A Wrong Move Gone Right (Vash x Kei-Baby)


Mar 19, 2012

Wally West was about to prefrom a daring, possibly life threatening, move at this very moment. He krept quietly to Ravens room in Titans Tower, a folded up piece of paper placed on a small square object wrapped in brown paper. It was a CD he picked up that he thought Raven might like, he spent what seemed like hours to him, merely minutes to normal people and their perceptions, going through bands that he thought Raven would be into. Why exactly? Because he was harboring a crush on her. Sure the brooding and piercing gaze was intimidating and could scare the soul out of any man, but he had actually had a few conversations with her and she was... she was... she was wonderful. She was smart and witty, although her sense of humor could use some work, but that was besides the point. Combined with her dark skin that seemed to have no flaw and her violet hair, he was hooked. Now he was just hoping this gesture wouldn't get him flayed alive... by Ravens mind. He had finally reached Ravens door, the gateway to her room/ library of the occult. He couldn't use the door, the security system would track that and she would be able to find out who entered; and right now, he wanted to remain anonymous. So instead of the door he went to the wall next to it. He placed his hand on it and concentrated on the Speed Force. As he concentrated he began to feel every molecule in his body vibrate at an accelerated rate and next thing he knew he was inside Ravens room. The molecular phase shifting was a neat trick he had learned in a physics book combined with a tip or two from his Uncle Barry. He then slowly snuck to Ravens bed and placed the wrapped CD on her bed and placed the note on top of it. It wasn't a mooshh gushy love note or anything. It just read 'Thinkig of you' and nothing more, no name at the bottom or anything that could lead back to him. He then made a speedy exit.

He was making his way out of the Titans Tower when his accursed sense of doubt hit him like a ton of bricks. He couldn't just leave a CD for her just out of the blue! He raced back to Ravens room and made it to the door. He was about to phase shift in again when he heard footsteps and voices coming from the hall. He quickly played out various scenarios in his head in moments and decided hat the best option was to bale. He turned to the opposite end of the hallway and was out of there in a flash, the CD still in Ravens room.

He ran and he ran, out of the Titans Tower and out of Jump City. He ran to the only place he felt safe, Keystone City and his uncle Barry.

He arrived in Keystone in about 5 minutes after leaving Jump City. He ran around till he found his uncle on a roof top listening in on his police radio scanner. "Uncle Barry?" He asked timidly. Barry turned around and faced him, "What's up Wally?" Wally took a seat on the roofs edge, his feet dangling off of the building and out into the open air. "I'm having some lady troubles." Barry nodded with a sense of age old wisdom, "What's her name?" Wally then began to tell his uncle the story about his feelings for Raven, replacing her name with Rachel. At the end Barry was about to answer with some advice but hmthen his hand went to his scanner. "Come on, we've got a robbery in progress, I'll tell you some advice afterwards." Wall nodded and zoomed off with his uncle to help him out. [/align]

Raven had just returned from a brutal training session with the rest of the titans. It had been a no power session and she felt completely battered. What she wanted was a hot steaming mug of herbal tea and to curl up with a book for the rest of the night. Of course Cyborg and Beastboy were pumped typical males and their testosterone. Beastboy at the moment was begging her to ref a game of their favorite sport, Stankball. Raven was of course refusing as usual. "There is no way on earth I would ever take any part of that ridiculous game of yours!" she said

"Duude come on Raven, Starfire doesn't get it and Robin is stick in the mud!" The green changeling said.

Raven shot him her infamous death glare as she walked down the hall to her room Beastboy still trailing after her "I said no..." she said as she walked into her bedroom. She leaned against her door with a soft sigh as she lowered her hood and her amethyst eyes flickered around the her room. She walked over scanning to her bookshelf for the next thousand pages of quiet time text for the night. She pulled down one of the texts of Merlin and was about to walk out to get her tea when something caught her eye. She wouldn't have been able to say whether it was the shine of the plastic crystal cd case or the stark white sheet of paper against her dark bed sheets but nonetheless she turned heavy book in hand and walked over to her bed.

She glanced down as she set the book down on her bed and she picked up the cd and the note 'Thinking of you' it read. The faintest smile graced her lips and she raised a brow as she looked at the cd cover 4:13 Dream The Cure. She gave a tiny laugh as she wondered who could have done this. The Cure was one of her favorite bands and she actually hadn't found the time to go out and find this album yet she had most of their earlier albums but not this one.

