Black Rock Shooter: A Dark Union (unforgivng x wingshadow)



The stale, sour wind that blew through this forsaken stretch of land was practically unbearable for anyone other than those born here to endure. The distant, pale horizon seemed to stretch on to eternity, trapped constantly between afternoon and night. The dry, parched earth was cracked and scorched, pillars of stone from long-eroded buildings stood up at oblique angles to each other, the last remaining vestiges of some long-forgotten society. A thick haze hung above the ground, as stale and lonesome as the sky itself. It had a sickly greenish grey tint to it, which did nothing to alleviate the compelling sense of illness and death which permeated the landscape. A single figure stood on the edge of a cliff, overlooking this wasteland that she called her home.

Her feet where shod with knee-high combat boots, which helped her firmly grip the dry, dusty terrain, while a thick black coat marked with a star was pulled over her shoulders. Her right hand rested against her large gun, which more closely resembled a cannon than any gun produced in the human world. Her eyes scanned the distance, somber face and eyes holding a sense of silent strength... She was Black Rock Shooter herself, awaiting her next challenger.


Mato let out a long yawn as she slipped out of bed and began to dress herself for school. The long weekend had passed without incident, which was somewhat unusual given that summer vacation was just around the corner. She seemed to have contracted something of the summer haze, her weary eyes poking out from the neck of her shirt before her hands managed to pull her head through the opening. Mato smoothed out her shirt before wobbling out to the kitchen, waving to her little brother who already sat at the table munching his toast and jam...

Her walk to school wasn't much different either, as she glanced behind herself to spot none other than Yuu. She grinned at her friend and clapped her on the shoulder as a greeting, one that they both knew well.
Ren Sasaki sat in the back seat of his fathers car. The sunlight shining through the window, covering half of the back cab with it's bright rays of light. His face soaking in the sun, his eye's resting. "We are here" his father said, the car coming to an abrupt stop. He walks out the car, silent, and hesitent. "You sure you know where your class is. Right?" His father asked. Ren gave his dad a small smile, "Ya, no worry's. I got it." His father smiled back, before backing up. And driving the car away, leaving his son. This was his first day. At a new school. So he was a bit worried about how things will turn out. Class D. That is the class he is to go to. The morning sun coming down on him with emense summer heat. He threw his book bag over his shoulder. And began to walk toward the school building, His gaze down towards his feet.
Ren Sasaki sat in the back seat of his fathers car. The sunlight shining through the window, covering half of the back cab with it's bright rays of light. His face soaking in the sun, his eye's resting. "We are here" his father said, the car coming to an abrupt stop. He walks out the car, silent, and hesitant. "You sure you know where your class is. Right?" His father asked. Ren gave his dad a small smile, "Ya, no worry's. I got it." His father smiled back, before backing up. And driving the car away, leaving his son. This was his first day. At a new school. So he was a bit worried about how things will turn out. Class D. That is the class he is to go to. The morning sun coming down on him with immense summer heat. He threw his book bag over his shoulder. And began to walk toward the school building, His gaze down towards his feet.

He enter's the school building, the hallway's lonely. Empty. Void of all students. Luckily, he knew where his class was. From when he first met his teacher, and was given a tour of the school. And soon, he came to the door to class room D. Ren takes a deep breath, his hand slowly opening the door. The screeching of the hinges forcing him to awkwardly open it quicker then his original pace. But, he can see he, and the teacher were the only ones there. Except for a few other students, there noses in books that they were intently reading.

"Hey, I am early. Am I?" he asked the teacher. A quick nod was what he received in response. Ren sigh's in small relief. And walk's over to his desk. The desk given to him in advance, during his tour of the school. He open's his book bag, pulling out a small text book. He was not one for studying...But he has nothing better to do before class starts. So reading about chemistry for a small while will suffice at keeping his attention. The few hour's that he has until class start, will be long and boring. But hopefully thing's will get better for him, at this new school. It is a new start. That is the bright way of putting it. He did not really enjoy moving, his dad got a new job that required them to move here. And that was very inconviniant for Ren. But as said before...This is a new start. New friends, new people.
Mato looked up from her textbook, the screeching of the door nearly demanding her attention. Her eyebrow raised slightly as she briefly looked over his features. Nope, she had never seen this boy before. She turned around and whispered to Yuu, asking if she had seen him before.

"No, he must be the transfer student," Yuu shook her head, "I heard he had to join our class without much notice due to his father's work. Other than that, I really don't know anything about him."

She smiled at her friend, "What, does he interest you? Has Mato's spring finally come?"

