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Jul 25, 2011
"The resemblance is uncanny," she says to her twin brother. "I mean, we have the same eyes. Even though we're different genders, we're clearly separated at birth."

It's been an amazing day. After countless internet searches and endless phone calls to a private investigator, she's finally been reunited with your long-lost twin brother. It's hard to believe that they were both put up for adoption separately shortly after being born. It feels like they've been together your whole lives.

They meet at a park in the middle of the city. At first they hug for what seems like hours. Both of them cry, and they love the feel of each other's muscular bodies. They talk for hours, and before they realize it, the sun has begun setting.

"Well, I guess I'd better find a hotel," he says. "I was so eager to meet you, I didn't make any arrangements."

"Are you kidding?" she says. "You're staying with your sister. You can crash on the couch in my apt. We still have a LOT of catching up to do."

"Thanks so much," he says with a big, dazzling smile.

"Don't thank me," she says. "You're the one who flew across the country to meet me."

You both catch a cab back to the apartment. "It's small, but there should be plenty of room for both of us, he says."

"Thanks," he says. "I'd really like to get out of these clothes and change. I've been traveling for 12 hours straight."

"Certainly," she says. "Make yourself at home. After all, we're brother and sister. Don't feel like you're imposing."

"Great," he says. "I think we can really get along..."
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