A Holy Knight and a Witch. What could go wrong? (Vash x Candy_demon)


Mar 19, 2012
A lone man sat alone in a large cathedral. He looked around at the damage still there. The painted glass window at the front was still shattered, the sword still ripped from Spardas, and and some the pews still tossed around the cathedral. The man sat with his back lurched forward and his arms resting on his knees. The left arm had his sleeve rolled up showing tan, battle scarred, skin. On his opposite arm he had the sleeve rolled down, a faint blue glow emanating from under the sleeve. His face was contorted in anger, aggravation, and stress. His silver hair was matted down, messily, and it hung over his face. This lone figure in the church was a young man by the name of Nero. He was a member of the former Knights of the Holy Order, but they disbanded when it turned out their leader was a crazed lunatic. Now Nero was just a freelancer doing any job that came his way. Gods he was starting to become Dante! On top of him being out of a job his relationship with Kyrie was now over, it turns out killing her brother caused a much bigger rift than what Nero expected. So he came here to the Cathedral to try and think things over and figure out his next move.

He was about to get up to leave when he heard the large oak doors swing open, the groan of the iron hinges ringing in the cathedral. He turned his head to see a small man in white and gold robes shuffle into the cathedral. The man was old, wrinkles lined his face. Nero stood up and turned to the man, "Can I help you sir?" The man stopped and spoke in a giant voice that seemed to carry in the room, "I'm looking for the leader of the Holy Knights, I am requesting aid." Nero chuckled and shook his head, "Your about three moths late gramps. We closed up shop." The man looked saddened by the news, "Oh... Thank you anyway young man." He then turned and began to walk away.

Nero pondered for a moment, if this man had an aid request then that means he had the money to pay for it and Nero was light on that. He quickly jogged to catch up with him. "Hey gramps, what's the job? I used to be a Knight, hell I was the best of them." A smile then returned to the mans face, "Oh thank you youn man! You don't how much this means to my brothers and sisters!" The man moved to shake Neros right hand but Nero jerked the hand away. "Just tell me what I need to do." The old man then went into detail about how he was a part of a cult called "The Followers of the Light" and that their members were starting get picked off by a woman in all black. She could summon demons and torture devices at will as well as slowing time down. Sounded like a challenge. "Ok," Nero said when the man finished, "Where to?" The old man took out a slip of paper, it had directions to a city called Vigrid. As well as directions to a bar called "Hells Gate" the old man said that was her suspected base of operations.

Nero agreed to the job and went home. When he got there he pulls Doug encase and began to pack all of his weapons, Blue Rose, Red Queen, the next one he was hesitant about. It was Yamato, Dante's brothers katana. It was a simple looking sword, the steel shinned like any other sword, the grip was wrapped in simple blue and white cloth, but the power within the sword was phenomenal. He took the sword with it's sheath and put it in the case. Then it was off to Vigrid to find this woman that was causing these guys trouble.
"There's nothing to do, no one left to have fun with," a slender, busty woman sighed heavily, swirling around the liquid in her glass, a white stick protruding from her full glossy lips. "You complain' about nothing to do. Thought you'd be happy," a large black man mumbled in a deep voice to the woman clad in black leather. "Don't get me wrong Rodin, it's all peaches and cream but with no one to play with, I'm bored. The angels have been few and far between, I want a challenge, besides love, Cheshire hasn't been very fun recently either, to busy with his damned flirting and rose throwing. That's all fine and good babe, but I need action." Cerza laughed softly, running a long fingered hand between her supple breasts.

"There's word around town that the Followers of the Light are gonna hire a demon hunter." Rodin shifted behind the bar, a dark smirk curling up the corners of his mouth, "Apparently he's suppose to be good." Cerza snickered softly, "Oh I'm so frightened Rodin. I'm sure he'll be nothing compared to those naughty angels I play with. Sounds to me like this demon hunter is going to need a good spanking hm?" Rodin snickered behind his dark sunglasses, just be careful Bayonetta, there are a lot of people that want you to visit Inferno these days, and I'm sure those demon you summon won't be too happy either. Tear that body to yours apart."

