Memory Bound

Nora felt ten times more guilty when she heard him explain himself, and she wanted to punch herself for bein such a bitch. All Harry was doing was trying to help out. He was just trying to take care of her, something that no one had done for her in a long, long time, and her she was snapping at him. She should be ashamed of herself, and she was... Her eyes started to water and she looked at the television with a blank expression on her face. Her stomach started to hurt, and then she remembere why she cocked such an attitude. He reminded her of something that she truly did not want to think about, yet there was no hiding it now. Tears were starting to brim over within her dark eyes.

"I just..." she whispered, shaking her head. "I'm in over my head, Harry. Very over my head. I'm scared all of the time."

Taking a deep breath, Nora swallowed and reached up to wipe her eyes. It took her a moment to convince herself that tell Harry would do no harm. She could trust him, couldn't she? Her teary eyes looked over at him, and her forehead wrinkled with determination. "It started when my parents left us," she murmured, "My brother and I, I mean. He was thirteen years older than me, so by the time I was in kindergarten, he was a senior in highschool. They left when I was seven, so he came home from University and started to raise me as his own. He never told my why they left or why they never decided to come back. In fact, he didn't talk about it at all... He just took care of me, loved me, made me feel special even though I felt like dirt. I mean, who's parents just leave them? Nine years later, a little after a turned sixteen, my brother passed away due to illness. He had been sick for a while, and I knew it was coming, but he did his best to make sure our lives were normal up until his last day. He told me he was proud of me, that he loved me, and that he was sorry he could not leave me with more..." Now, Nora was sobbing, having to speak through the little gasps of breath her body managed to make. "So then I was alone, and I was sent to a foster home until I graduated highschool, which was about six months ago... When I first was forced on my own, I had no money and no place to stay, so I... Well, I borrowed some money from this guy. All he wanted was to "pimp" me out a little, and I was so desperate I let him... It was just supposed to work off my debt to him, and then I would be done, but now he's intent on getting me back. Now I'm broke again, because bills are so expensive... And I'm really scared."

Her face was in her hands now, and she was shaking with her sobs. "I feel so dirty, too," she whispered, "My brother would be so ashamed, you know... And this guy frightens me. I feel like if he found me and I refused him, he's kill me right then. After all, I don't have an family left to miss me."
Harry listened to her with astonishment as she started to cry, hesitantly setting his hand on her shoulder, unsure how to comfort her, or even if he should try. He swallowed hard when he watched her, realizing she was just as alone as he was. “i'm sure they loved you very much...” he whispered, hoping it was true, trying to offer her as much comfort as he could. He wasn't a touchy feely sort of person, he always said the wrong thing at the wrong times and this rather emotional confession out of her left him completely unsure of what to do. He felt his heart clench painfully as she spoke about her brother and he pulled her tight into him, holding her as she cried and spoke, stroking her hair gently as he kissed the top of her head, not realizing how that might have been seen, he just felt like it was right. He tensed violently as she explained that she had borrowed money from the wrong person and he pulled away from her, staring, wide eyed and shocked.

“... I won't let him get you Nora.” he promised, a snarl in the back of his voice, not angry at her, but furious that she would be so afraid. He would not hesitate to kill the man who was doing this to her. “i won't let him touch you, talk to you, hurt you, I won't even let him look at you!” he promised before gently stroking her cheek. his eyes still blazing with ferociousness. It was clear he was a very dominant personality, he had laid a claim on Nora in some form or another, ad anyone who fucked with her was then fucking with him. It was clear anyone who fucked with her was going to die, Harry wouldn't hesitate in the least to kill anyone who bothered Nora. “your brother would be proud of you Nora.” he promised once he got himself calmed down and she continued. “you are a strong, brave girl and you did what you had to to survive and no one can fault you, blame you, hate you, or hold you in ill regard for that.” he promised, smiling at her. “everyone does things their not proud of.” he promised standing up suddenly. “wait here, I'll make you something special, it will make you feel better.” he promised heading into the kitchen.

