Hello Dahaka..Ryuzen_Tenchi...Generalfoley we need to decide where to go from here. When this RP started we had a large group and allot of potential. When Snowe Left for his personal reasons the RP lost a leader, and a valuable member. I was asked to take over at that point. Thee members of the RP quit then and there. Or at least never PMed me back after I sent multiple PMs to all 3. On the RP IC page the running RP was me and Scyle. It was his turn to post for the past 10 days. He has NOT posted for 10 days holding up the RP considerably. Now after 10 days he has decided to quit. I wish him good luck in any RP he ends up in. We have lost 3 story lines based on Scyle leaving. One is the Storyline that was running now. Soon Generalfoley was to catch us and create scene 2. Me and Foley had a 3rd scene planned out based on him catching us. This would have also started the entire sexuality inside the family. We are now back to square one on the start of the RP.
I have never done a group RP before. Let alone ran one. So perhaps I made some mistakes. I admit I have a lack of experience and a busy schedule. So if I made any mistakes I apologize to all of you (scyle included). I tried to do the best I could. But I don't want to quit now that things are harder.
This leaves us with a choice. We have 4 people left. Dahaka is our Mother Ryuzen_Tenchi our eldest son. Generalfoley our middle son, Me our ONLY daughter. I have to admit being alone with a couple of HOT older guys hmmm could be a turn on
. Plus my mommy is a total MILF. Granted an RP that started with 9 and is now at 4...with 1 moving on for personal reason. 3 just ignoring PMs. Plus 1 just quitting on the spur of the moment. This is an RP not doing great. But that does not mean it must be dead.
I personally believe that when the RP was cut to the 4 of us and Scyle, we had a fantastic RP potential left. I still believe there is a fantastic potential left. If a more limited one. I put the question to all of you then, Do we go on or not. If any one wants to quit. I say no hard feelings and wish you the best. If any or all want to continue this RP then great. Pleas respond on either the OOC page or PM. I prefer the OOC to keep it public. But if you prefer a PM that is fine.
If everyone wants to continue. We will be starting over yet again from scratch. (Third time is the charm yayyyy). But I am learning and I am willing to put in the effort. I will respect any suggestions offered. I frankly crave your suggestions. I want them and I need them. I am asking you to help me build an RP here. I know all 3 of you are experienced RPs. We have in a way lost all the less devoted members. What is left can be made stronger for the loss.
Thank you for your time Yours truly
Tiffany Collins