By then, most of the students had filed into the classroom and the teacher began to go over his opening statements concerning the class, soon to be followed by self-introductions of the students. Mato and Yuu, however, were too engaged in their conversation to notice. The black-haired girl opened her mouth to reply when she felt the hard rap of the instructor's ruler on the back of her head, soon followed by a similar strike to Yuu's head, drawing both of their attention back to the class. Yomi, another one of Mato's friends who had long curly hair and sat a few rows behind her, visibly cringed.

"S-sorry," Mato meekly apologized to the teacher and once again turned her attention back to her textbook, the other students giggling in the background.
Ren turned to look at the girl behind him, smiling humorisly as he watched the teacher hit her with the ruler. His text book still in his hand, but he did not read it at all after that. He watched her for a while. Sneakily hiding his face behind the text book, whenever the teacher was looking. She, was a interesting person. He thought she was cute, watching her intently as feeling's of atraction came to mind. His thought's, wondering about who she was, and how she was like. So far, he had a name. Mato...Good progress right there. Next step is talking to her. But for now...He had a very boring class to ignore. So she was something to observe untill it was over. Still looking at her with his green eye's. His brown hair, barely hiding them with the long ungroomed bang's that came down from his short hair.


The avatar stood in the middle of the ruined turain of his world. Watching, waiting for something to fight. To do his job, and purge the corupted emotions from Ren's mind. His name, was Blunderbuss. Sure, a wierd name. But everyone in his world dont care much for such thing's. The name, was for what he does, what he uses. And that being his shotgun. His main weapon of choice. The long barel, ending with a wide, circular shaped nozzle. That allowed him to shoot wide spread, energy, that fires in the form of shrapnel, and the force of a conon. A fully auto matic weapon, that he uses as his main tool for combat.

His long sword at his side, was his mele weapon of choice. His expresion distant, His eye's closed. The tall man then takes a deep breath, his boredom showing now. "This day, has really been un eventfull." He said, still standing in the middle of the ruined land. His eye's now open, starring intently at the open landscape. Detecting the emotions that Ren has been feeling for the girl in his class. "Well, just like the hopeless romantic to gain feelings this fast. Ok, time to get to work." He then ready's his Blunderbuss, his aim towards the direction where the emotions formed.
The tortuous class finally came to an end, Mato's eyelids hanging half-way open through most of it as she treid her best to give coherent answers to the questions the teacher directed at her. He was being a bit mean, asking her questions for the expressed purpose of keeping her attention on the class material when she would have much rather simply taken a nap. Strangely vivid dreams kept waking her up from the mere intensity and realism, imagining herself as a cannon-wielding warrior engaging in heated conflicts with dark girls and young men in a world full of grey. She had not told Yuu or Yomi about any of this, as she figured it would only serve to worry her friends.

As the class was dismissed, Mato slunk out of her chair and headed for the door, only to be stopped by Yuu, "Hey, Mato, lets head to the food stand before the crowds get there. I heard they were selling soba sandwiches today."

"Alright, but I don't have much of my allowance left for this week. I think I spent too much on those cakes last weekend," Mato moaned and laid her head against the wall.

"That's alright, I'll pay for the sandwiches today... WE can't have you wasting away, now can we?" Yuu grinned and ran off down the hall to fetch their lunch, leaving Mato alone in the hall for the time being. Yomi had approached behind them, feeling a bit like the third wheel in the relationship as she merely waved and smiled in a friendly manner as Yuu ran off down the hall.


Black Rock Shooter looked down and to the right, spotting a lone figure atop a small outcropping a short distance away. Her left eye blazed and and her fingers grasped the handle to her cannon, deftly sliding to the left to dodge his initial blast. Her powerful legs pushed her body forward as she dashed toward Blunderbuss, pushing herself up and over his head and firing a hail of blue rocks down at him in a spread fire pattern.
As, class ended. Ren put away, his text books. Now it was lunch time. A moment to take a breather. And try to get to know some new people. One person in particular. He walked out the room. Seeing her waiting in the hall way. A friend coming to her with a sandwitch in each hand. Ren walked to them. Drinking from the fountain to there right, as an excuse to be there. After a few sips from the water fountai, he stood back up straight. And introduced himself to the girls. "Hello, I am Ren Sasaki. I am new to this school. You two are in my class right?" He said. Acting casual. When honestly he was having trouble. He was getting nervouse. And his nervousness was only shown by his swet. His red, embarassed face shown as he spoke. "What are your names?" He asked. Focusing his gaze on Mato.


