A Wrong Move Gone Right (Vash x Kei-Baby)

Raven let out a scream as her emotions argued in her head. Her mind was a mess and her room was becoming one as things exploded and things flew across her room. Her nightstand flew into her window making a loud crashing noise as the glass shattered and the purple table fell with gravity to the ground below. She was sobbing as a few of the emotions settled down and she managed to crawl into the corner of her room as a few of her things still flew round her room encased in her aura.

She couldn't understand what was wrong normally it was one or two emotions that got out of control not all of them at once! Rage roared inside her head and Raven struggled to push her back into it's dark corner of Nevermore. "Stoop.... Keep it calm Raven... You can do it....peace calm..." Rage obviously didn't like that idea as it tried to push back into the center of her mind. She took a deep breath as she huged her knees close to her chest fighting an internal battle with Rage. Her voice was broken as loud sobs racked her body.

She finay managed to put a cap back on her emotions but she still cried. She halfway wondered why someone hadn't broken down her door yet. "Because no one cares...." Rage whispered to her "N-no they care...." Raven argued back "No they don't they all think your just a creepy girl, you don't belong with them, they hate you" Tears filled Ravens eyes again and she shook her head as Rage continued to whispered words of hatred to her "That's right Raven they don't like you at all Wally was lying to you he was only pretending so you wouldn't kill him" Raven covered her ears and tried to drive the voice away "NOOO!" she screamed her voice ringing out as a few more objects exploded and a few trinkets flew against her walls and out the windows
Wally stared at the basket taking in a numerous amount of calculations and processing them faster than a normal human. He took in wind speed, direction, humidity, gravitational pull, weight of the ball, angle of elevation, height of the basket, etc. When all the calculations were complete he took aim and tossed the ball up on a wide arc. It came down on the top of the backboard and bounced up high into the air. Dick thought it was an obvious miss but Wally had a confident look on his face. When the ball came down again it went right through the net making the iconic swoosh sound. Dick hung his head, "I forgot. I'm dealing with a physics wiz." Wally beamed with pride, it was a clean sweep, Wally beat Dick everytime.

The moment was short lived as they both heard the crash of a window. They both looked at each other in panic. Wally put his mask, gloves, and goggles back on while Robin went and placed his domino mask and utility belt back on. They rushed down to where they heard the crash, and other loud bangs and crashes. Wally grew even more panicked seeing that it was Ravens room. Ignoring the door he grabbed Robins hand and phased them both through the wall. He saw Raven in a corner with her legs balled up together and crying. While Robin was still trying to get over having his molecules put through a wall he calmly walked over to her and knelt down beside her. "What happened?"

Meanwhile Robin was able to get himself together and went to the window to see what happened. The window showed signs of forced exit, obviously, items were thrown around and everything was complete chaos in here. Who in the hell got in here and did this?
Rage continue to tear her down make her feel hatred for the people around her, telling her that everyone hated her, no one cared, they all wished she would go away, they had wanted to leave her in dark depths of Trigon's domain. Raven was starting to believe Rage a bit "No..." she murmured but with less conviction now "They care...don't they?" Raven asked... Rage laughed in her mind "NO! They despise you, you should have stayed with Trigon you would have sat at his right hand now you are stuck with them!! You should release me! You could be queen of this world!!" Raven shook her furiously. "No... they do care" and Rage just laughed again.

She was silent as she looked up and saw Wally literally walk through her wall with Robin trailing behind. "See they care" she said and Rage cackled in her mind. "They're just worried you broke something valueable they don't care about your well being" Rage said back. Raven probably looked like a mental patient as she had her one sided argument with her most infamous emotion.

