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she blinked and then nodded a little. “so Amal's room is always fucking?” she asked looking amused, Amal scowling at her. “it is not! My room is chaotic organization!” “it's a mess.” she stated simply several of the men laughing as they relaxed, more interested than afraid now as Amal and Alma bickered, Amal suddenly worried as Dante piped up. “is your knee hurting? Do you want more leaves?” he asked softly his head tilted as Jack nodded. “of course, we'll go in to the sitting room.” he promised, pausing as the first Lady rushed out, clearly annoyed about being disturbed for a prank before she paused, her eyes wide at the space ship, her two children gasping in amazement as they looked up at the massive thing. “woooow Momma I wanna go for a ride!” “no!” Victoria stated. Victoria Stanton, the president's wife eyed up the alien's nervously. “it's alright ma'am. Their here under peaceful conditions. They won't hurt you.” he promised leading the way inside.

“Lady Stanton, this is Commander Dante Casey, he used to be my squad commander.” Jack introduced. “and his brother Richard Casey. These are their” “i am Tuth'Amal.” Amal stated. “and this is my sister Tuth'Alma. Children of Rion'Tuth, leader of our people, and we speak on his behalf.” he removed his sword when they reached the doorway and set it leaning against the wall. “please inform everyone not to touch the sword. It is tied to me genetically and may hurt if someone else grabs it.” “you'd best bring it with then.” Jack stated, Amal hesitating. “you can lean it against the wall in the sitting room.” well, it was still rude, but if they insisted. He picked the sword back up and followed them all into the house, Alma gasping at how PRETTY everything was.
"Madam."Rich said tilting his head in greeting to the first lady as dante did the same, both twins snickering as they followed the others inside, watching the two admire anything. Dante sighed in relef as they settled into the chairs of the sitting room, closing his eyes as he glanced at the first lady."Madam, even though you can't decide for your husband, I wish you to know why we're here, so you know we are here in true peace." "Their planet is dying. They are looking to find a new home, and share the world. There is...600?about 600 of their people left, we thought the Americans would be the kindest to offer sanctuary."Rich finished smiling sweetly.
The First Lady looked very hesitant, and she was clearly in shock as she followed Jack into the sitting room, Alma immediately settling in front of Dante, pulling his pants leg up so she could examine it to make sure it was hurting from over use and not something else. “you need to stay off your knee.” she ordered suddenly. “i did not expect the surrounding tissue to swell so much, it's putting pressure on your joints.” she explained looking up at Jack. “have you anything cold?” she asked hopefully, the man nodding as he vanished, Amal laying his sword off to the side and stripping out of his armor, the two kids moving over. “may we touch your space suit mister?” they both asked, Amal looking amused as he picked up the shoulder pads and slipped them over the little boy, explaining that it wasn't a space suit, but warriors garb

“...only six hundred left!?” she asked, shocked, Alma nodding. “nine hundred are a possibility, depending on how many of our star travelers survived.” she admitted looking sad. “but that's only if the people on my planet have survived this long.” she admitted. “our leader is still alive, as he still sends us missives, but he hides the truth from us, that we won't lose hope.” she admitted closing her eyes. “there could be as few as three hundred left of my kind alive.” three hundred left, if they where beasts they'd be on the endangered lists.. there weren't even human settlements that small. “i am sure we are not that gone.” Amal stated, gripping his shoulder, the children playing with the pretty animal carved precious stones that Amal had gifted them. “we must have hope...”
Rich shifted, tugging Alma into his lap, pressing a kiss to the other's hair closing his eyes."There is always hope."He said holding her gently because he knew that even if she didn't show it, she had to be very afraid. Dante smiled rubbing his knee,"I'm fine. Just overworked."He said taking the ice pack from jack when he came back,settling the bag onto his knees, looking amused that the kids were playing with the suit. "You need your own space suits. Maybe if you ask him nicely, he'll help you make some."He teased looking at the kids then at amal, knowing the aliens would appeal to the children and win adult approval if they did this. After all, adults were just big kids.
