"She has not told you?" Ross laughed and looked back towards Teyha. "I can't rule this valley on my own Janek. I need someone to remind me of what I once was and what the people of this valley need." Janek should be able to figure out the rest on his own since he had to be smart to be in the higher ranks of the rebellion. He looked back at Janek. His face was hard but he looked through Janek not at him. "My people were starving just like yours are now. We could not buy our food like your people should be able to do." He pulled his hood down a bit farther and moved so the sun was to his back before continuing. "We decided to grown our food and what better place than here? This Valley is a natural coral with easily dependable exit points." He reached into his robes and pulled out an old bronze pedant with the crest of a family that had died out when his kind had taken over. "If it weren't for this family I would be the one trying to find you. But I was betrayed by my kind and exiled." He held up the crest so that it was perfectly visible. There was a thin band of gold that was also hanging from the same leather as the crest. It looked like half a wedding ring or one of a pair of very thing rings.