Memory Bound


Jan 20, 2011
in the realm of lust and seduction
Harry James Potter was sitting on a swing miles away from Private Drive in Muggle London of all things. He was wearing his usual tattered, old, oversized clothes that his muggle relatives made him wear, because they where too cheep to spend the fifteen dollars to buy him an actual set of clothes. He sighed a little as he looked around, his eyes confused and blank as he swung his feet back and forth slowly, swinging back and forth lethargically, as if he was just waiting for someone, though he had been there for hours. Since noon, and the sun was already beginning to set, sending chilly air across the now empty playground. He himself looked terrible, the entire left side of his face was nothing but big black and blue bruise, and both of his eyes where black. He must have been hit with a sizable force to have bruises like that, even Dudley wouldn't have been able to hit him hard enough to leave marks like that.

It was strange, he had been missing for three weeks, the entire wizarding world was looking for him, yet there he was sitting on a swing looking confused as if he wasn't sure who or where he was. In fact he didn't know anything, he didn't even know where he was. He had woken up on the side of the road three weeks ago in massive amounts of pain and had wandered off trying to find out where he was supposed to be, he felt he was supposed to be somewhere, he just wasn't sure where. He had settled himself down in the playground to rest his feet, but now he was regretting it, he was hungry, he was getting cold, and his feet hurt so badly he wasn't sure he could bare to stand on them anymore. He had been living with another homeless man under a bridge, they had shared any food they had come across and kept each other warm in the colder nights of London, but the man had died that morning, leaving Harry all alone again.

So there he sat, wishing someone would know who he was and where he was supposed to be, shuddering as he hunkered in the swing, trying to preserve his body heat as the sun started setting, sending streaks of color across the sky that Harry found wonderful, but was far to miserable to really care about. He looked around, and felt a shudder of fear rush through him as footsteps started to sound into the cold air. The footsteps frightened Harry, he didn't know why, he just felt that being found, no matter how much he wished for it to happen, would be a bad idea. A very bad idea, despite that hope of being discovered and taken to someplace warm with food over rode any sense of fear he had, so he stayed on the swing, looking around for the source of the footsteps, and waited to be discovered.
Nora walked down the sidewalk, taking in the beautiful weather that the evening had provided. It was nearly sunset, her favorite time to take Sebastian, her German Shepard, for a walk. It had been a long day, and it was nice to come home and change into a pair of jeans and a jade green v-neck sweater, let her long dark hair down, and get some fresh air. Her hours at the local coffee shop could be brutal, starting at the wee hours of the morning and going on through out the day with minimum breaks. It was decent money, paying for her rent and bills, and that was not something to complain about at eighteen. However, she wished she could afford school. It had been her dream to get an education and make something of her self, but with her complex situation, that was nearly impossible.

Nearing the park, Nora let Sebastian off his leash, watching as he ran toward the feild with an amazing speed. She shook her head, wishing that she could feel as free as her dog seemed to... His life seemed so simple, and she found herself feeling envy thinking about it.

When Sebastian started to bark, a hint of aggression in his tone, Nora's eyebrows creased. He was all the way across the park from her and near the swings, a place he rarely wandered to. Sitting down, he looked up at a man sitting in a swing, barking at him as if he wished to be acknowledged.

"Bastian, leave him alone!" Nora groaned, trudging up the hill and toward the swings. "Sebastian, I told you to stop!"

Stopping in her tracks, Nora's eyes widened. This was not a man, but a boy that could not be much older than her. He looked badly beaten up, as if someone wanted him dead, and he seemed rather confused... Tilting her head to the side, she slowly approached him. Her eyes held indifference and sympathy, wondering what had gotten him into such a situation. Most people would avoid this kind of scene, but Nora was not most people. There was a time in her life when she had wished someone would have offered their concern...

"Um... Hello," she said, offering a small smile. "Are, uh, are you alright?"
Harry blinked rather stupidly as he watched a dog charge towards him and he jumped up so he was standing on the swing, looking ready to shimmy up the chains if he had to, shockingly nimble despite how thin he was. He was clearly starving, and had been for months, three weeks with a poor diet couldn't have made him so skinny you could see parts of his ribs. He was thin, frightened, confused, and he had clearly been abused or on the streets for a very long time. Whatever the reason for his state he didn't seam to notice Nora just yet as he stared at the dog with wide, shocked eyes before he finally glanced at Nora, looking shocked to see another person there. He glanced at the dog, making sure it wasn't going to eat him before he eased out of the swing gently, looking from Nora to the dog before realizing she had asked him a question. He was dizzy, hungry, tired, and he just wanted to find a place to curl up and sleep, someplace warm.

He opened his mouth as if to say something before pausing and closing his mouth, giving her a suspicious look, as if he thought she was up to, his head tilted as he examined her as if sizing her up for danger levels, not at all the way most men looked Nora over. He finally seamed to decide that she could be trusted because he finally gave her a little smile. “i... am.. ok?” he asked, his voice raspy, he hadn't spoken in the three weeks, his impromptu roommate hadn't been able to, so Harry had felt no need, he had spoken little while with the Dursley's as well, so his voice was husky and sore from misuse. “you... know me?” Harry asked his head tilted at her, wondering if she knew who he was and that was why she was talking to him, looking at the dog and hesitantly reaching out to pat it on the head, uncertain and frightened, wondering if it would bite him if he touched it.