Another laugh, "I'm not worried about my pets, as long as there is music I'll keep dancing," she gave Rodin a quick wink before she stood slowly and sauntered towards the exit portal, "See you on the flip side babe." And with that she stepped through the portal. In a flash of an eye, she was back in Vigrid, sauntering down the street, hips swaying seductively.
When Nero entered Vigrid he saw that it was almost a carbon copy of Fortuna. As he walked through the streets he saw that everyone around here was just the same. There were the ones wearing the ornately designed, crazily colored, high class citizens strutting about like peacocks. The middle class average joes with plain, drab, clothes with some wear and tear on them. Then there was the lower class that was wearing the equivalent of rags, torn to shreds and caked in dirt and grime, it was tough to see. Nero could also tell that he was sticking out like a sore thumb with his blue overcoat and red shirt. He had already taken out Blue Rose and stored it in the holster he had, Yamato was also stored in his clat due to it's size and descrete appearance. Red Queen wasnt ing on his back because it would give him away and cause massive panic. A man wielding a huge sword walking around town? Yeah people were sure to stay calm after hearing that.

He strolled through town trying to get his bearings when his eyes caught something. He turned his head to catch a good view of a woman, and not just any woman. She was clad in black leather and walking around with a seductive sway in her hips. She had confident gaze behind a pair of stylish eye glasses. Her raven hair trailed behind her. How it was held up was interesting to say the least. It had various ribbons of red entangle in it and the top was shaped in a beehive hair do. She was damn beautiful and she stuck out like Nero. Seeing her reminded Nero of the description the old man gave him and it was close enough to the woman he was seeing right now.

He turned to walk on the same street she was on and tailed her. He kept his steps light and tried to blend with the crowd as he neared her. When he got close enough he slowly drew his guns and held it to her back. "Alright lady, don't make a scene. Now tell me before I end you, why you keep taking out the cult members?" This was the way he liked to handle a lot of his jobs, simple and direct. Was he risking a lot? Yes, but this would get the job done fast and get paid.
It wasn't long before Bayonetta felt a strange aura fill the air. How strange, someone like her, she thought with a sexy little smirk curling up the corners of her full mouth. For a while, she lead him to an isolated little street. Something hard was pressed into her back and she giggled, reaching up she pulled the sucker from her mouth, "My, my sweet little Cheshire, you must be happy to see me." With a soft sigh, Bayonetta shook her head, "Is that what those naughty little men it white told you. Let me guess, they told you that I also use demons to do my bidding hm?" Turning on her heels, she looked a man up and down and puckered her lips.

"Rodin never said that this demon hunter had such a cute face. Baby I'm a lover not a fighter, why don't you put that gun away, hm?" Seeing as he was dead set on his conviction, Bayonetta crossed her arms tightly over her chest, "Look, you kill demons right? I'm a witch dear boy, not a monster. You look like you're traversed in this great wide world, if you read history like a good little boy should, you would understand that what I do is just. Those men in white are monsters, they kill both normal people, they have their god send down angels, avengers, but what do they avenge? Can you answer that Cheshire?"

Sticking the lollipop back into her mouth, she reached a leather clad hand out and ran it down the side of his face, "I don't wanna hurt you, but a naughty boy like yourself might need a spanking."
He was surprised at her reaction, he was looking for her to turn around and start attacking him, but even though he couldn't see her, she was probably smiling at this right now. Why did demons always have to have this reaction when they're hunted. They thought they were so invincible and then Nero gets to take them down a peg or two. He stayed quite through her whole tangent, though he didn't know why she kept calling him Cheshire. Did he really look like a cat? Or was this just her way of toying with people. When she lectured him about who she is and what she does he scoffed at the mention of god. His right arm tensed at the thought of the accident, "God?" He murmured, "There is none." When she commented on his looks he couldn't help but feel his ego swell, "Well your not so bad looking yourself my dear." He also pondered the thought about his gun. "You know, you're right." He put his gun in the holster and then drew Yamato, "Swords do a much better job."