Great, now he had to pick a fight with an avatar. The emotion was still being sensed. And even more are comeing. Embarassment, bewilderment, and nervousness. All the emotions that now sprung out, miles away from them. He was not sure how, or why she took his actions as agresive. But he was not about to stop and find out. He nimbly dodges all her shot's, blasting his bluderbuss at her every time she gave pause. The shoot out being a tottal game of cat and mouse. "Dammit Ren..." He said as he dodges a few more cannon blast's. Back flipping into the air. Then cartwheeling to the right. "You had to start flirting in a time like this."
As, class ended. Ren put away, his text books. Now it was lunch time. A moment to take a breather. And try to get to know some new people. One person in particular. He walked out the room. Seeing her waiting in the hall way. A friend coming to her with a sandwich in each hand. Ren walked to them. Drinking from the fountain to there right, as an excuse to be there. After a few sips from the water fountain, he stood back up straight. And introduced himself to the girls. "Hello, I am Ren Sasaki. I am new to this school. You two are in my class right?" He said. Acting casual. When honestly he was having trouble. He was getting nervous. And his nervousness was only shown by his sweat. His red, embarrassed face shown as he spoke. "What are your names?" He asked. Focusing his gaze on Mato.


Great, now he had to pick a gun fight with a gun wielding avatar. The emotion was still being sensed. And even more are coming. Embarrassment, bewilderment, and nervousness. All the emotions that now sprung out. He nimbly dodges all her shot's, blasting his blunderbuss at her every time she gave pause. The shoot out being a total game of cat and mouse. "Dammit Ren..." He said as he dodges a few more cannon blast's. Back flipping into the air. Then cart wheeling to the right. "You had to start flirting in a time like this.He then grows tired of this game. Picking up his feet as he ran towards her next cannon shot. Jumping forward, over it. Then gripping the top of her head in a hand stand. And nimbly, landing on his feet. Continuing his stride. "See ya". He said, waving good by as he sprinted off. He did not feel like picking a fight. Even though, he will have to meet with her again sooner or later. Dam, he hopes Ren doesnt try to get to know that Mato girl.
When Yuu ran to with the sandwiches, her jaw visibly dropped. Mato was actually talking with a boy! She had only been teasing her earlier, but the boy did seem to have an interest in her friend, having used the nearby water fountain as an excuse to get closer to them before introducing himself.

"Hello, Ren-san. Of course we are in the same class. We just left the classroom a little while ago, right?" Mato gave him a friendly smile, "I'm Mato Kuroi, pleased to meet you."

She didn't seem to mind his awkwardness and rather eagerly introduced her two friends to him, "This is Yuu-chan, and the the one over there with the long, pretty hair is Yomi-chan."

"Ahem," Yuu coughed, handing Mato her sandwich, "Here you are... Say, would you like to eat lunch with us, Ren-kun?"

Her words had the slightest hint of a challenge in them, as they implied that she wouldn't let him have alone-time with Mato as long as she could help it... Yomi calmly approached the other three and gave Ren a polite nod but remained silent. She seemed to enjoy having another person to add to their number, since at least she wouldn't feel like the only one left out in the rain, so to speak, and would have someone to talk to when Yuu and Mato went off to basketball activities together.

"Yeah, we can talk there," Mato nodded, not catching the true nature of the discussion, "Meet you on the roof."

With that, the three girls headed for the stairs leading up toward the roof access, lunches in hand.


Rock blocked his blasts with her cannon, holding it across her body to deflect the powerful bursts. At the moment, they seemed incapable of dealing much damage to each other as there was comparatively little driving force behind their conflict. It was as if Rock was simply testing the waters, getting a feel for his style before he evaded her and ran off toward the central building of this long-forsaken place. She swirled her cannon and propped herself up with it, letting him escape... For now.

Strength sat at the top of one of the church-like edifice's towers, her boot-shod feet gripping the tiles as she overlooked the thick haze which surrounded its base and lay like a blanket across most of the terrain, hiding its true form. Her tail slightly twitched, this way and that, swinging behind her as she stared with an air of indifference as Blunderbuss fled in her direction. Her large battle gauntlets hung at her sides, each slightly larger than herself in terms of size and possibly even weight. She began to feel the antagonistic air rise up against him, as her human counterpart felt somewhat threatened by his human counterpart, but for now she simply ignored the urge to confront him, content to merely bide her time... Her wide yellow eyes peering out from behind her scarf, watching his every move.
Mato, her name is mato. That one is Yuu, and the other one, the quiet one. Her name is Yomi. Ren try's to store that information into his memory. As not to forget any of their names. A common mistake of his. Forgetting peoples names, an absent minded mistake. That is common to this absent minded boy. "Sure" He said with a smile. "I will eat with you. Just give me one minute." He then dashed off, buying himself his own sandwich before hastily making his way back to the girls. He did not even know what he bought. Tuna? Egg salad? He was just trying to have something with him, for when he went with these girls. Wow....Three cute girls, and he is eating lunch with all of them. Mato, seemed kind, and energetic. Yomi, shy and quiet. Although he senses there was something more to that. And Yuu... Seemed to be a active person. A chalenging person. She seemed to not like Ren much, but that was ok with him. He gave her a smile, and a look in his eye that said. 'Chalenge excepted, Yuu chan.' He then turned to Mato. Giving her a quick nod before saying, "Ok lets go."

