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Shadow's Request Thread (Smut- and Story-driven plots)

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Oct 25, 2009
Name's ShadowFighter88 (I use the same name on a few forums - used it here out of habit). I mostly do smut plots, but I occasionally get an idea for a story-driven one now and again.

I'll RP over threads or PMs. I prefer threads, though, since I find it easier to keep track of (that and my Inbox is frequently cluttered). I will not RP over IM or any other messenger service. I can never think of replies fast enough for an IM RP.

I am straight, so no MxM or MxFuta plots. I am willing to try my hand at playing a female character for an FxF or FxFuta plot, though. I suppose I'm something of a switch, but I've never really gone for any overly noticeable dom/sub stuff. However, my characters are typically not the ones to kick off the sexy-fun-time unless they and your character have been in a relationship prior to the RP's start. So if our characters start off as boyfriend/girlfriend or lovers already, then my character may start things off, otherwise he'll be too much of a gentleman.

I have an F-List page that can be found here or down in my sig. Feel free to use anything in the Yes column, but talk to me about any of the Maybes so I can get an idea of the extent of how you want to use them.

I do end up with writer's block sometimes so please be patient.

As for settings, as the plots in my next post will show, I'm fine with Fantasy, Sci-Fi, Modern or any combination thereof. Typically with Fantasy I like to have something different with the setting - like some form of Magitech or traditional fantasy races inhabiting very un-traditional roles. I'm not a fan of fandoms, but I am willing to run an RP in any of these settings:
-Forgotten Realms (rarely)
-Iron Kingdoms (that's the setting for Warmachine and Hordes - much more willing to give this one a go now that I've read the backstory and setting info in the new Iron Kingdoms RPG core book)
-Shadowrun (the 4th/5th Edition version of the setting, in the 2070s - I don't have any of the earlier books so have little idea what the setting was like before Crash 2.0)

Finally, if you're going to send me a PM asking about a plot, and I message back saying I want to run it, don't just vanish. Even if you change your mind, just tell me. Too often I've had someone PM me saying, "Hey, I'd like to run Plot X with you, if you're up for it." and I message them back saying that I'm more than happy to run that plot, only to never hear from them again. It drives me nuts because you get my hopes up for a good RP and then smack me with silence.

Currently Craving: Return of the Exalted

Story-Driven Plots

The Space-Bound Hybrid
An alien species, having shed all but the last vestiges of their corporeal bodies, have found a flaw in their new existence; requiring the psychic energy emitted by mortal beings in order to reproduce. Specifically the psychic energy and emotions generated by sex. While they abduct life forms from many worlds and encourage them to have sex at least once so that they can obtain the energy, they are not forceful - doing so would compromise the energy and emotions collected. It is also why they stop any attempts at rape on-board.
Six months prior, the ship entered the orbit of a world known as Golarion. Sensor malfunctions resulted in them collecting a very rare specimen of a species from the planet - a human/dragon hybrid - and never pairing him with anyone. By the time they found out he was still on-board, they had already broken orbit and had no choice but to stick to their planned route through the galaxy but promising to return him to Golarion at the first opportunity.
Now, they have entered orbit over Earth and abducted a number of humans, one of whom gets paired with the half-dragon (the pairing software in the ship having been modified to account for his half-human nature and resulting emotional compatibility with full-blood humans). No sooner are these humans collected, however, that the ship must make an emergency FTL jump, leaving the ship stranded in a distant nebula.

This is pretty free-form after the setup, which I realise sounds like it'd belong better in with that first lot of plots, but I have a few things planned for this to avoid it getting boring. The idea came from how one Pathfinder book mentioned that Golarion (the game's setting) and Earth were in the same cosmos (rather than being a totally different universe). It's also my attempt at seeing how well a plot combining sci-fi, fantasy and modern elements can work.
Variant: Both your character and the half-dragon are prisoners aboard the ship, the owners of which have totally alien motivations (basically making them an unknowable enemy beyond the purely-physical side - where they'll probably resemble traditional Greys) and the two lead an escape attempt that ends with the ship in their control, or partial control at least.