He looked so lost and confused, innocent and childlike yet warrior like all at the same time. He looked capable of great violence as well as great tenderness, but Nora knew nothing about him, which made you wonder why she was really talking to the filthy boy who she had found on a swing, clearly homeless. He winced as his stomach growled loudly, setting his hand on his hand on his belly and looking down at it before looking up at her. “you have food?” he asked hopefully. “i'm really hungry...” he admitted calmly blinking at her his head tilted hopefully.
Nora looked at Harry with her eyebrows creased together. He had obviously been living on the streets, she was sure, but something made her think this was not a normal situation. Starvation and lack of bathing was apparent in his appearence, yet she knew he was not used to his conditions. His green eyes still held sanity, even if they seemed quite lost, and he was too... trusting to be a seasoned homeless man. No, he'd found himself in a rough patch. And judging by the way he questioned who he was, she knew he must be lost. Something had happened to him, knocking him out of his life that she was sure he was previously comfortable in...

And then Nora saw it. That scar... It looked so familiar, jogging something in her memory. Where had she seen that scar before? It must have been long ago, for it took her long moment of silence to realize she was not crazy... Wait.

"I know who you are," Nora whispered, her head tilting slightly to the left. Her arms crossed over her chest and Sebastian finally stopped barking, enjoying the attention the boy was giving him. "You're Harry Potter."

It took a moment for her to realize exactly who he was or how she knew him, but the moment she remembered that unusual scar sitting across from her in elementary school, it finally came to her. He was the boy who lived with the Dursley's a few blocks down from her childhood home. They went to school together when they were younger, but she remembered hearing how he was sent to boarding school or something. They did not talk much, and she never saw him outside of school, but she graduated with his cousin, Dudley.

"We went to school together when we were little," she confirmed, reaching down to pat Sebastian's back. "I haven't seen you since... Well, I guess since you left for boarding school, or where ever you went." She thought about taking the lost, confused boy back to the house she remembered him living in. After all, they were his family, right? But then she remembered how they left very abruptly last summer. They were gone, and no one was sure where they had went.

"I, uh...," she started, biting her lip as she decided what to do with him. She couldn't just leave him, could she? He was someone she once knew, and she definitely knew what it felt like to feel alone and lost. "How about you come back to my place? I have food there. You can take a shower if you want, and we can figure something out, okay?"

Smiling, Nora leaned over and latched the leash back on Sebastian's collar, her long dark hair falling over her shoulder. Grey eyes glanced up beneath thick, dark lashes. "I'm Nora Carington, by the way."
Harry blinked at her, his head tilted as she explained that she had seen him before, that she knew who he was, hope flaring in his eyes as he studied her before it died as he realized she hadn't seen him in some time. “Harry... Potter?” he asked slowly, tasting the name on his tongue, he didn't find it familiar, but then nothing did anymore. He couldn't even remember three weeks ago. Truth be told as soon as Harry had turned sixteen he'd gone off to grimaced place, and the Dursley's had packed up and left, without telling a single soul. They had been threatened, or simply got tired of watching Harry, who knew, the only thing anyone knew was that they weren't there now. Harry continued to stare at her, emerald eyes hopeful as if he was expecting her to take him home.

“your place?” he asked, looking confused again. “not mine?....” he asked his head tilted as he studied her curiously. “i would like food, and a shower too.” he admitted. “i've been taking baths in the creek but it doesn't work very well...” he admitted calmly, as if everyone did such things. “do you know where I live? I've been trying to find someone who knows me but everyone just gives me strange looks, the last person who I asked gave me this.” he admitted pointing to his face. “a Peirs someone...” he admitted frowning a little. “he laughed.. I don't know why, I don't thing it was all that funny.” he admitted as he followed her. “Nora... that's a pretty name. And what's his name?” he asked looking down at the dog. He had missed it in the panic.

He followed her through the darkness, considering everything that had happened to him. He had woken up in a massive amount of pain laying in a ditch with blood soaking his skin. As best as he could figure he had been hit by a car and the person had either taken him for dead or not cared. He'd met up with Silent Jay, a local homeless man who never talked. He was missing his tongue, and the only thing he knew how to spell was Jay, so that was what he was called. He told all of this to Nora, explaining, or he thought he was explaining, why he couldn't remember anything. “Jay died though, this morning. It was really cold last night, I think he had a heart attack.” he admitted calmly. “so I just started walking again and sat down on the swing and just never got back up... are you sure it's ok for me to use your shower? I'm really gross.” he admitted looking himself over.
Nora listened to him recount his past occurences, trying to piecetogether everything. They way he spoke and retained information led her to belief he was very much sane, just scared. It was odd to her to be walking along with a boy her age who was atleast a head taller than her, yet seemed to be as innocent as a child. She saw an intensity in his eyes that told her he had been through many life-changing events, things that gave him a wise demeanor. There was not a doubt in her mind that he had been hit in the head a little too hard, making his memory faulter. Things like that happened all of the time, didn't it? He did not seem like the type who would do drugs or be mentally ill. No, she trusted the fact that he simply needed help finding himself.