Victoria shook her head and stood up. “please wait here, I'll go get some tea...” “oh, Lady please let me do that.” Jack chirped. He was a foul mouthed shit head but he was always willing to do anything to make his captain, or in this case the president and the first lady, as comfortable as possible. She rolled her eyes as he rushed off. “he's too energetic sometimes but the children love him, you trained him very well Dante.” she stated with a small smile as Amal grinned and let the children examine his strange clothing and eyes. “wow! He's got like a snakey eyes!” “yes, these are the gift of one of my gods.” he explained with a smile. “i do not know if his powers reach this far, but I hope they do.” he admitted, the little boy looking amazed. “can they DO anything?” he asked Amal laughing as he explained that he could 'switch' his vision to see heat signatures in dark places to help him hunt and fight. “i'm sure my husband will help you.” the First Lady admitted gently patting Alma's knee as the woman snuggled into Richard like a child looking for comfort, her daughter climbed up next to Alma and handed her a children's book, Alma giggling as she obediently began to read it to the little girl.
By the time they finished the book rich was dozing in the chair as the two snuggled into his lap. Dante snickered a little as he looked at the two, looking amused as he shook his head wrapping his arms around amal's waist."they are adorable."He smiled before looking at amal, "We should probably be getting back to the ship. It's been a long day, and I know you don't like sleeping somewhere besides the ship."He said looking worried a little about what was going to happen despite Victoria's reassurance that her husband would help.
Amal chuckled as he watched, he had picked up his sword and had started cleaning it half way through the story, and was now working on mending and cleaning his fabric like Armor, grinning at Dante. “adorable is NEVER a word I would use.” he teased grinning a little. “the kids are monsters and my sister is even more of one.” he teased the First Lady laughing brightly at that, amused as she watched Amal mending his strange gear. “you are right though, it is getting late.” he agreed glancing out the window before he stood and gently shook Alma's shoulder. “sister, we should go to bed...” “no don't wanna...sleep..nn here.” she mumbled, Amal rolling his eyes as he picked her up, bridal style, and bowed to the first lady. “thank you for your hospitality My Lady.” he chirped calmly, Alma mumbling as she snuggled adorably into her brother, wishing to stay asleep as he headed out to the ship, where a ring of people had been set up to keep anyone from trying to get too close to the ship, namely the scientists who where trying to sneak past, and the sci-fi nerds who where doing the same thing.
Dante paused as the other three disppaeared up the stairs before glancing at the scienctists trying to press through the line of secret service."I'll kill the first person who steps aboard this ship without permisson. Now go away."He said grouchily waving his fingers in a shooing motion before disappearing inside.

In the morning rich sighed sleepily as he nuzzled the alien sleeping next to him, starting a little as he realized that they'd all been so tired the night before they'd crawled into bed with the wrong sibling. Whining quietly as he sat up he grumbled a little."I don't want you...."He whined poking amal in the shoulder so he'd move to get up.
the scientists, thankfully recoiled at the threat, Amal too tired to think as he locked the ship down and headed off to bed, groaning as he woke up next to Rich, wondering how that had happened and deciding he didn't care. “Shhhh.” he ordered closing his eyes again. “go get Dante.” he ordered. “i want sex.” he complained, hoping it would make Rich move faster even as he heard his sister bitching at Dante for being the wrong brother, whining that she wanted her cuddly brother and she clearly expected Dante to go get him, Amal snickering a little. “sometimes I forget how similar we are.” he mumbled sleepily, tensing as he heard someone pounding on the side of the ship, whining as he got up, hoping to god it was either Jack or the First Lady's kids because anyone else was going to get their asses kicked for making him get up. Fortunately for everyone it was Jack, the secrete service still keeping back the hoards of people, with a tray full of food, enough for six people at least. He beamed, pleased when the stairs slid down and he was allowed up into the ship, looking amazed as he looked around. “well fuck my trigger this aint no shit hole huh?”
"Shut up Alma!It's not my fault!You latched on me as I came inside!"Dante bitched grumbling as he walked out of the bed smiling a little at Jack."I would never travel in a shit hole. I have better tastes than that." The former commander sniffed daintly. Rich snickered as he tugged Alma up and into his arms, cuddling her."Thanks Jack. This looks amazingly good."He said settling on the seats for the table, starting to eat as the others sat down to.
