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What are you drinking?

Baja Blast Freeze from the taco hell. It's Happy Hour. Now to find some tequila.
Inhebriating substances called Booze. With a spash of sparkly ginger.
Because we can :p
Yesterday my friends boyfriend brought me A TON of imported soft drinks, energy drinks and snacks mainly from Japan and USA, and currently I'm trying out Pepsi Blue.

It looks like a toxic detergent, and the taste is... I guess Pepsi with something that tries to be some berry-flavor mixed with it? Not really a fan. Glad I only ordered one bottle of this.
so i bought this very cheap red wine for cooking called mΓ©nage Γ  trois - yes, i know i have the humor of a 12 yr old, what of it.

it's surprisingly drinkable o-o
Diet Dr. Pepper ^-^
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