She picked up the cd and her book and made her way into the Common room and setting her book and new cd down on the sofa she moved to check the data base to see maybe who had entered her room.... But nothing? No one had entered her room through her door... Who could have left this? She stared at the cd perplexed

After Barry and Wally dumped the crooks at the front of the police station they went back to Barrys apartment where Aunt Iris was waiting for Barry and was surprised to see Wally. "Why hello Wally, nice of you to drop in." Wally hesitantly waved hello to her, "Hi Aunt Iris," Barry patted Wally on the shoulder, "Wally here has come for some girl advice." Iris giggled and left the two alone. Barry quickly changed out of his Flash costume and into his civilian clothes. "Ok Wally, now for the advice I promised you." Wally payed close attention now. "You see Wally it seems to me that you really like this girl and that this isn't just another one of your flings I hear from some of your friends mentors." Wally shamefully hung his head at that truth. "Now with these facts I can confidently say... Take it nice and easy." Wall's mouth then hung loose, "Thats it?!" He asked in disbelief. "Thats it," He said in response, "Look Wally what your feeling for this girl doesn't take smooth talk or good lines. Just a little gesture here and there as well as a compliment or two and you'll be just fine. As long as you don't royaly piss her off you'll eventually get her." Wally wasn't sure whether or not to believe this would work, but he decided that it would be best to trust Barry on this.

Wally turned to leave. "Thanks uncle Barry!" He then zoomed off back to Jump City. When he arrived he quickly turned his way towards Titans Tower. He zoomed right through security and ran back to where he was not a half an hour ago, outside of Ravens door. He was about to knock when he heard Beast Boy and Cyborg come around the corner with a hulk of rancid socks and t-shirts. The pair saw the young speedster and thought they had the drop on him. Cyborg carefully took aim and flung the disgusting ball at KF. Wally's reaction was instantaneous and he side stepped it watching as the ball clearly missed and rolled its way down the hall. BeastBoy hung his head low in defeat, "Aw! No fair!" Wally only smiled and quickly left the hall before the two could ask why he was outside of Ravens door.

He went to the largest area in the tower, the living room/ kitchen area. He grabbed a drink from the fridge and quickly zoomed onto the couch, landing as light as a feather. He opened the drink and began to chug down the liquid until her turned his eyes to the left and saw the object of his affection sitting beside him. Rather than freaking out he compartmentalized the fact that she was there, with the CD he bought her no doubt. He slowed his chugs to small gulps before pulling the container away from his mouth. "What's up Raven?" He asked casually in hopes of striking up a conversation.
Raven had double and triple checked the security cams along with exit and enter times to her room but nothing and no one showed up. She sighed as she sat back down on the sofa simply looking back and forth between the cd and the note. She had leaned back against the cushions considering starting on her book when Wally sped in plopping down beside her with a whoosh. He seemed not to noticed her for a few moments and she rolled her eyes a touch. "Do you ever knock?" she asked as an answer with a tiny laugh obviously in a very good mood at the moment she hardly ever laughed even when she insulted Beastboy.

She stood then making her way over to the sink as she turned on the steaming hot water and grabbed her tea jar adding a few scoops of her favorite blend. She walked back over mug in hand as she sat back down on the couch in her spot beside Wally. "No actually I'm trying to figure out who was in my room today" she said setting her heavy spellbook in her lap and opening it to a random page. "I'm not upset or anything... curious really, because they left me something" she said not looking up as she sipped at her tea and started reading the old latin text.
Wally gave Raven a toothy grin when she asked if he ever knocked, "Well seeing as this is a couch and not a door it would be pointless to try and knock. Besides, knocking is for suckers, it gives away their positions too easily." He was actually surprised to hear a slight bit of laughter come from Ms. Doom-and-gloom, she must really be in a good mood today. Come to think of it this was the loudest he had ever heard her laugh. Even if she ever decided to laugh it was limited to a low chuckle that you had to pay close attention to hear it. After this shocking development she stood up and and made some tea for herself. When she sat back down she revealed to him about her curiosity as to who had entered her room. "Some one entered your room?" He asked attempting to play the ingnorant fool rather than the all knowing speedster. "Without leaving a trace?" He gave himself a mental pat on the back, 'Sweet!' He thought, 'A perfect getaway, now no one knows!' He sat back into the cushions and relaxed now.

