From Teen Star to Teen Sex Slave (Ryanmo97 x SexyChick)

Ryan smiled when she kissed back. "You're welcome, Miley." Ryan sat down and started to eat his meal. "So tell me... Is there anything you would like in order to make your stay here more enjoyable?" He realyed wanted Miley to enjoy her time here.
Ryan looked at Miley, "I meant besides that... There must be something that you want..." Ryan continued to eat his dinner.
Ryan just shook his head, "I'm sorry, Miley... But I just I just can't do that... You are going to be with me for the rest of your life and you are going to be the mother of my children..." He continued to eat while she processed that information.
Ryan had enough. He set he plate down on the tray then he took her plate away from her. He took her hand and they exited her room and entered the main part of the dungeon. Ryan proceeded to chain Miley up in the center of the room like she was when she first arrived there. Her arms were pulled over her head and her feet were chained to the floor. Because of the height of the chains, Miley was forced to stand on her tip toes. Ryan removed her shoes and stood up to look her in the eyes. "I've tried being nice to you... But, obviously that's not working... It's time for you to face facts, Miley Ray... You are going to be here for the rest of your life and I'm in control of what happens to you..." Ryan then took a knife out of his pocket and started cutting her clothes off...
Soon Miley was naked... He walked away from her and over to a cabinet. He took out a large wooden paddle with three holes drilled in the end. He walked up behind her, lightly tapped her ass with the paddle a couple of times, then he wound up and smacked her hard on the ass with the paddle.
Ryan just kept spanking her as hard as he could with the paddle... "You need to learn, Miley... You have got it very good... There are some sex slaves that are treated like this every day..." Ryan spanked her ass 20 times then he stop and faced her waiting to see what she had to say to him now...
"Now... I want you to think about how good you have it tonight... So as further punishment... I'm taking away all of your clothes, and all of your entertainment for the rest of the night." Ryan removed Miley from her chains and took he back to her room. He took a remote out of his pocket and a couple of walls came down out off the ceiling and covered the bookcase, the door to the closet and the entertainment center. Ryan then removed the blankets, sheets and pillowcases from the bed. He put the bed clothes on the cart and walked out of the room the door locking behind him.
The next morning before Ryan came in the room and while Miley was sleeping the walls came up that covered the bookcase, the door to the closet and the entertainment center. Ryan then sat down in his control room to see what she did when she found her clothing & entertainment privileges restored.
Ryan walked into the room with a cart of food and some clean bed sheets. "I hope you learned your lesson, Miley... I might seem like a push over... but if you cross me, I'll make life very difficult for you..." He handed Miley her breakfast. Eggs sunny side up, bacon, and toast.
Once they both finished their breakfast Ryan said, "Go ahead and strip..." As Ryan was taking his own clothes off he said, "Is there anything you would like in order to make your stay here more enjoyable?"
Ryan climbed on top of her and kissed her as they started. While they kissed, his hands moved to her breasts and pussy.
After several minutes of kissing and touching, Ryan slid his hard cock into her waiting pussy. He moaned as he slid in and out of Miley's pussy.
Ryan slowly increased his speed with each thrust. He had deep feelings for Miley and he hoped that if he treated her right, she would start to love him back. He kissed her and gently rubbed her nipples as they had sex.
Ryan moaned as he thrust harder and harder... "Yes... Oh yes... Oh I'm going to cum... OH Yes..."
Ryan moaned and fucked her harder, "Here it comes..." Ryan held onto to her and shot his load deep into her pussy. When he was finished he stayed in her for a moment or two before rolling off and giving her a kiss on the cheek.
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