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Bingo! A Basterdly Tale [SevenxPosie]

“Jå – em, yes.”

Aaron sheepishly averted his gaze as the American cast his glance in his direction. The busted-up Jew brought his fist to his lips, chewing at the frayed cuticles that framed his jagged nails. Only a few weeks ago they had been perfectly maintained. Smooth, soft with lotion…And now they were – well, they looked like hands that belonged to a man.

“I had been sleep for duration of day..So I could be making travel at night, with more secret….Zis plan had been working very gut for – “ With his index finger trapped between his lips, he twitched his other fingers about slightly, as if counting, “ twenty six days now..But st seeming my luck was ran out, jå?” He laughed, slightly. Nervously almost.

At night, one could not easily go about observing a stranger without being obvious..From the corners of his eyes, Aaron could make out only shadows.

“ So..” his hand slipped down into the pocket of his slacks, prodding uneasily at a small hole worn in the bottom of the pocket. “Your intervening of mine..prediciment…is common practice? Or being small exception?”

The American had to know he was Jew..Or at least be aware that he fell into some category that the regime deemed subhuman.
Aldo gave a nod; there were some pretty standard places that people on the run took shelter in, and the underside of bridges had become commonplace enough that the bad guys were regularly checking them. This meant that Jews on the run either had to become more innovative with their shelters, or they had to have a weapon - for the most part, the latter wasn't really an option, but for the Basterds it had become a shining opportunity. When bored, a couple of the men in the group liked to hide out beneath a bridge or two that they knew was regularly checked by foot patrol; Utivich had surprised them all when he had returned to camp one night, covered in blood, and holding four scalps.

Aldo was damn proud, even if Uti was freakishly small.

"Well, do yerself a favor and don't hide 'neath no more bridges, yeah?" Aldo said, having led them away from the empty car and towards the darker, shadowed areas of the woods - he had only left the ditch to take a piss, but sometimes he liked to walk a little further out, get away from camp.

Though, in this case, he'd seen the headlights and caught the notion that he should take a look.

He rubbed at the side of his neck, fingers touching habitually at the scar, as though checking it was still there - or maybe checking that his neck was still there.

"Don't usually catch 'em in the act," Aldo admitted, "S'a rare occasion to find a prisoner. An alive one, anyway. Mostly we gun for anythin' wearin' a German uniform - this was just right place, right time."

He nodded his head towards the shadows,

"Not too far from here we got camp set up." he added.
“Very fortunate for me,”

Aaron nodded in regards to the comment concerning the timeliness of the American’s arrival. The right place and the right time indeed…American’s had a habit of keeping such -punctuality, when it came to international affairs...And when they did decide to straighten up their suspenders and join in, they came with gun’sa blazin..

Local gossip had whispered only weeks before that the American’s were sweeping through Europe like an unleashed plague. Or at least the fear of them…

Apparently, this man’s group was amongst the one’s causing a significant amount of trouble not only to the soldiers, but to the Fuhrer himself…

Thanks be to god...

The cold, bitter taste of the gun barrel still was fresh upon the palette of Aaron’s tongue…Though, he supposed it was better than the taste of warm, salted flesh....Unwanted flesh.

He twisted his lips, as not so distant memories caused his tongue to slightly spasm against the roof of his mouth; scraping against the back and underside of his front teeth, as if in some desperate attempt to scour off lingering sensations..

Swallowing slightly, after his tongue felt considerably raw, Aaron peered ahead through the shadows. Hulking shapes in the distance…crouching on a hilltop. Far enough off that Aaron’s footing brought him behind the American without being too meekly obvious, but they were not too far distant for the shadowy figures to shift slightly in the darkness…a soft clicking sound ringing clear, amidst the ambience of the forest.
Aldo didn't need to turn to know that Aaron was getting behind him - not that he could blame the guy, after the night he'd had - but he still couldn't help grinning a little, knowing those were his boys up on the hilltop, even if they didn't have the good damn sense to stay out of sight.

But this time of night, everyone tended to put their guard down. Almost everyone, anyways.

"That'll be Hugo," Aldo said, peering back at Aaron, "Ya know. Hugo Stiglitz? He likes t'stay up late, he ain't much for sleepin'. I think it's 'cause he knows what kin happen to even the most decorated soldier in his sleep."

