The Twins of Tattooine (Terentatek and Wingshadow)



When the suns of Tattooine descended below the distant horizon, they gave the inhabitants of the outer-rim planet a brief and welcome respite from their intense rays. The city of Mos Eisly seemingly came alive even more so than it did during the day, with busy streets full of all manner of shady individuals and underhanded dealings. Not even one of them paid much attention to a young fourteen-year-old girl who wandered the streets and sidewalks, her dirty blonde hair which was pulled back from her face into a simple ponytail and her bland, rough-looking clothes capturing none of their interest.

Eris bent down and picked up what remained of a long-forgotten pendant, its hinge rusty and the picture that it contained long gone. She smiled and dropped it into her bag of odds and ends that she collected from off the streets, hurrying along one dark alleyway toward the little nook that she and her brother called home. She slipped between two tightly nestled buildings, batting away some laundry that hung between them out the windows and continuing on her way, her wrapped feet padding silently upon the dust-covered streets until she reached a small alcove and dipped into a small entryway.

"Aurak! Are you home yet?" closing the door behind her, she called out for her brother while setting down her bag in the dimly lit room. Their house was comprised of only a single room, with a small stove in the corner and a sink, while their beds were merely cushions with bed-sheets laid over them. It was a simple living, but pleasant since she could be with her twin brother.
Smiling to himself, Aurak had been out, pickpocketing as he usually did to get them enough money to at least feed them for the next meal. He'd had a good run through the markets today, and so he'd brought home some food as well. Back home before Eris, he pulled his tattered shirt and pants off, finding the house too hot until after dark. They just couldn't afford to draw notice to the people who owned the building that they were using their energy. They'd been nice enough to give them the access code to this tiny outside storage room, he didn't want to use too much of their energy by turning the cooling on and giving them a headache when their energy cells ran low much faster than normal.

When his sister walked in the door, he stayed quiet, grabbing her from behind and turning her to face him. "Boo." he says with a grin, pulling her in and giving her a kiss, although this time it was different to the normal, quick kiss on the cheek he gave her. This time, it was on her lips, a longer, more intense one. With his arms around her waist, he drew her tighter against him before very quickly letting her go as he felt himself getting hard. "Uh... Welcome home... I got some food..." he says awkwardly, trying to keep his eyes from her for the moment.
"I... Um..." Eris wasn't sure how to respond to his open display of affection, as he had never kissed her full on the lips before. They had always been close, but she hardly possessed any sort of romantic feelings toward her brother. He had been acting awkward around her lately, that much she had noticed, but she didn't dwell much on it since she figured it was just a phase he was going through or something of that sort. The way he took hold of her frightened her, leaving her feeling weak and helpless in his grasp... In a strange sort of way, it excited her, but she didn't tell him about that of course. Instead, she decided to simply let it go for now.

"I just found a few odds and ends we could sell for some pocket change if we are lucky," Eris chimed in, "What did you get for us to eat? I'm famished... We do still have some water left too, don't we?"

She sat down next to him on the blanket that they had spread out on the floor like a rug as she pulled off her foot bindings that she used for shoes and pulled off her shirt. She wore a length of cloth around her budding breasts, which were not yet fully developed due to her age as well as the lack of proper nutrition in her diet, but they were still quite noticeable.
Smiling as he sat down and looked at what she'd found, he glanced up as she pulled her shirt off, his eyes drawn to her breasts as they became partially visible for that split second before the wrap she'd put around them settled back into place. "Just some fruit, a couple of vegetables. I still couldn't get enough for some meat though." he says as he opens his bag, showing her what he'd gotten. "There were too many storm troopers there, I couldn't just take more money, so I quit while I was ahead."