It only took him ten or twenty minutes to make whatever he was making on the stove, he pressed a hot cup into her hands, the smell wafting from the cup informing her that he had made a cup of very rich hot chocolate. “you don't need to be afraid of this guy Nora, I won't let him hurt you.” he promised before pausing. “and you do have Family, you have me.” he promised setting his hand on her knee. “i know I will never be as good as your big brother, never be who you want me to be, but I will try my best to protect you and help you. Your my family now Nora, and I will never let anyone hurt you.” that fierce protectiveness was in his eyes again. He wasn't going to let some jackass hurt her, never. “i think I want to go home tomorrow.” he admitted his eyes fierce. “there might be something there, money, a weapon, something that we can use to help us out of this situation...”
Nora listened to him, trying desperately to calm herself. She felt like a bumbling idiot, crying and sniffing as a I child would. Normally a very independent, strong person, it was hard for Nora to be so vulnerable. It was hard for her to give in to the fact that she needed help; that someone was sitting next to her that was willing to take care of her... She swallowed and bit her lip, taking the hot chocolate from him and rellishing in its warmth. It took a few moments for her to look him in the eyes, tears still spilling down her cheeks.

"It's too much to ask of you, Harry," she argued in a hushed tone. "You can't possibly take on the toubles I brought upon myself. This is all my fault, and I can't expect you to swoop in and protect me when you have so much on your plate. It would be selfish of me."

She shook her head, and when she felt his hands on her knee, she seemed to relax a little. Who knew that Harry would be the one to eventually make her feel safe? Who knew he would be the only person she would learn to trust in such a little amount of time? After a moment of hesitation, Nora leaned back into his embrace, resting her head on his shoulder and finding comfort within his arms once again. It had been a very, very long time since someone had held her in such a manner, and she found herself unable to tear herself away.

"I'll go with you," she murmured, leaning down to sip her hot chocolate. She remained leaning against him, her legs pulled up underneath her. "You should have someone there with you, shouldn't you?"

Nora, becoming addicted to his embrace, snuggled closer and started to watch the television. It was a mindless sitcom, and between watching that and having Harry beside her, she evetually started to calm down and get a little sleep. After finishing off her hot chocolate, she rest her head on his chest and sighed.

"Harry, I'm happy you are here," she admitted, "I'm sorry about what had happened... But I'm happy that you ended up here with me. Even if I do act like a bitch from time to time."
Harry gently leaned over and carefully wiped her tears away with his thumbs, as he might have done to a lover, one might even expect for him to lean down and kiss her, but he didn't. “i don't know about that.” he admitted softly. “i don't really have any problems or troubles, so I have a lost memory, sometimes I think it's a good thing... besides, what if I WANT to take on these troubles of yours? What if I want to help you, stick my nose in your business and keep you safe?” he smiled. “maybe I choose to help you, despite your protests, then it's not your fault at all now is it?” he asked with a small chuckle as he shook his head. “drink your hot chocolate Nora and stop worrying so much.” he ordered calmly. As he wrapped an arm gently around her shoulder as she leaned against him.

“i think your right, something inside of me cringes at the thought of going to...that place... alone.” he admitted softly, a strange growling tone to his voice, as if the place he lived was to be feared, as if his own home was a viscous enemy that would chew Harry up and spit him out if he went alone. “we'll go when you get home from work, after dinner.” he decided, biting his lip a little as he considered what might happen there, dread filling his heart as he realized that to be so afraid of his own home... not that he was actually scared or anything, but to be so unnerved at the thought of going back despite not having any memories, something very bad must have happened there. He smiled as Nora finished the hot chocolate and he leaned down, gently kissing the top of her forehead. “i'm not sorry.” he admitted smiling at her. “because it brought me to you.” he admitted chuckling a little. “besides, your not a bitch, just traumatized, like me.”
Nora nodded in agreement, making no move to pull away from him. She rellished in the feeling of comfort and support. His arms around her soothed her in a way that she had been deprived of the past two and half years. Nothing would have made her leave his side, even when her eyes were starting to droop. The feeling of the steady rise and fall of his chest calmed her and ceased her tears, leaving her in a state of serenity.

"That sounds great," she murmured, "I'll be there for you. So no reason to be nervous." She reached over and grabbed his hand, comforting him with a soft stroke of her thumb on the top of his hand. "Even if you don't find anything, even if you never remember your past like... Harry, you can always have a new life right here."