Of the thirteen Gestapo officers he had killed, five of them had been asleep when Hugo had ambushed them; no one ever really asked Stiglitz about it, never questioned why he had done it or why he kept doing it - all that mattered was that he was doing it. That he kept doing it. When they'd first broke him out of the prison in Berlin, he'd had a kill count of thirteen; these days, it was more like forty. Maybe more.

Something clicked in the dark; metal on metal,

"Y'hear that? That's a Karabiner 98k bolt-action rifle; not s'pretty lookin', but it's good for long distances and smashin' into heads when it comes down to it. It'll be trained on us right now, but don't take it personally; Wicki knows what he's doin' with it, he's one'a the best shots among us." Aldo said conversationally, ignoring that the last detail probably wasn't terribly reassuring.

He could see Hugo shifting on the hilltop, rising from where he had been crouched; backlit by what was probably a distant campfire, Hugo was a sleek, impressive silhouette, observing them carefully; they would know it was him, coming back to camp, but there was probably a question as to why he took so damn long, and why he'd brought someone back with him. It occurred to Aldo that maybe they thought he'd been taken prisoner or some shit, a thought that was confirmed by a third silhouette appearing on the hillside - and this one was massive, towering over Hugo and much, much bulkier. The third silhouette seemed to be holding a stick.

Aldo made his way up the hillside towards them; the bulky silhouette spoke first:

"What da fuck?" Donny asked.

"Got distracted." Aldo replied, jerking a thumb behind him, towards Aaron; the Bear Jew let his eyes follow his Lt's gesture and they focused firmly onto the newcomer, registering an angry confusion for an instant - until he got a real good look at Aaron's face, with all of the cuts and bruises. His expression softened minutely, but he followed after Aldo anyways,

"I was thinkin' ya lost ya dick out in the woods or somethin'." Donny said, then jerked his head back towards Aaron, "Who tha fuck is this?"
Hugo Stiglitz.

A name that had spread with gossip faster than the papers could print. Articles with expensive red ink declared ‘The Coward Traitor,” and in less impressive color, but still bold printing, the headline below read “Sergeant Hugo Stiglitz Assassinates 13 German Officers” to the horror of the German army, and the delight of those oppressed by their regime. Stiglitz’ name was infamous, but the last Aaron had heard he was in transit to Berlin for some manner of execution…

Clearly, that hadn’t been successful; and the army was not about to permit another article to print with a headline that further disgrace them with Stiglitz’ name.

His presence significantly added to the growing uneasiness at the base of Aaron’s already anxious stomach…Though not nearly as knotted a reaction as when a far more hulking shape shifted out of the shadows…Just who were these men?

Were they men at all?

Their intentions were certainly made a bit more clear based on their affiliation with the likes of Hugo Stiglitz, but still…

Aaron remained silent, still and silent, as the hulking figure spoke up; his English spoken as if he had the back of his throat slightly shut. Almost Irish sounding, but less musical and more…angry.

The man’s eyes cut towards him in the darkness, and Aaron peered up despite every sensible voice inside him begging him not to. A silent moment exchanged, before the other American began speaking a little too fast for Aaron to translate. When Aldo moved, Aaron followed; a few steps behind, in the manner of an abused puppy apprehensively following someone who might provide even a sliver of comfort..

“Hey Lieutenant! What the hell took ya so long? The birds eat up your breadcrumbs?” A voice called from beside the campfire not too far from them. Several chuckles accompanied the comment, and Omar grinned, clapping a hand on Utivitch’s shoulder, “We were about to send Gretel here after ya.”
Utivich managed to pull off an expression of good-natured irritation; the combination of being the youngest and the shortest of the group had led to him being the butt of many jokes, something he had always taken in stride. He merely rolled his eyes when Omar slapped a big hand onto his shoulder, but offered up something like a smile anyways.

"I wouldn't'a been able to see him if ya'd sent Uti after me anyways." Aldo said.

"Too dark?" Utivich asked hopefully.

"Too short." Aldo replied, to another chorus of chuckling, "Ain't no problem gettin' back, couldn't lose this spot if I tried 'cause I kin smell you boys from out there. You especially Donny."

