Training Ain't What It Used to Be (Wing x Kevin)



She had left the small square cage that she had known as her home far behind, the swift movement of her body as she darted to and fro beneath the thick forest undergrowth helping to mask her escape. She could hear the distant cries of the lab personnel as they shouted to each other and made a desperate effort to search the area for her. She had already broken through their outer patrol line, however so capture seemed unlikely. She bent her head upward and sniffed the air, deciding to take the rough trail up toward the mountains just in case they continued the chase...

She refused to be used in such a fashion, born and raised for one purpose and one purpose alone: destruction. By carefully extracting the DNA of a Raichu and splicing it with human, they had managed to create a human/pokemon hybrid, with the ultimate goal of creating a creature with far greater power and strength than either of the two. Yet, this new union would have nothing of this...She was her own person, who would live her life as she saw fit without being forced to do what she believed to be wrong.

She scrambled up the steep rocky outcroppings of the mountain range with the agility and surefootedness inherited from her Raichu lineage, but her weight was still that of a human for the most part and it made her progress slow and tiring. Finally discovering a nice, apparently unoccupied cave she slipped inside just as the sky above her began to loom ominously and threaten bad weather. She curled up into a ball on one side of the cave, near the opening so that she could get fresh air and soon fell asleep... Here she wished to live for as long as she could, undisturbed and enjoying her simple existence without human interaction.
Jason was on his way to the next town, trekking through the treacherous mountianside. He was far from his home but his journey was worth it. The 19 year old trainer had strong aspirations to be great. He had to take a rest, so he sat on a sturdy looking boulder. He sighed and had a drink of water as he wiped the sweat from his forehead. Just then he saw something darting up the mountainside, it looked like a Pokemon but not like anything he ever saw before. He thought it was just an abnormally sized Raichu but it had a human like body. He quickly got up and headed after it, curious to find out what it was. He tried to keep up but it was took quick, only able to catch a glimpse of it before it leaped ahead again. He had to know and he was determined to find out.

Suddenly he lost sight of it, he looked around and saw a cave ontop of then cliffside. He sighed and started to climb up, carefully making sure his feet were stead on small little footholes made by bit of the cliffside jutting out. He slowly scaled the cliff and managed to pull himself up the edge to the entrance of the cave. He peered inside as he wiped his brow of sweat once again, it looked like a Raichu but also like a human. He approached the curlled up creature slowly, making sure to not seem threatening. He found it intriguing and finding out more would be quite interesting, who knows maybe he discovered a new Pokemon?

He kneeled down a few feet from where it was curled up, examining it briefly. He knew that in the worse case scenario he would get attacked but this discovery was too good to pass up. He wasn't particularly threatening looking, standing at 5 feet 9 inches tall but even shorter since he knelt down. He had dark brown hair that contrasted from his bright blue eyes but went along with his tanned skin from his travels. He was fit with a medium build but not an intimidating size. He smiled and sighed before trying to interact with it. His smile quite kind and inviting as he went to give it a shake. After he touched it he quickly moved his hand back, ready to get up and run if he had too but something told him he probabaly wouldn't have to.
The human trainer's tentative touch roused Raichu out of her light slumber, and she quickly got to her feet and looked up at him, crouched on all fours in a pose much like her more natural cousins. While she was particularly large for a Raichu, she was certainly on the small side for a human, just under five foot in height when she stood fully upright. She had thick brown hair that ran about half-way down her back, and distinctly Raichu-like ears poking out of the tuft of hair. Her tail swung from side to side behind her in an aggressive manner while on her body she had not fur, but a brown dress colored to mimic the natural coat of a Raichu as she had a surprisingly human-like body.

Her cheeks crackled and she let out a warning hiss at this new intruder... She knew that he was blocking her only route of escape other than to retreat deeper inside the cave itself, and while she had no proof that he had anything to do with her imprisonment she did not feel compelled to take the chance... Humans couldn't be trusted, right? She didn't want to attack the human as she would likely hurt him quite badly, but she still held onto the possibility.
He jumped back as she sprung to her feet, surprised by her quickness but even more surprised by the hiss that followed. He moved back to try to show her he meant no harm. She looked just like a Raichu nut in human form, it was bizzare yet astounding. He figured it was a she since she had a dress on but he wasn't exactly sure. He went out on a limb, not sure if she could even understand English but words were easier than trying to say it with actions. "I mean you no harm" he said calmly, hoping she could understand him. He kept his distance still, her hostile manner making him slightly nervous. He gazed at her, trying to get a read of what she was thinking. He remained on his guard just in case she decided to pounce, quite literallly. It wouldn't be the first shock he's gotten but it would be much worse than any he'd ever felt thats for sure.
The Raichu slunk back, and her tail lowered slightly showing that she was less aggressive than before upon seeing that he made no attempts at capturing her just yet. She crouched on the floor of the cave, still watching his movements carefully but making no effort to attack him as of yet. If he kept his distance he would be fine, but she wouldn't hesitate to unleash her power on him if he made any sudden movements. She seemed to understand what he was saying, as all Pokemon understood human speech to some extent, but didn't trust him just yet...