He flinched a little at her arm reaching out to him, and then his spine tingling as the warm leather of her glove traced down his cheek. It had been awhile zinc she felt the touch of a woman. He took a deep breath, enjoying the temporary feeling and then brushed it off and stepped back. He unstrapped the full glove he was wearing on his right hand, reveing the iridescent glowing fingers of his Devil Arm. "Naughty? If doing a job you're paid to do is naughty," He then rolled his sleeved up to reveal the rest of his Devil Arm, "Then yeah, I've been very naughty!" He raised his sword in an offensive stance.
Bayonette could see the flicker of what appeared to be desire flash in his hypnotic blue eyes. "You are right Cheshire, there is no god, apparently someone so innocent as yourself has learned that hard fact as well. Let me guess," she sighed, circling him regardless of the fact that he had a sword drawn, ready to attack her in any given moment. "You were hurt by someone you thought was a 'holy' entity, resulting in someone you cared for getting hurt as well. Said person you care for now wants nothing to do with you because someone dark happened, something you can't take. Am I right you naughty boy or am I way off."

Now that she was behind him, Bayonette smirked. Taking a few slow steps towards him, she wrapped her leather clad body against his back, her supple breasts pressing into his jacket. Her sweet perfume waft through the air like an invitation, "We don't have to fight. The men who hired you want me dead so I can't stop their dark plot to take over the world. I prefer this over fighting." Her smirk darkened as she unlaced her finger around him and a free hand slide down the front of his body, down his abdomen, past the waist band of his pants and down to his groin. "Don't tell me that this doesn't excite you Cheshire."
Nero stayed in his balanced stance, his grip on Yamato firm but not choking so it would be ready to move at a moments notice. She decided to not fight and taunt him further. She gave him a scenario that matched his current situation to a T. He always knew Kyrie was less than adamant about his arm, he couldn't blame her. Who would want to say they were dating a demon armed freak. Then it was his fault she got caught up in the business with Dante and 'The Savior', so there goes another one. Finally he was the one who killed her brother, once again because of his stupid arm! It was like someone was cursing him with this blight! He didnt want to give her the satisfaction so he kept a straight face.

Next thing he knew she was behind him again and began to wrap around his body, her ample bust squeezed against his back. The feeling brought shudders again, Kyrie was as flat as a board so this feelig was new. 'No Nero, don't give in! This is what she wants. She's-' Ber hand ran down the front of his chest and down to his groin causing it to grow. 'Shes probably a Succubus! You give in and say goodbye to your soul!!' When he got a waft of that perfume he just felt like giving in and just ravage her senseless. "No... I don't want to give in... I can't... Have to do... My job." His voice was waning as her offer was oh so tempting. His grip around Yamato loosened as he tried to stay clam and not get excited.
Beneath her hand, she could feel this hunters cock hardened under her expert touch, "Your body tells me otherwise Cheshire~ Why can't you, you have nothing to lose. I am not a demon, I'm a witch. I won't hurt you. If I wanted to hurt you, I would have done it already. Besides~" She cooed into his ear, her tongue flicking out to lap at his ear lobe, "I can understand where you are coming from better than any normal person can. We are one in the same. You hate your arm because you are part demon, I can see. I'm a witch who uses demons to do my bidding. Why wouldn't you take me, here and now? Why not? I'm like you, and deep down you know I'm right." Her breath was hot against his ear, her fingers working quickly to slip beneath the taut fabric of his pants.

"Let go of the sword Cheshire, just let go." She cooed again, her lips moving away from his ear to place a teasing kiss against his neck. "Just let go," she murmured softly into his warm skin.