He finished off the last of his drink and zoomed over to the trash can to throw it away. He left behind a bit of an after image of him still sitting so when he got back he sat in the exact same position so it looked like he never left the couch. Hoping to pick up more of the conversation he looked at the pages she was reading. His brain then began to process what was on it. Latin, ancient form, broken up into small phrases that translated into what Wally assumed to be magical incantations that Raven used. "Ah some magic eh? I'm more of a Science and Philosophy guy. Cogito ergo sum you know?" He was quoting Descarte to be precise, since she was reading in Latin she should be able to translate what he said so there was no need to do it for her.
A teeny tiny smirk played on her lips at his joke and she rolled her eyes at him "Good point I suppose" she said and then she frowned "Yeah some one got into my room, but it's weird they didn't take anything they actually left me a gift..." she held up the cd with one hand "And it's one that I needed to complete my collection for The Cure... it almost like I've got myself an admirer." she said and then she shook her head "But that doesn't even make any sense I mean really even when we get fan mail all I ever get is sob stories from sad little goth girls or freaky letters from potential pedophiles" she murmured with a shrug "I can't imagine why someone would actually take an interest in me" she frowned then but never lifted her eyes from the book and she simply turned the old pages

"De gustibus non est disputandum" she said looking over at him now with a true tiny smile "In matters of taste there is no argument" she looked down at her book then and pointed to a phrase "It's not just magic Wally it's energy and these spells manipulate it... this one here was used to track demons by their aura's mainly used by exorcists" she said "And this one was written by Merlin himself it teaches you how to emulate yourself upon different people and objects" she murmured her mouth wording the ancient latin as she read over the incantation again
Wally remained near Raven as she went into serials about his perfect heist. No security went off, no one saw, and the gift with the note remained anonymous. As she talked about what happened it kept feeding his ego, and he even got the band right! 'Yes! Thank you deductive reasoning!!!' Score one for science and logic. He contained his emotions. It was hard to when he felt so damn good about escaping her room undetected, but it was even harder to contorl his impulse of emotion when she talked about the letters she got from, less than admirable people. Wow, that just sucked. After hearing that he just wanted to tell her that it was his gift and all of his feelings, but that was against the advice that Barry had given him. He had to play it cool.

Wally chilled on the couch. He wasn't surprised that Raven returned his statement with another well known Latin phrase. She was right, they could sit here all day debating whether or not Science disproved magic or that magic was the binding force of the universe, yada yada. It was all just a matter of taste. His eyes continued to wander over the pages of Ravens book as she picked out a few passages to tell him about. Wally was slightly uninterested in what each spell did, his mind was devoted to science, logic, deductive reasoning, stuff about this world and how it worked and not how a spell was weaved. He was about to return a statement but Robin stormed in to the room.

The Boy Wonder pressed a button the remote and turned the large screen TV on to two familiar files. He pressed another button and spoke on the intercom, "Titans, everyone hear... Now!" When they all gathered he enlarged the file photos to where they could all see and detail. "We just received a tip that Gorilla Grod and Captain Cold are about to rob the Jump City 1st National Bank." Wally was all too familiar with these two crooks. Grod caused a whole mess of trouble for the JLA, JSA, and even The Outsiders. Captain Cold was a frequent of Barry's Rogue Gallery. "Alright!" Wally said, "Let's do this!" He then zoomed ahead to try and beat them there.
Raven frowned slightly when Robin stormed into the common room "Great just what I need" she muttered to herself. She was not thrilled to be going out and fighting crime. It was a necessity she knew but she would have like to have been able to just relax for the rest of the night. When he called the rest of the team over the com system she frowned and opened a portal and threw her book through it, it'd be on her bed waiting for her later. She looked up at the TV watching as Roin flipped through the virtual files. "Why are they always robbing banks? Couldn't they just steal whatever it was they wanted to buy?" she muttered to herself as she pulled her hood. She watched with curious eyes as Wally zoomed away before Robin gave the usual command "Titans Go!" and she gave a sigh as she flew out the window with Starfire to the bank. "We shall see you at the building of green colored paper my friends!" the red headed tameranian called and Raven just huffed and yanked on her arm pulling her away "Come on..." she muttered as they flew off