Turning to look at her properly, he made no attempt to hide his erection as he gently pulled her into his lap, holding her so that she faced him, "Eris, I need to tell you something..." he murmered, "I've been... Noticing that you're changing quite quickly now... And that we should... Do something... It's well uh we're close right, and you love me?"
"I understand... We can't always eat well, but at least we aren't going hungry like we used to," Eris smiled, pleased at the amount of food that he had managed to get his hands on. Even if it were just a few loaves of stale bread she would probably be satisfied, as through their years of hardship she had learned to be content with what they had. Things had been far worse before they had acquired this small dwelling for just the two of them, as living on the streets without proper protection from the elements was dangerous and in some cases deadly if a sandstorm swept through.

"I wouldn't want you to get hurt, so I'm glad you did," she smiled softly, but as he reached out and pulled her toward himself she tensed up slightly, not resisting him at first as he began to speak his mind. She could feel his erection pressing against her, but she didn't understand completely what his words meant. Of course she loved him, he was her brother, right?

"Y-yes, I love you," Eris blinked her hands clutching her shoulders in a protective manner, unsure of how to respond, "What do we need to do? I don't know what you mean, brother."
Smiling to her words, he nodded slowly, a hand coming to the wrap and pushing underneath it to softly play with her breast. "I'm going to show you... How people who love each other treat each other..." He was nervous, but he was also determined, and she wouldn't stop him. He had her where it would be difficult to get away, and he planned to not let her escape yet. He pulled her close to him with his other arm, holding her against his chest so she would really have to struggle if she wanted to try and stop him.

"Eris... You will... have to..." he pauses for a moment, and pulls his hand from under the wrap, his cock starting to twitch in anticipation as he grabbed a small blade. Handling it carefully, he managed to cut a small slit down the front of her pants, leaving her exposed to him without him having to let her up to remove them. With what he saw as his only problem now dealt with, he tossed the sharp implement to the other side of the tiny room, and then put his hand to her young folds, rubbing them lightly at first, but gradually getting to be rougher.
When he reached up and cupped her breast, she immediately tried to pull away from him by instinct, squirming in his grasp and pushing on his chest with her hands as she attempted to put some distance between their bodies. He was stronger than her, however, and held her firmly in place as he pulled out his knife and cut an opening in her pants, allowing his hand to reach in and stimulate her sex directly. She let out a gasp of surprise at the sudden stimulation of her sensitive region, shaking her head and crying out in protest, "Brother, what are you doing? Stop this, please... What are you trying to do to me?"
Ignoring her words, he kept his fingers moving over her sensitive flesh, a finger occasionally brushing past her clit as he teased her. "You're not stopping me..." he says, his tone now completely different to his usual manner, his arousal completely overtaking him. As he teased her, the more he wanted her, the more he felt his cock aching. While he was a virgin, he wasn't clueless. He was just trying to make Eris stop struggling quite as much, but in the end, he simply pushed forward, knocking her to the ground and pinning her there.

With her hands trapped beneath his, and him being between her legs, it wasn't too hard for him to start pressing his shaft against her folds, but it took a few goes before he eventually got the head inside her. "I love you Eris, even if you don't want me to do this." he whispers, pushing the rest of the way into her none to gently, and then just as quickly pulling back to start thrusting at her in the awkward gait of an inexperienced boy.
As he continued to tease her body, she could feel the natural reaction to such stimulation as her temperature began to rise and the heat rose to her cheeks, causing a deep blush to cover her face. Her breath deepened and her sex began to grow damp and accepting of his touches, her hips rocking slightly whenever he touched her swollen bud.

"Aurak, please don't do this," Eris protested, but to no avail as he forced her down onto the ground and after a few experimental movements, she felt the head of his member slide between her damp lower lips. She could feel her body tighten up, as if attempting to keep this unwanted intruder out of herself but to no avail as he simply shoved himself inside, breaking through her sensitive barrier with ease. She cried out in pain as she began to thrust up into her, the prior pleasure that she had struggled against gave way to the discomfort of her virginity being snatched away at a moment's notice. She tried to push herself away, but the more excited her brother became, the more firmly he held her in place as he ravaged her body. She couldn't move even an inch, the wasted effort proving to only frustrate her.

