother," Eris stopped struggling as he wasn't actively fondling her for the time being, "I understand that you are going through a confusing time, heck I don't fully understand all the changes that are happening with my body either, but please you must understand why we cannot be together like that. Lets just enjoy our meals and long afternoons together like we used to. I don't mind if we stay on this dirty dust-bowl for the rest of our lives."
Shaking his head, he just smirks, "If we couldn't be like that, then we wouldn't be able to, would we?" he says with a little smirk, "But since we can, we must be able to." With that, he gets up, smiling to her and giving her a quick kiss on her cheek before going out into the heat once more, and down to the marketplace. Bringing back a small cut of meat, and a couple of vegetables to go with it, he was quite proud of himself today. When he got home, he showed the little cut to his sister and then quite quickly found the little cooking plate she'd found one day, but they hadn't been able to use for a while.

"We have meat! I told you just how good a day I had..." he says excitedly, "We should be able to go somewhere that we can be outside all day if we need to."
"Thank you, brother, but... I can't help but worry," Eris smiled as she accepted the plate with both hands, "We were born here, and we don't know of any other place we could be. I don't want to sound ungrateful, but how do we know that what's out there is better than what we have here? The world is not just outside our grasp for the taking, rather a better like is something that we will have to work hard for."

She sat down and took a small bite of the meat, savoring the heavenly taste as it melted in her mouth, "Plus... If you are not careful, we may have yet another worry."

Eris was referring to the task of caring for a child, of course, which would be the obvious result if he were to continue to have sex with her on a regular basis as he doubtless was already planning to do. Granted, he wasn't thinking quite so long-term and this probably wouldn't faze him in the slightest.
"It can't be worse than what we have here." he says, and then smiles, "That's why I was thinking of asking some of the freighters at the spaceport for if we could join their crew, earn our keep and our place with them as they travel. Even if it's only to another planet, or maybe more long term."

He thought about it a little more as he ate, but then her comment about something else to worry about sank in. "What do you mean? Nothing's changing more than it has now." he says, "Unless we can get a spot on a ship out of here. I'll go as soon as we finish, because... uh well... I'd like to get off this planet if we can..."
"I understand..." Eris nodded, looking down into her lap, "I don't want to be separated from you, brother, so if that's what you think is best for us I won't hold you back. What I mean by changing is... If you plan on taking me like you did yesterday on a regular basis, our lives may change in ways you don't fully understand. You do realize that we could have a child, don't you?"

She shifted uncomfortably, as his words pertaining to when he would leave to arrange their new employment were vague as he didn't specify if he would leave after they finished eating or after they finished having sex. She could tell that it was on his mind, based on the way he had acted before, that he wanted to enjoy her body once again. Eris was still very much against it at this point, but she couldn't deprive him of what he desired at this point, especially considering the convenient hole in her pants.
Devouring his food somewhat quickly, Aurak smiled to her and then shook his head. "We won't have a child for a long time, it's what adults do, not us." he says, completely ignorant that being capable of having sex meant he could get her pregnant. Once he finished though, he moved around, pulling her into his lap. "Besides, I made all the money this time, so I should be allowed some rewards..." he whispers into her ear as his fingers move down and press to her exposed slit, rubbing softly but with determination.
"W-wait, haven't you had enough of this already?" Eris protested, knowing full well that it was pointless but resolving herself to trying anyway. She soft, delicate lips of her womanhood were already starting to dampen slightly in anticipation of what would soon follow, and the more she squirmed in his grasp the more excited she became... It was starting to become apparent that his forceful behavior was turning her on more than simple caresses or touches would, although she didn't quite realize this about herself yet.

"I'm still sore from last time, please not today, Brother," she tried to appeal to his empathy, but considering that he was doing this in the first place for his own personal enjoyment perhaps it was not the best decision she ever made.
"No, and no..." he says to her, his other arm wrapping around her as he pressed his fingers harder against her, the tips disappearing inside as he sought to try and keep her doing as he said, "Keep eating as if I'm doing nothing at all to you..." he whispers into her ear as he kisses her neck, "You will find me in you much sooner if you so much as squeak before you finish eating... I'll still be fucking you again before I leave for the spaceport though, so it is only a matter of when..."
Eris meekly nodded and continued eating, although she found it increasingly difficult to focus on what she was doing when her brother's fingers were invading her sex and his lips nipped at the tender flesh of her neck. It was quite impossible for her to ignore his actions entirely, but she grit her teeth and bore it, as it were, and tried her best to keep herself still despite everything. She finally finished off her serving and set her plate aside, relieved that it was over for now.
Smirking to himself as she remained silent while she ate, and then pushed her forward the moment her plate was out of the way, pinning her to the rug on her stomach. "You're a little wet, Eris, maybe I should help you with that..." he taunts her, fumbling with his pants to get his cock free, "Maybe give you a load or two, and since you seem so concerned about it, maybe this time I will decide I want you to be pregnant..." With that though, the inevitable she knew was coming arrived, and he pressed the length of hot flesh between her legs, it disappearing into her wet slit as he pushed closer and harder.
"N-no, please don't do it again! I-I think we might have just gotten lucky last time," Eris cried out in protest, "If you keep cumming inside me, I really will become pregnant. Don't you understand what that means? We are brother and sister, we cant do such a thing-"