A smile spread acorss Nora's face and she shook her head, walking with him down the sidewalk. People stared, but she didn't think twice about it. "I don't live in the nicest of London apartments," she admitted, "I doubt a little dirt will hurt."

Looking down at Sebastian, who made a point of walking between the pair, she smirked. "His name is Sebastian," she murmured, "And he's little protective. Don't mind him. He's just a teddy bear at heart, aren't you boy?" The dog wagged his tail and she reached down to run her fingers through his soft fur.

The city lights were coming on as the sun finally went down, and the air grew a little chilly. It was a decent walk from th park to her apartment, but once they were their, she led him up to the fifth floor. It was a livable apartment, but certainly not top notch. There was an unsettling feeling that loomed over it, but Nora was used to it. She never left the apartment after dark without Sebastian, and she left work too early in morning to be bothered.

"Welcome," she muttered, opening the door after a few moments of fumbling with her keys. "It's not much, but I can start something on the stove while you get cleaned up."

Inside, there was a small black sofa, a metal table with books scattered on top of it, a dimly lit lamp, and a tiny television that sat on the fireplace. Right behind the wall that the sofa sat against was a tiny kitchen that had a decent stove and microwave. The bedroom was to the right, which barely fit a twin sized bed and small dresser, and the bathroom was positioned oddly off the kitchen. A radio could be heard from the bedroom, but there was no one there to listen to it. The televion was playing some kind of late night talk show, for she never turned it off. Silence made her nervous, and she did not like coming home to it.

Sebastian was let off his leash and he ran straight for a dog bed that was placed in the corner beside the sofa. His eyes stayed on Harry even as Nora walked into the bedroom to fetch him him some towels.

"The bathroom is right over there," she nodded, "Here is a towel, and I will go find something for you to wear... Oh! And you have to jiggle the hot water knob. It's stubborn."
harry smiled a little as he was promised it was really going to be alright and grinned down at Sebastian. “it's good that he's protective.” Harry admitted calmly. “bad things happen to good people far too often, and Sebastian loves you very much, he's a very good dog.” he promised scratching the pups ears. “very loyal. I used to have a dog like that, his name was Sirius...” he paused, looking startled, just stopping in the middle of the road and blinking dumbly. “i remembered something!” he stated, looking astonished before beaming happily and resuming his pace next to her, perfectly content to let Sebastian protect Nora. He smiled as he was let in, looking around curiously before smiling at her. “it might not be much, but I can assure you it could be a hell of a lot worse.” he admitted smiling a little.

He smiled as he accepted the towels, his eyes filled with gratefulness and thankfulness as he smiled at her. “thank you Nora, so much. I promise I won't be trouble.” he promised, smiling at Sebastian. “your a good boy.” it was strange that he was so happy that the dog was eying him up like a threat, But Harry knew the troubles of London streets, and it made him happy to know that Nora was well protected. He stepped into the shower, stripped down and washed himself clean before he actually started washing his clothes in the shower, just in case Nora couldn't find something for him to wear. “Nora? Do you have a pair of scissors I can borrow?” he asked suddenly as he stepped out of the bathroom, clean and handsome she could now see every bit of his body but from waist to knee, which was hidden by the towel.

Harry was muscular despite being so small and malnourished, and he had some interesting scars. A long one on his shoulder from a dragon he didn't remember, burn marks across his ribs from a blast ended skrewt. You could see his lower ribs sticking out, but you couldn't count them yet, starved but not dying of it yet. He was tall and handsome, but a little bit feminine too with his hair down to his shoulders in messy, but untangled and now clan waves. “i want to cut my hair, it's always in the way.” Harry admitted tugging on his locks, completely uncaring that he was naked in front of a woman, in fact he didn't even seem to realize that it was rather impolite to be standing there dressed in nothing but a towel, asking for a pair of scissors so he could make a mess with his hair. It was hard to be annoyed with him though, since he was so cute.
Nora has been lounging on the couch, reading a book and paying little to not attention to the television. When she heard the bathroom door open, her eyes glanced to the right to see a very clean, handsome young man. Biting her lip, she took him in, notcing the muscles, the scars... What had he gotten himself into? Her eyes looked over his physic for far too long before she blushed a little and gave him a small smile.

"I can cut it for you, if you would like," she offered, standing up and putting her book to the side. On her way to the kitchen, she grabbed some clothes off the coffee table and handed them to him. "Lucky for you, my ex boyfriend left some clothes be hind. Lucky for me, he will not be back for them, so no worries." It was just a white v-neck shirt and a pair of black basketball shorts, an outfit that her boyfriend from over a year ago had slept in when he stayed the night. She had never felt much for the guy, so when he decided to leave and make it as a muscian in America, she didn't stop him. She had not heard from him since, and she was not the least bit concerned.

Walking into the small kitchen, she opened a drawer and retrieved a pair of hair-cutting scissors she had used on her own hair from time to time. Then, grabbing a small chair from the corner of the kitchen that she liked to use to reach the top cabinets, she motioned for him to sit and wrapped another towel around his shoulders.