Scales & Spells
A party of slavers have caught themselves quite the prize; a silver half-dragon. Sitting in his cage while being transported, the dragon/human hybrid considers his options. He is an adventurer, a master swordsman with some magical talent and very resourceful. While still formulating an escape plan though, a mage of some kind attacks the slavers and provides him the means to escape. Grateful for her help, the half-dragon offers to escort the mage to her next destination or to work for her for a time.

While I might be taking a bit from D&D, don't feel you need to know anything about the game's mechanics. Just go with whatever you feel appropriate as far as spells go. I do imagine that both my character (the half-dragon) and the mage are very high-level: legendary abilities, rare and powerful magical equipment and so on.

Hell & Heaven
I know the title's a bit of a shout-out to GaoGaiGar, but it's another DnD one. A half-dragon (What? I like the concept of a human/dragon hybrid) is running through a forest, escaping from a group of unknown assailants when he is rescued by a pair of spellcasters; a mage and a cleric. The mage is a tiefling; a human with demonic blood in their veins (normally the child of a half-fiend and a human), while the cleric is an aasimar; a celestial version of a tiefling. The only fiendish traits the tiefling has are a prehensile tail, small horns and red irises, while the aasimar has silver hair and golden eyes to show her heritage.

Like the one above; go nuts with what magic the characters have; they're all meant to be high level as well so feel free to come up with various convenient magical items or spells (this one from D&D would no-doubt come in handy; just assume you're level 20 for anything that's "X/level" like duration).

The Reluctant Heir of Cannith
Marcus Faldren was a simple, but gifted, freelance artificer in Sharn who didn't have much business with House Cannith except to provide them a cut of his earnings (the same as any artificer in the city who didn't work directly for the House). Then he manifested a dragonmark.
He didn't know of any blood connection he had to House Cannith and just how he's related to the House is a mystery, but that mark got him dragged into the House in no time. It was the Mark of Making, the dragonmark of House Cannith, but it's size (covering his torso, arms and even some of his neck) showed that it was a rare and powerful Siberys Mark.
Due to the (entirely unwanted) prestige that earned him in the House, he was forced to attend numerous galas the Houses held; most likely just for House Cannith to show off their new Siberys-gifted heir. At one of these galas; held aboard one of House Lyrandar's more luxurious airships, he meets a young woman from another Dragonmarked House who also has a Siberys Mark.

This one is pretty Eberron-centric; there's no real way for its plot to work without the Dragonmarked Houses and some of Eberron's other unique features. I don't expect this one to get much of a response, to be honest but thought I'd throw it on here to be sure. You never know, after all.
Variant: The Siberys-marked woman is also from House Cannith - this one bypasses some of the social issues the base plot would involve (since Dragonmarks are passed down through the blood, mixing bloodlines with two different marks is greatly looked down on; mainly because any children resulting from such a union would have a good chance of manifesting an Aberrant Mark, a form of Dragonmark believed to be corruptive and most who possess it are criminals.

Don't have a concrete plot for this one, but basically Exalted set in the present day, but with mortals totally in the dark when it comes to the supernatural. I got about as far as my character being a Full-Moon Lunar and either running across a mortal being threatened by an Abyssal or noticing her Exaltation and coming to help in-case it also drew a Wyld Hunt (which would probably be an underground organisation that still follows the Immaculate Faith). I'd be happy to run this in the normal Exalted setting, but whoever I'm playing with would have to control the overall plot since I'm still learning about the setting myself.

*Can be MxF or FxF*

Return of the Exalted
Related to the one above, I got the idea for this from the final ending of Asura's Wrath - the ending of the Nirvana DLC, not just the true ending of the base game - and while it still uses stuff from Exalted, like the plot above, is different enough that I thought it warranted its own entry.

Basically, the world undergoes a demonic invasion but one where the demons stay away from larger population centres. During the invasion, people begin to display superhuman or even godlike power and tear through the demons. These are the Exalted, granted power by long-forgotten gods and tasked with defending Creation. Both your character and mine will be newly-Exalted people in Chicago, working with the military and other Exalted to keep the city secure from the demons while trying to find a way to stop the invasion altogether.