With that, Nora's eyes started to close. She was so tired. So, so tired. Today had been a long day, and now it was nearly two in the morning. It took little effort for her to fall into a deep sleep as she cuddled with Harry on the couch, her body going limp against his. Part of her wished he would not leave her once she was asleep, dreading the feeling of waking up in the middle of the night alone. Even after living alone for so long, she still hated that feeling of waking up in an empty appartment.
he smiled a little as he rested his head gently on hers and relaxed, enjoying the physical comfort of being so close to someone. It was a rare feeling, or so he felt, to be so close to someone, to not have to worry about being stabbed in the back. He breathed softly and calmly, simply enjoying her presence and the feeling of her nestled close to him, he had to protect her, every part of him strained to make sure her pretty eyes never filled with tears again, he ached to make her laugh and smile and feel at ease, and he smiled as he kissed her forehead gently. “thank you Nora.” he mumbled softly, smiling. “i would love to start a new life here... with you.” he promised softly enjoying the comfort and smiling a little as he too drifted to sleep. He was still there when she woke up, snoring softly his head leaning back off the edge of the couch, both arms wrapped around her. He jerked awake the instant she shifted with a blink and a groan. “i don't want to clean... make Dudley do it...” he ordered sleepily, shifting on the couch, practically pulling her on top of him, holding her and cuddling her even more than he had been.

“mmm, you smell good.” he muttered softly, his nose buried in her hair. “i should make breakfast...” ut he was still sleepy, and very comfortable with her laying on him like he was a bed. “... who's Dudley?” he asked, wondering why he had ordered Dudley to do the cleaning, deep inside he knew he would have gotten smacked for that remark... smacked by who? Dudley?... no, someone else. He sighed a little and closed his eyes again as another small headache pounded in his temples. “i don't feel so good..” Harry admitted sleepily. “head hurts again. Seams like every time I try to remember something, on purpose or not it makes my head hurt... do you think that's a bad sign?...” he was more worried about his physical health in all honesty, if he had, like, a tumor pressing against his brain or something... that worried him a little. He needed to get a job so he could get in to see a doctor or something. “you should get up and get ready for work...” he didn't want her to be late, even if he refused to let go until she actually moved to get up.
Nora slowly shifted off of him, taking a moment to become fully awake. She had not slept that good in a long, long time, and something told her that it was because of the boy who slept with his arms around her all night long... It made her smile to see him there when she opened her eyes, and when she moved to sit on the edge of the couch, she rubbed her eyes and chuckled.

"Dudley was your cousin," she murmured, "That much I can tell you. I graduated with the little twit." With that, she stood up and turned to lay her palm on his forehead. He didn't have a temperature, making her assume his headaches were most definitely out of stress. "No need to make breakfast, Harry. I can cook too, you know." She smirked, then walked barefoot into the kitchen and started a pot of strong coffee. The aroma filled the tiny apartments as it brewed, and she took the time to crack a few eggs into a pan and scramble them then fry up a couple slices of bacon. She walked in with both plates and coffee mugs balanced in her arms and placed the on the table in front of the couch.

"I really need a table to eat at," she mumbled, taking her seat beside him. As she started in on her breakfast, she looked over at Harry and gave him a smile. "Thanks for... Well, thanks for keeping me company last night. It was nice to have someone beside me for once."
he smiled a little at her before grimacing. “mt cousin...” he muttered frowning a little. “that's right... I lived with may aunt and uncle... oooh..” he groaned clutching his head as the migraine worsened, making him wince violently closing his eyes in an effort to lesson the headache, sighing a little as he pressed his forehead into the cool of her hand. He wasn't running a fever, but her cold hands lessened the pain a little. “are you sure?... I can cook...” no he couldn't that was pretty obvious, he was just being stubborn and wanting to take care of Nora. He didn't protest when she started cooking however and rested on the couch, nursing his migraine, getting up only once to grab a bag of pees from the freezer and lay them over his forehead and eyes, sighing softly as the pain was dulled into a light ache instead of a searing pain.