They flew over skyscrapers to the center of the city where the bank lay seemingly peaceful that was until the front door were sent flying by Gorilla Grodd. Raven quickly glanced around to spot the other titans Starfire was already down on the ground next to Robin who was pulling off his helmet as Beast boy and Cyborg got out of the T-car. Raven lowered herself to the ground slowly and set her gaze for Wally curios as to where the speedster was odds as they were that he was already on the scene some where
Wally was already way ahead of the group and arrived at the bank to find the civillians and staff still frozen, "You know I really do wonder where he gets all of those freeze pistols. I can't even count the number of ones we took away and destroyed!" He followed the trail of ice and found the duo still in the vault gathering up duffle bags of money. "Really guys? I mean I understand Cold doing this sort of thing, but you Grodd? I always thought you just built your monkey junk to rule the world, not get money to buy it." The two scowld at him. "Ah Kid Flash," Grodd retorted, "I was expecting well.... more." Wally smirked, it was a good comeback, that's what he expected from a super smart gorilla. Cold wasn't willing to engage in witty banter, "Oh can we just freeze him already!" He aimed the pistol and shot at him. He dodged the shot and sped out to draw them into the open. They followed and he drew them out into the public, Grodd bursted out the door before he could catch him.

When he made it outside he vaulted over Grodd and landed just right. When he turned around he saw the other Titans started to arrive to help. "About time you guys showed up!" Cold finally made it out and started shooting. He waited for Robin to shout orders and when he didn't get any he took it as free range. He sped at Grodd and kept for a roundhouse kick to begin the engagement.
Raven gave a soft sigh and nodded at Robin who called out "Titans take 'em down!" Raven immeadiatly cast her spell encasing the broken doors in her aura before sending them flying at Captain Cold. The man freezed them in mid air as they came at him and Ravenn gave a tiny growl before encassing his freeze pistol in her black aura and making it burst into thousands on tiny particles. "Freeze that" she said with a tiny smirk before she took a street light and wrapped in around his chest like it was rope. Raven really wasn't in the mood to deal with any villains today lest the spoil her mood. She frowned then as the man managed to wiggle out of the steel hold.

Raven smirked as the other titans charged at him and she flew over to where Kid Flash was trying to single handedly take down Grodd "Need a hand?" she asked before she sent a steel railing flying at the Gorilla that struck him in the chest. Grodd was up again in moment and charged after Raven. She blocked a few hit's with aura shields but and he smashed downward with two hands the sheer force of the blow threw Raven back a few feet. She groaned as her shoulder smacked the ground and she scuttled back avoiding Grodd
The kick Wally flung at Grodd only amused him. He snatched the boy out of the air and flung him away. "Seriously boy, do you expect me to really go down that easy?" That rhetorical question was easily answered when a street light caught him off guard and sat him down. Wally got up, happy to see Raven lending a hand, "Thanks." He quickly returned to speeding around, confusing Grodd and taunting him before speeding off to another spot to repeat the process. With Grodds eyes tracing the annoying child to try and calculate the next spot he would be he forgot about the magic child. Annoyed by her useless efforts he charged at her with the force of twenty men and began to attack her relentlessly. She was able to block some of his blows but eventually her defenses broke and he was able to knock her to the ground where she scuttled away in fear. "Come here child, it's time you learned your lesson about annoying the wrong man!"

Wally saw what happened and got an idea. While Grodd was focusing on Raven he snuck up behind him and leapt on to his back while his hands covered his eyes. "See no evil!" He shouted while Grodd flailed around aimlessly to try and rip the young speedster from his back. Wally vaulted over to the front of him and thunder clapped his ears shouting, "Hear no evil!" He then dropped to the ground and watched for a moment while Grodd wabbled in disorientation. He leapt up and delivered his best right hook to Grodds mouth, "Speak no evil!" Grodd still didn't go down so Wally delivered one more blow, a super fast uppercut to his chin while he shouted, "Shoryuken!!" With that Grodd fell to the floor with a large thud.

Seeing that the fight was finished he walked over to Raven and held a hand out to her, "Need a hand?"
Raven watched as Wally jumped onto Grodd's back and covered his eyes the gorilla flailed around trying to rip Kid Flash off his back and Raven nearly laughed at the sight. Her eyes were wide as he took down Grodd and she gave him a small smile when he offered her a hand up. She took it and stood before giving a soft sigh and waving one hand encased in her aura and Grod was wrapped in a layer of asphalt that would hopefully hold him till the special police could come get him and put him in a level 6 holding cell. The rest of the titans had manged to take out the gunless Captain cold Robin was attaching him to a street light now with some of his steel line.

