It really is worth it.

Sasuke had expected a similar reaction, but he was nevertheless slightly taken aback by it. After all, he went through the trouble of bringing her food, and tracking her down. No, he wouldn't let his irritation get the better of him and snap at her. He had deserved her comment. Leaning over to begin unpacking everything, he answered, "No. You weren't there, so I didn't eat." He left it at that, no snide remark or insult added. Her ramen has been packed in cylindrical container, the plastic lid peeled off to release the aromatic steam into the air. His own lunch was simpler, a few sticky buns and rice. His small lunchbox was set on the lap of his crossed legs. He rested his elbows on his knees, tenting his fingers together pensively while he waited for her reaction.
Naruko's nose twitched slightly at the smell of food before she smile softly at took the cup of ramen. "You got me chicken and beef...that's my favorite, how did you know?" She aksed shyly before she started to eat, shifting slightly how she was sitting so that her legs where crossed, glad that she hadn't put on a skirt ealier since she was alway so uneasy when she was wearing them not to mention that she never really knew how to sit in one when she was on the ground. "I guess I should say thanks for getting me really didn't have to." She said as she ate slowly, not wanting to make herself sick by eating as quickly as she normally did.
"Its all you ever eat at the ramen house," he stated bluntly with a bit of an amused air for stating the obvious. Satisfied that things have smoothed over a bit, he began to eat one of the buns. Likewise, he ate slowly, but that had always been his habit. Chewing his food methodically was almost a meditative act, allowing his mind to rest. Vaguely hearing her words of thanks, he grunted gently and nodded in return, "Mm." Swallowing, he answered more politely, "Yea..., well, I should apologize. You're not that much of an idiot, and you are always trying to become better."
Naruko rolled her eyes at his words before giving a small shrug of her shoulders, slurping up some of her noodles. "Well, just buy me some more ramen and I guess that I could forgive you." She said with a small smirk on her face befor she ate a bit of beef that was in her ramen, licking her lips at the flavor.

She really hadn't been expecting Sasuke to really feed her, but she was really glad that he had since the next time she was going to eat was tonight since Iruka had said that he would take her out to eat. She still couldn't help but to feel happy that Sasuke remembered what her favorite type of ramen was, it made her feel special, she was willing to bet that Sasuke couldn't do the same for Sakura.
He found himself smirking a bit too at her joke, though he'd hate to admit such a thing. To his own surprise, he bantered back at her, "Don't bet on it. You get the same pay I do when we get a mission." If they could get another mission. It had been some time since the last time Kakashi had appeared out of no whwere to tell them about some seemingly peaceful, but truthfully deadly, place to visit. Sasuke continued eating his meal in quiet contemplation, unaware of the comparison between herself and Sakura that Naruko was thinking about.

He raised a brow at her, when he noticed how happy she seemed. A glance was given towards the ramen bowl, almost empty. The ramen can't be that good, he wondered. Her growing smile reached almost cheek to cheek. Shrugging, he finished off the small mound of rice before laying back on the grass with his hand beneath his head, the stick that had been driven into the buns now serving as a toothpick of sorts.
Naruko soon gave a soft sigh as she finished her food and took her hair out of their normal pigtails, causing her hair to fall before her eyes. "I want a rematch, we can even make this more interesting this time with a bet." She said as she brushed her hair back before she pulled it up into a messy bun, some of her hair was still falling before her eyes. She may have lost last time but she wasn't going to lose again, she really wanted to beat him even if it was just once, though she knew that it would just take one time and she would be able to crow over it for months.
Sasuke raised his head just enough to see the rather cute scene of her fixing her hair. Shifting the toothpick to the other corner of his mouth, he chewed on the tip of it thoughtfully before asking, "What're we betting, then?" He would have agreed to another rematch all the same, but the added risk to losing made it just a bit more exciting. Remaining where he was, a knee was draw up and the other hand joined its partner beneath his head. If it wasn't going to be an interesting bet, he may as well get more comfortable on the grass.

Shikamaru sure had this cloud gazing thing down to a science, he found himself realizing as the random buffs did indeed seem to be morphing into various shapes and images. He was not purposefully ignoring her, but maybe he was. The cunning Uchiha knew just how to get under the blonde girl's skin to get her further riled up, and more likely to attack like an idiot out of anger.
"Hmmm lets see...if I win then you have to buy me lunch for a month, but I'll be nice and say it's only a single serving and now as much as I would normally eat." She said as she crossed her arms and legs, a wide grin on her face with her eyes closed. "As for what you get, that's up to you to pick." Naruko said with a nod of her head before she got up to her feet and started to lightly brush herself off, making sure that she still looked nice for the other.
Sasuke slowly rolled to his knees before fluidly standing up. A hand on his hip, he kept a steady gaze on Naruko. Of course her bet would have involved food. "Sounds fair," he said with a bit of a scoff, still bemused about the nature of her bet. Now it was time for him to decide what would make an appropriate wager. She had nothing he wanted, more so because of the fact that he knew anything would be rather costly for the relatively poor female ninja. "Alright..., if I win...," he said, having a stroke of genius, as far as he thought.

"You kiss me," he answered bluntly. It was actually rather cruel of him, knowing how badly she wanted to beat him, but also not being completely ignorant of the fact that most of the females, if not all of them, in their class had some attraction towards him. Naruko was probably no different from the rest of them. He wanted to see how badly she wanted to win. A hand slipped into his pouch to hook a finger into the looped end of a kunai blade. Twirling it in his finger arrogantly, it was suddenly snatched into his palm, speared tip downward.