Donny pulled a face and pulled his shirt up to sniff it self-consciously - the medals around his neck clicked together - and then he dropped it again and shrugged at his particular lack of hygiene; their lifestyle didn't always provide the best accomodations.

"I picked up a stray 'long the way, though." Aldo said, and then tossed the scalps down onto the ground; the firelight threw them into sharp contrast, and all of the Basterds looked at them; Donny's face broke into a sadistic smile, and if one was to observe closely, they would see a lightning quick one appear on Utivich as well.

"A prisoner?" Wicki asked, looking Aaron over now; Hugo seemed to take a simultaneous interest, but only in the sense that his eyes shifted to the newcomer, regarding him intently, albeit silently.

"Not anymore." Aldo said, setting himself down by the fire to dry off, nodding his head for Aaron to do the same.

"You a Jew?" Donny asked Aaron, never one to be tactful.
A sea of eyes were suddenly upon him, and Aaron felt far more vulnerable than he had when tied up in the back of the German’s Kübelwagen.

Their expressions were partially masked by the campfire shadows, making their eyes appear more sinister than perhaps was their intention…Each one holding a weapon, or had one in arm's reach.

There was laughter, but Aaron did not catch on to whatever had been said; and even if he had, he would have been too frightened to even force a chuckle without getting sick again.

When Aldo nodded, Aaron sat. His knees tucked underneath himself like a Japanese serving girl. One hand moving up to tuck several strands of hair behind his ear, the other nestled between his own thighs.

He listened to the various voices, all speaking English, but all very different…One fighting off a heavy German accent, others sounding plain in comparison to the man whom had confronted them initially.

Several men had spoken up, but he could feel the eyes of those who had not, and they stared with a much deeper intensity..

You a Jew?

The massive man asked, standing over him, his presence all the more intimidating in the darkness.

“Y-yes..” Aaron swallowed, answering immediately after the question was posed. His eyes fixated upon the medals that hung from the man’s neck, recognizing their shapes and colors. Nodding his head several times to reemphasize his statement, the last thing he wanted was the man to become flustered with not understanding him. “I-- I am from Luxembourg,” he added, wiping his tongue nervously against his chapped, broken lips. Moistening them temporarily, feeling suddenly painfully dehydrated in the glow of the fire.
Donny's dark eyes regarded Aaron for a moment longer before he finally nodded.

Sucking on his bottom lip, the Bear Jew stared off at the trees on the other side of the ditch as though distracted by them before he gracelessly dropped onto the ground beside Aldo, putting his weapon of choice across his knees. The rest of the Basterds were armed with what could be considered standard fare; the majority of them were presently holding guns, save for Aldo and Hugo, who were each toying with oversized knives, but Donny stood out in that the thing in his hands was a piece of sports equipment.

Or it used to be, anyways, until he had converted it to a weapon - it was an ancient-looking baseball bat, covered in writing and smears of blood, a childhood dream turned into grown men's nightmares; he tapped it idly against the toe of his boot from time to time, staring into the fire and fell quiet.

"You joining us?" Utivich asked, and no sooner had Donny lapsed into silence, he lapsed out of it with a noise like he was blowing a raspberry.

"He ain't a Nazi-killer," Donny snapped, gesturing at Aaron, "Look at 'im, he's got lips like a butterfly. How'd you even get this far anyway?"
Aaron hadn’t considered joining them.

Whoever they were.

His American rescuer hadn’t even made that an option. It had been leave now, or in the morning, if Aaron recalled correctly.

But given the way that the muscular man reacted at the suggestion, the battered Jew suddenly felt very sheepish. Sat unarmed amidst a group of men who were packing something equally as intimidating, if not more so than the person beside them, he felt his muscles tensing unsteadily beneath his tattered clothes. His long, dark hair veiled his unsteady swallow from being too apparent. The blazing heat of the fire had those tresses nearly dry and starting to twist into slight waves that most women spent hours in the beauty salon to achieve.

Something inside of him was childishly pouting for a brush…

Another part chastising that he should be thinking of a way to get a weapon and not fixing his damn hair…

And a slightly meeker part mewing that a brush could leave quite a nasty mark in the right places..