Blunderbuss Turned around. His aim back to BRS. He did not see her, but she was there. She had to be. There fight was not over, just prosponed by his sprint. And now he felt outnumbered....Another avatar. "Well good job Ren, you had to emotionaly except that girls chalenge. " He then pointed up the tower. In the distance, he can barely make out the figure of the girl. She did not attack...So good. Blunderbuss backed up slowly. His aim fixed in an angle, where he could easily aim at either direction, incase one of the two attack. "Come on...Which one of you is it Im fighting first."
When they reached the roof, a brisk wind blew across them, causing the girls to push down their skirts lest they flash Ren. Yomi sat down first, taking her place on one of the benches that ran alongside the tall chain-link fence that rimmed the roof access area. Mato took her seat next, to the right of Yomi. Yuu quickly slipped in after her, sitting on the other side of Mato so that Ren would have to sit next to either Yuu or Yomi. He could also sit on the ground in front of them or perhaps in one of the other benches, but both of those options seemed like unlikely choices.

"So, I heard that you recently moved here due to your father's work, right?" Mato asked Ren with a smile as she unwrapped her soba sandwich, "Have you looked into any of the clubs? I'm sure you could make lots of friends if you did, and it would help you fit in better too."

"Mato-chan and I are in the basketball club. Even though I'm too short to be on the actual team, I help out with first aid and management of the team," Yuu chimed in, "Yomi-chan is in the volleyball club. She's actually really good at it."

"She has this amazing spike serve!" Mato declared enthusiastically, "You should go to one of her games sometime."

"Oh, I don't know about that..." Yomi smiled, popping open the lid to her lunch and holding her chopsticks in one hand. She picked out a sausage and carefully stuck it into her mouth, listening to the others as the chatted.

"What sort of things are you interested in, Ren-kun?" Mato decided to be a bit more direct in her questioning.


Strength peered down at Blunderbuss, eyes still as cold and emotionless as ever as she stood and walked to the edge of the tower's roofing and jumped. She fell straight down the side of the building, legs slightly bent to absorb the force of her impact.


A loud thud reverberated off the ground as she landed, the hard soil cracking and forming a small crater as her fists hit the ground before her. She pulled herself up out of the indentation by using her large gauntlets to grasp the rigid edge and hoist herself out. She turned her orange eyes toward Blunderbuss, who stood a fair distance away from her. Her tail twitched once again as she stared at him, still showing no desire to outright attack him but making her presence known.

"She won't seriously attack you," Strength said blandly, "She always gives you a choice before resorting to violence."
Ren sat next to Yomi. If he were to sit in front of Mato, he would be rude to the other two girls. And it would just make them think he was not a part of their group, like he did not want to be friends. He could have sat next to Yuu, but it did not feel right, or safe for that matter. She did not seem to like Ren, and that meant he should beware the small girl. So, quiet, calm, and proper Yomi it is then. She did seem like she wanted some kind of recognition any way. He then pulled off the plastic wrapped around his small sandwich. Taking a small bite out of the food....Great, he took tuna salad. Now he is stuck with something he found gross. What he gets for being in such a hurry.

Mato asked him a few questions that he did not really know the answer to. "I am not sure if there is any specific clubs I want to join. Not sure if I would even be interested...Maybe something peaceful. Like chess." He then slowly thought this through. If...And that is if he joins a club...How about the basketball club? He was not very good. But then he would be around these girls more often. Sure, that would include Yuu. But if he was to be friends with Mato, and Yomi. Then that meant...He would have to be Yuu's friend to. So hopefully she sees this pearl of wisdom, and at least does not bite his head off. That would be nice. "Well...There is also the basket ball club. I might join that I guess..." He then turned to Yomi. "And of course I would go to see one of your games. Mato makes you sound like your an amazing athlete, so I would just have to check that out for myself."


Blunderbuss gave a short sigh of relief. She did not attack, good sign of peacefull negotiation. He pulls his gun up, resting the barrel on his shoulder. Looking over too the girl who has spoken to him. "So, you know her? Well, must say you would have to show me some proof that she would rather peacefully go about things. Becouse, those cannon blast's were telling me a whole different story'." He winces a bit, at the thought of how painfull it must be to get hit by that thing. It was a big gun, and as happy he was with his...He couldnt help but think, biger is better. "But, regardless of how she is. Or if she is, what you say she is. Why do you care. This is not your fight." His gaze was now turned back towards the girl...She must have been Mato's avatar. So, if that was the case. Then winning would be importent for his human counterpart. If there was to be peace, so be it. He will have to just take his chances, and try to talk it out. But if he were to bet on it. She was not peacefull. And this girl, with the fiery orange eyes, was just jerking his chain. He will offer one hand, but arm the other. And he will be prepared for conflict at any second. "And, if you really know so much. Then what is her next move."
"We do have a chess club," Yuu spoke up again, "But I'm not sure who the current president is. They tend to keep to themselves a bit, but they do go on trips around Japan to various tournaments, so it must be pretty interesting."