By the gods was he warm, and his scent was intoxicating, a purely masculine scent that was making Bayonetta slick. This by no means was a ploy to get him to release his weapon, no. Rather it was for a quick fuck. It had been a long time, and she needed one.
Damn, the mind was willing but the body was limited. He himself could feel as his pants grew tighter under the womans hand. He didn't know why but he just reacted to her touch. Her fingers felt so good against him, the way they moved against the fabric of his pants, how did she gain such skill in this? Tied together with that husky, accented, voice of hers just barely whispering into his ear. He just wanted to melt. He didn't know how he was still standing and not straddling her ready to pound her, most likely the demon in him keepin him strong until he decided to let go. After she whispered that they are the same that snapped him and he stepped away from her grasp. "No," He said in a deep voice that didn't sound human. "We are not one in the same. You know nothing of what I've lost, what's happened to me!!" She was wrong, they were nothing alike. She didn't loose everything in one moment, she didn't gain a curse, she didn't once believe in a cause that turned its back on him after the accident.

"You don't understand what it's like to lose a loved one to something you once believed in!" Feeling all of these emotions, anger, lust, frustration, loss. It had had him breathing hard and his arm glowing brightly now. Remembering all of these events, these... happenings it caused something to snap. Something that he hadn't felt since after first meeting Agnus. His eyes glowed a deep red and then there was the release, the release of his Devil Trigger. A spectral demon manifested behind him wielding the Yamato, the sword disappearing and he was bare handed. Nero himself acquired a blue aura and a deeper, echoing voice sounded. "Time to end this game!"
Sauntering away, with that same seductive sway in her hips, Bayonetta shook her head and smiled, "You really think we are so different don't you Cheshire. You think I am any different. The order that I believed in, that I thought was righteous, turned out to be a dark order, bent on taking over the world. Since you did not argue with me, I'll assume I was right in my assumption, wasn't I? Now look at you, a demon, bent on blood lust. Sad really, I was very much enjoying the thought of being able to wrap my lips around that thick cock of yours, but apparently you aren't."

Reaching between her breasts, Bayonetta pulled out a long violet/teal whip that looked much like a snake, Kulshedra to be exact. "I still don't want to kill you, but clearly you are intent on killing me hm? I think if I survive this little encounter, I might just have to teach you a lesson you naughty boy." All of this was still a game, but yet, somewhere deep down, in a place she didn't even know existed, a small pang of disappointment began to well up. This stranger was so handsome, what with his demon arm and that silvery hair of his, and the attitude didn't help that immense sex appeal either.

Once the whip had been pulled out, the leather clad woman gave it a sharp snap. "Come one Cheshire, let's play." And with that she gave, she reached up and pressed her glossy lips to her hand and blew him a little kiss.
Nero's scowl lightened a little when she said that an order betrayed her as well. The killer half of him told him to ignore it and that it was just ruse to try and get him to let his guard down. Though the thought that his assumption of her might have been wrong, they may have some things in common after all. When she taunted him more. He lowered his head a little in defeat when she called him out on agreeing with her. "You may have been right about my past, but that's-" He stopped mid sentence realizing the second part of the taunt. The tempting thought of ravaging her returned. 'No!!' A voice boomed in his head, it was of a cold dismissal but yet it sounded vaguely familiar, 'Do not let her fool you! Defeat her and gain the power she possesses!' Whatever the voice was he felt the drive to follow it. Almost like it was a command from his father.

Ignoring the whip he flung his devil arm out, the spectral demon above him doing the same and he enlarged hand reached out to grab her. "Get over here!" He shouted.

((Sorry it's so short, my battle posts tend to be short since I want to give my partner a chance to react or counter to the move rather than god mod it. Oh and I hope you get the small hit I placed in this post.))
The resolve to kill her in his eyes faded, flickered like the light of a candle, something was telling him to destroy her, something was...no someone was telling him otherwise. With a quirked eyebrow, a foolish, but brilliant idea came to mind. Something about the way that he seemed to fall into her, allowing her to tease him, to touch him, something told Bayonetta that this demon hunter was not evil, he had a conscience and he often listened to it. Why else would he allow himself to have her arms wrapped around him.