If the mention of the game didn't imply it - Asura's Wrath is a good example of what the Exalted are capable of (some Exalted fans have described it as "So Exalted it hurts"). Episode 5 really shows what I mean though you should watch Episode 4 for the lead-up. Incidentally, I recommend you watching the whole thing if you're looking for a good story - the whole thing's more like an interactive TV series than a video game and the Nirvana DLCs ending is probably one of the biggest Tear Jerkers/Crowning Moments of Heartwarming in video game history (or at least for the last several years).

Smut-Driven Plots
Note: The list of kinks below each plot are what I'd like to use, but they are not set in stone. Same for the specifics of the plot. Feel free to suggest whatever changes you want, I'll let you know if I can work with them or how to refine them so that I can use them.

A Lustful Summer
Jacob, a very well-endowed eighteen year old lusts after his neighbour's daughter; a young, fifteen year old girl who (despite barely breaking the 4'7" mark) is exceptionally 'gifted'. He knows that she's somewhat sexually-active: inviting girls from her school to spend the night whenever her parents have to leave for work. Her bedroom window faces Jacob's own, giving him a front-row seat to the 'shows'. One day in summer, he sees her lounging beside her family's pool and decides to see if she'd like some company.

This is more of a straight-forward sex romp, starts off with just Jacob and the neighbour by the pool, but more characters can be brought in for the fun if desired. Whether she knows about him watching her 'sleepovers' or not is something I'll leave to anyone interested in this plot.
*Can be anthro or human*
Kinks I'd Like To Use: Cervical Penetration, Excessive Semen, Light Cum Inflation
Variant: Instead of it being just my character hopping over the fence, we can instead do it with one of our characters getting locked outside during heavy rain and the other letting them in out of the downpour.
Another variant I thought of recently is a bit of a strange one. Same setup, save that the neighbour's breasts tend to grow even larger when she's aroused. Normally a whole cup-size or two, but possibly even bigger as she's impaled on Jacob's shaft. I'll leave the final size up to you. Perhaps she could even be able to control the growth by concentrating but that they tend to grow or shrink uncontrollably in her sleep, occasionally even ending up too big for her to fit through the door (naturally she'd sleep topless because of the risk of outgrowing and shredding whatever top she wore to bed).

The Impossible Program
A young man finds a curious program in an email, one that allows him to alter the physical appearance of anyone within a 100 metre radius of the computer. He invites his neighbour over to check it out. His neighbour is his closest friend and a former girlfriend, the relationship falling through when they realised they were too good as friends. They still have sex occasionally, whenever the other isn't in a relationship to avoid nasty dry spells and part of the young man's invitation was the hope that she'd want to experiment with the program as much as he does.

Got the idea from the Master PC series of stories (Google should find them easily enough for those curious). Can be MxF or FxF (at least as far as starting genders go).
Kinks I'd Like To Use: Cervical Penetration, Excessive Semen, Light or higher Cum Inflation, Stomach Bulging, Transformation, Multi-Genitalia

One Lucky Bastard
Jacob is a quiet individual, the sort you never notice much. He's not an ugly geek, but he never seems to stand out. When one girl is forced to use the school's male shower-room after school, she finds out just why he seems to avoid attention. After thoroughly enjoying his sizeable secret, she soon starts organising ways for other young ladies to have a go and while Jacob may not appreciate how these events are sprung on him, he never fails to rise to the challenge.

Not sure where the idea came from, but it's meant as a more comedic spin on the 'horse-hung high-schooler sex romp' idea. Starts off with just the first girl making the most of his endowment, then bringing in a friend or two of hers and before you know it, she's springing surprise orgies on him almost every weekend. Pure, light-hearted smut here.
Kinks I'd Like To Use: Excessive Semen, Ageplay, Light Cum Inflation, Stomach Bulging, Cervical Penetration, Multiple Partners

The Pool Guy
Now this is probably the most porn-movie-like of the lot. My character is, as the title implies, a pool guy called in to clean or service people's pools during the summer. As you've probably guessed from it being on a forum like this, his clients also often take advantage of his 'other' services. Namely a giant and seemingly-tireless cock that leaves the ladies full of and covered in copious amounts of cum.

