- Joined
- Aug 29, 2009
In the beginning...there was lawlessness. Science and technology had manipulated subspace and eventually developed a means to harness arcane magic. Crime was rising with no foreseeable solution until the decision came to create 'the Wall'. All criminals were cast outside to fend for themselves. As the generations passed, and time took it's toll, the descendants of both the Kingdom and the Wastelanders changed. The great technology that has so enslaved the people of the Kingdom to it's comforts, is but a byproduct of the Shimmering. Those living within the Wall were overcome by their superior power. The citizens debauched, inclined to frivolity, living the life of luxury that led them down the inevitable road to corruption. While outside in the Wastelands, the struggle to survive created a sturdy people that were a law unto themselves.
In the present...The land of Escorral is divided. There is the Tower, ruled by the powerful inhabitants of the Shimmering, and there is the land without called The Waste. The two worlds are divided by the Wall, a massive construction whose length is closely monitored. Those in the waste outside the Kingdom are forced to live without technology. Only the traders who were birthed within the walls are allowed to leave and enter. This strict control has forced the population of the waste into perpetual poverty and inferiority. However they have something that exists nowhere within the kingdom. Rare even in the Wastelands are those who hold a secret talent. These rare individuals are the one thing the Kingdom fears, they are the Slingers. With the power provided by means of the Wall the Slingers have a unique skill. A Slinger can drop a group of men to the ground with only a flick of his wrist, and the speed of his fingers. Some say that this is only the least of the powers a gunslinger is capable of, but in truth none of these men or women would ever reveal it.
Fearing an uprising against the Wall, the Shimmering began training an elite force. These individuals are the Towers finest. Those who venture outside the walls to hunt the Slingers. These highly trained men and women are the only ones known to have the ability to take down a Slinger. They are the Predators.
The Tower: The Shimmering is that which gives us our light. The men and women who reside within the walls as a majority believe they can do no wrong. They are the pampered and wealthy citizens of an empire who gives them freedom to do as they please. The people of the land are controlled by the comfort giving technology of the Shimmering. They never hunger nor want for water. They are given beds and homes, gifted with comforts beyond the imaginations of the Wastelanders.
The Wastelands: Redemption, is in an area call 'the Green'. It is the major town for the inhabitants of the Wastelands. It is the one large fertile spot, an oasis of sorts, left in the wilderness. However, you may dream up as many outposts and small towns you wish to create.
Paradise Theater and Hotel: This is the central hub for interaction among the players in Redemption. For your enjoyment a Bordello has been opened where you may chose among the assorted soiled doves should the desire take you.
The Disruptors: These are the ones who have entered the uppermost stronghold of the Tower, and exited through the Arcane wall. They wield the power of the Shimmering, a power only the masters truly understand. They learn the art of magic through experimentation and practice. Their entire lives are spent in training for the sole purpose of gaining enough arcane power to rule the Tower. No one outside the Disruptors are certain how the Shimmering works. All that is known is they spread the essence from inside of themselves, distorting all that it touches. What effect it renders is uncertain until it is used. Not always does the disruptor have complete control of the power. Only the knowledge that it will cause harm or aid him in some way, and that his purpose will be met if he maintains discipline. Disruptors live in the Tower under the highest security.
The Predators:Those who venture outside the Wall are called Predators. These are the ones trained to harness the arcane magic for the sole purpose of combat. From the time of their birth they are trained rigorously to become fighters against the Slingers. Their speed and skill with a 'blade' is unparalleled. They are fiercely loyal to the Tower.
Slingers: These are the practitioners of the perfected skill, the ultimate art. The talent as it is collectively known among the gunslingers is the ability of speed and accuracy. It is said that a Slinger is born with the seeds of the ability, and that upon contact with a firearm they, subconsciously, realize their talent. Taking to the life of the gun they roam the wastelands, their talent coming with age and practice. It is the Slingers alone who have the ability to breach the wall, but for now they are loners. It would take a large number of them to bring down the wall keeping them in poverty. They are secretive and rarely reveal their ability. To do so would call the attention of the Predators.
For the Player: Realism has flown out the window with this roleplay. A gunslinger can duel with a gun as another would fence with a sword. Deflecting bullets with the weapon, performing exotic tricks with perfection. The Predators and other Slingers are the only others who can compete with them in this way. When a Slinger reaches his/her pinnacle of talent very little but a master Disruptor or another Slinger could confront one head on.