In pure amazement she watched the spectral figure above his head, its hand out stretched to grasp a hold of her and squeeze the very life out of her. This was the moment of truth. Just as she was 'preparing to strike, she let the whip fall from her hands and allowed the long digits of the demon to wrap around her hourglass figure. Everything in her body ached the moment the hand closed around her and the muscles in the demon's arm began to work. A pained wince distorted Bayonetta's beautiful features into a mask of pain. If she were right, he would let her go, but if she were wrong, she would have just give the enemy the upper hand...quite literally.
Nero was expecting the "Skilled Witch" to at least dodge his arm, but then he was totally wrong. The hand wrapped around her and squeezed the life from her. He saw the woman wince in pain as the hand squeezed. Inside his conscious his human side stood back in horror as his body reacted to his killer instinct and attacked without remorse. The other half, the demon half, stood next to him. The figure was hazy and he couldn't make out who it was. 'Let her go!' He said and the demon snickered. 'No. If we kill her she may give us the secrets of her powers so that we may grow stronger, so that we can gain more power!' His body still remained with his grip around her body. The look on her face made his human half cringe in fear. Killing demons with ugly faces and inhuman looks was easy, but this? This was different. She looked so human, so... so... so beautiful. His human half rejected the thought. 'No!' With that his Devil Trigger ended and the hand that was holding her disappeared and she fell to the ground. His sense of morality kicked and he ran to catch her.

When she fell in his arms he looked at her, her smooth skin with no flaws got him staring at her. "H-Hey, are you alright?"
The pain had been so intense the world around her had begun to blur to shades of gray and black, the colorful world around her faded and when the darkness did take over she felt weightless, she could even feel herself falling, falling into the black world below her that she knew would swallow her up and take her to inferno.

But then, strangely enough, the weightless feeling subsided and the feeling of a strong body, pressed to hers, replaced it. A voice echoed from somewhere beyond the darkness. Her eyes fluttered opened, long black lashes batting softly, "I knew you wouldn't let me die." She smiled softly, trying to force herself to sit up but than winced painfully. "You've got quite the grip there Cheshire. I can only imagine how much strength you've got when touching a girl, probably enough to bring her to the eclipse of orgasm."

She was stuck on sex and with him standing so close to her, his masculine scent filled her nostrils again, making her head swim. Reaching up, retracting the leather from her hand, she pressed her soft hand against the side of his face and smiled, "See, I told you, we are more alike than you think."
Nero was knelt to the ground where he held her cradled in his arms. He was nervous having her there. This was the closest be had ever held a woman, Kyrie was a stuccoed for statying 'pure' until they were married. Sure there was the usual chaste kiss on the cheek and the holding of hands, but that's as far as they went... ever. So if she looked hard enough she could see the slightest amour of red touch his cheeks. The color grew even more when she touched his cheek with a bare hand. When she did he felt the warm skin touch his cheek. It was soft and made a warm feeling spread through him. He knew the feeling well, it was deffinetly human, not just some strange spell that fooled humans into thinking that it was an actual human.

When she commented about his grip he turned his head away from her. "Man what is it with you and sex? Do you just decide to fuck the next person you see?" He set her back on the ground and stood up. He was now nervous. He wanted to do the same thing, but there was just the pang of morality saying not to do it. He crossed his arms and huffed, "Wheres my sword." He walked over to where Yamato was resting and he picked it up to sheath it. He strapped the sheath on his hip and went over to the black case. He kicked it open and Red Queen jumped out. He grabbed it and slung it over his back.

He then walked back over to her. "So, you're a witch? Do you melt with water or something?"
Pale red, the sweetest color she could have ever seen brush his cheeks with a sweet sort of innocence, "Aw Cheshire, you're blushing, kind of makes me feel like a creepy old woman to see you blush." The moment he pulled away from her, setting her down on the ground, Bayonetta sighed and pushed herself up to her elbows, "No, not just sex with anyone, just with you handsome. You think I would forget the way that your body reacted to my touch. I'll never forget, you liked it, regarless of what your beautiful mouth said."