"Rai..." she blinked, the word spoken as a human would speak rather than a Pokemon, "Rai-chu..."
He saw her change in body language, seeming to back down slightly. He sighed slightly as he felt a bit more comfortable in the situation now. He heard her response, unable to understand it but it was good to hear nonetheless. Her voice sounding human but the words were of a Pokemon's language. He remained at a distance and made sure to move slowly if he had to, as to not set her off. "I'm Jason, I'm a trainer" he said, figuring it wouldn't make much difference but worth a shot. He tried to figure out what she was, she spoke like a Raichu but had a body nothing like one. "What are you? Were you a Raichu?" he asked curiously. I was strange, was she a Raichu turned part human or a human turned part Raichu? So many questions filled his head but he didn't want to frighten her away with them all. He looked her over again, studying her strange form. It was unique to say the least, if only she could speak English then things would be much simplier.
The Raichu nodded slowly, taking his words to mean that he was not, in fact, one of those sent to retrieve her. She calmed herself and her cheeks stopped crackling, instead she peered up at the human with a curious expression. What was a trainer doing this far out of town? Indeed, trainers were known to search far and wide for Pokemon to capture and new rivals to challenge, but this remote location was practically out in the middle of nowhere, without a town within twenty miles. She knew that if she wished to dispel this situation it would be best to speak to him and sort things out.

"I... I'm a Raichu," she spoke timidly, but the words were quite foreign to her lips as she knew but was unaccustomed to speaking human language, "I don't want to go back there, to that cage. I don't want to kill people."
He saw her nod, confirming his thoughts that she understood him. He noticed her cheeks stop sparking and sighed in relief, glad she found him as less of a threat. He went to say something but stopped at the sound of her voice again. She spoke English which dumbfounded him. He heard her mention a cage and he looked at her oddly, "The cage?" he said, hearing her continue about killing. "Whatever the place is you're talking about, I won't take you there." he said sternly. He moved a bit closer to her but slowly. "I only found you because I saw you going around the mountain to this cave, I wanted to know what you were" he said. "Normally I'd try to catch you but you seem to not exactly be a Pokemon anymore" he said, trying not to offend her and set her off. He slowly grabbed a water bottle out of his bag and took a sip, "Would you like some?' he asked holding the bottle towards her.
Thankfully, the Raichu wasn't offended and allowed him to approach her, creeping forward slightly to take the bottle from his hands and take a nice long drink. Honestly, she was quite thirsty from exerting herself to much when she climbed up the mountainside, her tail wagging behind her in a happy manner as she drank. She placed the bottle on the ground as she sat down next to him, content knowing that he wouldn't try to take her back to that horrible place again.

"I'm still a Pokemon," she affirmed, "I least, I still feel the same way as before."
He smiled as she accepted the water, watching her basically chug nearly rest of it. He was glad that she seemed more comfortable around him. When she sat next to him he knew that he could let his guard down, relaxing for the first time around her. He heard her mention that she was still a Pokemon, "Well you don't look like one exactly, I mean you have the tail and the fur to match but you have the body of a human" he said. He looked her over again and an idea struck him. "What do you say we get out of this cave and I'll set up camp in the forest?" he asked with a smile. It was dark and not very comfortable in the cave, so he basically offered her a stay in his tent with him, it was no luxury mattress but it was better that laying on some rocks. He was slightly concerned for her though, wondering why she was chased into the mountains in the first place but that was for her to tell him when she was ready.
"I suppose that is true," the Raichu nodded, "I could come along... Its not like I have anything better to do."

She stood up, albeit a bit awkwardly as she wasn't completely accustomed to standing on only two legs, and followed him back out of the cave, carefully stepping down the slope heading toward the forest which was nestled at the base of the craggy mountainside. The sky was still quite ominous-looking, the distant grumble of thunder foretold the arrival of a rather severe downpour. If they were going to set up camp before then, they would have to hurry.