Raven flinched away from Wally as if she expected to be hit. "The door was open..." she said finally. Rage was seeming to simmer down and Raven's mental blocks slammed back down locking Rage back away in a dark corner in the back of her mind. "I-I'm sorry I-I was trying to... and they just got out of control...." she said then as she shook her head as another soft sob escaped her lips. She looked up at Wally and tears filled her eyes again "You hate me don't you...." she asked all though it sounded more like she was simply stating something as simple as her hair was purple. "Please don't hate me..."
Wally stayed by her even though she flinched away from him. He had paid close attention before and saw she was talking with herself, one he could definitely tell was hers, but the other. The other voice was something... inhuman. It was telling her crazy things, things that weren't true. She sounded like a schizophrenic nutcase with some nasty things crawling around in her head. He laughed a bit at the door comment, "Well if I used the door then that would be too obvious for whoever was in her wrecking everything... and it's a lot cooler to phase through the door instead of walking through."

He stuck by her and tried to rifle through various enemies they had that would dare to enter into the room of a Titan. "Who Raven? Who got out of control?" Dick on the other hand was doing his detective work and while he was searching he found a mirror on the ground. From the stories of Garth and Vic the mirror matched the one they accidentally used to get to Ravens other personalities. He picked it up, the glass facing away from him and brought it over to Wally. "This is what got out of control." Wally took it and examined it, "So a mirror got out of control and trashed Ravens room?" Dick shook his head no, "The mirror is a magical portal to Ravens mind, she, Vic, and Garth call it Nevermore." Wally interrupted him with a small comment, "Doth said The Raven." Edgar Allen Poe, cliche, but it fit. Dick rolled his eyes and continued, "Anyway in Nevermore lye all of Ravens emotions. I deduce that something caused her emotions to fall out of balance and thus caused Raven to lash out and in turn her powers doing the same and causing what you see now."

Then came Raven asking if he hated her. Dick took otw of this and then stepped out of the room. Wally took a deep breath and set the mirror down somewhere else. "No Raven I don't. I don't think I ever could."
Raven was only half way listening as Richard tried to explain to Wally about her mirror. The rest of her mind was occupied with shutting away her emotions again or at least the more dangerous ones, Lust, Jealousy, Rage. She could deal with the effect of her other emotions getting out of control they weren't that bad but her more powerful, baser, emotions were just way to dangerous to let free, they were to close to her father. When she felt Rage had been tampered down enough she tried to speak again only to watch Richard walk out and a tear slipped from her eye when Wally said he didn't hate her.

"I'm s-sorry" She mumbled out as she covered her face with her hands "I want to believe you I do but Rage said... and Malchior... even Gar..." she didn't understand how anyone could like her or harbor a crush on her. She was Raven quiet sad Raven she wasn't meant to be loved. Her gaze fell on the giant wooden chest his book lay in. Everyone knew the story but they didn't know everything... She had wanted so much for him to be real to be understood. The rest of the Titans tried and had gotten a bit better especially Richard but still they still have the time avoided her. They tried not to show it but she knew, she was an empath for pity's sake, they were all still nervous around her.
Wally sighed again, this time tired. He really needed to figure out what happened here while he wasn't present. He had no idea who Malchior was, an old flame, some dark and mysterious figure that had Raven smitten, or just some asshole that caused Ravens distrust in her feelings? He was going to find out, but for now his place was beside Raven. She seemed like a wreck that needed help getting back on her feet. He stood beside her and held his hand out te help her up. "Come on, no need to keep huddling in a corner."

When she finally would take his hand he helped her up and then began leading her to the door, "Come on, I'll make you some tea." This time he walked to the door and opened it. He led her down the hall and into the common room, luckily no one else was there. He moved to the pantry and grabbed a cup and a tea bag. He took the mug and filled it with water. Then placed it in the microwave to get the water nice and hot. When it was done he took it out and placed the teabag in it and watched as the tealeaves mixed with the water turrnig the clear liquid into a nice cup of tea. He handed the glass to her, "Here, this ought to help you calm down."
Raven was about to open her mouth to refuse when he said there was no need to huddle in a corner but she thought better of it and took his hand standing up with a soft sigh. She still didn't feel 100% and Rage was still whispering in her mind but at any rate she gently squeezed his hand and sighed, again "There was a perfectly good reason to continue hiding in that corner" she mumbled as she followed him. Their feet made soft crunching noises as they walked across broken glass and porceline her interesting little trinkets and creepy masquerade masks lying in shards. It was sad really alot of those knicknacks she had collected over time from their various world wide missions. She smiled though as they walked out when she spotted her little Japanese porceline doll was still in her spot above her bed. Another soft sight escaped her lips when she saw her stereo half of it crumbled into black dust and she cocked a brow when he said he'd make he tea being pulled back into the reality of the situation. It really wasn't like her to get attached to material things.... As they walked down she was going to tell him where everything was for her tea but it appeared he already knew as he moved about the kitchen as soon as they got in there.

