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Trysts in the night... (Updated 11/01/2012)

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RE: Trysts in the night.... Mxf (Craving Sci-fi!)

Bump for you! This one is quite the writer :]
RE: Trysts in the night... (Updated 10/29/2012)

Bump! Back in the game and looking for active players.
RE: Trysts in the night... (Updated 10/29/2012)

I would be incredably honored if you would care to play with me. I haven't met as many literate men here as I would have hope I might. I read everything you have written and I have to say I enjoyed it all and find it terribly hard to try and choose one to be my favorite among them. I'm relatively new to Blue Moon but a friend of mine got me started, she however isn't the very best when it comes to steady or even daily or even weekly role play. I don't want to sing my praise to sound like I am trying to make myself more appealing then any other or better then anyone else. But I am literate and I do role play very much in character, if I leave it'll be for one day maybe two but only if there is an emergency or a storm in which I lose power seeing as it is coming to the winter months where I live.
I try to conduct myself as if writing a novel and as such must be understood and comprehended by all. I do oocasionally use big words and it is a bad habit of mine, but if you could excuse that I would love to give any one of your stories a shot. I am willing to play a girl in older teens early twenties, as I am in my early twenties still and had often been asked if I were still in high school. So that wouldn't be a problem for me at all and I don't think it's an overly strange fetish, if you could call it one. More like a preference I should think. Please let me know if you are as interested as I am in this partnership endeaver.
I would love to collaborate a story with you! Feel free to look at my past posts on here and let me know if you think we'll mesh well ^_^
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