When he mentioned joining the basketball club, however, Yuu tried not to appear too much against it and merely shrugged. Mato, however, seemed highly supportive of the idea. She smiled an gave Ren a thumb's up.

"Good luck making the team. Yuu-chan is pretty strict when it comes to testing new applicant's qualifications," she said, inadvertently revealing yet another obstacle in Ren's way, "she trains us hard, but its definitely worth the effort. I'm sure you will love it, even if you don't get put on the front line-up. We can always use more back-ups, after all."

"Thanks," Yomi nodded, "Mato-chan is always there at all my games and she cheers me on from the stands. Its sort of embarrassing."

Mato chuckled nervously and scratched the back of her head, "Yeah, sorry about that... I guess I get a bit too excited sometimes."


"Yes, I have known her for quite a long time," Strength replied, "I care because if your other self can resolve the tensions between himself and Black Rock Shooter's other self, I won't have to bother getting involved. I value my leisure time."

"You really must be new around here," she turned away from him and gestured in Rock's direction, "She will probably wait until the darkness within you reaches a level that she cannot ignore, then offer to purge you of the darkness... However, at that point it is not likely that you will accept her offer, as your mind will be clouded. I have seen it happen many times, and on only a few occasions have I seen them willingly become purged. If she truly wished to fight you and defeat you, you probably wouldn't still be standing."
Ren looked over too Yuu. She is allready proving to be more of an obstacle then he thought. So, if that is the case. He will make the team, no matter what. Even if he had to be the dam, towle boy. Yuu, apearantly had a way of making this a competition. A fight for Mato's favor. And, that was ok by Ren. Becouse he liked the chalenge, even if she were to make things difficult on him. "Well, then I will have to try extra hard to join then. Wont I?" He said, his gaze still at Yuu. Giving her the same chalenging gaze, she so abruptly gave him earliar. He then looked over too Yomi with a smile, "Well, then I will be embarassing to. Thank you for telling me it bothers you when people cheere you on." He said in a teasing tone. His gaze then went back too Mato. The girl he intended on talking to since the begining. "So, how long have all you girls known each other?"


Blunderbuss gives her a small laugh. "So, your helping me on a count of being lazy? That, is priceless." He then stared back down to where BRS, would most likely be lurking. "Well, you are not really giving me much confidence now are you? Well, death or not. Standing or past the fuck out. I am going back there....Thank you for the info. Hope we dont end up fighting any way." He then ebgins to walk back towards the girl with the cannon. "I need to fight my chalenges head on. So, I would best be getting back to that fight." He said. Contradicting himself, on the fact that he was ready to book it and run like a coward. And soon, he was back to the patch of earth that they fought on, a few minutes ago. His blunderbuss ready. "Well, come on out." He said as he waits. Waiting for her to either attack, talk...Or wait for him to become to corupted by emotion....
Yuu blinked, not sure how to take his tenacity. She wouldn't be antagonistic about it, but she felt determined to keep him from whisking away Mato on the pretext of a simple crush (which is what she believed it to be). These undertones were completely lost on Yomi and Mato, who continued to act as if there were simply having a casual conversation.

"Um, thanks, I think," Yomi giggled nervously, "Just don't go making a fool out of yourself."

"I met Yomi-chan on the very first day of junior high," Mato replied with enthusiasm, "And we were in the same class through the first year. Starting second year, Yuu-chan joined us. Ever since we have been together, the best of friends."

Yuu smiled and Yomi merely nodded, unsure how to respond to his questioning. Mato seemed to have a good grasp of the conversation, even if she completely misunderstood his interest in them. He clearly wanted to get closer to Mato, while she simply concluded that he wanted to make friends and transition smoothly into his new school. One of her flaws was her inability to correctly gauge relationships, and this certainly came into play in this situation.


Strength let out a sigh and watched him leave, not even bothering to reply to him. There was something about this fellow that annoyed her, adding to the slowly growing belief that he would, indeed, be her opponent before long. For the time being she merely kept her peace, burning orange eyes turning toward the distance... Her gauntlets slightly clutched on her sides.