She sighed and hopped up on the counter top her jean clad legs swinging lightly as she watched him not bothering to move over to the sofa. Her eyebrows raised again when he said the tea would help calm her down "What? Do I not look calm or something?" she asked in her stale monotone as she took the steaming mug from his hands. She had to assume she didn't though blood shot eyes and short violet hair sticking up every which way probably didn't make her look the calmest. She gave a sad pitiful excuse for a laugh as she looked at him "Some day huh?" she said before she lifted her mug to her lips and let of a soft sigh. She lowered the mug pursing her lips a bit as she looked over at him "Wally about earlier..." she said
Wally himself poured himself some tea and sat next to her. Henley the tea swirl in the cup as he thought back on the days events. "Yeah," He gave a half hearted laugh when saying that, "Some day." He turned his head to cut Raven off about earlier but the main door to the tower slid open. That was funny, he thought Dick locked that door down, so who was it. A dark luming figure walked in, the pointy ears on his cowl and the symbol on his chest made Wally fear the worst. Batman had come to the tower. Before anyone could say something Batman thought out loud, "Minimal fire walling, simple encryption key, password was easy to deduce... sloppy." Wally hopped off the counter and zoomed to Batman. "Hey there bats," He sounded nervous, "Wh-why are you here?" Batman found Wally's antics not amusing. "I'm here to see Dick, Wally. Where is he?"

"Right here," Came a voice from the hall. Dick was walking out into the living room when Bruce hacked in. Bruce and Dick were still on bad terms sinc ethe duo broke up. Bruce briskly walked forward and handed Robin a number of folders marked 'Dossiers'. Dick didn't know why he handed them to him but he guessed it was important. Bruce motioned for Dick to follow him, Dick motioned for Wally to follow him. Wally looked to Raven, "We'll talk later ok?" He then followed Dick and Buce into the strategy room. The three entered and locked the door behind them. "What are you doing here Bruce?" Dick came right out and said it. Bruce sat down in a chair and placed more files on the conference table. "I'm here to talk about your team Dick."
Ravens head turned slowly at the sound of a door sliding open it was almost unneeded for her to look to know who was they. The deep dark voice, the brooding dark aura, Batman was not hard to feel the presence of. She watched with weary eyes as even Wally's normally cheery confident manner was cut down by the Dark Knight's presence. "He scarier than I am" she murmured to herself as she looked back down at her tea. Her eyes flicked up when Richard walked in obviously a bit disgruntled with his mentors presence in the tower. Raven gave Wally a very small sad smile and nodded her head as she watched them walk down the hall into the sound proof strategy room.

Raven silently cursed Cyborg for making the room that way it would've been nice to eavesdrop a bit on what they were discussing. She wasn't worried simply curious it was an odd thing to be contacted by Batman let alone a visit. Her assumption was the matter was serious. She stood up setting her mug down on the counter top and quietly walked up to her room again. She gazed around her room and started putting things away by hand without using her power for fear of releasing them again. After she swept the broken pieces to one side she frowned as she looked at her window "Looks like I'm sleeping on the couch..." she muttered to herself Cyborg probably wouldn't be able to replace it till tomorrow.