She winced a bit as she moved her shoulder that had caught her fall and she rubbed her hand over it trying to heal it. She rolled her shoulder again after a moment and winced thought less than before. It still hurt but she would live probably the rest would heal after she went to sleep tonight. "Are you okay?" she asked looked Wally up and down then glancing at the rest of her team it seemed they were all uninjured so she wouldn't have to heal any of them. Wally had pretty much taken Grodd down himself so maybe he had some injury he wasn't showing?

(((AAAHHHH Shoryuuken!! I <3 you right now!!)))
As Wally pulled her up he felt jolts of pain shoot up the arm he used to punch, 'Damn,' He thought, 'I guess punching 775 pounds of solid muscle isn't the best thing for my arm.' He helped her up the rest of the way, ignoring the pain in his arm and feeling relief when she could stand on her own. He wanted to rub his arm to try and massage the pain away, but wouldn't want to worry everybody so he tried to ignore it again. He would have to find a bottle of asprin later and take a few to try and edge this pain away. Forgetting the pain for a moment he looked at Raven to look and see if Grodd had hurt her somehow. He saw her look at him and he took this chance to get a better look at her. Her cowl covered most of her face but in turn gave the shadow of a Raven on her. The only thing standing out would be her eyes, the purple in them standing out against the black shadow the cowl gave. He didn't know if he was by he felt like he was starting to get dreamy eyed. He quickly shook himself to bring back reality. "Y-yeah I'm fine." He then quickly left to go check on the others.

Once the police came and claimed the two villains, Wally left for the tower, he still had to moved his stuff in. He did that and he then quickly changed into his civilian attire thinking that the day was done.
Raven frowned slightly when he stuttered he was lying and she knew it but her raced off before she even could take a step towards him. She checked on the other titans felt around on the thrum of a mental link she still had left with Robin checking him and the rest of the team for injuries. Robin had explained the situation to the special police and soon they were leaving. Cyborg and Beastboy got back into the T-Car quickly as Robin hopped onto his motorcycle. She shook her head a bit when she realized Wally had raced off ahead...again. She sighed slightly when the boys challenged each other to a race home and Starfire was giggling before she flew off and Raven followed behind them quietly.

They were at the tower in less than fifteen minutes and Raven frowned when Beastboy taunted her for loosing. "Can I have lost if I wasn't racing?" she asked as she pulled her hood down and walked inside without another word leaving Beastboy standing there ackwardly. She went into the common room quietly. She gave a sigh of relief as she poured herself a new mug of tea and inhaled the light aroma. She sat on the long curing black sofa then her legs under her in a lotus position. Not that she was preparing to meditate.
Wally was just finishing setting up the last of his stuff when he heard the others come in, "Hmm I was off a minute or two." He gave a small chuckle to himself and then unpacked the box. He quickly straightened everything up and then left his room. Instead of running around like a maniac he decided to take a nice walk through the tower, although it was hard since he had been running on full speed for awhile now and it felt strange to just... walk. He arrived in the common room to find it quiet. He was expecting the group to celebrate the incarceration of an A class villain, Grodd, Captain Cold rolled at the bottom of the barrel at around C level. He saw Robin sitting in the kitchen nursing a cold drink while he hears Beast Boy and Cyborg arguing in the garage. Something about how Garth needed a moped and Cybrog refused to build it. Starfire? Well he didn't know where she was, considering her ecstatic behavior on earth items she was probably off admiring some miscellaneous item in the tower. He turned to see raven sitting Indian style on the couch.

He smiled and he went over and sat on the back of the couch next to her. He lure down so that he looked like a blanket draped across the couch, his torso on Ravens side and his legs dangling off the back. "So... What's up?"
Raven rolled her eyes at the question before throwing a sideways glance in his direction "Your legs..." she said finally before looking back down at her mug of tea watching the steam swirl out of it for a moment before she set it down and lunged at Wally her hands pinning his shoulders down. "Now are you going to sit still and let me heal your arm or do I have to strap you down to a med table?" she had dealt with Robin enough times to know if a man didn't say anything about an injury he probably never was and would avoid the subject if you talked about it.