Rock was sitting on the ground, her head propped up against her rock cannon. Her ears perked up slightly upon hearing footsteps, her head slowly turning to glance behind her. She spotted Blunderbuss in the distance, and she merely turned her head away. Her hair hung motionlessly in the stale air, eyelids slowly blinking as she ignored him.
He smiled at Mato. Glad that she did not get, what was going on between him and Yuu. First day, and allready, he has a rival. It was fine by him. It only made this more of a game, a game that he will win. "Well, I am glad I have all of your suport." He said as he took the last few bites of his sandwich. "So, Mato. After class, can you show me to the club?" He then gives Yuu a glance. Knowing that the bubbly girl would say yes to his request. Ren crumpled up the plastic in his hand, fiddeling with it as time passed. And their lunch together, came to a close.

Soon, the bell range. And it was time for them, too, get, too, class. He stood up. Taking both Yomi, and Mato's hands as he helped them up too their feet. "Let's just hope there is not any wind this time." He said with a wink. Teasing them a bit, with the fact that he cought a glimp's of their panty's a few minutes ago. He did not help Yuu up though. Not that he was not going to, he is not so mean as to excuse a lady out of his gentlemenly action. She merely helped herself up, refusing his hand. To that fact, he rolled his eyes and looked away from the cute, defiant girl.


Blunderbuss soon came close enough to notice the girl. Sitting on the ground, using her cannon so she may lounge her head against it. He was sure to keep his gun on his shoulder. Keeping it from aiming at her in any way. So that he may not, be looked upon as a threat. He moves over to the girl. Sitting a few feet next to her on the ground. "Aaah". He exclaims as he begins to rest, for the first time in days. The ground itself, being comfortable to him. His standards were pretty low, but that is a given in their world. He looks out into the distance. His gaze not reaching the girl, but defiantly ignoring her as he began to speak. "So, I hear your the peacefull sort." He said, as he set's his gun on the ground. "If that is so, why attack, and then ignore me? Never mind that. I would rather talk things out anyway. I would rather not have bruises, and scars, to go along with all my other scars." He then gave a small smirk, finding his words a little humoris.
"Of course," Mato smiled, accepting his offer almost immediately as Ren knew she would, "I'll see you after classes, then, Ren-kun."

She gave Ren a sideways glance when he mentioned the wind, apparently not very amused at his attempt at humor. Yomi suppressed a giggle as she found the entire exchange quite humorous, while Yuu let out a sigh. She figured she would have to do her best at keeping him from paying too much attention to Mato in the future, as he actually had a pretty good shot of weaseling his way into her innocent little heart. She stood up by herself and walked wit the other two girls as they headed to their next class together.

"I think he's quite charming," Yomi remarked as they walked down the hall.

"In an odd sort of way, I agree," Yuu shrugged, "He's certainly got his sights set high, I'll give him that."

"What do you mean?" Mato blinked, still very much out of the loop.


Rock finally responded to him when he sat down beside her, her legs folding up to her until her knees pressed against her chest. Her right hand still grasped her rock cannon, but this seemed to be purely out of habit as she showed no inclination to start up her attack on him again... at least for now, that is.

"I wanted to test your abilities," she glanced over at him, "If things continue the way they have been, Mato will have to make a difficult choice... Who will she hold more dear to herself, her friends... or your counterpart? It will probably hurt her a lot."
Ren walked a few feet from the girls. Not able to hear their conversation. Whatever it was, it was girl gossip. He try's to listen in but only got one thing from it. Which was not much. "What do you mean?" He heard Mato exclaim. They had to be talking about him. He knew they were, it was a feeling he had in his gut. He just hope's, it was not anything bad.

Soon, they were back in their class room. And Ren sat down, his mind reliving his experiance in lunch. It was fun. Even having Yuu their was great. He enjoyed their company. And decided, that this will become a habit. That he will go to lunch with them, every day. And be their friend. His finger's slid between the pages of his note book. Absent mindedly. He would have continued this until he felt the hard thump of the teacher's ruler, across the back of his skull. "Pay attention." The teacher said. "Y-..Yes!"


"Ugh" Blunderbuss groand. Agreeing with her sentament. He was not to happy about his counter part. The last thing he wanted, was the conflict between another avatar, through the simple act of love. He just wanted him to rub it off, get it out of his system. Not go straight for love. But these things happen, and there is NO stopping it. "Well, then we have no choice but to see how it plays out. I would rather be lazy...But then again I still have a job yo do...." He then stood up. His gun now in his hand. "For your avatar's sake, hopefully it doesnt come down to such a choice. If it does, I hope she choses Ren. But that is just me."
The rest of school went as usual. Mato fell asleep during fourth period and was told to stand in the hall. Yomi spent most of her glasses diligently taking notes. Yuu looked somewhat bored throughout the entire ordeal, anxiously looking up toward the clock that hung just above the professor's head as the they slowly approached the end of class. When the final bell rang, she quickly packed her things and made a mad dash to the door to meet Mato there, Yomi soon following after her.