"So you had a dog named Sirius?" she asked, looking down at his hair and running her hands through it. "Well, atleast your memory is not a lost cause, hm?" Raising the scissors, she started to trim away at his unruly dark tresses, being extra careful with each snip. "I wish I could be of more help... I just remember you from when we were younger, and even then, we didn't know eachother very well. I was quite shy."

After several minutes, Nora had his hair trimmed neatly and out of his way, showing off his striking green eyes and beautiful bone structure. It was hard to tear her eyes away from him as she took the messy towel off of his shoulders and nodded toward the bedroom.

"Go get some clothes on," she murmured, a small smile spread across her face. She turned and discarded the towel in the laundry basket, walked over to the stove. Pulling a pot out of the cabinet, she filled it with water and started to boil it while she grabbed some pasta, sauce, and some leftover chicken from the fridge. "I'll get some food ready, okay? Then we can get you set up for the night."

Nora's smile and demeanor was genuine, not thinking twice about helping Harry out. He was no threat, she could already see that, and he needed to be fed and clothed badly... Not only that, but she knew how he felt. He just needed someone; anyone. And she refused to leave him alone.
he blinked as he stared at her and he looked at himself and blushed, realizing he was naked in front of her. But he said nothing, simply thinking she was staring because of the scars and how thin he was. He was really quite... not ugly, but certainly not handsome either. Maybe if he got some good meals into him and he filled out he would look better. He hadn't really bothered to look in the mirror so he really had no full idea about what he really looked like.

“i would like that, thank you.” he chirped happily, smiling at her, silently thanking her for everything that she was doing for him as he tightened the towel to make sure it wouldn't slip off and settled carefully into the chair, looking a little hesitant about someone with sharp things behind him, but he trusted Nora, if she was going to hurt him she would have already right? He leaned his head back when she urged him to and closed his eyes, enjoying the sensation of her fingers in his hair. It felt so wonderful to have someone play with his hair. He half dozed in the chair as she cut his hair, simply enjoying the calm touch of another human being for once, as innocent as it was... especially because it was innocent.

He frowned a little at the mention of Sirius. “yes... I think so... I... think he died. I get very sad when I think about him.” he admitted softly looking up at her and offering her a smile. “thank you very much Nora, for everything.” he muttered slowly standing up, making sure his towel didn't fall off, accepting the clothes and heading back into the bathroom to get dressed, changing and reveling in the feeling of clothes that actually fit, that didn't hang off him like a whale. He walked back out, examining himself as he did so, looking even more handsome in clothes that clung to his frame just right. He looked even better in those clothes than her ex boyfriend did. “i can just sleep on the couch.” he promised. “anythings better than dirt.” he admitted smiling happily. “or a cupboard under the...stairs.” he frowned, looking completely baffled, his head tilted. “... what a strange thought...” he mused to himself before shaking his head and smiling at her. “i'm sorry I... I think my head trauma knocked a few things loose.” he admitted. “i wish I could remember how I lost my memory.” he admitted wrinkling his nose a little.
Nora finished up dinner while listening to him try rationalize his thoughts. A smile spread across her lips, for she was not used to such chatty company. In fact, she was not used to any company at all anymore. It was always just her and Sebastian at home, and she managed to get in some human contact at work or the store. Her life was simple, but little did she know, Harry might be the one person to turn it upside down.

"The couch pulls out into a bed," she said over her shoulder, "It's not the most comfortable thing in the world, so I apologize. I'll get you some blankets and pillows in after dinner."

Walking into the living room with two plates in her hands, Nora's eyes lit up at Harry. He cleaned up nice, and the way the clothes she gave him hung on his frame, they made him look like a normal young man; a handsome one, in fact. The boy in the park and the boy in her apartment looked like two different beings. "And you don't need to keep sayng you are sorry," she murmured, pushing a plate toward him. Walking over to the sofa, she plopped down with her legs folded underneath her and began to stir her pasta around. Since she lacked a table, eating in the living room was their only option. "It's not your fault, you know. Judging by the bruises and everything, I doubt your situation was an accident."

Leaning over, Nora took a bite of chicken and pasta. Her eyes glanced toward the television as she chewed, thinking over her current predicimate. What had she gotten herself into? He must think she is crazy for bringing home someone who was practically a stranger... But the thing is, she felt his pain, and despite not wanting to believe it, she was a tad lonely.

And that's when the news abruptly took over the channel. A reporter read from a paper, obviously unrehearsed, stating that more deaths have occured today in London. The people were found in their home dead with no signs of natural causes, yet no signs of physical harm... Things like this were becoming more common throughout the past years. Th deaths were so unusual, so hard to explain, that Nora tried not to think about it. The last thing she needed was one more thing to worry about.