She frowned at him slightly as she brushed her hair back behind her ear and moved her hands over his arms hovering just an inch above it. "Why are boys always so secretive about their injuries? It's like you think it's a bad thing" she said rolling her eyes a touch as she encased his arm in what looked to be a blue aura "That's one point for magic Wally" she said with a tiny smirk as she got off him and released his arm from her aura "Now isn't that better than some asprin?" she asked
Wally wanted to laugh at Ravens observation thinking that it was supposed to be a joke, but when does Raven ever make jokes? So it just brought a frown to his face, "Really? You're gonna pull that card on me? Buzz kill." He let his legs come over and he rolled onto the couch and faced upright. When she asked about his arm he tried to pass it off as nothing, "My arm? What are you- Ow ow ow!!" He shouted as he had put weight on it leaning over to be closer to her. He accepted defeat, now that it was obvious it was injured. She placed her hands over his arm and did some hocus poccus and shazam! his arm was fixed. He had to give it to her, score one for magic.

The arm she fixed had a bit of a tingle to it and it gave way and he fell over on her, his head falling into her chest. He quickly got back up, flustered. "I-I-I'm sorry about that." With that he took his leave, at super speed. He ran to his room and shut the door behind him.

((Hey, check it out I found this sweet pic of Raven while browsing around the Internet.))
Raven smirked when he stopped squirming and looked as if the tension had been relieved. She smiled at him then just before she watched his arm cave out from underneath him and his fast crashed into her breast. She blushed as he stuttered and opened her mouth to say something but he was gone before she could even respond to his apology. At this point she pulled her hood up again as she always did when she was even remotely embarrased but she was way passed remotely at this point. She tossed her mug into the sink lightly as she flew up to the bedroom hall of the tower. She pused in front of Wally's room thinking to say something to him but she lost her nere and continued into her own room.

She sighed as her door slid open and she stepped inside letting the door slide shut behind her. She didn't even lock it this time honestly none of the other titans ever came in without her permission first especially after the mirror incident with Cyborg and Beastboy. She walked over to her stereo and pressed the switch before slipping her new cd into the slot. Cranking up the volume before she moved and sat down on her bed humming along to the alternative punk rock the music loud enough for anyone down the hall to feel the bass reverberating through their chest but that's what Raven like. Music was her way to feel without random things exploding around her because she lost control of her owers music at least let her experience some emotion

((Sweetness that is one sexy Raven!!))
When Wally entered in his room he immediately grabbed the nearest thing to him and flung it against the wall. "Way to go Wally! Now she's probably going to come up here and filet you alive!!! God stupid arm!! Stupid emotions! Arghh!!!!!" He didn't know why he felt so furious right now. Was it just tension from holding back his secret, or residual stress from fighting villains when he was trying to talk to Raven, maybe it was just his anger at the stupidity of falling face first into her breasts? "Of all places!" He continued to himself, "Why did it have to be her breasts!! Man she'll probably be coming for my head... or worse." That thought made him gulp and shiver in fear of losing his 'pride'. Too many factors to figure out which one was the catalyst to this sudden outburst of anger. He sat down on his bed, hands over his head, waiting for his door to fly open and an angry magical being floating at the door, eyes red with anger, ready to kill him for his stupid move.

It was only the inevitable. Raven was known for keeping strict boundaries, he heard that one time Cyborg and Beast Boy snuck into her room when she explicitly told them not to. The pair ended up getting sucked into a mirror that was a doorway to Ravens psyche and they almost got torn to shrewds, bot to mention how mad Raven was when they got out. He could only imagine this being worse and that she would probably do horrible things to.

He waited... and waited.... and waited, counting each precious minute as it passed, but Raven did not come. He wondered what was taking her so long? He waited more until he heard music blaring through the whole hall, so that's where she was. Wally mulled over some possibilities and finally settled on one. He assumed Raven was wondering why he had ran off so quickly and why he was so flustered when the incident happened. So he probably needed to tell her the truth about everything and come clean so that she would understand why he acted the way he did.

Wally got up from his bed and walked out into the hallway, still in his civilian attire. He walked his way down the hall, feeling himself vibrate everytime a bass note was played. He stopped where the music was coming from and knocked loudly saying, "Raven? C-can I talk to you for a minute or two?" This was it.
Raven had changed after a little while into clothes Starfire and her had bought during one of the few times she went with the alien girl to the 'mall of shopping'. A black top that clung snugly to her torso accentuating her bust with the rhinstones covered words 'Bite Me' and a pair of dark washed skinny jeans. She was laying across her bed reading a book when she heard a knock just barely over the music pounding through the room. She sighed and stood when she heard Wally's slightly nervous voice asking if he could talk. "Good Azar, am I really that scary?" she asked herself a bit annoying everyone was always so freaked out around her.