"Do you accept?" he asked with a coy challenging tone.
Naruko stood proudly with a smirk on her face till he said what he wanted if he should win. Why would he want her to kiss him, was he going to make fun of her because of it, what was his angle? "Just a kiss? Why it's not like we haven't kissed before." She said as she looked up at the sky and thought of that day when they where in class, sure it had been an accedent since Shikamaru had stood up and knocked her off balance and she had fallen forward into a kiss with Sasuke...and it had been her very first kiss, but it still counted as a kiss!

"Of course I accept, I'm not about to back down just because you want me to kiss you." Naruko said as she brushed some of the stray hair back out of her blue eyes before she shifted slightly so she was ready to fight the other. "As long as Sakura doesn't find out, I don't care, I just don't need her shreeking in my ear about how I'm kissing 'her' Sasuke." The blond said with a roll of her eyes as she also waited for Sasuke to get ready to fight.
Sasuke gave a dismissive and amused breath, "Heh, you just shoved your mouth against mine. Hardly a kiss." He remembered it clearly, and it had been a sudden and unnerving thing. She had been glaring at him, and he ignoring her, for the most part. Then Shikamaru had knocked her forward. He was not quite so lost in memories as Naruko was. It was not a kiss.

He frowned visibly, a blush blossoming on his cheeks when she said those words. ...just because you want me to kiss you. It had been a ploy, to try to unbalance what her goals were. It seemed more or less that she did not care one way or another, Naruko was simply wanting another chance to try beating him. "I don't belong to her," he pointed out in regards to their pink haired companion.

The black haired Uchiha teen did not even give Naruko the forewarning of getting into a ready stance. He simply lunged, a booted step used to propel him up a few feet. The kunai blade was flung deftly towards the space between of her feet in order to shy her away from their starting point. Landing behind her, whether she moved or not, Sasuke doubled over in order to perform a handstand, both feet kicking out progressively towards the blond girl's back most likely, if she hadn't turned around quickly enough to react to his attack.
"Yeah well that's not what she thinks." Naruko said with a roll of her eyes before squeeking and jumping back when he attacked, only to get kicked in the back and fell a ways away from where they had been, she quickly got back up to her feet and growled slightly. "So that's how it's going to be?" She asked before she lunged forward and summoned some of her shadow clones, each of them moving to attack Sasuke, she wasn't going to let Sasuke beat her this time...not with something as private as a kiss on the line, if the other boy didn't think that what happened when they where kids wasn't a real kiss, then she didn't want him to have her real first kiss then. She moved in and attacked him herself, moving to kick him in the chest while he was being distracted by a couple of her clones.
Sasuke was not at all surprised by her reaction. Shadow Clones. They were little better than practice dummies, but her own skill improving meant that those of the clones was likely improved as well. There was no need to be quick about it. With measured steps, he flowed through the wave of clones. Each attack glided fluidly into the next, a chop to the face of the first, moving swiftly into a kick to the stomach of the next. The next pair were dealt with simultaneously, gripping the wrists of each attacking copy of Naruko before hurling them together. Through that briefly blinding cloud of smoke as the rest of her clones fell to his attacks, he barely was able to react to the real Naruko's attack. He saw first her foot pierce through the haze, his own feet moving backward defensively.

It was not enough. The sole of her sandal caught him just a little beneath his sternum, sending him skidding an additional several feet more than he intended. Dragging his hands into the dirt to slow down forced retreat, he took a composing breath. Damn, she meant that kick too. Had it hit him fully, he might have felt a rib crack. Wiping off the smudge of dirt that had marked his cheek, he drew out several blades and stars from his pouch. Taking off suddenly strafing sprint, he attempted to get behind the blonde girl, or at least at her flank. The set of weapons in his left hand was hurled, followed closely by the one in his right hand. Thin razor wires trailed behind each projectile, almost invisible in the late morning sunlight. None of the weapons was actually meant for her body, however. Instead, each trailing thread aimed towards ensnaring the girl.
Naruko smirked when her kick landed, she had to admit, she was glad that he had dodged it a bit since her kick would have landed harder then she had ment to. "Ha! Bet you didn't think I would have been able to do that before." She said as she dodged each blade and star that he through at her, though she didn't seem to notice the wires till it was to late and she was trapped by them. "Ahh! Damn you!" She yelled as she started to struggle to get free of the wires.
Sasuke tugged lightly on the loops of thread tied to his fingers, testing the strength of the hold on her. Tug. Tug. The high tensile wires seemed strong enough to at least hold her for a while. She looked like a squirming inchworm standing upright, though he was careful not to pull hard enough to drop her to the ground. "No, I didn't," he admitted with a neutral expression. That foot sized bruise on his chest still stung a bit, though Uchiha boy made sure to keep it from showing. He slowly approached her, coiling up the excess thread around his hands. He might have looked like a puppet master, and Naruko his marionette. "Now, does this mean that you're done?" he asked, crossing his arms over his chest in defiance of her usual bravado about never giving up. "Figured. Sakura would probably lose on purpose too, for a kiss." He flicked an errant bang away from his eyes with a light twist of his head.
Naruko growled and struggled some more, slowly managing to get a blade from her bag and cut one of the thread. "Not likely jerk!" She growled before she jumped back and tossed the same blade at him, though this was just to get him to back off. "You seem to think I really want to kiss you." She said with a smirk on her face, sure she wanted to kiss him, but she wasn't going to let it happen because she loses to him. Naruko again took a deep breath before she started to go through what Hinata had taught her before she attacked.
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