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D'You Want to Play Questions

*Gasps, feigning shock and innocence*

What? Moi? What kind of southern gal do you think that I am?
Don't you remember the notorious Don Martin cliffside romance strip?

(John and Marcia agree to jump off the cliff together but she gets cold feet at the last second and he jumps by himself. Now it just so-happens that there's a trampoline at the base of the cliff. John hits the trampoline and is bounced back up. He cries, "Marcia!" and she replies, "John!". This goes on for several ups-and-downs, and finally he asks, "Marry me, Marcia!". She answers, "No, John!". Meanwhile, two truckers remove the trampoline. Splat!)
(*Laughs, shaking her head "no"* I'm sorry, but I don't remember. ) old are you, again? *Giggles and ducks!*
(Well, technically, yes. But, I've seen some young looking cock on older men!) *Covers her mouth and giggles*

Is it true that a person is only as old as they "feel"? (If so, you're feeling about 22!!) :p
Pokes him in the eye because he was standing too close..

You're asking moi? Don't you know?
Do you think I"m THAT kind of girl? (I only have eyes for you, baby....) :p
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