Even her team stil was wary around her Beastboy always got very quiet whenever he knew she was upset and Cyborg was always jumpy and nervous when ever she had to have him help her with a cut or broken bone she couldn't mend herself. Even Robin got slightly more wary off her when she was having an off day and seemed to be meditating more than usual Starfire was about the only one who still bugged her no matter what, Starfire didn't really count though Raven still wasn't sure whether the Tameranian even knew how to respond to anger

She stood hooping off her bed and moved across her room her bare feet padding lightly against the lush purple carpet as she turned the music down and walked over to her door. Her door slid open as she pressed her hand against the hand scanner. "Yeah? Come on in I guess" she said she had gotten a bit better about trusting people in her room more but was still a touch nervous about anyone in there. She sat on her bed and patted the space next to her motioning for him to sit so he wouldn't just be ackawardly standing there. She spoke first though "If this is about earlier trust me it's ok accidents happen I know you didn't really mean to try to make out with my sternum" she said with a tiny laugh obviously her mood hadn't been ruined and if anything the music had help her let out a few more emotions than usual.
Wally was tense and nervous when he heard the music turn down and then her feat pad across the floor. He tried to think of what he was going to say, but when she opened the door and he saw her in that black shirt in those jeans words left him. He had never seen her in plain other before, he thought she didn't have any and just stuck to the leotard and cape. He gulped as she let him inside the room and he took a look around as if this was his first time in there. In reality it wasn't since he was here not hours ago. He followed her on to the bed and he sat down in the spot she patted for him. When he did words began to return to him and he was about to speak but Raven decided to take the initiative on that one. He was glad she understood that it was an accident but she didn't know the whole story, not yet at least. And that's where Wally picked up. "Yeah it was an accident, but I want to apologize for the way I reacted to it. It must have sort of freaked you out a little, right?" He stopped for a moment to try and figure out where to go form there. He took another look at her hoping tontine the right words to say.

She looked good, scratch that, beautiful in the clothes she was wearing. Though the 'Bite Me' bedazzled across the t-shirt was a bit off putting if not down tint intimidating. The shirt ing tightly to her as if it was like leotard. The same went for the jeans as well, they accenuated the curve of her hips and everything in-between. Seeing how good she looked he found a second wind and started talking again. "The reason why I reacted that way was because I was nervous, and I mean REALLY nervous. That being because it was me who left you the CD earlier today." He took another pause for her to gather her thoughts on that. "To continue I left that gift because...because... because I like you... a lot." It felt like a great weight was lifted from his chest and he found it easier to continue. "I like you a lot because your smart, witty when you want to be, you have great insight on things, your clam and cool no matter the situation, and most of all because you have to be the most beautiful woman I've met in my young life." He wanted to reach out and cup her cheek or touch her arm, but he resisted since he bad practically dropped a bomb on her and he had yet to see her reaction. So he waited patiently for her thoughts and reactions to what he had now revealed to her.
Raven nodded her head a bit when he explained a bit more though she froze when he said he was the one who left her the cd. She sat there quietly for a few minutes unmoving until Wally looked like he was ready to explode or something she let out a sigh. "Okay.... Number one while I do love the cd and think it really nice that you got it for me you shouldn't have came into my room, I wouldn't have killed you or anything had you given it to me in person Wally... Number two I'm really flattered by all this but also kinda confused...And Number three The whole most beautiful blah blah blah things aint gonna fly with me because I'm sure you said that to Jinx and Artemis and ever other girl you've ever flirted with or dated.... I appreaciate the compliments but I really don't like being handled or lied too" she said

