The Goblin Prince

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Jan 17, 2009
It was a rainy night as a young teen walked through his parents house, they had gone out yet again, leaving poor Toby all alone. "I can't even get a home made meal unless I make it myself." He said softly to himself as he walked upstairs after he had finished dinner, he was about to head for his room when he suddenly stopped and looked over to the door that leads to what use to be his sisters room with a small frown when he saw that it was slightly cracked open. "Huu...I guess that mom left it open after she was done dusting or something." He said as he walked over to the door and walked in.

Toby had grown to be about 5'6 with short strawberry blond hair and big bright blue eyes, he was shy and found it a bit hard to make new friends because he was a bit of a dreamer like his sister had been. He liked to play music and dance, he loved anything that had anything to do with art, and he was a bit of a comic book nerd who's best friend had been his only sister for most of his life. "I don't see why you had to move to LA Sarah." He mumbled to himself as he sat down looked around her room, only to frown slightly when he saw something poking out from under her bed and saw that was one of her old diaries.

Walking over to his sister old bed, Toby picked up the dairy and sat himself down before he started to read through it. "The Goblin King? I remember that book, she use to read it to me all the time...but why is she acting like it's real?" He asked himself as he slowly read through the whole thing before he laughted softly and shook his head. "Right, as if that would work. Goblin King, Goblin King, come and take me away!" He called, deep in his heart though he really was wishing that it would work and he would be taken away from this lonelyness that he felt deep in his heart.
The goblins all huddled around one of the many crystals. They gasped as the boy had called the Goblin king. The labyrinth was as beautiful and treacherous as it had always been. Some of the goblins had come and gone, while many of the old creatures had stayed behind and remained unchanged. The Goblin King, Jareth, had remained unchanged. He was still very handsome and lounging on his throne. One leg dangling carelessly over the arm of the throne. His blonde hair hanging around his shoulders. He had been watching the whole scene with his two toned eyes. He then looked back to his gloved hand swatting a riding crop against his boot.

The goblins looked at each other. It was no secret that the Goblin King had grown restless, and depressed. He knew that the people outside his kingdom had all but forgotten him. No one called on him. The goblins moved to Jareth and raised a collective eyebrow. One of the oldest goblins moved forward and looked at him.

"What shall we do?" One asked. The others agreed.

Jareth smiled and looked up at the older goblin. He then looked again to the older Toby. Steeling his resolHe got to his feet and smiled.

"Well my minions. You know the routine." He chuckled and laughed.

The goblins cheered. In that next instant, the power went down in Toby's house. Outside Sarah's old bedroom window the barn owl began to peck and claw violently at the window. It began to storm and rain violently outside. Soon the owl made it inside. It did a lap around the whole room. He soon materialized from the owl. The handsome devil he always was, a cocky smirk on his lips. He was wearing a black shimmery cloak.

"Why, isn't it little Toby?" He put his hands on his hips and grinned wider.
Toby was just getting to his feet as he shook his head, he should have known that it wouldn't have worked. "Why do I feel so disappointed?" He asked himself before jumping when the power suddenly went out and it started to thunder and lighting as a large barn owl started to attack Sarah's bedroom window. "Bad owl, get away from the window!" He called out, he climbed onto his sisters bed only to let out a yelp when the window suddenly flew open and he ducked himself down as the owl flew all around the room as he hoped that it wouldn't attack him.

At the sudden voice, Toby slowly looked up to see a handsome man standing in the middle of the bedroom. "No's just a book." He said as his jaw dropped, he hadn't thought that the man would be so...good looking or real for that matter. "Who are you, how did you get into my parents house?" He asked, he didn't want to believe that this was really happening and that the Goblin King was real.
"Mere mortals locks have no power over me. And I heard the call, I came. You want me to take you away, and that's what I am here to do." He smiled and moved forward. He smiled and gently took his arm. He lifted him off the bed and grinned. "Toby it has been a very long time." He looked around and read his eyes instantly. "Ohh you are a lonely young man arent you." He smiled adn nodded. "I will take you to my kingdom."

He gestured to the labyrinth to the castle. With a smile, Jareth smiled and began to walk to the image just outside the window. He walked out and turned to him. he began to motion to him. "Come Toby and I will show you wonders that you have never seen."
Toby was in shock as he was pulled off the bed and he couldn't help but to agree when Jareth said that he was lonely, he had been very lonely even when Sarah had been around since she had been so much older then him and was dating at the time. When the image of the labyrinth opened up, he started to walk forward as if in a trance only to stop when he suddenly thought of something that had been in the book and Sarah's dairy. "But if I go, you'll turn me into a goblin." He said as his soft blue eyes went wide in fear at that and he took a quick step back away from the other.