"Ah, Aurak, we can't do this! I'm your sister," Eris tried to appeal to him before he could seal her fate.
"No..." he said, almost snapping at her as he kept thrusting away, "I have to do this..." he adds quietly, "Yes, you're my sister, Eris, and I love you... So I have to do this..." he says, his eyes almost glazed over with his desire, his lust. Leaning down close against her, he kissed her hard again, her warmth seemingly fuelling him more as he finally seemed to find a steady rhythm, pushing in almost as deep as he could get on each thrust. Grunting quietly from time to time, he began to breathe heavier from the efforts, suddenly freeing one of Eris' hands as he grabbed the wrap around her breasts and reefed it down to expose them, his mouth quickly finding the soft skin and kissing her growing mounds.
He kept saying it as if it were a fact of life, that he had to do this. Why was it? Was there some inherent need for his body to sate his desires on his own twin sister, who had lived, eaten, slept, and even bathed by his side since the day they were born? What was it that drove him to take her and force himself upon her in such a manner? When he released her hand, she quickly grasped his thigh and tried desperately to keep his hips from continuing to push into her. Her body was already starting to betray her, as the pain gradually faded and was replaced by growing pleasure. She tightened around his length as he drew out, as if unwilling to let him escape from her wet inner folds which gripped his shaft and caressed him each time he penetrated her and withdrew. Her hips rocked against him in time with his thrusts, further intensifying the sensations that she was slowly realizing were bringing her intense pleasure.

Just then, she felt his lips clasp onto her soft, warm breast, the sudden stimulation earning him an audible moan as she arched her back, twisting and trying to pull away from him as she continued his relentless assault on her body, "P-please, stop this... I can't fight you, I'm not strong enough... You can't do this, brother, you just can't! Stop this, I don't want you to do this to me!"
"It's not about what you want, Eris!" he hissed, pushing into her a little harder as she tried to push him away, smiling to himself as she moaned beneath him, her squirming only exciting him further. Giving her nipple a playful bite, he looked up to her with an expression that was a mix of lust, determination, and playful teasing. "Stop fighting, you'll enjoy it a bit more then..." he said, "Even if you don't, I am enjoying it... Enjoying you... The way your body is massaging my cock in you... Your body wants this Eris, why don't you?"

His words were mostly just to silence her begging for the moment, the last question though was just that. He could feel her body reacting to his presence in her, feel it welcoming each thrust into her, yet she was being contrary and fighting him over it. "Sssh...." he whispers, "This is what girls are for, how a guy that loves them shows them he does..."
"I... I'm starting to feel strange," Eris's moans were growing in volume and frequency, as she began to realize that there was no stopping this and the prodding her body was giving her was far too potent to deny. She could feel the tightening of her body around him, which had first worked against his entering her body but now welcomed him with open arms, her own inhibitions slowly wearing away as well. Her hand which had been pushing him away dropped to her side and gripped the blanket which covered the floor, in an attempt to stave off these feelings which were welling up inside her. Just what was this sensation, anyway? It was building upon itself the longer he kept thrusting into her body.

"P-pull it out, its making me feel strange! Don't do it, I beg of you," Eris shook her head, worrying that he would continue anyway and end up cumming inside of her.
"I'm not stopping, Eris..." he growled, kissing her again as he started to really slam in to her, his determination now matched by a seemingly new-found energy reserve. Her lithe body beneath him, the way it felt, the look in her eyes, all told him to continue, at least in his lust-hazed mind. Her words had become irrelevant long ago, the raw need to take her the only thing that concerned him now. Kissing her breast again, he was starting to get too rough with her, his playful bites becoming harsher, leaving a bruise in one spot. "No, I'm not stopping Eris, Let it feel strange... You will feel better soon... Don't fight it... Stop fighting it... Me..."
Eris could hardly even make coherent speech by this point, the pace of his thrusts and of the aggressive assault on her breasts leaving her little time between gasping and moaning to make her thoughts known, not that it would have done her much good in any case. She squirmed as she attempted to stave off her unwanted climax, her moans and cries making her discomfort known as she started to loose the battle against her own body's desires, his incessant pounding slowly but gradually forcing her to cum. She suddenly felt her body tighten up around him, and with a tightening of her sex around his length she felt a surge of pleasure which rendered her breathless, her back arcing up into him as she came.
Looking down into her eyes, Aurak smirked, kissing her lips as he kept up his relentless attack, "I told you..." he whispered breathlessly as he struggled against his own climax, just wanting to last a little longer. His efforts at it though were as futile as his sister's, and with a groan, his thrusts suddenly became erratic once more as he began to pump his load into her, panting as he stared into her eyes. "You're not stopping me doing that again..." he growled quietly to her, "That is incredible..." He stayed over her for several more minutes, even after his cock had become flaccid once more and been pushed from her body by her muscles. "Eris... You're mine, no one else is to be in there... No one will love you like I do..."

