Training Ain't What It Used to Be (Wing x Kevin)

The massive rock hit the ground with such force the ground shook slightly. With Graveler still enraged he went to attack in his own but Jason turned around and called him back into his pokeball before he had the chance. He saw her struggling to even stand there but he smiled slightly because he knew he won. He looked at her right in her eyes as he tossed an empty pokeball at her. He watched as she got pulled into it and it landed on the ground, Teetering back and forth as it tried to capture her. He hoped it would work, his gaze never leaving that pokeball. When it stopped he smiled wide, walking over and grabbing it. He released her and smiled wide, having beat her in battle and captured her. "Looks like I won" he said with a wink.
"Seems like it," Raichu smiled when she appeared in front of him, folding her hands behind her back as she bent over slightly, "Take good care of me from now on, alright?"

She hopped beside him and hugged him, her tail wagging behind her in a joyful manner as she was already quite fond of her new trainer. Unknown to her, their journey together was only just beginning, and their bond would be severely tried over its course. Yet as she showered Jason with tender affection, revisiting her past was the furthest thing on her mind. Rather, she was instead wondering what he had in mind for her, and what sort of adventures they would have together in the future.
He smiled at her reply, "Of course, beauty should be preserved" he said as she hugged him. He returned her hug and gave her a squeeze against him. This adventure would be interesting indeed, their future already bright from their strong bond built so quickly. "How bout we celebrate with some food in the tent?" he asked with a smile, gazing down at her. He rubbed her back as he awaited her reply, their bodies pressed closed together even after the hug they shared. He'd love to keep her out of her pokeball all the time but that was up to her, seeing her was so refreshing even after the many times he did look her over. He'd unique form making him so very curious and he was determined to learn more. She had things that no human girl could have and things no Pokemon could have, it was intriguing to say the least.
"I'm really not all that hungry, but sure if you insist," Raichu nodded and reluctantly stepped back from their embrace before heading back toward the tent, "I've never said no to a party, after all... Well, I've never been invited to one before either."

She sat down on the floor of the tent and anxiously waited for him to join her, like a faithful puppy awaiting her master's affection. She was much tamer than when they first met, that much was clear, and she was evidently looking forward to forming even stronger bonds with Jason. Of course, she didn't seem to realize that he was actually attracted to her, taking his words of praise concerning her physical appearance as mere compliments rather than flirting.
He smiled at her, giving a small laugh before she headed to the tent. He followed her just behind her, seeing her sit and immediately look for him. He got in and sat beside her, maybe a few inches away from her. He put his arm around her shoulder and pulled her into his side. "So what would you like? I have more chocolate if you like?" he asked with a smile. He pulled his bag over and started to look through it with his free hand, grabbing some water. "I only have one more bottle water so we're gonna have to share it" he said putting it down infront of them as he looked for something special incase she didn't want chocolate. He knew she must've shared some kind of attraction with him, after all she seemed to enjoy his presence and as did he for hers. Part of him wanted to know now but another part would rather find out through her. It was the late afternoon and who knew what kind of night they might have?
"Chocolate?" Raichu's eyes sparkled as she nodded, leaning against him slightly as her wide eyes searched about for the coveted treat. She probably didn't know that it wasn't the best thing for her to be eating, as she had not tasted anything like it before. Given where she lived for most of her life, she probably had not eaten anything that was even remotely tasty. She unscrewed the cap of the water bottle and drank some of it before setting it down beside them, waiting patiently for the treat.
He smiled at her reaction, like a small kid on a sugar rush who needed more. He found a chocolate bare and unwrapped it, breaking it in half and handing one half to her. He felt her lean against him, finding her especially cute at that moment. "To a new adventure" he said before taking a bite of chocolate. He then had a sip of the water, rubbing her side as they enjoyed their chocolate together. He soon finished his chocolate and looked over at her, smiling as he looked her over for probably the hundredth time that afternoon. He couldn't help himself, after all he is human and he has a beautiful girl just next to him. "What would you like to do now?" he asked, looking up at her eyes. He gave her side a squeeze and he smiled once again at her, waiting to see if she had anything in mind for the two of them. There was plenty to do, somethings more entertaining than others but she still had many choices
"To adventure!" Raichu nodded and began to munch on the chocolate, taking small bites and chewing it carefully in order to fully savor the flavor. After that was done, she stretched her arms and legs and curled up in his lap, apparently deciding to take a nap on him as an answer to his question. Eating, sleeping, and fighting were the three things that made up her normal schedule, so this wasn't particularly unusual for her. She took his playful squeezes and glances as merely affection, not thinking much beyond what was immediately apparent. She was somewhat simple in that respect, oblivious to the young man's youthful fantasies concerning young, cute girls. If he wanted her to take things in a different light, he would have to be a bit more overt.
He smiled as she curled up in his lap, running a hand through her fur. He figured that it would be her answer to his question and he didn't mind one bit. He smiled and laid back, pulling her up so she was laying more on his stomach and chest than his legs. He wrapped his arms around her and felt their body heat start to exchange. He realized that since she had little positive experience with humans, his affection would come across as nothing more than that, if he wanted to show her how he felt he'd have to do it in a much simpler manner. As he thought about it, the warm feeling and the thought of her ontop of him had caused him to become aroused slightly. Not even noticing the face that her leg was very close by, he tried to calm himself down but failed as his arousal only grew and his pants had started to bulge just enough to hit her leg. He blushed softly and hoped she wouldn't notice but at the same time hoping she did. It was a matter of how she reacted really and he could only hope for the best.
Raichu mumbled something unintelligible and glanced down at his body, first noticing the change in her position and then his arousal. She blinked, merely looking at it for a while before sliding down and pawing at his bulge, looking up at his face to see his reaction. She instinctively knew what it was, but it confused her why he was getting that way around her... They were different species, weren't they? Of course, she didn't consider the fact that she wasn't 100% Pokemon anymore, which made matters considerably more complicated.
He watched her glance down and he blushed bright red. He knew that she had noticed, as she stared at it. He watched as she just looked for a bit before sliding off of him. "I.. I can..." he went to speak but she pawed at his bulge which made him blushy even more. He tried to keep calm but her paw against his bulge just made it grow slightly larger. He saw her look up at him, he was embarrassed to say the least but managed to give her a nervous smile. He wondered what she thought, still trying to relax himself but to no avail. They might have been very different but he still couldn't hide the fact that something about her was almost pulling him in everytime he set his eyes on her. It might have been more complicated now but it was a simple thing mixed with their new situation that caused it. He couldn't only hope her reaction wasn't too bad.
Raichu did not seem put off by his body's reaction, merely curious as to what the cause of it might be. After touching it through his pants for a bit longer, she finally looked back up at him and asked, "Is there something wrong? You didn't eat anything strange, did you?"