Toby may have been lonely but he didn't want to be a goblin and serve someone who had...well he couldn't really say that Jareth kidnapped him since Sarah HAD wished him away. What had he been thinking reading something like that out loud? He knew that Jareth wouldn't just leave now after all, not with out him in tow at the very least since he had summoned him from his world.
Jareth couldnt help but laugh. He rolled his eyes and laughed harder. He leaned forward and then stood straight up and looked at Toby. "Toby, if you had heard at all about me, I only turn babies into goblins." He smiled and looked at him. He sighed as leaned against the tree and watched him. He boredly rolled the crystal ball between his fingers that he had just happened to materialize.

"You know Toby, if you want to stay and be lonely fine, but know just that I will haunt your dreams. I will be such a dream that you will wish for me to come back, but I wont. I only come once to a person." He smiled adn continued to flick the crystal between his fingers and back and forth from his palm to his knuckles and grinned wider.
Toby's eyes went wide at the thought of being left all alone again and quickly shook his head as she started to walk closer to the other again. "I'm sorry, I didn't know, I just thought that who ever was wished away was turned into a goblin." He said as he stepped up onto the bench in front of the window, still slightly worried but not for him, for his parents. "Will they remember me? I don't want them to worry, but I want to stay here even less." He said as took another step, all he had to do was take one last step and he would be inside Jareth's realm.

"Can you make them forget me? Make it so it's like I was never here?" He asked as he took that last step into the goblin kings world. "This place already looks amazing." Toby said softly as his jaw dropped slightly and his wide blue eyes looked all around where he was now, he had never seen anything so amazing in all his life.
"Of course, I will make them do whatever you want." He lifted his hand and the crystal ball was gone. He smiled and reached out and took his hand and pointed to the labyrinth.

The world melted around them and they were in teh palace. The goblins gasped and looked at him. They crowded around him. Some remembering the babe. Jareth smiled and took Toby's hand and lead him to the room that he would be staying in. His. Jareth smiled as he walked around and smiled. He laid on the bed and stretched back. "Welcome to your room Toby." He smiled wider. He watched him. Yes the boy would be a good prince. His eyes watched him closely.
Toby looked around at all the goblins with wide eyes, he had drawn and sculpted so many of them in clay from the most vage of memories that he had. "This really is real." He said softly before he quickly followed after Jareth into a bedroom and watched as Jareth made himself at home on the bed as he walked around the room, running his fingers over a few of the things.

"So...what am I suppose to do now that I'm here since I don't have to become a goblin?" He asked as he walked over to the huge window that was at one side of the room and opened the blinds, gasping at the amazing view that there was to see. "Wow." He said softly before he looked back over to Jareth, ready to pay attention to what the other was saying.
He smiled and watched teh boy. he grinned. "Well young Toby, come over here and I will show you what your job will be." He watched him look around the room. He rolled onto his side adn grinned at the boy. He smiled and stood up. He didnt wait for Toby. He stood up and walked over to him. He smiled and moved around him and began to kiss at his neck. He stood in front of him. He grinned and smiled adn leaned forward and kissed him full on the mouth. His kiss was like he was, cocky and sure of himself.

Jareth, wrapped his arms around him and held him close and kissed his lips and chuckled. "Toby, kneel before me." He said adn looked at him adn grinned wider. "I will make you prince of the goblins."
Toby turned and faced Jareth with his head slightly slightly before he took a few steps closer to the other, only stopping when Jareth walked over to him, gasping when he started to kiss at his neck. "J-Jareth." He stuttered softly, he had never done anything like this before with anyone and he was a bit scared, but when Jareth suddenly kissed him right on the lips, he couldn't help but to let out a sigh as he let his eyes slip shut as he was pulled closer.

When Jareht spoke next, Toby opened his eyes back up and blinked a few times, still a bit lost as to what was going on. "Kneel?" He asked before his eyes became wide at the thought of being a prince. "Me a prince?" He asked before he gave a nod of his head and slowly slipped down onto his knees before the king and looked up at him with his wide blue eyes.
He smiled and stood before him and grinned. He canted his head and smiled. "Toby, now you must realize, that I will give you anything you want. But as a prince you will have certain obligations to me." He smiled and crossed his arms. Who would have thought that Toby would turn into a handsome young man that the Goblin King would desire. He felt a stirring within so he licked his lips.

"You will never be lonely again, being prince. Are you aware of the duties that will be expected of you if you are prince?" He smiled widely. He sure hoped this boy said yes and allowed Jareth to make him a prince, just like he wanted to make Sarah a princess. He waited for teh boys response looking back into those blue eyes.
Toby looked into those mismatched eyes that belonged to the goblin king as he listened to his words and then slowly nodded his head, shifting on his knees slightly as he looked up at Jareth. "I don't know...I mean it's not like I have to get ready to become the king, you are not goin to die after all." He said as he nibbled on his bottom lip, trying to think of what he would have to do as the prince but he really couldn't think of anything. "I don't have to get married to some girl do I?" He asked as he wrinkled his nose, he knew he was gay and had since he was thirteen so he knew that he wanted nothing to do with getting married to some girl that Jareth might pick out for him.
He smiled adn shook his head. He chuckled. He reached down and undid his pants and slid his semi hard member out of his pants and then moved forward to Toby. He took a step toward the boy, and wrapped a hand into his hair and looked down at him. "Worship your king Toby" He said gently. He sat watching the boy. He never had gotten a mortal this far before. They usually tried to run away and were sent to the labyrinth instead.

