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~ Character Profile~ The Twins Beginings

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Oct 11, 2009
Name: Katsutoshi

Age: Nearly 500 years old

Species: Katsutoshi is a Hebi Okabe yokai, that is, a shapeshifting snake demon. He frequently takes on human form when in populated areas, but his true form is that of a monstrous, sometimes winged white serpent, able to hold a grown bull in his jaws. Being a shapeshifter, he is able to transform from snake to human and anything in between, as well as change size.


Katsutoshi often takes the form of a slender man with silvery hair and narrow eyes, often looking as if his eyes are constantly closed. This proves helpful, as his pupils remain slitted like a snake's, even in his human form. Another notable feature is his constant grin, which almost never slips except in very grave circumstances. He is usually seen wearing a light blue and white kimono and dark blue obi, as well as a straw hat. He carries no weapons and wears simple straw sandals on his feet.

Personality: Katsutoshi is an extremely enigmatic individual, constantly hiding his true thoughts and intentions behind his narrow eyes, sharp tongue, and disconcerting smile. Unlike most yokai, he prefers to wander the country, doing as he sees fit rather than tying himself down to a single place. He maintains a calm demeanor, even when in battle, taunting his enemies with biting insults and using his natural speed and grace to get around most attacks. Much of his past he keeps to himself, often making up ludicrous stories whenever he is asked about the subject.

Abilities: His most commonly used ability is his shapeshifting, using it to escape from dangerous situations be changing into a snake of any size. He likes to also use it to elongate his neck and attack from a distance, often biting his opponents and injecting a powerful venom into them. He also possesses powerful magic, able to use it for various purposes, usually revolving around snakes in some fashion. In addition, he has the ability to communicate with common snakes, as well as all snake yokai. They will obey his commands and share information always calling him Dai Hebi-sama. He also has minor hypnosis abilities, often putting individuals into a trance-like state upon making eye contact with them. His physical abilities and senses also far exceed those of humans. His sense of smell is particularly sharp, and he can sense body heat like some snakes.

History: Katsutoshi has lived for a very long time. He was once a simple forest snake, but eventually grew to become the guardian deity of the forest in which he lived. However, one summer a great drought hit, and the whole forest dried up. A single bolt of lightning was all it took to set the whole forest ablaze. Try though he might, he could do nothing to stop the inferno, and could only flee for his life as everything burned. Filled with shame for abandoning that which he had meant to protect, he turned to wandering, staying nowhere for long, and growing older and wiser as the decades went on. Now over 500 years have passed, having grown to become a legendary yokai known as Dai Hebi-sama, the Great Snake Lord. He has become a demon lord of great repute. Now after all these centuries he finds himself in the company of a pair of twins, unsure of what lies ahead of him now.
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