Alma scowled at him. “well clearly you tricked me!” she whined shaking her finger at him. “and I don't know what a shut up is but I don't like the tone your taking with me buddy!” she bitched at him, kicking him in the shin, his good shin, not that it hurt at all. Huffing as she snuggled into Rich. “Dante told me to shut up.” she whined pouting at him. “what is a shut up?” Jack had to snicker a little as Amal whined and leaned against Dante, proving to not be much of a morning person. “loud.” he grumbled blinking at all the food and sighing as they settled at the table, made out of the strange metal material that the rest of the ship was made out of, the chair's where simply lumps of metal with no legs, arm rests, or backs as Jack started spreading the food out for everyone, Alma blinking at it, her head tilted before she and Amal started to eat, looking impressed with all the tastes and textures of the food.
Dante snickered a little as he got kicked, raising a eyebrow at the girl before looking at Jack."I think we have to teach her to kick better, jack.. That didn't even hurt."He complained looking amused and slightly worried. Disliking the idea of Alma not being able to kick hard enough to do damage, more not because he was worried abut her getting hurt, but because he worried that if she did get hurt here on earth, that rich would be devasted at he lost her. So he'd teach her to fight back, even if she didn't like it. Rich smiled kissing Alma's cheek as he started to eat, "Shut up is a rude way to tell someone to be quiet."He said rolling his eyes at Dante, "He's just grouchy he didn't get his morning cuddles. Ignore him." "I am not."
Jack nodded a little and Amal shook his head. “Alma can't.” he stated simply, looking at them. “if she starts working too hard, she becomes ill... her breathing...” he hesitated, unsure how to explain. “she...” he sighed and shook his head. “it gets very shallow, and she wheezes hard. Sometimes she even stops breathing. I was afraid she was going to have one yesterday after all that sugar, but she didn't, too distracted I guess.” he admitted Alma ignoring everyone but Rich as she nodded. “i will Tell Dante to shut up then, as he is very rude.” she complained as Amal chuckled and cuddled into Dante. “mmm there is this better?” he asked grinning happily as he gently nibbled on the others ear, Alma giggling. “oh get a room, don't fuck him right here at the table.” Jack choked on his drink, shocked at such CRUDE words coming out of Alma's mouth.
Dante blushed tilting his head away from the alien glancing at Jack."You know, if you keep being shocked its her and not him saying crude things, I'm amazed your female workers haven't slapped you silly."He teased before tilting his head at Amal's description of alma's sickness."that sounds like asthma doesn't it?I wonder if a human medicine woud help..."He said looking thoughtful. Rich laughed softly at Alma's words before looking startled at the idea."They might....though they might not be good for another race..."
Jack blinked at Dante. “it's not that it's a girl sayin it, remember Thia? She swore even more than I did! And the First Lady can have quiet a fowl mouth, it's more that Alma is so damn INNOCENT!” he complained. “it's like hearin a kid talk like that! It's shocking.” he complained Amal chuckling a little before both the Aliens paused, their heads tilted. “Asma? Is that a type of parasite or something?” Amal asked her head tilted looking shocked. “i hope not!” Alma squeaked looking rather freaked out, Jack laughing a little. “no no, Asthma is a type of lung defect, where when it starts working too hard the air stops flowing through it properly.” he explained calmly, he knew he was being a little over simple but he didn't know how else to explain it. “... no one has ever seen a thing like what my sister has before.” Amal admitted. “in truth it's one of the real reasons why she wasn't taken into the Dancer's.” Amal admitted biting his lip a little. “she could have been trained by out mother, flawed or not but every time they tried Alma collapsed.” he admitted. “if there is medicine that can help, I would like to try.” Alma admitted, looking hopeful.
Rich looked at jack as he kissed Alma's head."If we take her up the house, do you think Victoria would call one of the specialists here in DC? some of the best doctors for the condition live right here in the city."He said looking hopeful kissing Alma's cheek as he finished eating. Dante sighed quietly looking amused at the two's reaction to the word, snickering a little as he kissed Amal's softly."Trust me to help her?"He asked looking hopeful. After so many years as a military man, he found saving the damsel in distress thrilling and needful to make him feel less crippled.
