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You Must Be This Tall to Ride [Lycan x Full~Pride x Nyarly]

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Nov 3, 2011
New York
Liam sighed in relief. The girls' parents had gone over all emergency phone numbers about a hundred times as well as their daily routines, and as their cab had finally left for the airport, he'd dropped into the couch. Exhausted. Liam closed his eyes as he ran the thought of taking care of two sisters over the course of an entire week by himself.
He was a trusted child of the well-cultured neighborhood, born and raised, and just as his personal growth he'd also developed quite the trustworthy and sincere personality -- it hadn't been any wonder the girls' parents would both come to him in such a situation and only at the age of nineteen.
Liam had only just started college and moved into his own apartment, yet growing up next-door to the two girls and being somewhat of their friend and mentor, he felt such obligation to offer his own help in order to ensure that the parents anniversary was to their satisfaction.

His head nodded towards the back of the couch as his neck rested against the fine leather, letting his eyes roll towards the ceiling as he broke for a minute to collect his thoughts. Last he'd been aware, the girls were upstairs entertaining themselves within the reaches of each other and the comforts of their rooms and if he new the rambunctious pair, he had met the understanding that they wouldn't be down till twelve or so, mainly to engage the boy in play and otherwise squish next to him on the couch to watch something on the television.
Though what circulated within his head was how dirty the subject would seem. A call to any number of his friends and just the fact of Liam alone in the confines of another person's home with their two thirteen-year-old daughters would get a response or reaction of jocular amusement to further exaggerate the applications of the scenario, although the truth of the matter was that back when they were just kids Liam couldn't help feel some of his own personal sexual tension towards them. Though he was an adult now. He was responsible. He was their caretaker.
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