Gunkata is the essence of play. While the story is not Oriental or modern based, nor guns against guns these two videos give a flavor for the style of fighting in the RP.
Sukiyaki Western Django
Ultimate Gun Fight
The weapons: In the Wastelands all weapons, guns, are generally Old Western level or lower. Water and even food are sometimes hard to come by, and the general feel is western. The preferred weapon of choice for a Predator is a blade/s forged with arcane imbued metal. The technology of the Tower is generally more well improved. They live in high comfort. Food and water is manufactured from base elements. There are none who lack any creature comfort. They do not however have weapons any more advanced in technology than that of the Wastelanders, and sometimes less in the eyes of the Slingers. Their only means to fight is the arcane magic hoarded by the Disruptors.
Steam trains run from the Wall to several settlements in the Wastelands providing meager food supplies and transportation. All other aspects of the Wastelands is a duplicate of the American west circa 1850's - 1880's. Though clothing may vary slightly due to the Tower's influence.
1) HKitten
DISRUPTORS: Ruling mage class in the kingdom
1) DudeGuy/Eric Simmons
PREDATORS: Blade/arcane wielders that hunt the Slingers
1) Oreo/Mara
2) Midnight/?
3) BlisteredBlood/Benjamin Hudson aka Ronin Hiroshi or "Benji The Heartless"
4) DudeGuy/Emi Sumeragi
SLINGERS: Gun/arcane wielders that want to destroy the Wall
1) Amaria/Fran
2) Midnight/Hawkeye
3) Survivor00/Tali Whitaker a.k.a â??Crackshotâ??
ORDINARY CHARACTERS: Traders, Barmaids, Saloon, Innkeeper, Madams, Kingdom Citizens, etc. Unlimited:
You may play a gunslinger/predator/disruptor, but basically you should not have perfected your abilities, this happens during the course of the RP.
If you want other special abilities or magic you may post them for approval. Or pm me about them.
No killing off other characters without permission from their player.
You may bring in a new character at any time if you agree to letting your character to be killed.
You may use NPCs, or have more than one character. You may create NPC slingers/predators other than your main character, specifically for killing.
Please, for courtesy sake, allow everyone time to make their posts, this doesn't have to run like an el train on the expressway.
I expect a modicum of literacy. Please be able to post a minimum of three paragraphs if you wish to partake of the RP.
Twenty-five years ago, a lone trader arrived at the Tower of the Shinning, in his arms a small squalling bundle. The men dickered, but the trader would not back down. His word was his bond. This girl child was the offspring of a Slinger. He spat on the ground and cursed. The price was met. The Tower had a way to beat the Gunslingers. They would raise her here, and set her against her own. Mara was the first, the bold new idea. Her every waking hour spent in training, till none in the Tower could stand against her. Her hand to hand combat skills outshone the best the Tower had to offer. Her speed and agility kept her from all harm. She was taught the depravity of the Slingers, how they intended to destroy the Shinning Kingdom. An finally she was trained in how to walk among them. How to talk like them, act like them, how to 'be' one of them. Now here in the present she is being sent out among them, to spy, to learn and to kill. ~
Sample Character Profile
Character Name: Mara
Gender: Female
Age: 25
(Altered from a Luis Royo Sketch)
Appearance: Mara is of average height for a woman, about 5'6". Neither fat nor thin she has a sleek, lithe appearance. Regular endurance training has given her a muscular form, but she still manages to look feminine. She keeps her thin long brown hair pinned to the back of her head, except for the few stray wisps that seem to always fall loose. Below her rather ordinary nose, are full rose red lips, that seldom smile or frown. Her rich brown doe shaped eyes appear slow and sometimes vacant, but they miss nothing. Her skin is on the tanned side, yet her cheeks still manage to look rosy. She wears a Granda style Goucho hat. Her chest is covered in a black halter top, leaving her midriff bare. While her well toned legs are covered in brown stretch pants, and knee high moccasins. Over all this she wears a brown Doc Holiday coat with a gathered waist in the back. On her hands are thin, fingerless, doeskin gloves. In her right moccasin, she keeps a stiletto for throwing. A James Black/Musso pattern S-guard bowie knife is strapped tightly to her left thigh. On her right arm is the tattooed insignia of the Shimmering. She keeps her Ronin blade in a sheath strapped to her lower back.
