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Non Human Males Needed (Furry, Demon, Shapeshifter, Winged ect)

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Feb 10, 2011
[size=12pt]Before I start. I do have some rules, so...would you kindly read them?[/size]


Someone advanced in rping.
Can write least 3-5 paragraphs per intro and 3-4 per post with descriptive writing! Have a good grasp of English and grammar

Creative with Characters, Plot ideas and twists.
Give them an appearance, a background, a past and a life. No ‘His name is Bill and he wears red shoes’
Images are fine

Long Term Rp!

Fluffy 'fall in love' Romance
Not mandatory but desirable.

Someone who can carry the Rp with me other than leaving it to me.


People who choose to ignore these rules and waste my time!

Asking me when I will reply. I have a life. I will post atl least once a day minimum unless major real life difficulties

Do not, at an time, control my characters without my permission!

Ask me if our story is 'doing anything for me'. I rp because I enjoy, not to get myself off.

One-liners, Broken English & Chat Speak

[size=10pt]A Pact Maker and its Beast[/size]

Law of this world -
Along side humans are non-humans. There are just as many different types of Beasts as there are humans in the world. Some like to live along side Humans in the modern age, others like to maintain tribe life. These beasts come in all different shapes, sizes and types (the only limit is your imagination). Furries/Anthros, Demons, Angels, Animals, shapeshifters, winged humans, nekos/half animals, those with human forms and beast forms, dragons, made up creatures - The list can go on and on. Since beasts are different to humans - Human and Beast relationships or pairings are highly frowned upon.
This hasn't stopped society from exploiting it. The Underground has a number of red light clubs dedicated to such pairings.

On rare occasions when human and beast meet, they can choose to create a pact between your spirits. This allows the beast to tap in to some new strengthened power and the human allowed to use some of the beasts power. The Underground is just how it sounds. To each major city has its own Underground. It is under the cities and dedicated to those who have made Pacts with beasts. They have a number of events held for such people which can be anything from fights to races or sport events much like the Olympics. There is alot of money promised to winners of such events. There are events much like these on the surface but do not pay as much as is regulated. Underground events is 'Dog eat Dog'.
Underground event holders are known to keep many Beasts for their events, and even known to breed them to keep the strongest blood continuing.

The Story -
(Im much more interested in finding a male beast to my female human, however I will switch this 2 times only as I only have 2 characters I wish to play.)

My character works from home in a small apartment and she struggles to meet the rent. Either she is already bound to your character and is living with her or he is soon to appear in her life. But the story will revolve around their making money into fortune. This can be achieved by taking on the Underground, competing in the surface events or perhaps another means (filming their pairing for a website for money) or even a mix of all of them.
New characters can be introduced as and when. I plan to add a few for tension, twist and drama. Welcoming ideas and happy to brainstorm and discuss.

Beast Ideas - Some explicit images.
Beast Ideas

Ibex -

Winged fur -

Dragon winged

Dragon non winged


Pm me if interested. I do emails, PMs or thread. May stretch to Skype
I would love to do the beast human idea, especially if you could be the beast. Also I have a few characters to use in the rp. I know my reply is rather dry but if you want to rp I can paint a picture with words.
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