"Wow," she murmured, shaking her head, "Two more bodied found right on the edge of London..." Taking another bite of her pasta, she found herself looking at Harry with indifferent. "Crazy how they can't find a single thing wrong with them, huh? It's like magic..."
he smiled a little and nodded. “it's ok, like I said I'm used to sleeping on uncomfortable things, any bed would be a welcome relief.” he admitted smiling at her happily. “thank you... for taking me in, I promise I'll find a way to repay you for this.” he promised calmly smiling at her again as he scratched Sebastian's ears before settling onto the couch, grimacing as she told him to stop apologizing. “i'm so... I mean... er...” he blushed and coughed into his hand, looking sheepish. “i'm just nervous... I don't want to be in the way or upset you.” he admitted smiling at her sheepishly as he started to tuck into his food at laser light spread, finishing his plate save for two pieces of chicken which he kindly shared with Sebastian. Even starving, it was clear to see Harry had a kind soul. Harry was one of those people who would give everything he had if someone needed it.

He looked startled when the news took control and he looked with horror as he heard how they had died. It sounded so familiar. “Avada Kedavra.” he muttered softly touching the TV flinching as he pressed a hand to his head. “a...ow...” he groaned, shuddering a little. “yes... magic.” he muttered leaning against the bottom of the couch, tears of pain in his eyes. “i... have a terrible headache all of a sudden...” he muttered, voice husky with pain. “do you have any pain killers?” he asked hopefully. “i've never had this before... I was so sure I was going to remember something.” he complained softly. “something about those deaths...” that was a worrying thing to say, because for most people it meant that Harry was involved in them somehow. He had either helped kill them, witnessed a death, or was helping stop them. Whatever it was, it meant someone dangerous was probably looking for him.

Harry suddenly staggered to his feet and darted into the bathroom, the door slamming shut, but doing nothing to stop the sounds of him being sick from filtering through. He had eaten too much too fast and now he was paying for it. He heaved and huffed before laying his face on the cool linoleum to sooth his burning face before he got up and rinsed his mouth out, staggering back out into the living room. “sorry... ate too fast I think.” he muttered sitting back down on the couch and resting his head back, closing his eyes. “i'm just... going to take a short nap...”
Nora frowned as she heard him getting sick in the bathroom, putting her plate of food on the coffee table before standing up. She walked across the room and went straight for the kitch to grab the chair shaw ha cut his hair in. Sliding it to the counter, she stood on top of it and went through her medicine cabinet until she found migraine relief.

When she returned, Harry was sitting on the sofa with his eyes closed, as if he were tying to rest. She didn't blame him. The noises coming from the batroom a moment ago sounded awful... Sitting beside him, she hesitantly reached her hand up to his forhead to gently brushed his hair away from his damp forehead. Her fingers grazed his scar before disappearing into his dark hair, feeling of his soft tresses as he tried to coaz his pretty green eyes open.

"Harry," she murmured, worry etched across her face and swirling within her grey eyes. "Take this, okay?"

Grabbing his hand, Nora made him stand to his feet and handed him two pills and his glass of water from dinner. As he stood, she pulled the sofa bed out and grabbed some blankets and pillow from the closet. Within minutes, she had the bed set up and was pushing him down into him, making him lay down underneath the soft, fleece covers.

She sat on the edge of the sofa bed, looking down at the handsome, troubled young man with a frown. Her hand reached up to rest on his cheek, and she let out a sigh.

"You just need to get some good sleep," she whispered, trying to comfort him, "Stop worrying about remembering things, alright? It will only make you feel worse until you get some rest. Don't worry about paying me back... You're no trouble, and Sebastian will make sure of that." Grinning, she tilted her head to the side and let her hair fall over her shoulder. "You can stay as long as you like... I suppose I like the company."
he winced as she touched him, startled, or more expecting a hit and he blinked at her, a slight fever, but that was to be expected when you lived on the streets, he'd had a fever ever since he'd woken up three weeks ago. Infection somewhere he supposed. He blinked at her and got to his feet, making a distressed noise in the back of his throat as he did so but he took the medicine and drank the water obediently, blinking slowly, looking exhausted. It had been a big day for him and puking probably hadn't helped his fatigue.

He laid down when she urged him to and sighed softly as he snuggled into the pillow and bed with small sounds of serious pleasure and contentment. They where almost bedroom noises harry was enjoying the soft things so much before he smiled at her. “thank you.” he mumbled softly his hand catching hers and holding it gently as he closed his eyes and went to sleep, there was no stopping it, he was just asleep right then and there, breathing softly. Fortunately he released her hand with the gentlest of tugs and simply snuggled more firmly into his pillow.

He was awake when she got up, and was on all fours on the floor of the kitchen, scrubbing it clean while Sebastian watched. The entire kitchen had been cleaned spotless, which meant Harry had to have woken up around dawn in order to clean, or maybe he had woken up gotten bored and then started cleaning to repay Nora. Whatever the case he was cleaning, and chattering to himself like a madman though she couldn't understand what he was saying he was clearly talking to either himself or Sebastian as he dipped his scrub brush into the water before resuming his scrubbing.
Nora walked in to the kitchen early the next morning, her eye's still adjusting to being awake and in the light. Stumbling through the living room and into the kitchen, she nearly tipped over Harry on the way to the coffee pot. Her eyes went wide and she caught herself on the counter. Sebastian's ears perked up, and Nora slowly looked over her shoulder at the young man on his hands and knees, scrubbing her floor. Eyebrows raised, she put her hands on her hips and gave him an incredulous look. Dressed in just a long t-shirt and panties, her hair all over the place, she was not prepared for the scene she woke up to.

