Black Rock Shooter: A Dark Union (unforgivng x wingshadow)

Ren began to open his eyes. A small moin of pain coming from his throat....All the running pretty much killed his legs. Everything they did today actually. All the drills, all of the practicing. His eyes wondered around the room. Taking in his suroundings. It must have been the nurses office. But soon...His wondering eyes cought Mato. He jumped from his cot. sitting up. Starring into the girls eyes. "Y-You did not have to stay." He said. Knowing that school had been over, by the dim light of the sun coming from the window. "But...Thank you anyway..." He then gave her a warm smile. His eyes starring blankly past Mato...The thought of her..And this being a good chance, runs through his mind. He was alone with her. And this is possibly one of the only times he will ever be. Due to Yuu.... "Just making sure here...The other two went home without you?.." He asked the cute girl before him.


Blunderbuss senses a presence near. But continues to move forward...Whatever it is. He, or she, is really strong....He was a little scared. His gun clenched into his hands tightly. His nervs, a wreck. His trigger finger...Itchy. He was ready for anything to pounce on him...But, he was happy for Ren. The guy made some great progress with Mato, and her friends. He knew he was no social butterfly. So him making friends so quick... Was great. Even if it cuased more isues for blunderbuss.
"Yeah, I thought I should stay behind and make sure you were alright," Mato scratched the back of her head, "Yuu can be a bit hard on new recruits... She was the same way when I joined. I think its just her way of being kind, trying to let you know what to expect upfront so you don't have any misconceptions about what it will be like. I was stiff for most of the first week of training."

She smiled down at him, unaware of his true intentions concerning her, "How are you holding up, Ren-kun?"
"I...Think I am holding up just fine. Thank you for asking, Mato chan." He said back to her. His smile still present. Her concern for him, very apreciated. "So...did you want me to take you home? I should not have worried you. Here come on, let's go-" He said as he got up from the cot. But his sentence was cought off by the sudden stifness in his leg's. He fall's over. Narowly landing in Mato's arm's. And with her help, lay's back in the cot....""I gues I should stay for a while." He said. Now frowning at his meager attempt at being a gentlemen. "Well....Are you doing anything tonight...Or tomorow? Maybe we can hang out some time after school." He asked. His palm's all sweaty. His nervousness building at him obviosly asking if he can take her out on a date....But he was not sure if she cought on to it.
"Its really no problem, Ren-kun," she shook her head slowly from side to side, her short pigtails swaying slightly as she did so, "I guess its that I sort of saw myself in the same position you are in right now the first time I came to this school... I really didn't know anyone here until I made friends with Yomi-chan and then Yuu-chan later on."

Mato, however, wasn't completely oblivious. She could pick up on something in the young man's voice and in the way he was behaving differently than before. She looked away, unsure of how to respond to his question until she decided it would be best not to skirt around the issue and make things awkward in the future between them.

"Um, Ren-kun... Are you asking me that because you are just trying to be nice, or..." she looked at him directly in the eyes, "Do you like me?"
He almost jumped out of his seat. But was stopped by the tense resistance of his stiff muscle's. "Mato I! Uh...." He try's to dodge the question. The awkwardness trully building. "Y-...." He stutter's at his word's. They only just met...Would she find it weird? And what of her friends? What will they think? ... After a while of thinking, he finally decided on honesty. "Yes...I do." He said. Diverting his gaze. Trying to peice together his now broken up emotion's. "Yes...I like you."

Mean while...."Shit. He went for it." Blunderbuss said to himself as he rest's, sitting on a nearby rock. "Now I am screwd. Doomed to fight these three girls. One, looks bad ass. One, is bad ass. And the last, sounds terrifying. And bad ass." Blunderbuss sigh's as he cover's his bewildered eyes...."everything is going down hill from here."
Mato's face turned a deep shade of crimson, finding herself at a loss for words. Sure, she had tried to mentally prepare herself for it, but imagining it in one's mind and actually hearing the words are two entirely different things. Her eyes darted about the room nervously as she tried to piece together an understandable reply.

"I-is that so..." she began slowly, her legs swinging as she nervously brushed her bangs with her right hand, "Well, I'm not really dating anyone at the moment, and I don't really mind hanging out with you... So, I suppose its worth a shot, right?"


Black Rock Shooter gazed up into the grey sky, the ground beneath her rumbling and groaning... She blinked, unsure of what was going on as their world should not have reacted so quickly to the development in the human world. Large black cracks began to form across the sky, and the dusty earth below her started to form fissures and carve canyons. She broke into an all-out run trying to keep a footing as the land began to break apart and fall, as if falling into a huge underground cavern of some sort. She leaped from rock to rock, trying desperately to reach the distant ledge. She reached up but her fingers swiped at thin air... Her form fell through the thick mist which obscured the bottom from view.