He stroked the boys hair and grinned moving both hands over his hair and face.
Toby gasped with shock when Jareth opened his pants and his member came out, he had never seen another mans member before and couldn't help but to become aroused. "I...I've never done this before." He said softly before he reached up with a shakey shy hand, wrapping a hand around the others half hard member and started to slowly stroke him till he was fully hard. His blue eyes were wide as he looked over the cock before his face, he couldn't feel any panic in himself though with how relaxed he was as Jareth pet his hair, he soon found himself leaning in and lightly licking at the tip of the other mans member.
"Yes Toby." He groaned. He felt the others hand around him. He panted a bit as he felt himself harden in teh others hand. He bit his lip as he began to lick. He began to move his hips in a rocking motion towards the boy's face. If he did not duck or move out of the way, he would grind his member against his face. He smiled stepping closer and looked down at Toby. He smiled. "Toby, put me in your moth." He whispered and cooed softly to him.
Toby had to keep moving his head to the side slightly and letting Jareth's member brush against the side of his face when he would rock his hips forward. "Yes my king." Toby said softly before he took Jareth's member into his mouth, starting with just the head before he slowly took more into his mouth, sucking and bobbing his head slightly. As he was doing this, one of his own hands slipped to his lap and started to rub at his own member that was starting to become hard in his pants as he sucked on his kings member.
He saw the hand and grinned. "No Toby, you cannot pleasure yourself." He groaned adn grabbed his hands. He took Toby's hands and placed them on his hips. He moved his hands to his shoulders and ground his hips foward. "Beg for me Toby, beg for me to bring you release." Jareth arched his back in pleasure and continued to stroke his hair and face growling softly to him. He panted and looked down at the boy's young body.
Toby whimpered around Jareth's member as his hand was taken away and placed on to the older mans hips, which he gripped tightly and tried not to start wiggling around as he sucked him, but pulled back when Jareth told him to beg. "Please bring me to my release my king." He said, making sure to call Jareth by his title since he thought that maybe he would enjoy that even more, he then took Jareth back into his mouth, this time taking the man even deeper into his mouth, though he flinched slightly when the mans member hit the back of his throat.
He groaned and felt the muscles flex. He smiled and grinned. He withdrew and smiled and looked at him. "Go undress." He smiled adn took off his boots and his clothes and laid back on the bed and smiled looking at him. He stroked his dripping wet member from his saliva. "Undress slowly and sexily, seduce me Toby." He smiled and raised one knee and grinned chuckling. He leaned back naked. Jareth watched him closely.
Toby couldn't help but to whimper when Jareth pulled away from him, he had been enjoying what he was doing. "Y-You want me to seduse you?" Toby asked in shock as he slowly got back up to his feet and looked over the naked man who was on his bed, though he was starting to sowly realise that this was really their room. "I...I'll try." He said before he slowly stripped off the tight t-shirt that he had been wearing, his hips slowly swaying as he thought of one of his favorite songs and acted as if he was dancing to it alone in his bedroom. Once he had tossed his shirt off to the side, he turned so his bare back was to Jareth and slipped off his socks before he unbuttoned his pants and let them fall to the floor, leaving him in only a tiny pair of boxer shorts.
He smiled and got up and moved over. He ran his hand along his bare back. Jareth couldnt wait. He smiled and moved around to his front. He pulled off his underwear. He kissed him deeply and held him close and smiled. His tongue dipped into his mouth and then Jareth pulled back and grinned. "Get on the bed, on all fours, I cannot wait anymore." He panted and growled. He sat back and watched Toby. He was hungry, a hunger he has had for a long time.
Toby was shivering in pleasure, his member hard between them, as they kissed and he quickly crawled onto the bed as he was told to. "J-Jareth...I've never done anything like this before." He said as he lightly bit his bottom lip as he got on all fours, he knew that he wanted to do this, but he was worried that it would hurt. "Please be gental with me." He said as he shifted his lets appart a bit more and lightly licked his slightly dry lips.
He smiled and slowly licked his fingers. He shut his eyes and slid his fingers deep into Toby. He began to stretch him gently preparing him for him for the member. Jareth smiled and then slid his tip in gently. He began to rock back and forth slowly easing himself into him. He panted and grinned and held him close. Reaching down, he held onto Toby and began to stroke him growling in pleasure.
The teen moaned in pleasure at the feeling of being prepared, though he couldn't help but to wince a bit at the same time a soft whimper coming from his lips as he was entered. "J-Jareth." He moaned as the other started to move in and out of him, his eyes fluttering slightly as he moved to rock his hips back to meet with his kings thrusts and started to buck his hips to meet with the hand that was around his member. "M-More please my king." He moaned as his arms gave out under him and his hips were pushed up higher and Jareth started to go in at a different angle now.
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