"Come on, Ren," Mato called out to him, "The rest of the club members will be meeting up at the activity center in a few minutes, so we have to hurry! I'll introduce you to everyone."


"Why would you say that?" Rock stood up stiffly, "That would most likely leave Dead Master in quite a fix... She's quite the tenacious opponent, not someone either of us would want to stand up against. Not only is she fast and resilient, she has quite a few abilities that make her particularly annoying to fight."

Rock seemed to weigh many things in terms of how difficult they made life for her, specifically fights. Perhaps that was understandable, given that there was for all intents and purposes nothing else for them to do in this barren world.

"She's been more stable of late... But it just takes one thing to tip the balance," she waved her hand in the air.


When the four of them arrived at the basketball court, it was divided in half so that the volleyball team members could practice on one side while the basketball team practiced on the other. Yomi waved to them as she headed over to her club, which Mato enthusiastically returned before turning toward the group of girls who gathered around Yuu. It seemed Mato had failed to mention that the basketball club that she was a part of was an all-girls team...

Nevertheless, she went about introducing him to all the other club members. They were polite enough and exchanged greetings with him, although it was fairly evident that they were somewhat confused why Mato was making such a strong effort to help Ren fit in.
After class, he followed the girls too the gym. His shoes inatiquiet for the slick court. He waves to Yomi as she runs to her team, on the other end of the gym. But, turns to see the shocking site...Of an all girls team. Well, that certainly puts a dent in his plans. It will really be hard to fit in. And then there is showers...Oh of course he will just have his separately. Although...The thought of all the girls showering with him is a nice thought. That runs through his head for a few seconds. 'What a pervert, is what is going through blunderbusses head as Ren thinks of the picture.'

His attention then goas to Mato. Who had just finished introducing him. "I am Ren Sasaki...A pleasure to meet you all." He then gave them a small bow. The girls did not look impressed. In fact more or less a little angry. They must feel like the sanctuary of their girl time has been breached. Which it has. They were all girls. And Mato is hell bent now on bringing him in with them. One way or another. Which, causes more friction between the girls. Now is no time for thinking of naked girls. Not even a time to think of possible cat fights. Now is a time to either prepare to run, or hope that Mato succeeds in her endeavor.


"She sounds like a fun person to play with." Blunderbuss said, jokingly. He then looked over at the girl. Her serious face not faltering at his poor attempt at humor. "Well, I am the kind of guy who just waits to see how things play out. Maybe things work out for the better. Maybe, we can make sure they do. For both are counterparts." He then gave her a small smile. His gaze reaching deep into her emotionless eyes. Seeing the fiery she holds deep down. The strength. She is a strong person. And hopefully. A strong ally. And not a strong enemy.
"Um, I know you are just trying to be kind in your own way, but why did you bring him here to practice, exactly?" one of the girls asked Mato, who paused for a moment before replying.

"Technically, we are the basketball club, but we don't actually have any rules keeping guys from joining, right?" she asked.

"That's because the guys already have their sports club," one of the other girls shook her head.

"Can't he help with set up and drills, at least?" Mato seemed to be grasping at straws at this point, "Come on, Yuu-chan, help me out here."

"Sure, why not?" the short brown-haired basketball manager shrugged, much to the astonishment of the rest of the team, "as long as he can prove to me that he's physically able to fulfill that role, I don't mind taking him in to help coach the team. Girls' basketball teams sometimes have male coaches, so I don't see a problem with it."

"Thank you, Yuu!" Mato hugged her friend, who seemed a bit overwhelmed by her enthusiasm.


"Your refusal to acknowledge the gravity of the situation irritates me," Rock replied coldly and turned her gaze away from Blunderbuss. She seemed determined to keep a distance between the two of them, knowing full well that they would be enemies before long. He was definitely a relatively new darken persona, one who had not yet been exposed to the true horrors of combat in this battle arena. There is no place for mercy or holding back, it was kill or be killed... Even Black Rock Shooter understood this, which was why she tried to offer a more peaceable solution to the rising corruption before it completely consumed their minds... Even so, few ever took her offer. Perhaps they doubted her sincerity. For whatever reason, she had beaten down dozens, if not hundreds, of opponents in her lifetime. It had slowly dulled her mind to the violence. It was merely a part of her life, her existence. It was a simple life, but it kept her from getting bored at least.
Ren gave Yuu a smile. She helped him out there. It was tottaly unexpected. His eye's said thank you, as he stared into hers. " Yes, I think I can do that." He said. Although he did not know the first thing about drill's, coaching, or even running a team. But, he was willing to try. "So, when do I start?" He asked Yuu.