“My father, he vas often making trips to the Académie des Sciences in Paris..” he shifted a bit on his legs, thumb pressing against one of the cuts on his lower lip as he looked into the fire, “ Ve often vere taking this road..So I vas thinking it good plan...Not best plan, but one that vould get me avay from Germany...”
Amidst the group of large, dirty men, Aaron stuck out like a mustard pot in a coal scuttle - partly due to his unwilling bath in the Bolougne, he was much cleaner and built of finer, more feminine features than the rest of them were.

Of course, Utivich was used to being mocked for what the group considered femininity due to his height, but the smaller man had occasionally noticed that two of the craziest fuckers in their merry band of hellraisers also had sculpted faces - just, Hugo deterred the comments by being scary and Aldo deterred them with a moustache and a manly scar. Utivich couldn't even look scary with a gun in his hand, and his moustache-growing capabilities were shoddy at best; he would have to stick to being short and wide-eyed, just maybe he would get less flak now that there was someone who looked a little like a girl.

At any rate, the Basterds were all silent when Aaron spoke and Donny managed to look a little guilty; Aaron hadn't said it, but they'd all thought the same thing - Aaron's family was probably dead, it would be the only reason he had left his hometown and arrived in Paris alone.

"Ya followed a memory all th'way here, huh?" Aldo asked, breaking the silence; he jabbed his knife down into the dirt and prodded at the handle, watching the weapon quake in response; he put his fist under his chin then, leaning it onto his knee and looking at Aaron, "An' what're you gonna do when y'get outta these woods an' into Paris?"
Aaron’s face suddenly became very pale in the firelight; as if that knife had stabbed directly into the center of that knot which his innards had seemed to form beneath his fractured body, rather than plunging into the moss covered dirt at their feet.

He stared towards Aldo when the question was posed, eyes fixated upon him, but looking past him entirely...

Those butterfly lips twisted slightly in contemplation. Chapped and torn wings pursing in thought as a hand ran nervously back through his wavy hair, following the length of a lock down against his jaw line before pausing there. Palm pressed downwards to the side of his face, dragging forth along his bruised complexion before settling in front his mouth.

A quiet exhale from his nostrils, his eyebrows knitted as if he were in deep thought.

As if he hadn't actually considered what he would do, once he arrived in Paris.

As if the thought hadn't even crossed his mind before now.

His eyes returned to the flickering flames of the campfire as his fingers pressed and tugged at the flesh around his mouth and chin. Suddenly his shoulders jerked up a bit as he exhaled again, though this expulsion seemed more reminiscent of a laugh. His fingers parted, one pressing against the side of his nose, over lips that now glistened slightly from his own nervous tongue; lapping overtop of them behind the shell of his palm, in an attempt to re-moisturize the cracked skin.

“I don’t know…”

An almost bemused tone broke through the lapse in silence.

“I mean--I know enough of French to pass…to blend vizout being too suspicious…” His hand dropped over his mouth again, his high cheekbones twitching slightly as he brought his tongue out to snake at the corner of his lips before dropping his palm against his thigh. Eyes still fixated upon the burning wood at the center of the fire. “Aber….for vat to do?…” He drew in his left cheek, chewing at it slightly as he shook his head. Lips pursed into a small scowl as he became slightly embarrassed at his own impulsiveness.

“I do not know…”

At the time, it had been enough to get out of Germany.

And now, amongst feeling very unarmed and quite feminine amidst this group of militia men, Aaron felt very foolish...

...And very sick.
The silence amongst the group could have been cut with a knife as the group was split between observing Aaron or uncomfortably redirecting their gazes to some other part of the camp - some of them had been where he was now, a Jew who was completely lost, surrounded by anger and violence and hatred. The war tended to make even the most seasoned soldier feel alone, nevermind what it would feel like for an unarmed Jewish civilian.

Amongst the group, Aldo and Hugo were the only ones who didn't try to distract themselves; Hugo simply lit a cigarette and continued to stare through the smoke while Aldo jutted his jaw forward for an instant in an expression that looked like manly contemplation.