This would involve you playing the various women he'd meet on the job - single women looking for a good fuck, housewives needing a little extra attention, teens wanting to have a little fun, and so on. 15 to mid-30s is my limit with ages, for reference.
Kinks I'd Like To Use: Excessive Semen, Ageplay, Light Cum Inflation, Stomach Bulging, Cervical Penetration, Multiple Partners

World of Sex
Aphrodite, named after the Greek goddess of love, is the most renowned resort planet in known space. Its name comes from the unusual concoction of natural aphrodisiacs in the atmosphere, which makes it the prime holiday spot for the sexually adventurous. The concoction induced mild sexual arousal (presumably to balance out the constant exposure) as well as lowering inhibitions.

Rape is still a concern, despite the planet's main feature, so the local law enforcement employ bio-engineered 'avatar' bodies (the idea taken from a film made in the early 21st Century) which are resistant to the aphrodisiacs and possess mild telepathy. They can read a person's surface thoughts (and thus determine if a person's screams of "No! No!" etc. are genuine cries for help or merely to facilitate the shouter's enjoyment) and communicate with each other over long distances.

Another sex-romp plot, this one has a woman arriving on Aphrodite for a holiday and how she spends it. I'll control the various people she meets and if you want anything in particular, let me know.
Kinks I'd Like To Use: Excessive Semen, Ageplay, Light Cum Inflation, Stomach Bulging, Cervical Penetration, Multiple Partners

More to be added as I think of them.
If the Eberron story was FxF maybe.

Although I have an odd idea of the Siberys mark being a Aberrant Siberys Mark which is actually a Least Mark of Death.

ShadowFighter88 said:
Name's ShadowFighter88 (I use the same name on a few forums - used it here out of habit). I mostly do smut plots, but I occasionally get an idea for a story-driven one now and again.

I'll RP over threads or PMs. I prefer threads, though, since I find it easier to keep track of (that and my Inbox is frequently cluttered). I will not RP over IM or any other messenger service. I can never think of replies fast enough for an IM RP.

I am straight, so no MxM or MxFuta plots. I am willing to try my hand at playing a female character for an FxF or FxFuta plot, though. I suppose I'm something of a switch, but I've never really gone for any overly noticeable dom/sub stuff. However, my characters are typically not the ones to kick off the sexy-fun-time unless they and your character have been in a relationship prior to the RP's start. So if our characters start off as boyfriend/girlfriend or lovers already, then my character may start things off, otherwise he'll be too much of a gentleman.

I have an F-List page that can be found here or down in my sig. Feel free to use anything in the Yes column, but talk to me about any of the Maybes so I can get an idea of the extent of how you want to use them.

I do end up with writer's block sometimes (a particularly nasty case of it at the moment but it seems to be passing) so please be patient.

As for settings, as the plots in my next post will show, I'm fine with Fantasy, Sci-Fi, Modern or any combination thereof. Typically with Fantasy I like to have something different with the setting - like some form of Magitech or traditional fantasy races inhabiting very un-traditional roles. I'm not a fan of fandoms, but I am willing to run an RP in any of these settings:
-Forgotten Realms (rarely)
-Iron Kingdoms (that's the setting for Warmachine and Hordes - much more willing to give this one a go now that I've read the backstory and setting info in the new Iron Kingdoms RPG core book)
-Shadowrun (the 4th Edition version of the setting, in the 2070s - I don't have any of the earlier books so have little idea what the setting was like before Crash 2.0)

Finally, if you're going to send me a PM asking about a plot, and I message back saying I want to run it, don't just vanish. Even if you change your mind, just tell me. Too often I've had someone PM me saying, "Hey, I'd like to run Plot X with you, if you're up for it." and I message them back saying that I'm more than happy to run that plot, only to never hear from them again. It drives me nuts because you get my hopes up for a good RP and then smack me with silence.
Note: The list of kinks below each plot are what I'd like to use, but they are not set in stone. Same for the specifics of the plot. Feel free to suggest whatever changes you want, I'll let you know if I can work with them or how to refine them so that I can use them.

