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Fantasy: elf school girl exchange student at an orc school

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Dec 27, 2011
So the setting that I'm thinking of is fantasy with several different fantasy races inhabiting it.
I would like for a female to RP a teenage elf school girl from the Elf Realm (kind of like a hybrid between wood elves and high elves from Warhammer Fantasy - if you know anything about that) and you are going to be a foreign exchange student at an orc high school. I would like for the elf girl to start out fairly young and innocent. Say, 16 or 17, if that's okay with you.
The orc race is divided into several different tribes who have migrated to the elves' border a couple of decades ago and the Elf Realm would not be able to fend off all of them at once so it has been playing them against each other. The Elf Realm trades with some of the more cooperative orc tribes and has some peace treaties with some tribes and even an alliance with the strongest orc tribe: the Goffs. This alliance with the Goffs is now about 10 years old and in an attempt to foster even better relations with their strongest ally, the elves are favoring the Goffs in trade relations and in other ways. The Goffs and the elves now have embassies in each other's capitals and tourism on a micro scale has begun. Additionally, Goff orcs have fought alongside the Gladeguard (the elf military - they primarily use bows) in numerous battles with hostile orc tribes, as well as against a few goblin uprisings in Goff territory (goblins are the orcs slaves).
Now they are experimenting with a foreign exchange program with each other to share each other’s cultures and to allow some of their young people to interact with and hopefully befriend each other in order to further strengthen their alliance. One orc boy was chosen from among the many volunteers to go to an elf high school in the Elf Realm. You were chosen to represent the Elf Realm and go to an orc high school in Goff territory.

Cultural differences: The Elf Realm (where you come from) is very proper, ordered, and peaceful. Elves pursue things like art, music, dancing (think ballroom style dancing, sometimes with elaborate masks), reading, writing, swimming, gymnastics, walking in the forest, fishing, hunting (often solitary or with one partner). They like for things to be pretty so they shy away from a lot of the technological advances of other races; such as dwarven black powder, and they use a lot of magic to do things whereas other races use technology, muscle-power, or both. Elves dress in silks, cotton, and other nice soft fabrics and tend to wear a little bit of makeup and very nice jewelry. Their preferred gods are those of the harvest, love, beauty, the hunt, wisdom, and things like that.
The orcs are brutish and violent. They like to fight, fuck, and drink. They like raucous parties with excessive amounts of grog (alcohol), drugs that make them act crazy, very sexual dancing with their females dressed provocatively. They also enjoy games with plenty of violence - think a variation of football or rugby or hockey and also they do mock battles with 2 teams in armor coming at each other with blunt weapons. Their idea of hunting is getting all the 'boyz' together and flushing out a bunch of animals and then murdering the shit out of the poor beasts with crossbows, spears, axes, etc. Orcs dress in the furs of the beasts they have killed. The Goffs have been trading for a long time with the elves so they have some jewelry and silks and whatnot and their females tend to overdo it on makeup, jewelry, and their fashion sense is out of whack but their males don't know any better and they still think their females are hot.
Your character would be held in awe and wonder and thought to be incredibly beautiful, graceful, and different (in a good way) by the orcs. The females would be excited to befriend you and learn from you and the males would be craving to fuck you. Elves are around 5'5" and orcs are just under 6' (but hunched over with huge long arms) with the females being a little shorter. Elves are naturally more slender (but you do have nice breasts, hips, and ass) and orcs are more heavyset (so the orc females have bigger curves). And elves are fair skinned and fair haired while orcs are green skinned with dark hair. I want to leave it up to you as far as how shy or how bold your elf girl is but she should be coming from a noble/wealthy family because the two races are taking this foreign exchange thing very seriously (they want it to go well) and the Goffs have sent one of the sons of their Warboss to the Elf Realm.
Once you tell me your elf's physical characteristics and some back story then I will start us off with the setting of her sailing to a Goff port to start her foreign exchange trip.
Hello there!
If you're still looking for a partner I'd be interested in doing this with you. It sounds like a lot of fun - especially neat, as I'll admit I've never done a role play with orcs involved before!
I do love elves, however, and I've played them quite a bit in the past.
Hope to hear from you soon~
Greetings :)
If you still have the room for roleplay I am pretty much interested in this :)

As of how my elf character would look, will send the image links to PM
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