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Bryony's first ever RP request (M/F)

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Jan 26, 2012
Wherever my imagination takes me
I’ve never done one of these request posts before. In fact, this is going to be my first post here on Blue Moon, I think. This doesn’t mean that I’m not experience at RP or even Adult RP. I’ve been roleplaying for over 10 years and I’ve been told I’m good at it. Admittedly, those comments typically came from good friends and writing partners that enjoyed the same kinks that I do, but I take compliments anywhere I can get them.

I’m craving something involving either a military setting or soldiers. There is just something about a man in uniform. The idea I have is a modern setting and it’s a rather vague one. I want to have a lovely, sweet, young woman forced to deal with a tough, hard core soldier. The idea came from a TV show in which the plot started off with a reality show filming these super models going through boot camp on a Marine base. The idea of these gorgeous girls taking orders from drill instructors that bullied them appealed to me. Of course the scenario is up for discussion, as is the actual dynamics between them. He doesn't have to be a bully or mean, it can be that they are both dealing with a difficult situation. I like everything from non-con to romance, so I'm open.

A few possible scenarios: A singer going to entertain the troops overseas somehow ends up in the wrong place at the wrong time and has to depend on the training of a soldier or group of them to get her out safe. Post-apocalyptic zombie plague, the military is doing what they can to rescue survivors and pick her up. Or she could just be a green recruit trying to get through boot camp with a tough drill sergeant. If you prefer fantasy settings, well… I never say no to a good one. A king’s guard or an army of orcs might work just as well.

In case you’re wondering if this is worth your time, here’s a little bit about me…
I’m female. I live in Alabama, so that means Central Standard Timezone.
I prefer long-term stories rather than one-offs.
I only write in 3rd person, but past or present doesn’t bother me.
My post length is typically 3-7 paragraphs. If you prefer to write shorter posts, please let me know upfront. I prefer quality over quantity, but I’m not interested in less than 1-2 paragraphs.
My schedule is unpredictable, so I might only be able to post once every 2-3 days at times.
I don’t mind providing writing samples if you want one.
I only play in PM, email or forums at the moment. IM is great for plotting and chatting, though. Sometimes I will do quick scenes with a lot of back and forth in IM, but the majority of the RP will be in one of the other mediums.
Genres and Settings (In order of preference)
-Fantasy (Low-High, Original, some fandoms)
-Alternate Universes (such as post-apocalyptic, supernatural, our world but not quite)
-Sci-Fi (original, Star Wars)

My characters are always female and usually submissive to some degree; how submissive varies depending on my writing partner’s wants and my moods. Typically they are sweet, naïve, pretty little things with very long hair and green eyes. Sometimes they are shy, sometimes outgoing and friendly and sometimes they are damaged to the point of emotional issues, but they are always fairly young (site limit-23) and intelligent. She will almost always be human, but half-elf or elf is a possibility.

Can I play multiple characters? Yes. Do I enjoy doing it? Not really. I find it stressful and more work than fun. If they aren’t in the same scene together then usually my only problem is that I’ll tend to have a favorite. However, don’t ask me to play multiple girls unless you are willing to play an equal number of males.

I only play against male characters. Sorry, the FxF thing just doesn’t interest me. I’ve tried it because I have good friends that like it, but it can’t hold my interest. The characters I prefer to play opposite are typically alpha male types: dominant, strong, intelligent, and usually large muscular guys. I have a penchant for the guys with a bit – or more than a bit - of badass attitude, but hero or villain, good guy or bad boy just give him some personality. I prefer that the male be mature (25-40). He can be human, vampire, werewolf, orc, gnoll, Zabrak and probably a lot of others but talk to me before going with the truly exotic

And there’s a whole bunch of other stuff, but I won’t bore you with it now. Though I’ll be happy to discuss any kinks or fetishes you might want indulged

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