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Iron Jungle


Feb 20, 2012
Loosely based off The Island of Doctor Moreau

The world is a very distant place. People rarely speak. Children are raised without truly knowing their mothers. They never know the warm embrace as they take their first drink of breast milk. It is unnecessary and unsanitary. The machine is the closest friend to the common man, their voices but whirs and of fans and buzzes of notifications. The only connection people have to each other any longer is their duty to carry on the human race. Children will not be born, but made.

The only thing left of humanity as we know it can be seen in animals. They are the only ones who still feel, still breed, still carry on with others of their own kind on a level where they need the others. One individual has seen this, and has read of what humans can do. Tales as those of Romeo and Juliet are but useless dribble, but not to one man: Doctor James Mariet.

His home is now abandoned. Towers of buildings held with wire and steel create a jungle, and what is a jungle without creatures to fill it?


If you have a weak stomach, I wouldn't recommend involving yourself in this. The general idea is reversing the process in The Island of Doctor Moreau, but taking humans and making them animalistic, instead of the other way around.
You don't need to read the novel, I'd just like if you were familiar with the premise.
I'd like some decent horror, but not really gore. More psychological horror.
Your character must be originally human. Try to make someone who's a variant of the norm, as Dr. Mariet wouldn't want the same kind of person over and over again.
Dr. Mariet is not a playable character. By that I mean, you can use him as a plot device, if you use him in character, but you may not make him your character alone. He is to be used by everyone.


Character Sheet
Age: (Between 12-65)
Gender: (Male, Female, Transgender)
Animal to be morphed with:
Appearance: (prior to change)
Appearance: (After change) (Remember, these creatures aren't going to be perfect, especially if they were changed early on. They aren't going to be gorgeous.)
History: (Please be as detailed as you can. Avoid 'They don't remember'. If that is necessary, detail what they can remember.)
Personality: (Not every human is complex, especially in this society, but please indicate something that would be interesting to Dr. Mariet.)
Extra: (Any information not included in the rest of the sheet)


If you have any questions, please ask. I'd like everything out on the table as easy to read as possible.
Question for Pandora: could I possibly have two characters for this?
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