"Harry, what the Hell are you doing?" she asked, reaching down and grabbing him by the arm. Making him stand up, she looked around the spotless kitchen with a sigh. "I told you that you did not need to do anything around here... I mean, thank you, but still..."

Shaking her head, Nora walked over to the coffee pot and turned it on to let it brew, then grabbed two mugs out of the cabinet. Reaching in the fridge, she grabbed the carton of orange juice and poured two glasses. "Did you sleep well last night?" she asked, hopefully. "You never knocked on my door, so I assumed you didn't need anything..."

She took a sip of her orange juice then put it down and opened one of th elower cabinets to get the dog food out. Pouring it into a large, metal bowl, she lt Sebastian eat and patted his head.
Harry yelped when he tripped over her, startled, not in pain, just startled, blinking at her rather stupidly as she scowled at him looking very nervous as he hunkered down like a dog about to get yelled at, staring at her as she patronized him with her eyes. A full blown panic reached his eyes as she grabbed him and yanked him into the standing position, making him flinch and cower. “i'm sorry!” he wailed, cringing away from her as if he expected to be struck. Not the reaction one might have expected from someone as strong and brave as Harry.

“i... y..your not going to hit me?” he asked, staring at her with wide, terror struck eyes as she thanked him of all things, making him swallow thickly. Wherever he had been, whoever he had been with it was clear from that reaction that he had been abused, a lot. He started to calm down as she headed over to the fridge and hesitated. “i... had nightmares.” Harry admitted softly, sitting down hesitantly, worried about his own reaction. “i.. I woke up... the sun was down but I couldn't sleep and... and I just.. HAD to clean.. I felt that something bad would happen if I didn't...” he admitted biting his lip. “i didn't mean to hurt you...” he was jumpy, skittish, but starting to relax as he sipped at his orange juice looking confused and frightened.

“i don't understand.” he admitted suddenly, biting his lip. “i... I just... no ones ever hit me on the streets, they never had a chance.. so why.. am I so afraid?” he asked, worried, afraid of his lost memories now. What kind of person had he been? What if he had been a bad person? What if he had been a part of a gang that he was so afraid of being struck? Maybe he was a slave... did slaves still exist? Maybe... maybe he was putting Nora in danger?
Nora could not help but look at him with shock, taking in his sudden burst of fear and terror. Why was he so skiddish? Not only was he child-like, but Harry acted like a child that had been previously abused. Lips pressing together, eyebrows creasing, Nora walked over to where he sat down and gently grabbed his hand. Her thumb calmly brushed against his palm and she bent down to look at him in the eyes.

"Harry, I'd never hurt you," she whispered, her eyes soft and sympathetic. When he started to apologize, wondering aloud why he was so afraid, she tilted her head to the side. "You are afraid because your lost, but I swear on my life, I'd never do anything to hurt you. You are scared because nothing is familiar, and I'm sorry I can't be better help... But, maybe it would be healthier for you to stop trying to regain your previous life? Maybe you should try to pick up with a new one and get in touch with the world around you."

A frown touched her lips, and she tightened her grip on his hand. "Your memory will come with time, okay? And until then, how about we get to know eachother? After all, I haven't seen you since we were... Eleven, I think."

Nora smirked and stood up, glancing at her watch. Turning, she bend forward to pour a cup of coffee, giving him a good look at her panty-clad back side, then went into the living room the watch the news before work. She pulled her feet up underneath her and held the warm cup in her hands, looking at he screan casually. Sebastian followed, laying down in front of her on the floor.
Harry licked his lips nervously as she took his hand and stroked it, the fear melting away as she touched him, swallowing thickly. “i know... I'm sorry I... I don't know what happened.” he admitted softly. Holding her hand, biting his lip. “someone... else. Hurt me.” he muttered softly. “i'm not sure who...” he admitted calmly before looking startled, his head tilted. “stop... trying to find my last life?” he asked biting his lip as he pondered that, sighing a little. “you might be right.” he admitted. “i'm... frightened, of myself.” he admitted smiling at her. “i would like to get to know you...” he admitted softly. “you are a very kind and good person.” he murmured softly, smiling at her as he followed her with his own cup of coffee. Black as pitch it was.

He sat next to her, watching the news, his head tilted a little as he watched before yawning and rubbing his eyes. He had slept very poorly, and he was hoping to take a nap now that he had gotten his cleaning fix out of the way. He smiled and gently leaned against her, so desperate for human contact that he was actually cuddling with her, closing his eyes as he rested his head on her shoulder, sighing softly. “your warm.” he mumbled softly comfortable and mostly happy with his current situation.

He let her up when she made motions to get up thankfully, and when she did get up he laid down on the couch, hogging it as he snuggled in and started to take another nap before hesitating. “when do you get home?” he asked softly, smiling at her. “i'll make you dinner..” he offered, his head tilted, wanting to do nice things for her. “Nora?” he asked just before she left, his eyes uncertain. “... do you think I could be a bad person?”
Nora wrinkled her eyebrows and looked over at Harry. With a sigh, she shook her head and offered him a soft smile.