Smut-Driven Plots

A Lustful Summer
Jacob, a very well-endowed sixteen year old lusts after his neighbour's daughter; a young, fourteen year old girl who (despite barely breaking the 4'7" mark) is exceptionally 'gifted'. He knows that she's somewhat sexually-active: inviting girls from her school to spend the night whenever her parents have to leave for work. Her bedroom window faces Jacob's own, giving him a front-row seat to the 'shows'. One day in summer, he sees her lounging beside her family's pool and decides to see if she'd like some company.

This is more of a straight-forward sex romp, starts off with just Jacob and the neighbour by the pool, but more characters can be brought in for the fun if desired. Whether she knows about him watching her 'sleepovers' or not is something I'll leave to anyone interested in this plot.
*Can be anthro or human*
Kinks I'd Like To Use: Cervical Penetration, Excessive Semen, Light Cum Inflation
Variant: Instead of it being just my character hopping over the fence, we can instead do it with one of our characters getting locked outside during heavy rain and the other letting them in out of the downpour.

The Impossible Program
A young man finds a curious program in an email, one that allows him to alter the physical appearance of anyone within a 100 metre radius of the computer. He invites his neighbour over to check it out. His neighbour is his closest friend and a former girlfriend, the relationship falling through when they realised they were too good as friends. They still have sex occasionally, whenever the other isn't in a relationship to avoid nasty dry spells and part of the young man's invitation was the hope that she'd want to experiment with the program as much as he does.

Got the idea from the Master PC series of stories (Google should find them easily enough for those curious). Can be MxF or FxF (at least as far as starting genders go).
Kinks I'd Like To Use: Cervical Penetration, Excessive Semen, Light or higher Cum Inflation, Stomach Bulging, Transformation, Multi-Genitalia

Surprise for the Babysitter
A young woman is babysitting a boy a few years younger than her. Thinking he's gone to bed after his bath, she decides to take advantage of the privacy and watch a porn DVD she brought over. Her charge, however, decided to see what the noise was and it isn't long before she finds that the well-hung studs in the DVD have nothing on the boy she's looking after.
*Can be anthro or human*
Kinks I'd Like To Use: Excessive Semen, Ageplay, Light Cum Inflation, Stomach Bulging, Cervical Penetration
Variant: More of a strange one; basically have the babysitter bring a (girl) friend with her and (this is the weird bit) have my character somehow possessing two cocks instead of one. Like I said; bit of a strange variant.

One Lucky Bastard
Jacob is a quiet individual, the sort you never notice much. He's not an ugly geek, but he never seems to stand out. When one girl is forced to use the school's male showeroom after school, she finds out just why he seems to avoid attention. After thoroughly enjoying his sizeable secret, she soon starts organising ways for other young ladies to have a go and while Jacob may not appreciate how these events are sprung on him, he never fails to rise to the challenge.

Not sure where the idea came from, but it's meant as a more comedic spin on the 'horse-hung high-schooler sex romp' idea. Starts off with just the first girl making the most of his endowment, then bringing in a friend or two of hers and before you know it, she's springing surprise orgies on him almost every weekend. Pure, light-hearted smut here.
Kinks I'd Like To Use: Excessive Semen, Ageplay, Light Cum Inflation, Stomach Bulging, Cervical Penetration, Multiple Partners

The Pool Guy
Now this is probably the most porn-movie-like of the lot. My character is, as the title implies, a pool guy called in to clean or service people's pools during the summer. As you've probably guessed from it being on a forum like this, his clients also often take advantage of his 'other' services. Namely a giant and seemingly-tireless cock that leaves the ladies full of and covered in copious amounts of cum.