Personality: Singularity of purpose, determination, she seems cool and in control, but is burning with deep seated emotions. She turns these emotions into the power and speed that is her trade mark. Bred for hatred of the slingers, she has a distaste for everything in the Wasteland.
Faction/Ranking: The Tower /Predator - Slinger
Equipment: James Black/ Mussou pattern S-guard Bowie knife, Stiletto, Customised (S-guard) Ronin blade
Later: Pistol Custom-Engraved Gold-Plated Exhibition Colt Bisley Frontier Six-Shooter Single Action .44 Caliber
Abilities/Skills/Style: Her skill is speed, endurance, and agility. She is accurate in her throwing skills, and her close quarter fighting is deadly. Her style is trickery, the hand is quicker than the eye, what you think you see isn't necessarily so.
Mara tipped her Goucho hat back slightly, as she watched the life drain from the old mans eyes. The blood dripped from her Ronin blade and the wound on his neck. It wasn't huge and gaping as some amateur might have made, but perfectly calculated to hit his jugular. The red stain continued to seep into the hot sand and disappear, as if his life were not worth remembering. For her it wasn't, he was just another gunslinger. His words meant nothing to her. With a shocked look on his face, he had fallen to the ground muttering as he gasped for life, "You look just like your mother."
How in the hell would he know who her mother was, let alone what she looked like? No way had he ever been in the Shimmering. He knew nothing but dirt and squalor. The sooner his kind were gone the better. Normally she didn't touch guns, it was against the rules. This time she was tempted, this one was different. It was a work of art. It was gold, etched with beautiful designs of a forgotten past. Without hesitation, she cleaned her knife on his clothes, and slipped it into the sheath at her lower back. She was going to walk away, but in the end she couldn't leave the gun. With a shaky hand she grabbed it, an tugged till it slid from his lifeless grip. She half expected a shock or bolt of lightening from the sky. The weight of it did feel good in the palm of her hand. Not understanding why, she felt compelled to take his holster and bandoliers. Admiring the gold etched picture she reluctantly set it back on the ground. In minutes she had adorned herself with the gun and had layered the bandoliers across her chest.
As she turned to leave, she kicked a bit of sand in his face, "Rest in peace, old man." She left him there for the coyotes and vultures. Heading due south she made her way back to the tracks. Two hours later and she was waiting, butt on the rails, but there was no vibration of a train coming anytime soon. She pulled out the small flask of prime whiskey from the Tower. Her one perk, her one reward. The burn as it eased down her throat cleansed the dust from parched membranes. One swig per slinger dead. The flask was half empty. She shoved it back in the breast pocket of her Doc Holiday coat, and pulled the brim of her hat down to cut the glare of the sun. Mumbling under her breath, she kicked the dust and stood her frame back up, "Damned train, nothin' for it but to walk to Redemption. Don't know why the stinkin' train can't ever be on time."
Nothing flowed through her mind, but finding herself another slinger. Maybe she'd get lucky. Pulling the gun out as she walked, she loaded bullets from the bandolier into the two empty chambers and slapped the cylinder back in place. Wondering what it might feel like to shoot the weapon, she took aim at a Saguaro cactus about fifty feet away. As she pulled the trigger, the recoil nearly slammed her wrist backward. "Son of a bitch!" Her left hand flew to massage the shocked bones, as her eyes looked at the cactus. Damned if she hadn't hit it dead on. Taking aim again, this time holding her wrist taut, gripped firmly with her left hand, she let loose the five remaining shots. Bamm..Bamm....Bamm Bamm..Bamm! The echo rang in her ears like a sledge hammer on an anvil. Everything went unearthly quiet. Even the wind seemed to fall still and lifeless to the ground. All that remained was the smell of heat, gunpowder, and a buzzing ring in her head. Shaking out her fingers she walked toward the desert sentinel...six holes in a perfect line, each and inch apart. "Guess I'm a natural."
Her head perked up, there she is. The train was coming. Reloading the golden six-shooter, she slipped it back beneath her coat. Mara waved her arms hailing the train. Hector damned well better stop for her this time or she'd have his hide for a pair of shoes. The scream of steel on steel hit her ears as the train began to skid along the rails. Looking up at the buzzards, she thought to herself, better that old man burning out there in the sun, than me. Before the day ended she was walking into the saloon at the Paradise Theatre.