"Ya don't look like ya got much to ya," Aldo said after a quiet spell; he was picking at his nails with the enormous knife, scraping out Nazi blood, "But y'got pretty far with no survival trainin'; could get further with a little experience behind ya. Now strictly speakin' I ain't takin' no new soldiers on board but s'what I said 'afore Stiglitz, too an' he just went an wormed his charmin' self in with us anyway, regardless'a the uniform he was wearin' at the time, ain't that right Hugo?"

He peered over at Hugo, who blew out a cloud of smoke and gave one very grave-looking nod.

"He endeared us what with all the Nat-zee killin' he done," Aldo said, leaning towards Aaron, "An' y'know, despite what he looks like, Uti ain't done so bad neither. Size of a squirrel, but don't be fooled, he can be damn near vicious. Anyway, guess what I'm gettin' at here is the big question; think you kin do what I did back there, when the opportunity presents itself? 'Cause if you come along, I'mma be expectin' you ta pull your weight - means one-hunnerd Nazi scalps from you, s'your debit."
“I am avare zat I am no soldier,”

A small smirk tugged at the corner of his mouth. Strained eyes breaking away from the fire for a moment to glance towards Donny, who had declared the same thing, in not so many words. Aaron was well aware of his androgyny and what sort of impression it made. The boys in his neighborhood had pummeled that point into him long before the Nazi’s seized power.

Jewish and Christian brutes who would set aside their differences in order to confront something they mutually detested; people like Aaron.

Though for the longest time, the German-Jew had not a clue of why he was targeted. Or at least targeted with significantly more animosity, than others who were victimized in their youth. He had not even been aware of that side of himself until early in his teens…when it was no longer his sister’s toys that were guiltily hidden in the bottom of his dresser drawers; but bits of her clothing that were snug, but fit just right…

“And I know zat I am owing you my life…” Aaron nodded towards Aldo, his tongue feeling quite weighted within his mouth as he considered his own capabilities as a man. Regardless of his effeminacies, there was an expectation set, especially during times of war, for those of his sex; and those without brawn would have to make do with what they had…

Even butterfly lips could be made fatal.

“Vun-hundred scalps I vill bring you, gladly,” His tongue darted forth to gloss over his lips once again. Driven absentmindedly by a childish habit, that time spent in the woods seemed to be developing into some sort of nervous tic. “And zey vill be taken from ze heads of creatures who vill know no mercy et my hands.”

Aaron Levy’s expression was no longer one painted with timid vulnerability. A smile lingered upon his swollen face, eyes glittering with an eerie enthusiasm in the firelight as he contemplated the deal that had been proposed.

The prospect of potential power was an intoxicating concept for one whom had never held the upper hand in any circumstance before. And to add vengeance to the mix…

Well who could blame him for wanting to seize such an opportunity?

It was a damn good deal, after all.
In all his years happily playing his part in the United States military, Aldo had seen some damn wild things; he'd seen men jump on top of mines to save his squadron, seen soldiers drag themselves back home missing an arm or a leg, watched them keep going after being shot.

Or keep kicking after being lynched.

Aldo unconsciously stroked at the scar encircling his neck as the fire flicked shadows over his face.

He'd made it to Lieutenant at an early age; he was just one of those men who had been built for military, built for war and blood and all of the ruthlessness that came with it, and because of all of those years, Aldo had been given the gift of clarity. For him, military moves were obvious, strategy was child's play even if he sometimes missed the intricacies or ignored the politesse, he always got the job done - and learned a few things along the way.

But one of the things that he considered his most prized asset from experience was his unquestionable ability to identify the right men for the job. In the case of the Basterds, the right men were the wrong men for everything else. The hard men. The rough men.

Aldo watched as Aaron smiled a vicious little smile.

The downright insane men.

It was always easy to identify them by that look in their eyes and Aaron had it just like the rest of them did. Looking around the camp, Aldo saw that the foul look was gone from Donowitz's face, his expression having lit up just a little bit as he observed their new recruit and he knew that Donny saw it too.