This would involve you playing the various women he'd meet on the job - single women looking for a good fuck, housewives needing a little extra attention, teens wanting to have a little fun, and so on. 14 to mid-30s is my limit with ages, for reference.
Kinks I'd Like To Use: Excessive Semen, Ageplay, Light Cum Inflation, Stomach Bulging, Cervical Penetration, Multiple Partners

World of Sex
Aphrodite, named after the Greek goddess of love, is the most renowned resort planet in known space. Its name comes from the unusual concoction of natural aphrodisiacs in the atmosphere, which makes it the prime holiday spot for the sexually adventurous. The concoction induced mild sexual arousal (presumably to balance out the constant exposure) as well as lowering inhibitions.

Rape is still a concern, despite the planet's main feature, so the local law enforcement employ bio-engineered 'avatar' bodies (the idea taken from a film made in the early 21st Century) which are resistant to the aphrodisiacs and possess mild telepathy. They can read a person's surface thoughts (and thus determine if a person's screams of "No! No!" etc. are genuine cries for help or merely to facilitate the shouter's enjoyment) and communicate with each other over long distances.

Another sex-romp plot, this one has a woman arriving on Aphrodite for a holiday and how she spends it. I'll control the various people she meets and if you want anything in particular, let me know.
Kinks I'd Like To Use: Excessive Semen, Ageplay, Light Cum Inflation, Stomach Bulging, Cervical Penetration, Multiple Partners

Story-Driven Plots
There's no kink-list for these since it's the story that matters more than what goes where and how much stuff it lets off.

The Space-Bound Hybrid
An alien species, having shed all but the last vestiges of their corporeal bodies, have found a flaw in their new existence; requiring the psychic energy emitted by mortal beings in order to reproduce. Specifically the psychic energy and emotions generated by sex. While they abduct life forms from many worlds and encourage them to have sex at least once so that they can obtain the energy, they are not forceful - doing so would compromise the energy and emotions collected. It is also why they stop any attempts at rape on-board.
Six months prior, the ship entered the orbit of a world known as Golarion. Sensor malfunctions resulted in them collecting a very rare specimen of a species from the planet - a human/dragon hybrid - and never pairing him with anyone. By the time they found out he was still on-board, they had already broken orbit and had no choice but to stick to their planned route through the galaxy but promising to return him to Golarion at the first opportunity.
Now, they have entered orbit over Earth and abducted a number of humans, one of whom gets paired with the half-dragon (the pairing software in the ship having been modified to account for his half-human nature and resulting emotional compatibility with full-blood humans). No sooner are these humans collected, however, that the ship must make an emergency FTL jump, leaving the ship stranded in a distant nebula.

This is pretty free-form after the setup, which I realise sounds like it'd belong better in with that first lot of plots, but I have a few things planned for this to avoid it getting boring. The idea came from how one Pathfinder book mentioned that Golarion (the game's setting) and Earth were in the same cosmos (rather than being a totally different universe). It's also my attempt at seeing how well a plot combining sci-fi, fantasy and modern elements can work.
Variant: Both your character and the half-dragon are prisoners aboard the ship, the owners of which have totally alien motivations (basically making them an unknowable enemy beyond the purely-physical side - where they'll probably resemble traditional Greys) and the two lead an escape attempt that ends with the ship in their control, or partial control at least.

Scales & Spells
A party of slavers have caught themselves quite the prize; a silver half-dragon. Sitting in his cage while being transported, the dragon/human hybrid considers his options. He is an adventurer, a master swordsman with some magical talent and very resourceful. While still formulating an escape plan though, a mage of some kind attacks the slavers and provides him the means to escape. Grateful for her help, the half-dragon offers to escort the mage to her next destination or to work for her for a time.

While I might be taking a bit from D&D, don't feel you need to know anything about the game's mechanics. Just go with whatever you feel appropriate as far as spells go. I do imagine that both my character (the half-dragon) and the mage are very high-level: legendary abilities, rare and powerful magical equipment and so on.