"No, I do not think you are a bad person, Harry," she murmured, "Even if you were before, that doesn't mean you are now... People can change, you know." With that, she turned and headed toward the shower, peeling off her clothes and stepping into the hot water. Sighing in the steam, she washed her hair and bathed her body before stepping out and blowdrying her hair into long waves. After applying some makeup, she slipped into her usual black pants, black shirt, and apron. She checked her watch then hurried around the house, grabbing a bagel and patting Sebastian on the head as she grabbed her purse.

"I'll be back around six tonight," Nora promised, "There is some stuff to make a sandwich if you get hungry! If there is a knock on the door... Well, don't answer and don't buzz anyone up, okay? No one but you and I are aloud in here."

At that, she left, walking down the five flights of stairs and running across the street to work.
harry smiled at her, glad that she didn't think he was a bad person. He laid on the couch and napped until she came back in and he smiled and nodded at her instructions. “i won't let anyone in.” he promised calmly before watching her lave, glancing at Sebastian he smiled at the dog. “want to come take a nap with me boy?” he offered his head tilted as he pulled the bed back out let the dog up on it and took a nap until noon when he jerked awake gasping and sweating from a nightmare that he couldn't quite recall. All he could remember was a bright flash of green, and an ice cold laugh, but it had left him shaking and terrified, the name Cederic and Sirius on his lips. Who they where, Harry didn't know, but he had a feeling that they where very important. He groaned a little and slid out of the bed, patting Sebastian's head and took a shower of his own, luxuriating in the warm water for close to an hour before he finally stepped out, dried off and got dressed.

“well, what should I make her for dinner?” harry asked curiously, wondering who he was talking to, himself or the dog? Either way he felt ridiculous, but after weeks of silence, it bothered him. He turned on the Tv loud, letting the sound permeate the apartment and perused the fridge for something to eat he made himself a good sized sandwich and shared bits and pieces with the dog, smiling a little as he stroked the Canines head, sighing a little. “i wish I could remember that dream.” he muttered, it was bothering him, he never noticed that his personality had shifted into more of an adult like persona, how could he? He still felt perfectly himself. “well, talking to you isn't helping my plea for sanity is it Sebastian?” Harry asked smirking as he shook his head at his own stupidity. He rolled the bed back into a couch and looked around, shrugging. Nora had said not to, but he was going to anyway, it was the least he could do. He cleaned the rest of the kitchen and cleaned up the living room and the bathroom but didn't clean anything else, not wanting to invade her privacy.

When she got home the apartment smelled like cooking meat, good cooking meat, Harry was in the kitchen flipping steaks on a skillet. Whether that had come from the freezer or he had obtained them somehow only Sebastian knew. He was whistling as he cooked and reached down and tossed Sebastian's ball whenever the dog brought it over to him, snickering at the dogs goofy playful nature as he flipped the steaks again. “what do you think Sebastian, should I make a vegetable too?” he paused. “i wonder if she counts potatoes as a vegetable?” he mused examining the steaks, glancing at the dog. “i really should stop talking to you, you know. Nora is going to think I'm crazy... yes yes alright I'll throw the ball.” he teased tossing the ball again before heading over to the pantry and pulling out some potatoes. “fried or mashed do you think?” he asked the dog before blushing hard as he noticed Nora. “er... I wasn't talking to the dog... honest..”
Nora walked into the kitchen with an arched eyebrow, taking in the surroundings for a moment before speaking. She eyed the food, Harry talking to Sebastian, and the clean house... Her lips turned into a smirk, and she shook her head. Reaching around herself, she removed her apron from work and tossed it on the counter, pulled her hair down from its pony tail, and removed her shoes.

"You just couldn't help yourself, could you?" she said, amusement in her tone. "Well, it smells good. How was you day? No one knocked on the door, did they? I'm a little late on my rent, and they are bound to come to collect sooner or later..."

Grabbing Sebatian by the collar, she let him out to the balcony so he could do his business and flipped the telelvision on the news. Another story about another killing. It was becoming so common to hear about the mysterious deaths that she didn't think much about it. All she cared about was eating dinner, relaxing, and hopefully getting some good sleep...

"I brought you some clothes," Nora said, nodding toward a few shopping bags that sat by the door. "A few things that I thought would suit you... That way you can get a fresh start, go out in public... Start anew." She smiled and sat down on the sofa as she waited for food. "I'm not forcing anything on you. Just thought I would help you out a little."
he smiled sheepishly at her. “... sorry... I got bored and reading made my brain hurt and the TV was depressing.” he admitted smiling a little as he shook his head and flipped a steak. “one person knocked but I just hid under the bed while Sebastian barked at them.” he admitted looking amused. “i have no idea why hiding under the bed was a good idea but they didn't try to come in so I guess it worked.” he laughed at his own bad joke and prodded the meat before he finished pealing the potatoes and started slicing them up, deciding to fry them on the skillet with some butter and onion's, humming a little ditty to himself as he worked.