"I think yer gonna fit in just fine here." Aldo said finally, pausing only when he heard a soft tearing noise; turning his head, he saw Hugo holding a big, fat, dead rabbit in his hand, hefting it up by the ears as he began to slice off the hide, "Yep. Jes' fine."
Aaron spent the remainder of the evening in some manner of exhaustion induced haze. Watching, quietly, as the Basterds went about their own business as if his presence there meant as much to them as a passing squirrel. Aldo and Wicki spoke very little throughout the course of the night. The superior of the two muttering something as he sharpened and cleaned his long, blood soaked knife that would occasionally stir a chuckle from the larger of the two men. Stiglitz didn't speak at all; having skinned and cleaned his rabbit, the former German soldier sat in statuesque silence, staring out into the darkness. Not one word escaping his lips the entirety of the night.

The rest of the men however, certainly made up for their lack of conversing, speaking loudly and fast enough that Aaron could only understand snippets of what was said. To hear people speaking and laughing was very comforting, as all he had had to listen to for the past several weeks had been the sounds of the forest. And despite being able to understand very little of what the Americans said, to hear them speaking English was a bittersweet comfort..anything but German.

To hear his own language sent the Jew's stomach twisting in knots.

Germany had made it very clear that though his -type- spoke German, looked German and, if the phrase was suitable, seemed German…that they were most certainly not. To the Reich, they were subhuman, no, subcreatures, whose existence was as pestilent as the rats in the sewers.

There had always been a maintained duel-identity of sorts before. Who you were in your country, and who you were in the Jewish-community. Now however, they were no longer recognized as legal citizens of the Motherland. Deemed a plague upon German's wholesome moral values. There was no community to fall back onto anymore; everyone was gone or scattered. Every German-Jew left now existed in some perplexed state of being, clinging extensively to their Jewish heritage, for that was all they had.

Aside from each other; if they were fortunate enough to find another like themselves.
By the time Aaron fell asleep, nodding off sitting upright by the dimming fire, something had been said about the smaller man Utivitch and his "baseballs" being more like "golfballs." A comment that had sent most of the others into hysterics, but left Aaron questioning his own ability to translate. At some point during his sleep, likely after his body had slumped over comfortably onto the grass, his brain had processed the joke, arousing a soft chuckle from his healing lips in the middle of the night.

Everyone had fallen asleep somewhat centralized around the campfire when Aaron awoke, save for Hugo who was standing beside one of the trees on the western hilltop. Some of them had curled up alone on top of their own bags and weaponry, others absentmindedly propped against one another after some instinctive desire to find something warm in the middle of the night.. which would no doubt stir some rather interesting comments, or at the very least uncomfortable glances, when they did wake.

The wind had blown the smoke from Hugo's cigarette downward, catching Aaron slightly off guard as he stood. His bones creaking and aching, long disheveled hair hanging over his face that was not quite as brutally swollen as the night before. The bruises were still there, mapping across those slender cheekbones with lovely shades of black and blue, but the left side of his face had seemed to level out with the right. His left eye no longer swelled out and closed like a blinking chameleon, but the area around his eyelid was still a heavy black.

His head was pounding...

His stomach was shrieking.

It had taken a few moments of standing in the twilight hours, listening to his own head throb and his stomach plead for any sort of scraps, for Aaron to muster up the courage to approach the only other person who was awake in the area; Hugo Stiglitz.

The man didn't even turn his head when he approached. He continued to take long, silent drags on his cigarette, puffing the smoke down wind as Aaron nervously toyed with his own fingers, asking in German in a hushed tone of voice if he could borrow a knife.

Nothing. Not even a blink.

Aaron felt a tickling at the back of his throat, balling up one of his bruised fists to bring against his lips to cough more so out of uneasiness than to alert the man's attention.

Birds chirped above, singing to the rising sun as Aaron stood staring at the grass by the man's boots, watching flicks of ashes from his cigarette flitter their way down onto the ground.

Darting his tongue across his lips, Aaron asked again, this time in English. Drawing in his lip, he glanced up after another moments passed in silence and literally gasped aloud, finding the man staring dead at him. He had jumped, only slightly, but still it was rather embarrassing. Even more so because now that the man was staring at him, Aaron couldn't break his own gaze away, and so they stood for another several awkward moments, at least for the smaller of the two, just staring at each other; until Aaron took a step back.