Hell & Heaven
I know the title's a bit of a shout-out to GaoGaiGar, but it's another DnD one. A half-dragon (What? I like the concept of a human/dragon hybrid) is running through a forest, escaping from a group of unknown assailants when he is rescued by a pair of spellcasters; a mage and a cleric. The mage is a tiefling; a human with demonic blood in their veins (normally the child of a half-fiend and a human), while the cleric is an aasimar; a celestial version of a tiefling. The only fiendish traits the tiefling has are a prehensile tail, small horns and red irises, while the aasimar has silver hair and golden eyes to show her heritage.

Like the one above; go nuts with what magic the characters have; they're all meant to be high level as well so feel free to come up with various convenient magical items or spells (this one from D&D would no-doubt come in handy; just assume you're level 20 for anything that's "X/level" like duration).

The Reluctant Heir of Cannith
Marcus Faldren was a simple, but gifted, freelance artificer in Sharn who didn't have much business with House Cannith except to provide them a cut of his earnings (the same as any artificer in the city who didn't work directly for the House). Then he manifested a dragonmark.
He didn't know of any blood connection he had to House Cannith and just how he's related to the House is a mystery, but that mark got him dragged into the House in no time. It was the Mark of Making, the dragonmark of House Cannith, but it's size (covering his torso, arms and even some of his neck) showed that it was a rare and powerful Siberys Mark.
Due to the (entirely unwanted) prestige that earned him in the House, he was forced to attend numerous galas the Houses held; most likely just for House Cannith to show off their new Siberys-gifted heir. At one of these galas; held aboard one of House Lyrandar's more luxurious airships, he meets a young woman from another Dragonmarked House who also has a Siberys Mark.

This one is pretty Eberron-centric; there's no real way for its plot to work without the Dragonmarked Houses and some of Eberron's other unique features. I don't expect this one to get much of a response, to be honest but thought I'd throw it on here to be sure. You never know, after all.
Variant: The Siberys-marked woman is also from House Cannith - this one bypasses some of the social issues the base plot would involve (since Dragonmarks are passed down through the blood, mixing bloodlines with two different marks is greatly looked down on; mainly because any children resulting from such a union would have a good chance of manifesting an Aberrant Mark, a form of Dragonmark believed to be corruptive and most who possess it are criminals.

Don't have a concrete plot for this one, but basically Exalted set in the present day, but with mortals totally in the dark when it comes to the supernatural. I got about as far as my character being a Full-Moon Lunar and either running across a mortal being threatened by an Abyssal or noticing her Exaltation and coming to help in-case it also drew a Wyld Hunt (which would probably be an underground organisation that still follows the Immaculate Faith). I'd be happy to run this in the normal Exalted setting, but whoever I'm playing with would have to control the overall plot since I'm still learning about the setting myself.

*Can be MxF or FxF*

Return of the Exalted
Related to the one above, I got the idea for this from the final ending of Asura's Wrath - the ending of the Nirvana DLC, not just the true ending of the base game - and while it still uses stuff from Exalted, like the plot above, is different enough that I thought it warranted its own entry.

Basically, the world undergoes a demonic invasion but one where the demons stay away from larger population centres. During the invasion, people begin to display superhuman or even godlike power and tear through the demons. These are the Exalted, granted power by long-forgotten gods and tasked with defending Creation. Both your character and mine will be newly-Exalted people in Chicago, working with the military and other Exalted to keep the city secure from the demons while trying to find a way to stop the invasion altogether.

If the mention of the game didn't imply it - Asura's Wrath is a good example of what the Exalted are capable of (some Exalted fans have described it as "So Exalted it hurts"). Episode 5 really shows what I mean though you should watch Episode 4 for the lead-up. Incidentally, I recommend you watching the whole thing if you're looking for a good story - the whole thing's more like an interactive TV series than a video game and the Nirvana DLCs ending is probably one of the biggest Tear Jerkers/Crowning Moments of Heartwarming in video game history (or at least for the last several years).

More to be added as I think of them.

Also; can people please not quote the entire first post when replying? The "Reply" button in a post is for replying while quoting the post. Please; just use the textbox at the bottom of the page for your reply or if you have to use the Reply button then remove the quote from your post, either before posting it or by editing it out after posting.
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