Slowly, very slowly, Bayonetta pushed herself up to her feet and winced, "Yes I'm a witch, and you have been watching far to many movies young man. I walk naked in the rain all the time. If I were to melt because of a little water, you'd be talking to a ghost Cheshire." Making her way over to him, and stopping in front of him, she smirked. "Cheshire, are you a virgin? Oh you naughty little boy." Reaching out and grabbing a hold of his hands, she pressed them firmly to her chest. Cocking her head to one side, she smiled deviously, "Tell me that these babies don't get you all hot and bothered."
Nero scowled again when she said that he blushed, "I did not blush. I was just getting a little warm because of all the physical activity I was doing." Bullshit level was now to the maximum, hopefully she would never know. For him to start feeling warm was if Berial decided to get out of the grave and start wreaking havoc on humanity again. He also didn't want her to know that it took so little to get his face to then red out of neves.

He laughed a little when she said he was watching too many movies. "Well actually if you lived in my town TV's were scarce so I stuck to the books. Also, ghosts? Really you think that? Sure there maybe demons, monsters, and devils. But a ghost? Come on... What was your name again?" The tone of that last question was half serious and half sardonic. When she asked if he was a virgin he stiffened straight. "What kind of a woman asks that question?!" Wa Ashe really serious about that?

Apparently yes because now his hand was on her large and beautiful breasts. He squeezed a little just out of curiosity. They were nice and firm, the mound of flesh molding in his hand as he squeezed more.
Pulling her hands away from his, he didn't seem to pull away, "The sort of woman the suspects that you are a virgin. I do hope they feel nice, they are all natural, by no means are they enhanced either." The soft squeeze made her shutter in sweet pleasure, the hard squeeze made a moan escape her parted lips. "You mind make me slick sweet Cheshire. As for my name, you can all me Bayonetta. What about you stranger, what is your name, or would you prefer me to continue to call you Cheshire?" She cooed to him teasingly.

Looking down at his hands, she smirked, "You do know there are other places to play with, my boobs are not the only thing fun about me Cheshire~"

(Gah it's so short >.<)
Nero gulped as he continually squeezed her breasts, au natural? He didn't know who to thank for that but he sure was glad that they made her like this. He neared closer to her the gap between his outstretched arm and her breasts were closed. "Bayonetta huh?" Exotic, sounded Spanish or something and he liked it. "Well my name is Nero, but if Cheshire is somehthing you like I'm sure it would grow on me." He never knew of the origin of his name, hell he didn't even know his own origins. The earliest memory he had was training with the Order of the Sword at around five. Anything else was just a huge blank. All of this time he had been thinking about his past he realized that he was still squeezing Bayonettas breasts.

He smirked at the small tease. "Not the only fun place huh? Well then would you care to show menall the others? Or am I just going to have to tear my way through that catsuit of yours and find them myself?" He then looked around and saw they were still in public. "Hey do you mind if we take this somewhere private? I think I would want to keep you all to myself."
When he stepped slower, she moved in a step closer to him, the gap between has been closer in a matter of seconds. "Unless you want to call me something. Maybe you prefer dirty girl, bitch, dirty whore, whatever get you hard Cheshire." So Nero hm, she liked it, sexy, had a little bit of a bite to it, like his attitude.

Raising a slender eyebrow, Bayonetta smirked in return, "Of course not Cheshire, I've got lots of other fun places. You might have to tear through it, but only if you promise to slice it from me." With a soft little giggle, she nodded, "Of course, and keep me all to yourself. Try not to spoil me rotten Nero. Just promise me you'll fuck me." And with that she gave him a quick wink and turned away, her hand grasping a hold of his hand and pulling her behind him.

She did waste any time finding an open hotel room. With the door closed behind her quickly, Bayonetta didn't hesitate to 'strip' herself. Her leather outfit disappeared, the only thing she had on was her black and red stilettos. Her bare body exposed completely to him, "Play with me Cheshire~"
Nero shook his head with a foul look on his face. Dirty girl, dirty whore, bitch? What was he some sleazy pimp trying to work one of his girls on the street. "No no no. I guess you have a twisted conception of how you should be treated Bayonetta. No I much prefer your real name or some other term of endearment that might come along... If I decide to keep you alive." At the end of that sentence was a laugh to indicate he was only joking.

