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My Student's A Cat! [Chris Khaos]

Feb 8, 2009
Naruto ran into the village they were taking refuge in that night, a large lump on his stomach. "Oh shit oh shit this is not good," he mumbled under his breath as he went in search of his sensei and Sakura.

That lump on his stomach? It was a little black kitten that he had stuffed under his shirt a few minutes before reaching the village. He struggled a bit as the lump started moving, and moved his arms under it to pull it up some and readjust the feline under his tattered jacket.


Why was it dark? Sasuke blinked open coal black eyes to see virtually nothing. He could see a little bit, a flash of orange, and was that skin he was against? What the hell! The boy squirmed a bit against his captive, his ears picking up the sound of Naruto's voice and foot steps. He hissed deeply under his cloth prison and sunk his claws into the dobe's skin, causing the blonde to flinch.
Kakashi-Sensei had been staying inside of the building they were using as a home for the mission they were on. Going to smaller villages and having to break up their wars was such a tiring job and sitting back reading his adult stories was the only way to get comfortable in the village. It was nice having the place to himself while Sasuke, Naruto, and Sakura all had went out to finish doing a few things around the village.

He had been reading for merely 10 minutes before he heard Naruto just outside the building. He only heard him because heard the ninja give a yell of pain. He didn't know where it came from, but when he looked out the window next him at Naruto all he could tell was that something was in his jacket.

"Naruto, come inside." He yelled down to his student. Now all he had to do was wait for Sasuke and Sakura.
Naruto let out a deep sigh of relief when he heard his sensei's voice, and quickly got into the building, pushing through the door and rushing up stairs. "Kakashi sensei..." he started as he entered the man's room, still holding the lump in his stomach with one hand.

"Uh... it's Sasuke, he um." The blonde, orange clad ninja fidgited a bit, bitting his lower lip and glancing to each side to make sure Sakura wasn't there. She would murder him he was sure.

"Um... Sasuke... YEOW!"

Sasuke was getting tired of waiting for Naruto to just blurt out the situation, and bit down hard on his stomach, making the blonde yelp loudly and let him go.

The fuzz ball dropped to the floor with a 'thump' and hissed angrilly, getting up onto his four paws and darting a few feet away from the idiot that had gotten him into this situation.

"It's uh... Sasuke," Naruto stated, pointing to the fluffed up, angry kitten.
Kakashi sort of stared at the ball of fur that was now Sasuke. He kind of thought it was funny that Sasuke had been turned into a cat. It did seem to fit his personality though.

"Well I must say I think that suits him quiet well." Kakashi remarked on Sasuke's new body.

Before anything else was said, Sakura came running into the building. She seemed to be in a slight panic. "Where's Sasuke, I saw Naruto come in here alone so I looked for him and then I didn't found him and I don't think he got back here before Naruto so I am worried about him." she blurted out, before seeing the cat that was actually Sasuke. "Where'd the kitty come from?" she asked.
Sasuke let out an angry growl from low in his throat at Kakashi's comment about his new form. Pointed black ears pinned down tightly to his skull and his fur puffed out further. And just as he was about to try and bite Kakashi's shin, Sakura came bursting in, worried about him.

Naruto laughed nervously at the girl of his dreams. "Um... the kitty is Sasuke Sakura-chan," he stated, scratching the back of his head. "He kinda pushed me outta the way of a trap and got caught in it himself... We've been trying to change him back but nothing's worked." The blonde scooted away from the pink haired girl, hopeing she wouldn't punch him through a wall or something.
Kakashi looked at the three young genin before him. "For now I think its best that someone take Sasuke with them back home. We are not far outside of Konoha, and we seem to be done so we are heading back." he put his book away and got up and walked to the door of the building waiting on the Genin.

