you know, considering people actually read this junk, I'm going to actually have to talk about things and not just ramble on O_O
My god, my one weakness, not rambling!! WE'RE DOOMED!
so....what the hell am I meant to say that actually means anything lol? I could moan, I could drone, but end of the day there's, chances are, more deserving people you can look at one this site then me who actually have real problems and such. heck, most of my issues revolve around my brother and my future which only I can really solve (with, respectively a gun and a gun

I guess I could go along the lines of why the hell I keep on thinking of random stuff and such...or even how I just seem to lack any real thing to think of.
you know what, I'll just think of random things which would probably make little sense to most people.
so, on one front you'd a thought 'hey it's only family problems, just ignore them and that's it' well, my brother's not the type to be ignored. he's either right or he's right. and to most people that's the receipe for an ass...and you'd be right.
doesn't mean I have any less respect for him. just means that he needs to get his own life in order before he orders me around. and you can say to me about how he may have a point...and your right. but it's kinda hypocritical that he tells me to get my life in order when his isn't. and I get that I need to get the best I can, but in the arguement, it's literally one focused better course/qualification over a pair of lessers which can have the main improved by work.
and then, as long as things go to plan....I'll be fine. what did I say a while back. I won't be controlled, I'm unpredictable and I'm damn sure that I know what I want.