Her body tightened up suddenly when he forced his way inside of her, the walls of her sex clamping down around him as if welcoming him back inside of her. Her eyes opened wide as she tried to hold in a moan which threatened to escape her lips as her legs gently twitched, pressed down onto the floor as his member dove into her warm insides. She knew it was pointless to resist him, for he would have his way with her either way, but she still felt like she should at least try to talk some sense into him.
With her protests again falling on deaf ears, Aurak began his thrusting in her, "Quit complaining, Eris..." he hissed, "You aren't stopping me, and you only deny that you like this." In his idea of how things should be, he was gradually changing everything from the previous equality they had, moving towards where she would do what he wanted, whether she liked it or not. leaning in and softly biting her neck, the young boy didn't let up on his thrusts, and if anything, was getting more forceful with them.
"I-I don't like this! How could I possibly like this?! My own brother is fucking me," Eris shook her head vehemently, "You're hurting me, Aurak, please don't be so rough with me... If you are going to do it, at least be gentle with me."

With each thrust her body rocked slightly, pushed by the power of his hips as she clung to the blanket which coated the hard floor. She could feel her body gradually relax and tighten around him, urging him to release his seed into her although her mind had not yet accepted her place as his lover.
Just snickering at her words, he eased up for just a moment before returning to the harder thrusting, "I think it isn't a problem for you at all, Eris. You'll be doing better when you stop fighting it. You know I love you, and I will keep doing this to show that. You shouldn't be scared to have it shown, or show it in return." he whispers to her as he starts to pant a little, "Just relax, let yourself enjoy the feeling..."
"I-I do love you, brother, but its not this sort of love... Siblings aren't supposed to fuck each other," Eris managed to stifle an aroused moan just before it escaped her lips, the sudden increase in his pace causing a shiver of pleasure to run down her spine. She liked him being rough, despite her protests, and this position of helplessness as he pushed her down and rammed himself into her tight womanhood was turning her on more than the first time.
"Then I guess it's too bad..." he whispered, "I'm not stopping. I'm going to keep doing this to you, because even when you tell me you don't like it, I think you do." Bucking down harder against her, he started trying to bring his climax closer, partly losing interest in if Eris were to get off or not. "You'll see that you need to listen to me, that it is what you should do all the time. It's only that we are young you haven't learned it yet, that there wasn't anyone else to teach you."
"I-I don't belong to you," Eris tried to pull herself forward with her arms while her legs made a feeble attempt to push herself forward at the same time, although she didn't get very far since he was holding her firmly in place as he pounded away at her. Her breath was starting to grow labored as the sensation of his hard, thick member was prodding her instinctive need and desire. With each twitch of his cock she gasped and with each time that he buried himself fully inside her wet channel she cried out in pleasure, no longer able to hold her voice back.
"You're my sister, Eris, so of course you do..." he hisses to her, smiling as she starts to make some noise. "I think you really do enjoy it, and now I want to know whether it's me doing it that you enjoy, or whether that it's happening at all?" he questions her as he grinds down into her. Pressing into her, he moves a hand down and underneath her, forcing it between her breast and the floor as he began to squeeze the soft mound of flesh. "You enjoy me being rough, your brother making you please him..."
"N-no, that's not true," Eris shook her head and closed her eyes, although she let out a long moan of pleasure as be kneaded her breast with his hand while holding her down on the ground with force, "I don't like it, and I certainly don't like it because you are my brother. You're horrible... You force me to become aroused and cum, filling me with your seed."

She panted, her channel tightening significantly as she began to feel her peak approaching in the distance, that unwanted moment of bliss that her brother was forcing her toward while enjoying her body without remorse, "Don't do it, I beg you..."
Shrugging a little, he stopped moving for a moment, as if to tease her with promised pleasure now being denied. "I think you like it, even if you say you don't. Why else would you make those sounds?" he asked coyly before moving again, "Even if..." he pauses for a moment as he lets out a groan of his own pleasure, "You are my sister, this is how adults show they love each other." As he half-taunted and half derided her, he could feel the now-familiar sensation as his body drew to the point where his mind was now giving in to the need to cum, tuning out everything around him as his thrusting became more frantic.
When he paused, Eris's body shivered with need, her hips pressing backward slightly in an attempt to urge him on and continue to thrust into her, the pleasure within her gradually fading with the lack of movement, "Its a natural reaction... Any girl would react this way if you push her down and force her to have sex with you long enough, of course she will become aroused. That doesn't mean I enjoy it!"

When he began moving again, she tightened around him and let out a loud moan, despite the fact that she grit her teeth and attempted to hold it in. He was simply too skilled at pushing her buttons, forcing her toward climax as she softly whimpered with each thrust. She could feel him throbbing within her, seeking release as her heart-rate soared in anticipation. Before long her luck would run out... and she would become pregnant with her brother's child, that much she knew for certain.

"B-but, adults don't all fuck each other... especially siblings," Eris shook her head, "Don't do this..."
Grunting as she tried to explain it all away, and then trying to tell him to stop, he just shook his head. Furthermore, as if to emphasise some kind of point with her, he let out a groan as he pushed deep into her and held it as his body tensed up, letting his climax wash over him and pumping his load into her tunnel. "Oops," he says with a smirk as he tries to get his breath back, "I guess I couldn't stop in time."

After a moment, he pulled back from her and stood up, a softer, more loving smile returning to his face as he looked down to her. "It won't be too long until we can get off the planet and look for a better life." he says to her, "What do you want to be able to do when we find somewhere to settle down properly?"
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