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If I was invisible...

I'd happily put on a show for you invisible voyeuristic gentlemen!
I'd play with the sexy kitsunes tails and tease her breasts playfully while I place kisses over her body after getting into her large robes and press my naked invisible body against hers.
... I'd come to visit you late at night while you were sleeping....and take us "both" to heaven. :angel:
I'd grab your tie and pull you close to let you know it's my turn!
I would unbraid your hair, unlace your bra, untie your bandana, unload your guns, unburden you of your panties, but the hat? The hat would stay.
I would come up behind you and play with those nipples until you were dripping!
I'd surprise you by tickling your ass cheecks and let my fingers then travel from your pussy over your tigh, make a slow circle-like motion on your belly, let my fingers travel to your nipples and let them travel back to your pussy after teasing your belly button and then your other tigh.
I'd take your hat and refuse to give it back until you finish what you've started.
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