It wasn't really his fault, driven by her own insecurities coupled with the betrayal of Malchior All of this seemed way to good to be true. Nobody was supposed to like sad little Raven especially a player like Wally. The guys were supposed to go after Starfire or Supergirl not her... She was the quiet one the one who sat in the background while she watched everyone else fall in and out of love having a good time. Besides she couldn't reciprocate his feelings at least not comepletely it'd be dangerous for everyone if she let her emotions get out of control over some boy, she couldn't take having her heart shattered into a million pieces again. She had managed to keep them in check when she felt so betrayed over Malchior locking Rage and Jealousy into the back corner of Nevermore but she nearly hadn't been able to do it that time and she wasn't sure she could do it again if he ended up huting her
Wally was shocked to hear at what Raven had to say. He would at least of thought that she would perceived the gesture as romantic rather than now as she seems to perceive as just a bother or a hassle. Then she had the gall to go and say he was trying to handle and lie to her. Lie?! Sure Wally may not always have a serious attitude and can be aloof at times, but he was not a lier! He didn't understand why she was cutting him down like this. From what she told him before she should appreciate and be flattered by someone deciding to show affection for her. It seemed as if Wally didn't know her enough to figure out why she was doing this. She then basically called him a two-timing player that repeats lines over and over to different girls, it made him grit his teeth. Sure he had been flirty before but this was the genuine article! He was putting everything on the line here and she was just treating it like he was playing some sort of game. Not wanting to take this anymore he stood up from the bed. "Is that what you think this is Raven, some sort of game that I'm playing?! Then fine I guess the games on then!" He walked to the wall next to the door, sure it would be practical to use he door but then he couldn't show her how he got in with the CD. He placed his hand on the wall and vibrated his molecules, "Score one for science!" And then he phased through the wall.

He went to his room and grabbed his costume, it was the only thing that did burn up under large amounts of friction while he's running. He went down to the training room for one thing, anger release. He set up the drones and went ahead and began to pound them until they were nothing.
Raven sighed as he left and she walked over to her desk and slid out a drawer, her mirror inside. Lifting it up and looking at her reflection for a moment she entered Nevermore.

Happy was giggling as usual "He's so sweet and cute to I just love that red hair!" The pink cloaked girl said before zooming off pretending she was as airplane. Brave seemed concerned "Why didn't you at least give him a chance he seemed sincere" Timid looked depressed "But the last time a boy told us we were pretty he tried to eat us" Rude rolled her eyes "Seriously dude? I think it's freaking sweet he bought us a cd I mean come on?!" The orange cloaked her said before belching. Intelligent pushed up her glasses further up on her nose "I caculate that there is only a thirty eight point six percent chance he was being unhonest and were better off without him"Lust gave a sly smiled "Who cares? Did you see how hot he looked?"Jealousy frowned then "But he's always flirting, and I say that he's up to no good"

Raven looked over at Rage who hadn't spoke yet "What don't you have anything to say?" she asked

Rage opened it's blood red glowing eyes "DESTROY THEM ALLLLL!!!"

Then all of her emotion started talking at one "I caculate..." "But it was" "Lalalala" "And he was " "Noo wayyy eww" "I can't believe you would..." "We should all"

Raven covered hers ears "No, No, NO, NOO" she cried as she flew out of the mirror yelling "JUST BE QUIET!" she cried now back in her room kneeling on the floor her hands over her ears and things flew about her room exploding on their own accord and making little Kamikaze runs into the walls as her unleashed emotions released the cap on her powers
Wally was on his second set of drones, the first being pummeled by his flurry of speed punches. He was in the middle or pummeling them when Dick came in. Dick was surprised to see Wally this furious before. When Wally was done with the drones, now reduced to smoldering ashes, he was panting angrily, this doing nothing to help his anger. Dick strolled on over and put a hand on Wally's shoulder, "Come on Wally I think that's enough for one day." Wally wanted to lash out against his friends touch but he knew it would be pointless. He slumped his shoulders and took a deep breath, "Yeah... I guess your right." He removed the goggles off of his head and did the same of his hooded mask. He walked over to the panel and clocked the right combination of buttons to call for the mess to be cleaned up. When he did that a heard the bounce of a ball and looked at Dick to see that he was bouncing a basketball, "Come on, best two out of three in some HORSE." Wally couldn't help but smile, Dick always knew how to cheer him up. He followed Dick to the elevator and they both rode it up to the top of the tower.

On the way up Dick felt like he needed to ask, "So... You gonna tell me what's eating you?" Wally didn't want to tell him. "Come on Wally I'm the worlds second best detective in the world. If your not going to tell me I will figure it out." Wally still held fast and denied him the information.

When the elevator next dinger they were on the roof and began their games of horse. As they continued to play Wally felt himself unwind as they played.
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