Sakura was in shock, looking at Sasuke. He was a cat, it was crazy and she couldn't grasp it. She reacted to Naruto's statement though. She stepped over to him and slammed her right fist down on the back of his head. "Why'd you let him do that! Look at him!" She yelled. "I will take him home." She said, reaching down to pick Sasuke up and head to Konoha.
'I can live on my own!' the Uchiha tried to say, appaled at the implication he couldn't take care of himself. Then again he could barely walk at this point, not quite able to get the whole motion on all fours thing down yet. Unfortunatly, all that came from his open maw were kitteny mews and meows.

Sasuke backed up when Sakura got nearer to him, and hissed at her. The hell he would go back with her. He'd seen how girls treat their cats, all covered in bows and hats and god knows what else. When she reached for him, the feline lunged at the girl and sunk his sharp little teeth deep into her palm.

Naruto, still holding his head with tears in his eyes, saw this and grew quite unhappy. "Teme! What the hell are you doing don't bite her!"
Kakashi shook his head softly. He walked over to Sasuke and picked up his tiny cat body, putting Sasuke on his right shoulder. He looked over at Naruto and Sakura. "I guess he'll just go with me til we can reverse its effects." he said, and then began to leave.

Sakura looked at Naruto. "This is your fault loser." Before walking out behind Kakashi.

It took Kakashi only a short about of time to travel from the small village to Konohagakure. Once he reached the village, he dismissed Naruto and Sakura and went home with Sasuke on his shoulder. Once he got to his apartment, he stepped inside and put Sasuke down on his bed. "I wonder how we are suppose to reverse this."
Sasuke struggled for a moment as he was lifted up, and swiped his claws instinctively out at Kakashi, until he realised what was going on. He was placed on Kakashi's shoulder and his claws dug into the vest to keep himself from falling off. Why did it have to feel like he was so damn high!

Dark eyes closed tightly and he drew closer to the man's neck to comfort his sudden fear of moving hights he couldn't climb down from.

Naruto held his head in defeat and followed slowly out of the building. Only to try and ask Sakura for a date when they got to the village.

Sasuke let himself be lifted off Kakashi's shoulder and placed on the bed. "Merow," he responded, tail flicking irritably and scratched at his side with a hind leg and sending up little bits of dirt as he did so.
Kakashi moved over to the bed and got down on his hands and knees so that his head was on the level of the bed lined up with Sasuke. He was trying to figure out how to make Sasuke turn back into a human. He was just clueless though as to how the trap worked to make Sasuke a cat.

He lifted Sasuke up and put him on his back trying to examine his entire body hoping to figure out something to make Sasuke turn back, yet he was uneasy about it at the moment, because of the position he was in. If Sasuke turned back to human then Kakashi figured that his face would be dangerous close to Sasuke's private parts. At first thought he was horrified, yet he continued to search not too worried if he was face to face with Sasuke's crotch, it wouldn't be that big of a deal, just move back.
"Meow!" the cat called as he was turned over onto his back, and his legs curled awkwardly in the possition. Front paws folded over his chest, back legs spread strangely. Sasuke waited anxiously for the man to be done with his little search, and after a moment, he swiped at Kakashi's face with his front paws, claws extended.

Sasuke howled in a catty way and started squirming to not only get out of Kakashi's hold but to jump off the bed and dart to a different room.
"Hey now, don't struggle." Kakashi said, still examining Sasuke from head to toe. He knew that there had to be something that triggered the change, and would reverse the change. Then he noticed something shiny down in Sasuke's private area. At least Sasuke was a cat, this made it easier to not feel like he was molesting Sasuke. He reached down and poked around the crotch area.

Still in a bad position he knocked something off Sasuke's crotch and caused Sasuke's body to glow, for a second he was sure Sasuke was turning human, only time would tell though, this time would be worse cause his hand was still poking around the crotch area.
Sasuke felt himself heat up under his fur, and let out and indignified sound when Kakashi continued to poke and prod at him. He started hissing again, fur fluffing when the man's hand got lower. 'What the hell are you doing!' the cat tried to cry, feeling something get knocked off of him, and continued to squirm harder.