When he eventually got up from her, he gave her a little smirk, "And you are not to fix that hole in your pants... If I want to get you, I don't want your pants to hinder me..."
Eris felt so completely exhausted, that she had no breath in her to voice any protest as she felt his hot seed enter her body. She could only stare at him while she felt the warmth of his release spread throughout her, filling her with a sense of peace yet guilt at having let her brother have sex with her. Of course she wouldn't let anyone else come inside her. If she had her way, she wouldn't have let him inside either, let alone release his seed into her womb. He said it was due to his love for her, but she suspected that love had little to do with it... She was available and at hand, and seemingly powerless to resist his approaches. As she slowly regained her breath and her body regained a measure of strength, she slowly nodded to his command not to fix her pants... He would simply cut them open again after all, but it would make things a bit awkward when she went out into town.

"Brother, please... You did it once already, lets not do it again," Eris managed to push herself into an upright position, "Perhaps we will be alright if its just this time, but you can't keep doing this... Its not right, no matter how much you love me."
Smiling to her, he still had that look in his eyes that said he wasn't listening to her. "No, it's right. You'll be alright, it's only that you're new to it, inexperienced." he says, as if it justified how he'd just taken her. "Once you've done it a few more times with me, you'll feel better about it, even want it. Until then, I am doing it again when I want to." his words carrying a trace of a threat in them. He walked over to her, and offered her a hand to get up, his demeanour once again back to the brother she'd always known. "Come on, we should eat, otherwise the food I got will go off." he says cheerfully, "Plus, in the bottom of the bag is a little surprise for you that I got today too." he finished, having managed to get a cheap necklace from a stall. Not paid for, of course.

He started to slice some of the vegetables up, peeling the skin off them before giving them the quickest rinse through the small amount of water they had for the day. When he finished doing that, he turned and passed their only plate, which was in reality just a saucer that someone had thrown out, with a few slices of the cut vegetable on it, and then taking the remaining slices in his hand for himself to eat.
He was planning on doing it with her until she accepted his approaches? She could only imagine how times that would take, and how addicted he would become to the taste of her body writhing beneath him as he sated his lust and desire upon her. She could still feel his seed inside of her, the unwelcome sensation making her want to take a bath as if doing so would cleanse her body of the dirty feeling that consumed her mind. She could only shake her head at her brother's words, denying that she would ever desire his touches

Eris took the slices that he offered her, silently placing them into her mouth as she tasted the sweet flavor. As she calmly chewed and swallowed her portion of their food, she adjusted her clothing, particularly the cloth wrapped around her breasts, so that they once again properly covered the important parts. She would have to be careful while walking outside while wearing these pants, as the cut, while small, was quite evident... Nothing quite called out attention like a cut in the crotch area, and the last thing she needed was some strange alien trying to take advantage of her as her brother had.
Smiling as he leaned back against the wall and ate his modest share of the food, the young teen watched as Eris fixed up her little wrap and then chuckled quietly. "I don't know why you girls get so focussed on covering up your top half, we run around without shirts from time to time, not so much on the windy days because of the sand stinging us, but you get the idea." he says, musing a little as he continued to eat the little he had. When he finished though, he gave his hands a quick wash so that they wouldn't get sticky, and then went over to Eris, sitting beside her and hugging her. "Is there a game you'd like to play? We still have maybe half an hour until the sun's gone done enough to darken in here."