In the beginning...there was lawlessness. Science and technology had manipulated subspace and eventually developed a means to harness arcane magic. Crime was rising with no foreseeable solution until the decision came to create 'the Wall'. All criminals were cast outside to fend for themselves. As the generations passed, and time took it's toll, the descendants of both the Kingdom and the Wastelanders changed. The great technology that has so enslaved the people of the Kingdom to it's comforts, is but a byproduct of the Shimmering. Those living within the Wall were overcome by their superior power. The citizens debauched, inclined to frivolity, living the life of luxury that led them down the inevitable road to corruption. While outside in the Wastelands, the struggle to survive created a sturdy people that were a law unto themselves.
In the present...The land of Escorral is divided. There is the Tower, ruled by the powerful inhabitants of the Shimmering, and there is the land without called The Waste. The two worlds are divided by the Wall, a massive construction whose length is closely monitored. Those in the waste outside the Kingdom are forced to live without technology. Only the traders who were birthed within the walls are allowed to leave and enter. This strict control has forced the population of the waste into perpetual poverty and inferiority. However they have something that exists nowhere within the kingdom. Rare even in the Wastelands are those who hold a secret talent. These rare individuals are the one thing the Kingdom fears, they are the Slingers. With the power provided by means of the Wall the Slingers have a unique skill. A Slinger can drop a group of men to the ground with only a flick of his wrist, and the speed of his fingers. Some say that this is only the least of the powers a gunslinger is capable of, but in truth none of these men or women would ever reveal it.
Fearing an uprising against the Wall, the Shimmering began training an elite force. These individuals are the Towers finest. Those who venture outside the walls to hunt the Slingers. These highly trained men and women are the only ones known to have the ability to take down a Slinger. They are the Predators.
The Tower: The Shimmering is that which gives us our light. The men and women who reside within the walls as a majority believe they can do no wrong. They are the pampered and wealthy citizens of an empire who gives them freedom to do as they please. The people of the land are controlled by the comfort giving technology of the Shimmering. They never hunger nor want for water. They are given beds and homes, gifted with comforts beyond the imaginations of the Wastelanders.
The Wastelands: Redemption, is in an area call 'the Green'. It is the major town for the inhabitants of the Wastelands. It is the one large fertile spot, an oasis of sorts, left in the wilderness. However, you may dream up as many outposts and small towns you wish to create.
Paradise Theater and Hotel: This is the central hub for interaction among the players in Redemption. For your enjoyment a Bordello has been opened where you may chose among the assorted soiled doves should the desire take you.
The Disruptors: These are the ones who have entered the uppermost stronghold of the Tower, and exited through the Arcane wall. They wield the power of the Shimmering, a power only the masters truly understand. They learn the art of magic through experimentation and practice. Their entire lives are spent in training for the sole purpose of gaining enough arcane power to rule the Tower. No one outside the Disruptors are certain how the Shimmering works. All that is known is they spread the essence from inside of themselves, distorting all that it touches. What effect it renders is uncertain until it is used. Not always does the disruptor have complete control of the power. Only the knowledge that it will cause harm or aid him in some way, and that his purpose will be met if he maintains discipline. Disruptors live in the Tower under the highest security.
The Predators:Those who venture outside the Wall are called Predators. These are the ones trained to harness the arcane magic for the sole purpose of combat. From the time of their birth they are trained rigorously to become fighters against the Slingers. Their speed and skill with a 'blade' is unparalleled. They are fiercely loyal to the Tower.
Slingers: These are the practitioners of the perfected skill, the ultimate art. The talent as it is collectively known among the gunslingers is the ability of speed and accuracy. It is said that a Slinger is born with the seeds of the ability, and that upon contact with a firearm they, subconsciously, realize their talent. Taking to the life of the gun they roam the wastelands, their talent coming with age and practice. It is the Slingers alone who have the ability to breach the wall, but for now they are loners. It would take a large number of them to bring down the wall keeping them in poverty. They are secretive and rarely reveal their ability. To do so would call the attention of the Predators.
For the Player: Realism has flown out the window with this roleplay. A gunslinger can duel with a gun as another would fence with a sword. Deflecting bullets with the weapon, performing exotic tricks with perfection. The Predators and other Slingers are the only others who can compete with them in this way. When a Slinger reaches his/her pinnacle of talent very little but a master Disruptor or another Slinger could confront one head on.