A bright light surrounded him, and he too thought he might be turning back into a human. It took a moment, but soon, under Kakashi was a human Sasuke. A nude, human Sasuke. His legs were still spread wide and his hands on his chest, and he was looking up at Kakashi with wide eyes.

Something twitched on the boy's head, and a long, fluffy tail was laying limp between his leg. He glanced down at the hand still by his groin and swallowed thickly. What the hell was he supposed to be doing in this possition.
Kakashi was stunned for a moment. It happened, Sasuke was back to normal, minus a few new additions. It was the additions that made him be even more shocked than he was over everything else. Sasuke had a tail and two cat ears. It was already a crazy night and this simply added more confusion into the mix. Why would something like that stick with him when he reverted back to human.

It didn't matter at the moment. What mattered was how close he was to Sasuke's crotch. his hand was just barely leaning against Sasuke's penis, while his face was so close he could actually catch the tantalizing scent of Sasuke's privates. He was getting turned on but didn't know what to do. He didn't move, but he did have to explain things to Sasuke.

"So, I heard you saved Naruto from a trap to become a cat. I was looking for the trap device, and well they happened to put it with your ahrem, manhood. I had to look hard for it but it all worked out now that you are back." He tried to play things off safe, ignoring the growing bludge in his pants."
Perhaps it was just time tat the extra add ons needed until they left his body ack to normal. A soft whimper built up in Sasuke's throat and he tried to hold it back, but feeling someone else touch his shaft was definitely different from his own hand, even if Kakashi wasn't moving it. "Mew," he muttered, not at all sure why he just meowed, but maybe that was something that would go away with time too.

The Uchiha's legs quivered for a moment, and his hips jerked up, making him gasp. "Why are you still...?" he didn't finish his sentance. His voice sounded strange, a meowing tone to it in a way he couldn't put his finger on.

The tail twitched again and Sasuke watched the masked face. Seeing it so close to his groin made him flush slightly, and he too felt a stiring between his legs, felt his cock start to harden a little, but he had no clothes to hide it.
It might have been wrong, but Kakashi was considering taking advantage of Sasuke at this point. His right hand could easily start jerking Sasuke off right now, and he could star giving him the blowjob of a lifetime, things he read in Jiraiya's books.

He didn't respond to Sasuke's half question, as it became clear to Kakashi that Sasuke was enjoying it. It felt Sasuke's cock harden and push up against his right hand. So he decided to bait Sasuke.

"How would you like to see what's under the mask Sasuke?" Kakashi asked with his left hand teasingly pulling at the mask covering up the lower part of his face, while his right hand gripped Sasuke's penis.
That whimper that had been held back before slipped from Sasuke's throat and out past his lips. "Ka...Kakashi," he breathed, closing his eyes for a moment and arching a little when the larger, leather clad hand wrapped around his shaft and started to stroke. Sasuke mewled in bliss and rocked his hips up into the hand, inadvertantly bumping his cock against Kakashi's chin.

"Yes," he breathed softly, opening his eyes to look down at his sensei while his tail lifted a bit. He wasn't even sure how he was moving the tail so well, but he rubbed the soft fur against Kakashi's cheek, trying to get him to pull the mask down.
He smiled, and with a small pull with his left hand removed the mask, revealing the lower half of his face, and note that there was nothing with what the mask covered up, he simply liked the mask. This time it made it easier to have his way with Sasuke. "There ya' go." he said.

Next he leaned down and opened his mouth, ever so slowly he let inch by inch of Sasuke's juicy sweet cock cram into his mouth, once he neared the back of his mouth he pulled up and then slid the cock right back into his mouth, he was overwhelmed by the sweet unique flavor it had, and he was shock at how turned on he was from sucking on Sasuke's delicious cock. "Sasuke let's call this a different type of training session." Kakashi said before sucking on Sasuke's cock again, showing it all the love in the world.
The boy couldn't help but stare wide eyed at the reviled face of his sensei, and swallowed thickly. Dark eyes traced over the nose, across the lips and over the chin, but his eyes didn't stay open much longer. Hot, wet heat slowly devoured his now fully hard shaft, and Sasuke's head fell back against the bed, mouth open to take in a sharp gasp of air.