"What are you doing way out here anyway?" the Raichu asked, "Humans usually don't venture out this far for no reason."
He smiled as she agreed to join him, leading her down to the forest. Once that we're down he found a nice clearing as he heard the rumbling of the distant thunder. He tossed his bag on the ground and pulled out a tent, trying up hurry before the rain came. He set it up just in time as a few drops started to hit by them, he grabbed the rest of his things and her, pulling them inside. He closed the flap and sighed as the rain started to pick up. He heard her question and smiled, "I was on my way to the next town but then I saw you so I followed" he said as he grabbed a few things from his pack. "Are you hungry by any chance? I have Pokemon food if you need some" he offered. He happened to catch her eyes perfectly, not wanting to break rye contact for some reason. He felt much more relaxed with her now and she made him so very curious.
She watched in earnest as she set up the tent and managed to complete the task before the downpour reached them, very much appreciative of his haste since she disliked getting wet. Not only was it uncomfortable, but it also was something of a danger since she would shock herself if she unintentionally discharged while wet.

The putter-patter of the rain against the side of the tent had a strangely relaxing effect on the Raichu, letting out a relieved sigh as she nestled down beside him and nodded, "Yes, I haven't had anything to eat since yesterday afternoon... Would you mind letting me try some human food? I'm curious about the taste."

She looked back up at him, with less intensity but with the same amount of interest. Her tail flicked back and forth by itself as she stretched out her arms and legs and made herself more comfortable. Although they were quite different, she wouldn't deny that she felt strangely drawn toward this human in a way she had never felt before. She was unsure how to act on this attraction, but decided against acting on a whim. For the time being she simply curled up beside him in a content manner and waited for his reply.
He smiled at her sigh, watching her relax beside him. He heard her mention she hadn't eaten since yesterday and how she wanted to try human food. "Well there's many kinds of human food" he said, going into his bag. He soon pulled out a chocolate bar, "Here try this" he said, unwrapping it and handing it to her. He figured she might like sweets and it would help fill her empty stomach. He felt her return gaze and liked it, feeling her get comfortable next to him. With her curled up next to him, he smiled and reached down to run his hand along the fur of her head. He didn't know why but he liked this Raichu, more than a regular Pokemon but it was hard to say how. "If you're cold you could uhhh.... sit on my lap" he offered with a small nervous smile. Unsure of why he was do nervous, the offer still stood. Maybe it was the fact that she wasn't just a Pokemon but a woman too? He wondered if she would accept, liking the feeling of her soft fur when he petted her just before.
She accepted the chocolate bar with both hands, sniffing it and nibbling at it a bit before deciding that she enjoyed the taste. Without having to be asked twice she plopped herself down on his lap and began to happily munch on the chocolate bar. Her ears twitched with contentment as she nestled herself against the trainer, apparently enjoying the warmth and unaware of what possible effects she might have on his body by sitting on him in such a fashion. When she was finished with the bar and licked her fingers clean, she turned around while on his lap and gave him a hug, rubbing her face on his shirt and clinging to him.

"Thank you... It was tasty!" she enthusiastically declared.
He smiled as she obviously enjoyed the chocolate, finding her nibbling at it quite cute. He was caught off guard by her quick decision to sit on his lap, feeling her adjust herself against him. He didn't complain one bit, it felt quite nice actually. He smiled at the hug, feeling her cling to his chest. He rubbed her back as she thanked him. "You're welcome" he said. The warmth shared between them was quite comforting. His hands didn't leave her after the hug ended, both of them winding up grasping her hips. "This is... nice" he said to her with a smile. He ran his hand along her leg, feeling the soft fur against his skin. He felt so relaxed and something about was just attractive to him. He held her in his lap and always kept his eyes on her. "You know, you might be part Pokemon but you're still beautiful" he said with a bit of blush shooting across his cheeks. It was true, a unique creature like her had the best of both worlds being human and Pokemon. He could only imagine her reaction, hoping it was good.
"T-thanks," the Raichu could feel his hands gently holding her hips, but made no effort to escape from his grasp, "No one has complimented me like that before."

As he pet her, she soft purring sound issued from her throat as she evidently enjoyed the tender attention he was giving her. This individual, personal attention that he was giving her was something she had not experienced before, and she accepted it readily. It made her feel special, not just someone or something to be used and exploited. She had certainly come a long way from her impression of him when they first met, when she feared even being close to him to enjoying his warm embrace. Her tail swung from side to side behind her, reluctant to break away from him.

She looked up at him and smiled, "You must really like Pokemon..."