Some time later, Rock awoke, laying flat on her back on a pile of rubble. She slowly pulled herself into a seated position and looked up, the high walls around her gave no indication of being easily climbed... She would have to find another way out, or simply wait for her opponent to find her instead.
Ren was surprised...She said yes...In a sense. It was not a definite yes. Just a maybe. Worth a shot, meaning for now. Until they learn eachother's true feelings for one another. "Thank you!" he said excitedly. Holding her in his arm's for a deep hug. He then gave her a small kiss on the lip's. A little peck, that lingered for only a second. "You wont regret this!"

"But I will.." Blunderbuss said in a low monotoned voice. Yes, now shit hit's the fan in his world. Now, him, and three other's must fight. Fight untill everything comes to it's close. And the chaptor in their counterpart's live's is over. Hopefully thing's really do go right. But, he aint making any promises..."Now it is time to find that girl." He said as he stood up from his rock. Running back the direction inwich he came.
"Um," Mato wasn't sure what to make of his enthusiastic reply to her answer as he hugged her, but nothing could compare to her reaction to what he did next. Mato jumped back from the kiss, surprised and shocked. Even though it was just a simple peck, it was still her first real kiss, and to have it snatched away without any prior warning left her quite flustered. She reached up and touched her lips, unsure what to say.

"That... That was my," she blinked, at a loss of whether to get upset or be pleased, "first kiss..."

She bolted from the room and ran down the hall, heading for the school gate without looking back. Her entire face was burning up even by the time she reached her house and ran inside, right past her mother who was preparing supper and right up the steps to her room. She tossed her book bag beside her desk and leaped face-first into her bed, pounding her fists into the soft comforter.

"What the heck is going on!?" she cried out, "F-first a boy confesses to me on the first day of school, then he kisses me?!"


Black Rock Shooter's left eye blazed, the blue flame flickering into life as her rock cannon materialized in her hand and she scanned the ridge above her. Strength could feel the shift as well, her gauntlets flexing as she began to slowly walk in Blunderbuss' direction. The only one who had not taken an aggressive stance toward him was Dead Master, who was currently occupied with other matters at the time.
Ren was not sure if what he did was wrong..Her first kiss...Well that was really stupid of him. He was almost certain he messed everything up. But, he had to stay hopefull he didnt...Still..He felt really bad. And he stayed there for a long while. Even when he had the feeling in his leg's come back. He stayed for hour's. Untill he finally decide's to go home. His father was going to be at work for a few more hour's. So he wouldnt have to come up with some explanation. He did not even have to tell him...Ren and his dad have never really seen eye to eye. They have not been close for year's. Ever since his mother died...Ren and his dad just did not really talk. Was not for a lack of trying on his dad's part. His dad try's all the time. Ren just refuses to.

Once home, he storm's off and into his room. Laying in his bed, still contemplating everything...He did not get a good nights sleep. Had to wake up 2 hour's after falling asleep to get back to school. Hopefully snoozing in class will prepare him for their club meeting.


Soon Blunderbuss came to an opening in the earth. "So, you down there Black Rock Shooter?" He asked. He did not wait for a reply. He just simply jumped down. And into the deep casm. "I guess thing's are going faster...Then we originally anticipated." He said, as he looked over to the girl. Her eye ablaze with determination.
(I'm really sorry about how late my reply is...)

Rock's eyes narrowed slightly and she effortlessly swung her cannon with its muzzle pointed toward him. A low humming sound followed by a large explosion just to Blunderbuss' right answered his question as Rock's cannon began to charge another powerful burst. She fired two more blasts, then pulled out her katana before diving in toward her opponent, first swinging at him with her sword then following her attacks up with quick bursts from her cannon. Her attacks came relentlessly, each one flowing smoothly into the next without giving him time to counter-attack.


Mato woke up early the next morning, finding it quite difficult to sleep given the proceedings of the day before. She now had a boyfriend, of sorts, but she had no clue exactly how to act around him... She also had not told her friends about the new relationship, which made it that much more terrifying for her as she prepared to head off to school.

"Perhaps I should call in sick," Mato mumbled as she munched a slice of toast. Thankfully, it seemed no one else was able to hear her. Somewhat reluctantly, Mato slung her bookbag over her shoulder and kissed her mother on the cheek before heading out the door, her footsteps more than a bit sluggish as she approached the street corner where Yuu and Yomi stood waiting.

"What took you so long, sleepy-head?" Yuu ruffled Mato's hair in a playful manner, "Were you too excited about our next big game to get proper rest? That's unlike you."

"I'm fine... I just stayed up a bit late studying," Mato sighed, "Don't worry about it, alright?"

Yomi's expression could tell anyone that she wasn't buying it, but merely let her be. If Mato didn't want to talk about it, she wouldn't pry into it any further. Yuu, however, didn't seem to pick up on the lie and merely took her words at face-value. The three of them started walking toward the school gates without further ado as Mato's eyes scanning the crowds in a somewhat uneasy manner.
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