He'd never felt anything so good before, his own hand was nothing in comparisen to Kakashi's mouth. "O-okay mmn!!" he replied, arching his back and jerking his hips up to try and get more of himself into that mouth. "Kakashi," he mewled again, twisting and lowering his hands to thread his fingers in the silvery locks.

"More," the Uchiha begged softly, forcing his eyes to open a bit to look down and watch the man work.
Oh how it loved it, this was better than anything he had ever had in his mouth. He wanted Sasuke to be inside of him, but he was going to show Sasuke who was boss in the process for now he was just breaking the kid in.

He pushed himself down on Sasuke's cock, letting the long and hard juicy sweet shaft went part way into his throat, he gave Sasuke the deepthroat of a lifetime, letting it push for a while nearly gagging himself to death, after that he sucked faster using his hand to jerk the longer part of his shaft with his mouth devouring the top partm his tongue batting at sasuke's dick as his continued to go in and then out. He couldn't stop.
Sasuke continued to twist and mewl, his fingers curling tighter in Kakashi's hair. The boy gasped for air from time to time or let out a cry of pleasure, until that tell tale heat coiled in his lower stomach, letting him know he was getting closer. "Ka...Kakashi I'm gonna.." The Uchiha arched his back again, mouth open in a silent scream as he came down the man's throat, shaft jerking slightly with each pulse.

The raven haired boy let himself relax back against the bed, eyes closed, panting for breath, a bright flush on his cheeks and sweat beading down his temples. "Kakashi that..." felt so good was never added, his mouth to busy trying to get more air into his lungs to speak.
It was magical, feeling the blasts of delicious semen be released from Sasuke's penis and into his mouth, easily swallowing it down his throat, clearly having enjoy it a great deal himself, but he wanted to feel pleasure now.

"Sasuke, why don't you give it a try." he said, moving to lay down the bed, removing all of his clothes.
A soft purr rumbled in Sasuke's chest without him realising it, as if it were coming naturally. Would that go away with time too? Only time would tell. He opened his eyes again and turned over onto his side, watching with half lidded eyes as Kakashi stripped of his clothes, and again took the time to look at his sensei in detail. He traced every scar with his eyes, and licked his lower lip nervously at Kakashi's question. "Mn... okay," he agreed, feeling a little lethargic after his orgasm.

The Uchiha crawled over to kneel between Kakashi's legs, and look down at the hard shaft with a darker flush. It was... big. Sasuke leaned down a bit and grabbed the base of Kakashi's cock gently in his left hand, and licked exparimentally at the cock head, tasting the new taste and rolling it around in his mouth. After descovering he didn't mind the taste, he started to lick a bit more, lapping at the underside and all the way back up to the tip, but not yet taking it into his mouth.
Kakashi threw his head back in pleasure, feeling Sasuke's tongue make its way all over his cock, leaving him with light sensations of pleasure going through his body in waves, yet he knew the pleasure would get better if Sasuke took it in his mouth.

"Cmon Sasuke, show me what you can do." Kakashi pleaded slightly, in an attempt to get Sasuke to fully suck on his cock.

(Sorry about the late Post, the night we started I had to work and then I finally got done and back and then the site was down Lol.)
[it's all good XD]

With a curious expression, Sasuke watched his sensei toss his head back in pleasure from his tongue. So he continued what he was doing, bathing the cock with his tongue, laving it over the very tip and drawing out small drops of precum to taste more fully. He paused with his licking and looked up at Kakashi, ears pinned down to his head gently and it took him a moment to figure out just what he meant.

"Oh..." the Uchiha stated, pulling back a little bit and licking his lips clean. He swallowed thickly. Whould he be good enough for Kakashi? It's not like he'd ever done this before... but he could try! Sasuke bent down again and parted his lips wider to take the head into his hot mouth and suck on it gently, looking up through his dark bangs at Kakashi for aproval.
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