Her tail flicked back and forth behind her, a look of concern spread across her face as she searched him for an answer. She wasn't going to just let this go... She had to know why he was getting aroused when there were no human girls around.
He felt her paw remain there longer, his bulge growing at the attention. He caught her gaze once more, hearing her questions. He shook his head, "I'm fine, it's just..." he said pausing and looking awat as he tried to gather himself for a moment. "I find you so interesting and beautiful that it just happened" he finished looking back up at her. He wondered if she understood his affection now, it was simple really and his reaction was natural after all. So what if she want human? When's the next time he'll meet a half human, half Pokemon girl? He felt it and he meant it in his word to her, all he needed was her reaction to complete it all or tear it to pieces in an instant. His cheeks looked burned from the sheet amount if blood that rushed to his cheeks, the color nearly a pure red as he continued to stare down at her.
Raichu tilted her head to the side slightly as she pondered the issue... Just what was he getting at, exactly? She could tell that he was aroused, apparently due to her presence as well as actions. When she saw his deeply blushing face, she couldn't help but feel worried about her trainer's well being. It was almost as if he was in heat, desiring release in the most basic way possible. Finally coming to some sort of understanding, she crawled forward and licked his cheek, "So... You want to mate with me, is that it? I... Don't really mind."

After giving him gentle lick on his neck, she turned herself around and pointed her rear toward him, her right hand reaching back and pulling up her skirt to reveal her round and distinctly human-like bottom. She wore a yellow pair of panties, but she simply slid them down to her knees to reveal her sex to him.
He watched her once again, tilted head and all as she seemed to think deeply about the situation. He felt her crawl up close to him and lick his cheek. Her words made him nearly collapse, his face would be even redder if it were possible. He felt her tongue against his neck as she moved to bend over and reveal her rear and sex to him without a care it seemed. He was speechless, his eyes unable to look away. His bulge grew rapidly now, straining against his pants. He could barely think, he wanted to but it would be a bit odd then again Pokemon didn't have much foreplay. He shut his eyes briefly and took a deep breath, sitting up and pulling her into his lap. His hands when to her stomach as her back met his chest. He kissed her neck as his hands ventured under her shirt and felt her soft fur once again. He needed this, but he wanted her to want it too. She was no Pokemon and he was going to treat her like any other woman he'd encountered, and it would begin in that very tent.
"W-what are you doing?" Raichu appeared flustered at his actions, squirming a bit in his hold as he gently caressed her body. Was this the position humans took while mating? She couldn't say either way, as she had never actually observed the act, but she could admit that however unexpected his touches happened to be, they were quite pleasurable. As he felt her soft skin and fur, she began to feel her temperature rise slightly in response to his touches. This was rather unusual for her, as although she had never actually had sex with another Pokemon or human, she instinctively knew that Raichu didn't have much of a warm-up period prior to insertion. Granted, both Pokemon were usually in heat, while she was not, which made matters a bit more difficult.
He heard her reaction, but felt her body's reaction as well. He didn't say a word as she seemed to start to enjoy herself, he pulled off her shirt and slid his hands down to her hips. He turned her around in his lap, looking into her eyes as he ran his hands along her thighs. He instinctively kissed her deeply, forgetting she would have no idea what it was. He laid her back slowly and leaned against her, his hands leaving her body to remove his own shirt. His now bare stomach and chest against her, the defined curves to the muscles of his torso tickled by her fur. His hands returned to her, grasping her plump rear as he kissed her neck once again. He felt his bulge move against her sex, grown to full size and pressing into her. He felt the passion grow within him, her added heat met with his own as the encounter became more intimate.