She pursed her lips for a moment before her curiousity got the better of her and she opened a portal in the floor of her room allowing her to stick her head from the ceiling in the room below. The placing of her room was lucky it was right above the strategy room. She smirked a bit to herself Robin wasn't the only good sleuth in the tower. She kept quiet as she watched and listened to see what they were saying.
The three Heros sat in silence as both Wally and Dick pondered what Batman had to say about the team, and what was withthe files? Was it to say, 'Good job, keep up the good work.' No that wasn't Batmans style, there was always something wrong, something to improve on. Finally Bruce broke the silence, "The team is broken Dick." That made them both go wide eyed, "Broken?!" Bruce stayed stoned faced, "Yes. The team shows too many weaknesses. Ones that can be critically exploited." Dick had a face of rejection, he knew this team, they worked well together. "Prove it." Wally said. Batman smirked as if he expected that. He plugged a USB into the main computer and brought up the files on the team. "Cyborg," Brice began, "While he does show signs of higher intelligence and superb engineering skills his psychological want to be more human, and his longing for things to return to normal, hinders his ability to function at top capacity. His robotic parts also limit his strength and speed." Robin sat up, "He proved he could go beyond the maximum against Atlas!" Bruce shook his head, "Yes but there will be a point where the parts cannot take the strain of going beyond its limits and he will fall apart." Bruce moved on to the next file, "Beast Boy, where to begin with him. His immaturity can lead him to making the wrong decisions in a tight situation. As well as his hang ups over his time with The Doom Patrol and his relationship with Terra would could cause him to become emotionally compromised at any given time." Wally and Robin had nothing to say to that, it was true. "Korriader, or as you all call her, Starfire. The emotional ties to her powers can be a hindrance if she becomes emotionally compromised as well. Her naïveté also allows her to be easily manipulated by any who can get to her soft spot. Her dedication to her people will prove difficult if she is forced to make a decision that would render them or their customs harm." Wally knew which file was next and he knew that Bats would have a field day with that. The file for Raven pulled up and they both looked at it. "Raven.... well I don't have much to say about her. She's cold, calculating, calm, and is impartial to the feelings if others around her, perfect for getting the job done. Though denial of her heritage and quick to anger mat cause her emotions to fall out of balance and become emotionally compromised. My suggestion is to restrict her to reserve duty or put her under the watch of Dr. Fate and Zatanna." That chased a bit of uproar within Wally.
She listened to Batman's rant about each and every one of them and after Star's file she almost tuned out but then he came to her file the first few things he said but then he mentioned reserve duty or sending her to Zatanna and Dr. Fate? No! He couldn't do that couldn't send her away from the team. She didn't need chaperones or prison guards she could manage on her own she had been doing it for years.

Raven was about near close to throwing Batman against the wall and showing him just how emotionally compromised she could get. He had no right to say anything about anything about the team. It seemed what he was critisizing them the most about was their emotional unbalances but how could he justify that! He didn't know what they experienced when they fought all he saw was on the outside. Star was easily manipulated she knew and Beastboy was immature but that had nothing to do with how they fought, they were all pretty single minded when it came to fighting. There were pro's and con's to everyone and every hero... and how could he talk about her temper?? Man she hated the Justice League, League heroes were all the same and she couldn't stand any of them. Especially Zatanna she was the one who had told the Justice League not to help her in the first place she couldn't be watched over by her...

She just couldn't take it anymore couldn't stand to listen. "No..." she whispered before phasing back into her room and standind up and walking downstairs again. She was silent and she sat on the floor in front of the window and looked out for a moment before taking up her meditation pose. "Azarath Metrion Zynthos....Azarath Metrion.....Zynthos" she paused to wipe a tear from her eye they couldn't send her away. Could they?
Wally bad it with Bruce. He slammed his hands on the table and stood up, "No!" Batman only gave him a raised brow. Wally continued, "You can't shed her away and we won't put her on reserve duty. We need her out in the field with us!" Batman shook his head, "Then what about the prophecy hm? It will eventually come true and she will betray you all for her father. What's your contingency for that scenario?" Dick then stood up with him, "We're not as paranoid as you Bruce! We don't need contingency plans!" Batman scowled, "Then you leave me nonfinite Dick." He brought up more profiles that none of them recognized. "I'm balancing the equation."