The other girls seemed to be a little more, enthusiastic about his joining the team. It seemed to be a more welcomed idea for him to help out in other ways, rather then actually play on the court. And Ren enjoyed this as well. He did not have to make a fool of himself in front of a crowd, although if he does not properly coach these girls...He will make a fool out of Mato, and Yuu. So with that fact alone. He was even more determined to succede this endeavor.


"I understand. I just like being a blind optimist. Even if it is a fault of mine." Blunderbuss rest's the barel of his gun against the ground. And begins to lean on the rifle. "I seem to be ticking you off. Sorry about that. But it is true. I really would rather things play out happily. With Ren getting the girl of his dreams. Her keeping her friends. And Ren gaining them as friends as well. A huge happy happy ending. But just becouse I wish for this, will never make it so. And in that case, I will beat you if I have to. But Ren is getting that girl. The guy needs to get what he wants for a change. But...For now things seem to be going smoothly. So there really is not any need to fight. For now at least."
"Run ten laps around the court," Yuu blew her whistle and all the girls including Mato scrambled to comply, whereupon she pointed directly at Ren and smiled, "And you too, rookie!"

She spent most of the time ordering them around and showing them drills to perform, paying special attention to Ren to make sure he fully understood how to watch over the girls and make sure they were doing everything correctly. She was firm in her instruction, but she hardly came across as domineering or touting herself as superior. Clearly she knew her job well, and she wanted Ren to match her expectations.


"Then there really isn't anything left for us to talk about, is there?" Rock picked up her cannon and began to simply walk away from him, tiring of his words which would probably just make it harder for her to fight him with a clear mind when the time came for them to do battle.

"I have no intention of loosing, either," she said as her parting words, her cape billowing out behind her as she slowly made her way without any particular goal than to put physical distance between them.
Wingshadow said:
"Run ten laps around the court," Yuu blew her whistle and all the girls including Mato scrambled to comply, whereupon she pointed directly at Ren and smiled, "And you too, rookie!"

She spent most of the time ordering them around and showing them drills to perform, paying special attention to Ren to make sure he fully understood how to watch over the girls and make sure they were doing everything correctly. She was firm in her instruction, but she hardly came across as domineering or touting herself as superior. Clearly she knew her job well, and she wanted Ren to match her expectations.


"Then there really isn't anything left for us to talk about, is there?" Rock picked up her cannon and began to simply walk away from him, tiring of his words which would probably just make it harder for her to fight him with a clear mind when the time came for them to do battle.

"I have no intention of loosing, either," she said as her parting words, her cape billowing out behind her as she slowly made her way without any particular goal than to put physical distance between them.

Ren ran around the court with all of the girls. He was not very good at running, or very fast. But he managed to keep a even pace. Perfect for going around the court, the said number of times. With out stopping. He listened, and watched everything Yuu did. Recording it. Taking mental notes. Keeping it stored perminately. He admired her strength of leadership. And, in fact was a little jealouse. He wanted some of that powerfull charisma himself.

After the run. And the day in the club. He walked over to speak to Yuu. With a few deep, tired breaths. Sweat pouring down his chest and face. He placed his hand on her shoulder. And with one last deep breath. Shot out his words. "Tomorow, I will run the drills. And prove myself. Thank you, Yuu. For all I have learned today....And then passed out from exoustian....A smile on his face. For his small victory....


Blunderbuss only watched as she walked away. Hoping they really would never fight. "Good luck girly." He said with a smile. He then began to walk the other direction. His gun resting against his shoulder. "I wonder what else will come today....So many surprises....All well. Time to pay attention. I need to be more focused. Given todays events." He said, talking to himself like a crazy person. He took a deep Breath and kept on going.
"I'm looking forward to it," Yuu gave him a genuine smile, honestly impressed by his tenacity. Perhaps in time she could learn to trust him and accept him despite his interest in Mato. She wanted to shelter her friend, but the more she saw of this young man the more she began to wonder... If his interest in her was genuine or merely self-seeking. At this point she could not say for certain.

Mato helped lift Ren up and carry him to the nurse's office where he could rest up before heading home for the day, as the sun was already starting to dip toward the distant horizon.

"Keep it up, Ren-kun," Mato smiled as she watched over him. Yomi stood at the door, a concerned look on her face. Her eyes slightly narrowed as she turned back toward the hall to join Yuu at the front gate... and to tell her that Mato wouldn't be walking home with them today.


Dead Master sat upon a throne made of stone, her cold eyes staring out into the dim world before her. On either side of her sat a large skull with glowing green eyes, nearly fifteen feet tall each. In her right hand she held a vicious-looking scythe, while her face was curved in a distraught frown. Her green eyes slightly narrowed, the lurch in her stomach being too severe to ignore.
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