“i had a good day.” he admitted. “had some strange dreams while taking a nap though.” he admitted frowning a little. “i just can't seam to remember what they where. I woke up shaking.” he admitted shaking his head. “do you think that's normal?” he asked blinking at her and turning faintly red. “you didn't have to do that Nora...” but he looked so grateful it was clear he was only saying that to be polite. “thank you... I could go out and get a job too, and help you with the rent since I'm living here for a while...” he wasn't sure for how long, but he could help her until he found his own place at least. “i would like to go outside though.” he admitted smiling a little. “i thought about it earlier but I wasn't sure if i'd be able to get back in, and it looked like it was going to rain.” he admitted frying the potatoes easily before flipping half of them and a steak onto a plate, setting it carefully into her lap before he dished himself up. “i hope it tastes alright... I can't remember if I know how to cook or not.” he admitted with another chuckle.
Nora grinned and dug into her food, eating rather quickly since she never had time to grab lunch. "It's great," she assured, giving him a nod before finishing of her potatos. His overly innocent behavior was something she was not used to. In fact, it was nothing like anything she had ever been around. Her previous boyfriends were very dominant and her father was a raging alcoholic... Harry's personality caught her off guard, leaving her with little to say.

Her eyebrows raised, and her head tilted to the side. "You his under the bed?" she chuckled, shaking her head. "You do realize they cannot come in or see through the door, don't you? I just don't you not to answer the door because I've got some... old friends I would rather you not have to deal with. And then there is that landlord, and my ex boyfriend." Sighing, she stood up and walking into the kitchen to start washing her plate. It was nice to have someone to cook dinner for her.'

"You don't need to go scoping for a job so soon," she protested, walking back into the living room and leaning against the doorway. "You've only been here a night... And besides, you're still trying to regain your memory." With that, she went back to sit on the couch and pulled her legs underneath her.
he smirked a little and shrugged. “it seamed like a good idea.” he admitted with a laugh. “your dog gave me some pretty strange looks though.” he admitted smiling as he cut his meat up but ate quickly, almost as hungry as she was, considering he'd given up most of his sandwich to Sebastian, who'd just looked starving, Harry hadn't been able to resist. He scowled ay the tone of her voice and straightened looking her over. “Nora, are you being threatened by someone?” he asked frowning a little. “because if you are I can take care of them for you.” he promised frowning a little, a strange look in his eyes. Not a killers look, but definitely the look of someone who was willing to hurt someone to protect the people he cared about... the look of a person who had killed before, someone who had seen a lot of death and pain.

“Besides... I don't have anything to clean anymore, I have to find something to do.” he admitted with a small smile. “if I take a part time I can do to work after you, and be back before you and I can make you breakfast and dinner.” he offered smirking a little. “it will give me something to do while your not home.” he admitted smirking as he fed Sebastian pieces of fat from his steak. “besides... I'm not sure I want my memory back.” he admitted looking nervous. “after those nightmares I'm just.. not sure I'm ready.” he admitted scratching Sebastian's ears. “i'll give it a while before I actively start finding out the kind of person I was... maybe a week or two... you know where I lived right? I'll start there when I feel more comfortable with who I am now.”
Nora went quiet when she asked if she was being threatened, her face growing solemn. She bit her lip and waved his accusations away, shaking her head.

"No, of course not," she murmured in a hush tone. Her eyes glanced to the window, pulling her knees up to her chest and letting out a sigh. She listened to him, taking in what he had to say about getting a job and regaining his memory. However, she appeared as if she were being very distant; as if she were in a deep, deep thought... "You don't need to cook for me, you know." Her tone was defensive, as if she were suddenly irritated. "I can take care of myself. I've been doing it long before you came around."

With that, she stood and went to take a shower without another word, needing the hot water to seep into her skin and calm her. Why was she taking her frustration out on Harry? He did nothing... But after being independent for so long, it felt unusual to have someone go out of their way for her... After getting dressed in a long t-shirt and boyshort panties, she slipped back out into the living room and grabbed a cup of coffee.

"I'm sorry," she muttered, sitting back down beside him with a large coffee mug. She smelled of lavender shampoo and toothpaste. "I just... I'm so used to being alone..."
he blinked a little looking startled by the harsh tone and he scowled a little as he tilted his head. “but I...” he looked confused and upset that she was snapping at him, certain something was wrong but not sure what to do about it, not sure he wanted to. It was his life too after all, sort of. He sighed a little and picked up the dishes, washing them and sharing the scraps with Sebastian before sitting down on the couch, ignoring the TV in favor of mulling over what was going on with Nora, and wondering why it upset him so much. Nothing made sense to him anymore, he felt like he was supposed to be doing something important and sitting around getting his ass chewed was driving him crazy... was he the sort of person who took that? He didn't know but he doubted it. Whatever the truth was, he was going to ignore it as best as he could, she didn't need his temper on top of hers.

He looked over at her, looking even more amazed when she apologized, clearly not used to that sort of thing. “oh... er.. it's fine... for some reason I'm used to getting my ass chewed.” he admitted frowning a little. “i can't remember what about...” he admitted shrugging a little. “if you need space, just tell me ok? I'll take a walk around the park or something.” he promised smiling at her a little. “i'm still cooking for you.” he stated simply. “i like to cook apparently, it makes me feel better knowing I'm doing something to help out and not just mooching off of you.” he admitted shaking his head. “i don't want to feel like I'm taking advantage of you, that's all... I care about you, you're my friend, I want to help you when I can, as little as it is.”
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