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Minority: A post-industrial fantasy

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Aug 5, 2010
Over the past year I have been working on a character concept that has since grown to a full blown setting. Some of the latter has not been ironed out, but enough of it is that I am offering it to anyone who wants to RP with it. While some form of romance may be an option, so much stuff will be happening - along with me or both of us playing multiple characters - sex will get more in the way than not, so I am posting it here. I am looking for one who can realistically do (and me offering a setting which has) racism and political philosophy as the main focus.

I do have a primary character in mind. While the following will have hints to his true nature, I rather not spoil anything. In addition I will be playing a number of side characters, some of which I will be listing below. He can be made female if you wish. I do have a primary role for you, but you may play some of the extras too. Before I get into the main two characters, let me describe the setting overall then by race, as racism will be a major component.

The Setting

Take your typical fantasy world and add the industrial revolution to it. As this changes the world, allies become enemies while enemies find common causes. Some here have read this idea before, but this is set several centuries after that, and the whole political landscape has changed, and new political thinking is emerging from minority races. Hence the title is not just racial minority but also political minority. The setting will have some resemblance to our world, as our characters live in a place similar to Great Britain who recently lost colonies from far away, just to mention one.

High Elves: Upon seeing that the world was changing forever, the longer living elves politically out maneuvered the human nobles, who were having revolutions of their own, and became the dominant political class of the region. Often called Noble Elves now, these 6-7 foot tall and slim elves rather not associate with the lower classes. But to stay in power, they had to compromise last century and share power with a human dominated parliament. The older elves, those closer to a thousand years old, act more like the high-and-mighty nobles of old while the younger ones tend to be more liberal, but still superior acting. Many positions of power are taken up by high elves not of noble birth. Nearly all have some sort of magical ability.

Humans: While many human kingdoms have fallen to something called a Democracy, a few romantics still have a nostalgic like pull to the old ways. They may be swoon at the high elves, they are pushing forward a policy of spreading political power around and allow more participation among the commoners. Some though see this human politics as more of a popularity contest and even fewer see flaws within their system.

Other Elves: While the same species, there is two sub-cultures of the typical 5’ to 5’9 tall elf. There is the ones that adjusted to the industrial age, often called Urban Elf by non-elves, or Loyal Elves to the high elves as they are still loyal to them. To humans they may have seem to adopted their culture, but really it’s theirs minus the political differences. Politically they don’t seek power.

The other culture is their traditional Wood Elf (Sylvan to high elves) who rejected industrialization. They are a minority and are considered cultural traitors to the high elves as they not only rejected their ruleship but have even sided with their old enemies, the traditional orcs! Technically they are powerless, but that might change as their bonds with the traditional orcs grows.

Orks/Orcs: Like the elves, these also split between two sub-cultures. The more liberal minded orks (with a K) accepted industrialization. They are often called Urban Orks or Civilized Orks by elves. High elves tolerate but still hate them, urban elves are mixed but generally try to avoid them, and humans don’t mind but often act uncomfortable around them. A few humans and even fewer urban elves actually like them.

The other group, called Traditional Orcs (with a C), still live in rural areas. Most stop raiding as the industrial revolution made the award/risk far more unacceptable than what it has been. They do believe in honor, but nearly all are very, very ANGRY at how things have changed. They have allied themselves with wood elves mainly because they now have a lot in common. They view ‘civilized’ orks as cultural traitors, but willing to accept individual orks if they still follow some of the old ways, making them more tolerant than high elves to wood elves.

Dwarves: They actually changed the least! Most still live independently in their own kingdoms and are experimenting with some of the human political ideas. However, for this RP I won’t be focused on them that much as a society, but individual dwarves can be seen or played.

Trolls: The large horned giants (orgers to some), not the ones that turn into stone in sunlight or the ones that regenerate. They also changed little, but for the opposite reason of dwarves. They retreated to high mountains and are very, very rarely seen. If one is seen there has to be a damn good reason for it. They are seen as stupid and simplistic, but incredibly strong. However, since something called guns and cannons now exist, they have a phobia of highly industrial areas. I have an idea for one, but it may not happen or if it does could be a looooong time before we see it.

The Characters & Early Plot

Now that you (hopefully) read all of that, I will be playing a civilized ork in an urban city. A middle class shop owner, unlike the typical traditional view of orcs, he is well dressed and have good manners, and seem to have a bit of scholarly flair. So expect him to be intelligent and (for your sake!) knowledgeable about the world. However he has a lot of secrets, and in private does act more like a typical urban ork. Because of his outdoor demeanour, the high elves just ignore him and everyone else accepts him. At least until he enters ork neighborhoods. While male by default, I can play him as a female.

I want you to play an urban/loyal elf (pref. of opposite gender) in law enforcement, street cop or detective. After a day or two of establishing our characters (including minor ones below) and you getting a feel for the world, a bombing will happen. I won’t tell you who did the bombing or what my character will know of it. I rather you play your character as I play mine and others and just watch how the plot unfolds.

As for minor characters, it will be a huge boon if - spoiler alert! - you can play a socialist, communist, or one who sees government as a necessity. The last one will be best with your law enforcement character. Here is then a list of potential minor characters. I can play them all but if you like playing multiple characters, ask. All of these assume my character to be male and are early character ideas. Later on there will be others.

  • Shop Apprentice: A young human male fascinated with my character wants to help out in his shop.
  • Your primary character’s boss: A high elf male, very conserative
  • A close relative or friend to your character: Appear urban, but really very sylvan inside, she has started reading questionable literature. Pref. female but can be made male.
  • A noble family: A high elf family composed of at least one young daughter too liberal for the family to accept. What she learns the rest of the high elves eventually find out leading to problems.
  • Dwarf: Generic machinist and shop owner, my character’s neighbor who will take an interest in the bombing. “I am a dwarf! My kind does this for a living! Uh, using explosives, not terrorism....”
I might also write out a looooong post of what else is going on. I don’t expect you to do the same unless you have your own ideas for the plot. I have the idea for the plot up to a certain point, then a blank part, then something I rather not mention to avoid spoilers. That blank part I want help on!

The only other thing I have to mention is I do have some ideas for a generic magic system for those that want to play with that. My ork though won’t be using any.

I prefer e-mail but PM/notes are fine. Threads very iffy, especially if/when I write out a whopper.
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