Gunkata is the essence of play. While the story is not Oriental or modern based, nor guns against guns these two videos give a flavor for the style of fighting in the RP.
Sukiyaki Western Django
Ultimate Gun Fight
The weapons: In the Wastelands all weapons, guns, are generally Old Western level or lower. Water and even food are sometimes hard to come by, and the general feel is western. The preferred weapon of choice for a Predator is a blade/s forged with arcane imbued metal. The technology of the Tower is generally more well improved. They live in high comfort. Food and water is manufactured from base elements. There are none who lack any creature comfort. They do not however have weapons any more advanced in technology than that of the Wastelanders, and sometimes less in the eyes of the Slingers. Their only means to fight is the arcane magic hoarded by the Disruptors.
Steam trains run from the Wall to several settlements in the Wastelands providing meager food supplies and transportation. All other aspects of the Wastelands is a duplicate of the American west circa 1850's - 1880's. Though clothing may vary slightly due to the Tower's influence.
1) HKitten
DISRUPTORS: Ruling mage class in the kingdom
1) DudeGuy/Eric Simmons
PREDATORS: Blade/arcane wielders that hunt the Slingers
1) Oreo/Mara
2) Midnight/?
3) BlisteredBlood/Benjamin Hudson aka Ronin Hiroshi or "Benji The Heartless"
4) DudeGuy/Emi Sumeragi
SLINGERS: Gun/arcane wielders that want to destroy the Wall
1) Amaria/Fran
2) Midnight/Hawkeye
3) Survivor00/Tali Whitaker a.k.a â??Crackshotâ??
ORDINARY CHARACTERS: Traders, Barmaids, Saloon, Innkeeper, Madams, Kingdom Citizens, etc. Unlimited:
You may play a gunslinger/predator/disruptor, but basically you should not have perfected your abilities, this happens during the course of the RP.
If you want other special abilities or magic you may post them for approval. Or pm me about them.
No killing off other characters without permission from their player.
You may bring in a new character at any time if you agree to letting your character to be killed.
You may use NPCs, or have more than one character. You may create NPC slingers/predators other than your main character, specifically for killing.
Please, for courtesy sake, allow everyone time to make their posts, this doesn't have to run like an el train on the expressway.
I expect a modicum of literacy. Please be able to post a minimum of three paragraphs if you wish to partake of the RP.
Twenty-five years ago, a lone trader arrived at the Tower of the Shinning, in his arms a small squalling bundle. The men dickered, but the trader would not back down. His word was his bond. This girl child was the offspring of a Slinger. He spat on the ground and cursed. The price was met. The Tower had a way to beat the Gunslingers. They would raise her here, and set her against her own. Mara was the first, the bold new idea. Her every waking hour spent in training, till none in the Tower could stand against her. Her hand to hand combat skills outshone the best the Tower had to offer. Her speed and agility kept her from all harm. She was taught the depravity of the Slingers, how they intended to destroy the Shinning Kingdom. An finally she was trained in how to walk among them. How to talk like them, act like them, how to 'be' one of them. Now here in the present she is being sent out among them, to spy, to learn and to kill. ~
Sample Character Profile
Character Name: Mara
Gender: Female
Age: 25

(Altered from a Luis Royo Sketch)
Appearance: Mara is of average height for a woman, about 5'6". Neither fat nor thin she has a sleek, lithe appearance. Regular endurance training has given her a muscular form, but she still manages to look feminine. She keeps her thin long brown hair pinned to the back of her head, except for the few stray wisps that seem to always fall loose. Below her rather ordinary nose, are full rose red lips, that seldom smile or frown. Her rich brown doe shaped eyes appear slow and sometimes vacant, but they miss nothing. Her skin is on the tanned side, yet her cheeks still manage to look rosy. She wears a Granda style Goucho hat. Her chest is covered in a black halter top, leaving her midriff bare. While her well toned legs are covered in brown stretch pants, and knee high moccasins. Over all this she wears a brown Doc Holiday coat with a gathered waist in the back. On her hands are thin, fingerless, doeskin gloves. In her right moccasin, she keeps a stiletto for throwing. A James Black/Musso pattern S-guard bowie knife is strapped tightly to her left thigh. On her right arm is the tattooed insignia of the Shimmering. She keeps her Ronin blade in a sheath strapped to her lower back.