He gave her a cheeky grin when she talked about her other fun places. "Tear through it huh? Well that would be much more fun for me, but I'm sure it would be much more fun for you to slither out of that suit, maybe to a little music?" Oh the thought of her doing a little strip tease for him was tantalizing. Then there was the slicing part he raised his brow, "Really? Now that would be a challenge. Curves were always my weakest point so getting around your luscious body mgbt get you a few cuts so I'm thinking a big cut across here and here." He drew a large x over her chest area before smiling.

His hand wrapped around hers and he followed her down the road to a local hotel. He tossed the manager a few bills for the room and they made there way up. When they reached the room he went straight for the bed and sat down. He worked his boots off and then he stood back up, sliding off the coat from his body, his pants and crimson red shirt being the only things left on. He saw what happened and was amazed to see what happened. Her whole suit just vanished into thin air to reveal the perfect body. Slender yet rather curvaceous and tall figure like some goddess that was carved into perfection. His arousal only grew more. He took off his shirt to reveal his bare chest, tanned and scarred from constant battles with demons, the only different thing was his whole right arm covered in the blue and red skin of his Devil Arm. He raised said arm beckoned her to come to him, "Come here, I'm going to spoil you rotten."
Bayonetta didn't hesitate to crawl onto the bed, "Really, than spoil me. Though you never did answer my question Nero, are you a virgin?" Hovering over him, she ran a long digit up his chest, feeling the raised scars. "You seem to like it rough Cheshire?" Leaning in to him, she brushed her lips against his, "Do you want my lips wrapped around your dick Cheshire? Hm?" Her finger trailed down further, over his hardened abs and down to his groin.

Just the thought of him inside of her made her wet, god it had been so long since she had had a man. Nero seemed so young, so inexperienced. He seemed to have loved groping her, but how could someone so sexy be a virgin. He did mention that the Order of the Light had come to him. And then it clicked, he was a church goer. Did he really feel like he should wait for marriage?

He fell into the wrong spider's web if he thought he was walking away with this a virgin. She planned on popping that cherry, and she planned on enjoying it.
Nero crawled onto the bed with her and let Bayonetta be on top for this one time. He felt good to not be in control for once, besides she was the experienced one (or he was assuming). She was lying on top of him and traced her fingers over the scars he had from all of his demon encounters. The biggest one being the one that trailed from the center of his chest and went diagonally to his left arm, a small gap where the chest left off and picked up back on the arm. Though the scar on his arm was once visible it is now covered by the skin of the demon arm. The rest were small cuts that left it all scarred up, only some portions of it remained clear of any blemish. He chuckled when she said he liked it rough, "Well some times I like to play some things close to the cuff, but most of these you can thank Dante for." The one time he fought him he walked away with more scars than any other fight. He was pulled back by the feeling of Bayonettas moist lips barely brushing against his. "Well before I let you do that I want at least one of these." He then moved his head forward and ensnared his lips with hers. This would be about the second time this happened, the first being after he rescued Kyrie.

He broke it to gather himself, that move was very forward and he didn't know whether or not she would like it. He sighed to answer the question she was dying to hear. "I'm sad to say yes, I am a virgin." Saying that brought another scowl to his face and another shade of red covering his face. "So it looks like your taking the lead here. But don't worry, I'm a fast learner."
"Dante? Sounds to me like another hunter. Might have run into him a time or two, don't really know. Silver haired guy, red jacket, could almost pass as your father?" Her question went unanswered by the kiss. She certainly had not been expecting his lips to lock with her's, by no means would she pull away. He was intimate, she would give him that. For the past few hours she had been teasing him, toying with him, and now had he finally stolen a kiss.

She was beginning to like him more and more. When his lip pulled away from her's, she was almost disheartened by the fact that he had yet to explore her mouth with his tongue. Silly little virgin. Looking up into his face, hearing his confession, a dark, almost sinister smile curled up Cereza's lips. "I do hope you didn't intent to leave this hotel room with your virginity Cheshire. I do want to ravage you for a few hours at least, I pray your stamina can withstand such rigorous exercise. Oh~ By no means am I worried Nero, not in the slightest, you have a good teachers. I'll tell you want I want, all you have to do is just listen."