He sat up when she came over and chuckled a little as she complained about needing a table. “i like eating on the couch with you.” he admitted accepting his plate. “thank you for making breakfast, my head doesn't hurt so much now.” he admitted rubbing his forehead, which was read from the cold pees. He smiled at her when she thanked him and he shook his head. “i should be thanking you, I didn't have any nightmares last night thanks to you sleeping next to me.” he admitted smiling at her. “your welcome to use me as a bed anytime you want.” he promised before blushing hard. “... that... didn't come out the way I wanted it to.” he admitted realizing just how sexual that sounded. He coughed into his hand, clearly nervous and set in to his coffee, looking amazed at it. “... Nora... your coffee... you HAVE to show me how to make it like this it's PERFECT!” somehow, he knew good coffee was hard to come by, Nora's was rich, strong, thick... just plain perfect.
Nora chuckled and shook her head, giving him a little shrug. "It's just how I make it," she murmured, "I work in a coffee shop after all... Speaking of work." She downed the rest of her coffee and started in on her eggs and bacon, cleaning her plate within seconds. She had barely swallowed her last bite before she was up and putting her dishes in the sink. "I should be home early, Harry. We always close early on Sundays... So we will have plenty of time to go to your old house and take a look," she said after she was showered and dressed in her usualy uniform.

She grabbed her keys off the table and started to head over to the door, leaning over to kiss Harry on the forehead. It felt comfortable. In fact, it felt natural to do it. "Don't be playing house maid while I'm gone, alright?" she said, arching an eyebrow. With that, she waved at him goodbye and left out for work. The day was supposed to be short, calm, and end back at home with Harry.

However, on her way home, Nora's night took a turn for the worst. She was a few blocks away from her apartment building when a man grabbed her by the waist, throwing her into a van as she kicked in screamed. It was Gerard, the man who put her to "work" in order to pay off her debt a few months ago, and his men. He was angry; livid, actually. He yelled at her, telling her she was a worthless slut who did not work off all of the money he loaned her. She made him lose a client after she didn't show up to work one night, and now she was going to pay. The client was a big spender, after all, and he was going to punish her for making him lose all of that dependable money...

They beat her, giving her a black eye, a bloody lip, and a gash across her left eyebrow. They raped her, tearing into her and making her act as the worthless whore she was hired on to be.... She was sobbing, scared for her life, and they knocked her out cold with a blow to the head. Where they left her unconscious, she was wrapped in bloody sheet, naked, and freezing from the cold weather. Behind a dumpster, she looked as if she were sleeping, her lips purple and bruises covering her small, feminine body. A note was pinned to the sheet the was hazardly wrapped around her that warned her, "This was is not over."
Harry smiled a little and nodded. “i'm going to take it easy.” he promised. “these headaches worry me, I don't want to do anything to set them off.” he admitted calmly. “i will make dinner though, I was thinking of baking that roast you have in there, it will be pretty easy to cook that.” he admitted calmly smiling as she kissed his forehead, it made him feel rather loved, a sensation he found that he was desperately craving. “have a good day at work.” he stated with a grin at her. He behaved himself and didn't clean a thing and only made a simple dinner, nursing a growing headache, popping pain pills left and right to keep the pain down and swapping frozen pees to other frozen items from the freezer, just laying there on the couch and dozing for most of the day. He started to get worried however when she didn't come home when she had said she would, worry grew into panic when she still didn't return and ge grabbed the leash to Sebastian's collar.

“come on boy, let's go find your mommy.” he ordered, a fierce determination to find her. She worked just across the street right? he'd start there. No one there knew where she was, either payed or threatened to keep silent about the van that had taken her. He wandered the streets, up one block, down another, waiting for any hint of where she could be. It took him almost two hours to find her, Sebastian nearly yanking his arm off to get to her, licking her face and wining as Harry gasped in horror at her state, his eyes wide as he bent down, hesitantly touching her shoulder. “Nora!?, oh god Nora hang on.” he ordered, his voice a hoarse whisper as he carefully pulled her into his arms, cradling her gently, looking nervous now, hesitated, uncertain what to do or where to go. “... where should we go Nora?... can you hear me? Do I take you to the hospital!?” he pleaded, practically pleaded with her to answer him even as he looked at Sebastian. “come on boy... we're going to the hospital.” he decided turning and running through the street, determined to get her help, holding her tight as he carefully tore the letter off and threw it to the ground, no. the war wasn't over, it was just starting, and Harry was going to end it right damn quick.
Nora woke up a few hours later, her body sore and tired. Bruises covered her ivory skin, and one of her eyes looked badly beat up, along with her lip. Her head was aching terribly, and her nether regions felt like they have been stabbed. It took her a moment to remember what happened; to realize why he was in a hospital bed.... Tears sprung within her eyes and she looked around the room, finally finding Harry.