Although when he kissed her she could only stare back at him blankly, she enjoyed him taking the lead and positioning her body as he pressed against her with need. She could feel her own body reacting to his touches, the dampness of her sex increasing and her body temperature rising slightly to make up for their lack of clothing. As he took hold of her butt, she let out a soft moan as she spread her legs a bit wider to give him easier access. Her body shivered as his member slowly entered her, her arms reaching up and holding him tightly to herself.
He enjoyed her reactions, her soft moans and movements against him. He felt her arms around him and he smiled down at her. He moved his hips back and quickly worked out of his pants and boxers, his body now bare for her and pressed back against her. His large hard member met her wet sex, the thick head against her outer folds. His hands grabbed her legs as he pressed into her for the first time. He let out a groan as the first couple of inches squeezed into her. He couldn't believe how tight her sex was, struggling to squeeze into her. He took his time, letting her adjust to him as he eased into her. He was soon buried deep with her, feeling her moist walls clamping down on his throbbing member. His hands roamed up to her breasts for the first time, squeezing them and rubbing along her nipples as he prepared to start moving his hip. His gaze always on her face, wanting to catch every gasp, moan or scream she might have from the pleasure that was to come.
The Raichu moaned softly as she felt his member penetrate her, molding her tight inner channel to his shape. her hands grasped at the tent sleeping pad below them, her hips slightly rising up to meet his as she sought to draw him even further into her body. She didn't seem particularly uncomfortable, but she drew quick, shallow breaths as she tried to adjust to his size. Humans were much larger than Raichu's of course, and although she was also larger than an average Raichu it was still quite a tight fit.

"Mmmmmpph..." she bit her lower lip as he massaged her breasts with his hands and stimulated her nipples, the welcome pleasure helping to ease and calm her. Although her inner folds were still gripping his member tightly, they relaxed somewhat and allowed him to move with more ease.
He enjoyed every sound, every reaction to him. Feeling her body adjust to him being inside her, watching her bite her lip to try and stifle a moan. Once accustomed to the tight fit he began to move his hips, slowly but steadily. His member sliding nearly all the way out before plunging back into her at the same depth as before. He let out a small groan from the feeling, his hands moving to grip her rear. He squeezed the plump flesh of her back side as he started to put some power behind his thrusts. He stared down at her, watching her body move with his thrusts and her paws digging into the padding beneath them. He pressed himself against her once more, his lips just inches from her nipples. He leaned down and licked them, switching to the other after a few thrusts. He wanted to make sure she felt as much pleasure as possible. His hips still steadily in and out of her.
Raichu let out sharp, pleasured cries in time with each of his thrusts, her cheeks turning a dark shade of red with the increased blood flow and little sparks began to flicker across her body. Her back arched up into him as he licked her nipples, which were already hard and sensitive from her current state of arousal. As he continued to increase the aggressiveness and speed, she became more and more excited, her body tightening around him as she began to crave these sensations.

"Y-yes... if feels good," she gasped, reaching up and grasping his shoulders in her hands firmly, "D-do it... I want it..."
(My apologies for the delay)

The sound of her moans filling his head, making him want to hear them more and more. Her body's reaction made it obvious that she loved it as much as he did. Her words driving him to do just as she pleaded, only increasing the onslaught of pleasure with the speed and power of his thrusts. Her increasing tightness making it that much more pleasurable for them both, making him groan along with his thrusts. His tongue met her hard nipples often, between his groans of pleasure his tongue ran over the sensitive flesh. His hands around her hips, feeling her body bounce forward as his hips met hers with such strength. He never imagined such a thing could happen between them, such pleasure rushing through him and her as the passion was impossible to deny. He never craved a woman do deeply in his life but currently his only goal was to have her driven mad with pleasure and he was determined to do so.
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