She wanted to press why he was sill a virgin, especially since he was soo good looking. Why weren't girls falling at his feet, begging him to take them to his bed.

It was his arm, she thought sadly. Because of one difference, woman wanted nothing to do with him. Most probably had a good idea what it was, and they were afraid of him for it. But why? Because it spawned from Inferno~ Ha! Silly reason to be afraid of a silver haired god like Nero. "Try not to make too much of a mess Cheshire." Pulling her face away from his, she pushed herself back onto her knees and lowered her full lips down to his hardened cock. It was thick, every breath she blew onto it, she would see it jerk, it was like it was begging for her feverish mouth.

Instead of tormenting him any longer, Cereza did exactly what she had planned on doing. Opening her mouth wide, she slipped the head of his dick into her moist mouth and slide down the length of his shaft. Seeing as she was positioned between his legs, she stole a sinful glance up at him to see his beautiful face. She assumed it would be contorted into a mask of pure pleasure. Would he hiss and grab a fist full of her hair, forcing her to choke on his erect dick. Or perhaps his hips would buck at the sheer pleasure of such an intense feeling. Either way, she was eager to see his reaction. The anticipation alone to see what he would do was driving her mad. Her pussy was already soaked and her own mind screamed 'Fuck please. Use me in whatever way you deem fit, just put it in me.'

But Bayonetta wanted to savor his virginity, she wanted to take him every way, in order to lay claim on her silver haired god. By the time she was done with him, he would be a god among men, a sex god, worshiped for his stamina and his technique. She also wanted to savor the sweet taste of his virgin cum. All the men she had ever been with were always experienced lovers. Having a virgin for the first time in her long life span was like a gift from the gods. She could already taste his delicious pre-cum, it was addicting.

Slowly, she bobbed her head up and down on his shaft, a free hand cupping his balls and massaging gently. Until he begged her to fuck him, she would continue her torment, she wanted him to completely submit to her every whim.

Gradually she increased the speed of her bobbing. Faster her full lips slide up and down his shaft, her saliva dripping down his cock and pooling in her hand that massaged his balls. Bayonetta would make certain that she marked this boy in ever way she could think of. He was her's now, and she loved that very fact.
Nero wanted to burst out in laughter, but he kept it as straight as he could. "Oh god no! Dante as my-? Oh man that's a laugh!" He couldn't imagine having that pizza eating, Sundae loving, debt monger as a father. No not in a million years, but he did have an idea of who was his father. Through passing mentions from Dante, remarks from both Aguns and his master, as well as he being able to use Yamato, they all pointed to one man being his father. That was Dante's brother, he couldn't remember his name but he knew, deep down somewhere, that he was his father. Too bad he was dead. Then she asked if he expected getting out of here without his virginity. "Oh no, I fully intend to lose it here and now. As for stamina, I can take down a greater demon without breaking a sweat, so yeah I can go for hours"

Once again he was pulled from his ponderings and thoughts by her doing something... Well in her terms, naughty. She slowly lowered herself down to where she was level with his erect member, breathing slowly on it, jerking as the warm breath hit the sensitive area. Finally she placed her mouth around it and his eyes widened. "So that's what it feels like!" The feeling was intense. The warmth and wet of her mouth slid up and down his member, a slight slurping sound being made by her. He felt the trail of warmth her mouth left on his member and it felt cold as her mouth left the spots. As this happened his hips bucked in the feelig of the intense pleasure that was happening right now. His hands gripped the sheets around him as she continued to do what she did. His breaths started to become short and ragged as this first feeling was practically undescribabale.

She increased speed and added another hand, massaging his balls. The sack feeling strange being handled by hands and it only added to the feelings that were already so great. He let go of a handful of sheets to put against his forehead. "Come on Nero clam down," He murmured to himself. "You can do this, just deep breaths and- oh God!!!" She increased speed and he could feel the cool drool drip down his member and precum starting to leak from his tip. He placedthe hand that was free on her head to coax her on more, "Oh god Bayonetta, I think if you keep going like that I'm gonna-" She knew how to finish that sentence as he was growing close to climax.
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