"Say, when the rain clears up do you think you would be interested in having a match against me?" the Raichu offered, implying that she had a desire to become his pokemon rather than simply hanging around him.
He heard her thanks and could only nod in response, glad she hadn't pulled away. He heard her again and smiled slightly, "You deserve it" he said, his blush still remaining on his cheeks. Her purring was almost soothing as he touched her, but also a sure sign that she enjoyed it. He had no idea that they would be like this after how they met in that cave, but he was glad they did. He heard her once again and smiled back at her, "I do, especially you" he said as he blushed a bit more. He gazed at her for a bit before snapping back to reality when she spoke once more. "Sure, it could be fun" he said with a smile. His hands trailed up her legs and back to her hips. The rain had slowly started to let up and would soon move towards the mountains. "I think it stopped raining" he said. He unzipped the flap of the tent to see the sun blaring down once again. He turned back to her and smiled, "Shall we?" he asked referring to their match. He wondered if she would put up much resistance or just let him catch her? Either way he wanted to keep her for himself now.
"Why, aren't you sweet?" she blushed lightly in response to his compliments, wondering what had caused him to treat her so kindly. She wasn't suspicious of him, but the entire situation was foreign and new to her. Since when were humans such smooth talkers?

"Of course," as soon as the rain stopped and he unzipped the tent, the Raichu hopped outside the tent and stood up a few hundred feet away from the tent so that there would be little danger of unintentionally destroying it, "But I won't go easy on you... You have to prove yourself worthy."

She widened her stance and curled her hands into fists by her sides as she began to concentrate her electrical charge inside her body, her cheeks flickering furiously even from a few moments of charging. She seemed very excited, never once doubting that he would prove himself a worthy master.
He watched as she soon hopped out of the tent and moved back from the tent. He smiled at her comment as he walked over towards her, standing a good 30 yards away from her. "Alright well let's get started then" he said. He grabbed a pike all on his belt and smiled, tossing it out. "Go Graveler!" he shouted as the pokeball popped open an realeased the large rock type Pokemon. He knew it was perfect since rock types weren't affected by her electric attacks. "Graveler! Grav!" the Pokemon said as it took it's own stance across from her. "Ready?" he asked her with a smile. The Graveler started her down and had a similar grin that Jason had. "Go Graveler use rollout!" he shouted. Graveler did just that pulling in it's arms and legs and rolling rapidly towards her and picking up speed along the way. This battle would be interesting.
Raichu glared back at the Graveler, refusing to back down as it made its way toward her. Her eyes flashed as the crackling of her cheeks reached its peak and she dashed forward, using Tail Whip on the Graveler as she passed. As the Graveler rolled past her, she turned and unleashed a terrifying Thunder on it, the power of the attack alone heating the air around them. However, it had no effect on Graveler due to its immunity to electric attacks, but this didn't seem to faze Raichu who rushed in to follow it up with a Quick Attack.
The Graveler was hit with the tail whip but wasn't affected too much. He went to stand back up and was hit by a massive bolt of electricity but he only grinned as it dissipated just as quickly as it appeared. He saw her dashing towards him and stood firm. "Use Rollout again!" Jason yelled. Graveler returned to his rolled up form and rolled quickly back at her. The gap between them was quickly shrinking until the impact of the two speeding Pokemon. The Graveler didn't budge one bit, out weighing her by alot and his momentum over coming hers. He quickly got up, "Use body slam now!" Jason yelled. Graveler nodded and jumped high into the air before heading down quickly on course to crush her if he hit. Jason watched, happy to see Graveler try hard but worried he might injure her, he was attracted to her after all.
Raichu was still off-balance from when the two of them clashed together, Graveler obviously having the advantage in a direct physical bout. She tried to leap to the side, but the impact from Graveler's body narrowly missing her threw her down to the ground. She had a lot of raw power, sure, but as most of it was negated by Graveler's immunity to her primary means of attack and her own inexperience in fighting other Pokemon made this a loosing battle for her. She managed to push herself back up onto her feet and she widened her stance as her body seemed to faze in and out of sight, using Agility to try to buy some time for herself.
Graveler was irritated that he missed, seeing her get up and moving so quickly he tried to follow, getting almost mesmerized by it. "Snap out of it Graveler and use rock throw!" Jason yelled. Graveler nodded and tore pieces out of the ground with ease, throwing them at her one by one as he tried to get a decent hit. After many tries and many misses Graveler was frustrated and grabbed a large chunk out if the ground. "Graveler!" he yelled as he threw it at her, the massive rock nearly double his size and hurdling towards her. Jason watched in awe, never seeing his Graveler show such sheer strength. He could only watch the rock as it flew through the air. He hoped it missed but also hoped it hit at the same time, conflicted about what might happen. He turned away as the rock approached impact, not wanting to watch just in case.
Rock after rock flew by her with relative ease, but the longer she maintained Agility the more frustrated the Graveler became, until he hurled an enormous rock at her.


The huge rock knocked her clean out of her Agility, unable to dodge such a huge projectile. Thankfully, she was knocked away from its path of decent and wasn't crushed under it, but she didn't seem to be in very good shape following that last attack. She was still conscious as she made an effort to stand up, but couldn't seem to gather enough strength to do so. If he was going to try to capture her, now was definitely the time to do it.
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