He wasn't the same person he had been before, and he knew it, but he also knew that they were growing up, and they both would have needs, needs they would have to rely on each other for, whether Eris liked him for it or not.
"Its because its improper to go around with my breasts hanging out, idiot," Eris pushed him in a teasing manner, "That's just asking for trouble when you are a girl. Perhaps some aliens can get away with it, but not us humans." She finished up her meal in relative silence until he came over to her and hugged her, causing her body to tense up once again. Was he planning on a repeat of what he had done just before dinner? His words seemed harmless enough... but she remained wary.

"I... I think I'll just get to bed early today," Eris smiled, "After all, I'm feeling pretty tired and if we get up early its much cooler outside for when we go out scavenging."

She hoped that he would let her go with just that, wishing that she could wake up from this terrible dream and see her wonderful, caring twin brother once again by her side. She could do without all the roughness, the strange behavior, and most of all the forced sexual intercourse between them. Just what had brought this out of him, anyway? Had it been boiling up inside of him ever since they reached puberty?
Laughing a little at her explanation, he shrugged, "But they look good, why not show them off?" he asked, and then nodding to her mention of going to bed, "Yeah, it makes sense, although I would still need to go out at lunch time, the stuff you can get off people who don't know when to stay indoors..." he says with a chuckle as he let her go, watching her as she went to lay down. Aurak himself stayed up a while longer, sorting through their finds for the day so that he would be able to pawn them off tomorrow, before going scavenging and stealing again. The same old routine, except now, he found his mind wandering ot his sister's body again, and frequently.

With the way she felt still fresh in his mind, he smiled. He was definitely not letting opportunities go to waste, but Tattooine being the unforgiving planet it was, he couldn't just tie her down and have her all day and night, they did need money and food.
(I'm really sorry about the delay. I should be MUCH more active from today on)

The next morning, Eris woke up early and headed out without waiting for her brother. They rarely worked together during their scavenging trips, as Eris refused to thieve and she would potentially only get in his way. They didn't have any breakfast waiting for them if they didn't bring in enough, so there was little reason to sleep in and meet the intense rays of midday. She paid special care to try to keep the cut in her pants hidden, although it made it somewhat awkward to walk without unintentionally exposing herself to passers by. Thankfully, no one took much notice of her and she could mostly go about her normal routine.
When Aurak awoke a little after his twin, he could see she'd already headed out, and so he dressed and headed back towards the spaceport, the usual place he hung around in while looking for good marks to pilfer from the bags or pockets of. As the morning wore on, he found that he needed to make a couple of extra trips to the place he usually sold the stolen things at, because he was finding that there were quite a few new people coming in, more than the usual number. By midday though, he'd had enough, and had made more money that morning than he often got for a week. Heading back home quickly, to try and get the money out of his pockets before another street kid or thief could take it, he smiled in relief when he made it to their little door and slipped inside.

Taking all the credit chips out, he buried them up the back of their bedding before getting himself a little drink of water, and then lay down to wait for Eris' return.
Eris wandered about the crowded paths and bustling street vendors, trying her best to keep a low profile. She was starting to feel very self-aware about the current state of her clothing, particularly her pants and she made it a point to hide when she could rather than take the chance that someone would notice. Bordering on paranoia, she could hardly keep much of her attention on gathering what few forgotten trinkets that she encountered, making her way back to their little hideaway shortly after her twin brother.

"I... I think I need to find a better way to go about this," Eris panted, feeling exhausted as she slumped down onto the blanket that was spread out over the dusty floor, "I feel like everyone is watching me even when they aren't... Please, can't I just sew up the cut you made in my pants, Aurak? Its driving me insane."
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