" I em..I was not meaning to bother you." he smiled hesitantly, bringing a hand up to scratch at the back of his own head. "I..I will go find us breakfast ja?" As he was about to turn and try not to sprint towards the lake, the SS Slaughterer, extended his hand forward, holding out a small knife. Biting on his lip, Aaron tentatively took the knife and smiled somewhat, giving a small nod and a very soft "Danke" before walking back towards the center of the camp. Tiptoeing quietly around and over snoring bodies, he picked up two cooking pots before walking towards the north.

The sun was pouring over the horizon when Aaron returned, his soaked jacket slung over his forearm, his trousers soaked around his ankles. One pot filled with an assortment of flowery grasses, and the other filled with twitching , decent sized fishes and a pale brown wet clay. Crouching down beside the fire, Aaron set down the pots and began gutting out the fish. Biting his lip very lightly as pulled out the intestines of each one. The pale innards squishing and slicking over his hands. His eyes narrowed, as if recalling some long forgotten instructions that he hadn't really listened to before..

When the pile of fish was no longer twitching and flipping about, the intestines piled aside and replaced inside the fish with the various contents of the other pot, Aaron dipped his hand into the clay and began rolling it around each individual fish. Forming a solid little ball around each one before digging at a space in the fire's ashes with a large twig, dropping the clay ball into the center, and burying it with more ashes. Clay-baked fish was not anything special as far as campfire culinary was concerned, but it would due..At least Aaron hoped. The wild herbs he had found were scarce and would add only a bit of flavor, but it was better than just plain fish for breakfast.

Every Jewish kid had had gefilte fish for breakfast at least one morning....

It was not a pleasant memory.
The night was cold but Hugo kept his breath from showing in the air by covering it in the haze of cigarette smoke, his eyes affixed on the distant horizon he could view from the highest point on the hill he had occupied. It was late enough that Stiglitz was the only one left awake - even the Apache had finally settled down for sleep, though the American was roused easily, a man who was too cautious to allow himself any measure of deep slumber.

Not like some of them.

Hugo glanced down the hill at the big lump curled up at the bottom, snoring obnoxiously; Donowitz wasn't really built for stealth anyways - or subtlety for that matter. He followed the trail of bodies across the grass, affixing his stare on Wicki, who shifted a little in his sleep as though he could feel it, and the corner of Hugo's mouth flicked up very briefly before he returned to his original position.

In the distance he could see the latest addition to their unlikely group staggering back towards the camp with a sliver of rising sun at his back; though he loathed to agree with anything the man said, Donny had made a valid point. The boy didn't look like much of a fighter - but then, he had survived this far, so he had to be. He supposed it was roughly the same line of thought Aldo had gone by or he wouldn't had taken the boy in, he would have simply sent him packing once they encountered a vaguely safe area.

Hugo's eyes moved across the grass to where the American was slumped back against an oak tree, one leg stretched out in front of him, the other bent, arms crossed over his chest; in the peaking sunlight, he could see that Aldo's eyes were open and he was observing Aaron with vague interest, watching him gut and prepare the fish he had just caught.

The Lieutenant only sat up from his reclining position when Hugo began down the hill and stopped to crouch by his side; silent, Hugo looked at Aldo, and then nodded towards Aaron.

"I dunno." Aldo replied, scratching at his chin, the stubble making a noise like sandpaper against his blunt nails, "Might be I got too much sun or I been drinkin' too much Europe water, could just be I gone and lost my mind out here like the rest a'you sumbitches, but I got the notion that he's got some part t'play in all this."

Again, Hugo was looking at him, so Aldo just shrugged.

"An' if not, then we got ourselves a nice little housewife in Butterfly Lips, don't we?"

Hugo's mouth twitched and Aldo gave a small, dimpled smile in response before leaning back against the tree once more,

"Now quit it, cause I'm tryin' to sleep and you're givin' me the heebie-jeebies with your thousand mile stare." Aldo added fondly, closing his eyes once more; Hugo lingered for a moment longer before rising and moving back up the hill, reclaiming his position.

And as Aaron settled himself down by the fire to bury what would eventually be breakfast, Wicki rose from his sleep like Bela Lugosi, eyeing the fire for a long moment, his hair stick out at the back where he had been shifting against the grass.

"Guten morgen." Wicki said, his rumbling baritone audible even at his quietest murmur, "Gefilte. It has been some time."
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