Personality: Singularity of purpose, determination, she seems cool and in control, but is burning with deep seated emotions. She turns these emotions into the power and speed that is her trade mark. Bred for hatred of the slingers, she has a distaste for everything in the Wasteland.
Faction/Ranking: The Tower /Predator - Slinger
Equipment: James Black/ Mussou pattern S-guard Bowie knife, Stiletto, Customised (S-guard) Ronin blade
Later: Pistol Custom-Engraved Gold-Plated Exhibition Colt Bisley Frontier Six-Shooter Single Action .44 Caliber

Abilities/Skills/Style: Her skill is speed, endurance, and agility. She is accurate in her throwing skills, and her close quarter fighting is deadly. Her style is trickery, the hand is quicker than the eye, what you think you see isn't necessarily so.
Mara tipped her Goucho hat back slightly, as she watched the life drain from the old mans eyes. The blood dripped from her Ronin blade and the wound on his neck. It wasn't huge and gaping as some amateur might have made, but perfectly calculated to hit his jugular. The red stain continued to seep into the hot sand and disappear, as if his life were not worth remembering. For her it wasn't, he was just another gunslinger. His words meant nothing to her. With a shocked look on his face, he had fallen to the ground muttering as he gasped for life, "You look just like your mother."
How in the hell would he know who her mother was, let alone what she looked like? No way had he ever been in the Shimmering. He knew nothing but dirt and squalor. The sooner his kind were gone the better. Normally she didn't touch guns, it was against the rules. This time she was tempted, this one was different. It was a work of art. It was gold, etched with beautiful designs of a forgotten past. Without hesitation, she cleaned her knife on his clothes, and slipped it into the sheath at her lower back. She was going to walk away, but in the end she couldn't leave the gun. With a shaky hand she grabbed it, an tugged till it slid from his lifeless grip. She half expected a shock or bolt of lightening from the sky. The weight of it did feel good in the palm of her hand. Not understanding why, she felt compelled to take his holster and bandoliers. Admiring the gold etched picture she reluctantly set it back on the ground. In minutes she had adorned herself with the gun and had layered the bandoliers across her chest.
As she turned to leave, she kicked a bit of sand in his face, "Rest in peace, old man." She left him there for the coyotes and vultures. Heading due south she made her way back to the tracks. Two hours later and she was waiting, butt on the rails, but there was no vibration of a train coming anytime soon. She pulled out the small flask of prime whiskey from the Tower. Her one perk, her one reward. The burn as it eased down her throat cleansed the dust from parched membranes. One swig per slinger dead. The flask was half empty. She shoved it back in the breast pocket of her Doc Holiday coat, and pulled the brim of her hat down to cut the glare of the sun. Mumbling under her breath, she kicked the dust and stood her frame back up, "Damned train, nothin' for it but to walk to Redemption. Don't know why the stinkin' train can't ever be on time."
Nothing flowed through her mind, but finding herself another slinger. Maybe she'd get lucky. Pulling the gun out as she walked, she loaded bullets from the bandolier into the two empty chambers and slapped the cylinder back in place. Wondering what it might feel like to shoot the weapon, she took aim at a Saguaro cactus about fifty feet away. As she pulled the trigger, the recoil nearly slammed her wrist backward. "Son of a bitch!" Her left hand flew to massage the shocked bones, as her eyes looked at the cactus. Damned if she hadn't hit it dead on. Taking aim again, this time holding her wrist taut, gripped firmly with her left hand, she let loose the five remaining shots. Bamm..Bamm....Bamm Bamm..Bamm! The echo rang in her ears like a sledge hammer on an anvil. Everything went unearthly quiet. Even the wind seemed to fall still and lifeless to the ground. All that remained was the smell of heat, gunpowder, and a buzzing ring in her head. Shaking out her fingers she walked toward the desert sentinel...six holes in a perfect line, each and inch apart. "Guess I'm a natural."
Her head perked up, there she is. The train was coming. Reloading the golden six-shooter, she slipped it back beneath her coat. Mara waved her arms hailing the train. Hector damned well better stop for her this time or she'd have his hide for a pair of shoes. The scream of steel on steel hit her ears as the train began to skid along the rails. Looking up at the buzzards, she thought to herself, better that old man burning out there in the sun, than me. Before the day ended she was walking into the saloon at the Paradise Theatre.