It had been awful. Images of men on top of her, hitting her, kicking her, using her mouth and womanhood as if they owned her. Well, maybe they did. After all, she owed Gerard nearly a grand, not to mention the client she made him lose. It was her fault, in all honesty, and she could only blame herself. If only she had not been so stupid to get involved in such a business...

"Harry," she croaked, looking up at him with sad eyes. It had to have been atleast three or four in the morning. "I'm so sorry.... I'm so sorry that you had to deal with all of this. This is all my fault... How on earth did you find me?"
Harry was sitting on the chair, half slumped out of it, sleeping in a way that you just knew he was going to have a back ache when she woke up, jerking awake the instant he heard his name, looking at the door with a furious glare, expecting a nurse to be there, telling him he had to leave. “i'm not lea...” he paused as he realized there was no one there and he gasped, leaping to his feet rushing over to Nora, gently stroking her hair and her face to make sure she was really awake, shaking his head. “shhh, shh Nora hush now.” he ordered softly, carefully pulling her into his arms. “this isn't your fault, none of this is your fault.” he promised kissing her forehead gently. “Sebastian found you... I walked up and down the blocks until I found you.” he admitted softly, holding her gently. “i didn't stop looking until I found you.” he promised swallowing thickly. “i took him home once they admitted you... they wouldn't let him in.” he admitted gently pulling away and gently stroking her cheek.

“you should rest, you had a painful ordeal... I won't let anything happen to you, I promise.” he muttered softly, carefully settling into bed with her and pulling her, safe into his arms. “i'll stay right here with you, I promise.” he muttered softly. “i won't let anyone hurt you again.” he promised, his eyes practically glowing in the darkness of the hospital room, the Evada Kedavra eyes glowing with a fury that promised a very painful death to the man, men, who had hurt the woman he loved. The thought startled him, but he realized, that as little time as he had known her, he really did love her, was IN love with her. “go back to sleep.” he whispered softly as he softly humming a lullaby to her, rocking her gently back and forth in an attempt to calm her down and urge her back to sleep.
Nora nodded and cuddled against him, her head resting on his chest with a sudden feeling of being protected. She trusted Harry, and she was still in shock that he found he; that he even tried to find her. Not only that, but he stayed with her for however long she had been in the hospital... He really did care about her, and here she was, laying in the hospital bed with him. She cared for him too.

"Okay," she murmured, not trying to fight his insistance to get her to go back to sleep. She was tired and sore, and all she wanted was to stay right there with him... "Just promise not to leave, okay? I don't want to be left here alone. I hate hospitals..."

After a few moments, Nora fell asleep against his chest, her body snuggled up against the side of his and her arms wrapped around him, pulling him closer. The nurses would come in to check in on her, but decided to just leave her be. She had went through alot, and it looked as if Harry was the only one who could give her the real help she needed.
Harry smiled a little as he gently held her. “i won't leave.” he promised softly. “i won't ever leave you.” he promised kissing her temple. “they only wanted to hold you until you woke, we can leave in the morning.” he promised softly stroking her hair gently. When she woke Harry was still holding her, talking softly to a doctor who wanted information on who had hurt Nora so they could have them charged. Harry was explaining everything he knew, which was nothing, explaining that she hadn't returned from work when he had expected her and he'd gone out with the dog to look for her.

“you spent two hours in the dark, unarmed, in the streets, in the DANGEROUS streets to find her? I commend you young man, not many have that kind of bravery.” “it's not bravery, it's obsession.” Harry admitted softly, gently stroking Nora's hair. “she has my heart, I would do anything to make sure she's safe.” “... you know they have medicine for that.” the doctor teased Harry snorting a little. “piss off doc.” he ordered simply, the doctor laughing as he handed Harry something. “these are pain medications, and anti anxiety pills, make sure she takes them when she needs them.” the doctor ordered, Harry hesitating. “i'll try Doc.” but he was clearly wondering how they where going to pay for the medication, she was broke, he had no money... “Nora? Are you awake?” he asked gently shaking her shoulder. “the doctor said we can leave now.”
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