He brought up the first one, "Kyle Rayner, the newly named Green Lantern of sector 2814. He is returning form rookie training and Hal believes this is the best place for him to grow into the role as a lantern." The duo said nothing as Batman continued. The next file came up, "Conner Kent, AKA Superboy. A clone Lex Lunor made to oppose Superman. They fought and Superman was able to convince him to join us, so we're placing him here seeing that this would be where his powers would be fully utilized." The boys did not have time to protest as he carried on, "Diana Troy, Wonder Girl. Jaime Reyes, Blue Beetle. Megan Morse, Ms. Martian. Roy Harper, Red Arrow. These will all be new members to this team." Wally and Robin both scowled. Things were about to get tense around here.
Raven was busy trying subdue the rest of her emotions knowing an outburst caused by any rampant emotions would only prove Batman right and force Richard to send her away like his mentor had suggested. She hadn't felt this helpless since her first encounter with the Justice League when she had tried asking for their help. She had almost lost hope then Richard managed to bring her back that small bit of hope with a small smile and an offer. To do more good than the eventual destruction she would cause. "Neither should a ship rely on one small anchor, nor should life rest on a single hope." Intelligence told her and Raven nodded her head slowly her emotion was right she could really soully on Richard to defend her spot on the team especially against Batman.

She lowered herself to the ground quickly and walked to the strategy room. She pressed her hand against the scanner and the door slid open with a soft swoosh. Wally and Richard were still arguing and Batman looked slightly bored an annoyed with their outburst. Raven took a step inside as Batman pulled up several files of other supers and explained each of their abilities obviously either not caring or not noticing Raven's presence until he finished his schpeel. "If you don't mind a certain half demon is trying to meditate and all the anger in here isn’t helping much with the whole peace and quiet thing” she said in a bored monotone.
Bruce noticed Rachel step inside the room, but he chose to ignore her for the time being. "These new teammates will be arriving within the week. You are to accommodate them however you can." He then brought all the folders he had put on the screen and brought them back into the USB. He unplugged it from the computer and tossed it to Dick. "I expect you to study them Dick. I want a report within a month from their arrival." Dicks eyes went wide, "But you said I wouldn't get League interference with this team?!" Batmans face showed nothing, "This doesn't involve The League. You are to report to me only." With that Batman took his leave, but not before stepping toward Raven. "I'm watching you Ms. Roth. While my apprentice does show confidence in you, I do not share the same sentiment."

When Batman took his leave the room was silent for awhile. Wally was still dealing from the thought of having even more teammates around and Dick was fuming over how rude Bruce was being. Dick finally had it with the silence and went to his room to review the files more closely which left Wally and Raven alone.

Wally slowly walked over to Raven. "You ok?"
"Your apprentice has obviously finally surpassed you then, Mr. Wayne" Raven said to him coldy staying calm and quiet until she felt his presence was gone. Then she gave an annoyed huff "Hmph always hated bats Damn rats with wings...." she muttered. She watched with wary eyes as Richard exited the room as she tried to gauge his response to his mentors surprise visit and Not-so-subtle suggestions. She gave a soft sigh and leaned against the wall after pulling her hood down at Wally's question she closed her eyes tight as if trying to avoid seeing something. "No... I'm not... If Bruce had shown up just ten minutes earlier I'd already be half way to Zatanna and Dr. Fate by now..." she said recalling her awful loss of control. "He's right you know... eventually everyone will die... and it will all be my fault" Her eyes opened the amethyst orbs looking wet and shiny from unshed tears.

Her hand reached out to him then and she gently squeezed Wally's right hand. "Thank you though.. I know how difficult it'd had to be to stand up to of all people Batman... and for my sake too...." she gave him a small sad smile then as she let go and then looked down at the ground "Earlier... I know now you were being sincere but... you have to understand... I can't ever be with you the way you want... It just couldn't work... I'm dangerous to you... Wally I'm a damn walking liability... a ticking time bomb...No matter how much I do want it to happen I can't risk your well-being" she said in a straight voice before giving a soft sigh

((Working in some Young Justice huh? ;) ))
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