Jack hesitated and then nodded. “yes I think she would be willing to do that, it's not like the aliens here are a secrete... and we could run some biological tests on them, to make sure our food and water aren't doing them harm.” “we are about the same biologically as you are.” Amal admitted. “the only differences appear to be genitalia.” “...genitalia?” “yes, you have very strange dicks.” Alma giggled and nodded. “yes, very strange.” she agreed looking amused as Jack actually seamed a little bit insulted by that. “i trust you Dante, and Richard as well.” Amal promised. “we will go to see this... specialist....” he decided, Jack nodding. “i'll go back and ask her to contact someone.” “if we are going to do tests, we might as well go to them.” Amal stated suddenly. “and find someone who can be trusted, your people will want full physicals, X-Ray's... whatever those are, all the science doctor stuff, possibly even bloodwork tests.” “and we can talk to them about our own medical breakthroughs. I believe you will be interested in our Tumor treatments.” “cancer is no longer a problem for us, we killed it out many generations ago.” “yeah, doctors are going to be VERY excited about that one.” Jack admitted. “but are you sure you want to go through all that?” “if there is to be peace between our people, there can be no secretes.” Alma stated calmly, smiling a little. “besides, they will be curious to know how our bodies are different, and how they are the same.” she admitted calmly.
Rich loked amused as he got up heading for the door and escorting the other's out."If nothing else, the idea of ending cancer will convince people that it is a good idea to give them sanctuary."He said thoughtfully. Dante snickered amused as he followed the others outside, "X-rays are what we use to look at the bones in our body without having to rip the skin up."He said looking at Alma amused before grinning wider."Well, you'll get to rid in a car then. Itll be a adventure."He teased the other man, wrappng a arm around Amal's waist. Rich looked amused before tilting his head as they walked into the white house."And you're not curious how our bodies are different?"He teased poking his lover playfully.

they nodded and headed out onto the lawn, the scientists and SciFi nerds keeping their distance this time, apparently one of them had been shot in the foot when they annoyed the 'guards' too much and they where now hesitant to try to get any closer than a five foot radius. “you can DO that!?” Alma asked, amazed. “that is so cool!” she chirped looking amazed as she smiled Amal perking up a great deal at the thought of getting to ride in the car. “will I be allowed to drive!?” he asked hopefully, Jack chuckling. “Cars are complicated Amal, I don't know if you want to jump straight into driving one too soon. I'm sure Dante will give you driving lessons before too long.” Jack promised, Amal pondering that and then nodding. “i am not curious.” he admitted looking amused. “i was able to study the functions of the human body through earths internet. I understand how your human body works for the most part, and I also know that biologically we are very similar. We have the same organs and the same X-Y chromosome, though many of my people also have a third chromosome.” he admitted. “those who are touched by one of our gods have a third chromosome that is passed on into their children.” he explained. “when they run our blood tests, they will see our third chromosomes.” “our DNA is different as well.” Alma admitted. “humans have a ladder shaped DNA strand, and we have a triangular shaped one.” she admitted smiling at them. “it's fascinating isn't it?”

Both siblings looked amazed as they considered what the differences meant, looking curious before Dante snickered. "Amal, I'll teach you whatever you want." "Even to shift his gears."Rich added deadpanned snickering a little amused as he smiled at Victoria."Good morning."he said smiling at the woman then the kids that glomped the two aliens in wanting to continue the fun that they'd had the day before. "Victoria, we were wondering if you knew one of the specialists that specialize in asthma?"He said tilting his head towards alma."It seems she is suffering for the condition, we were curious to see if there was any help for it."
Amal beamed happily before pondering. “i can, shift Dante's gears?” “Excuse me!?” Victoria demanded looking shocked before she glared at Jack. “don't teach the aliens bad things!” “what!? It wasn't ME!” Jack complained the kids giggling as Amal swung both kids over his shoulders like they where potato sacks and carried them around, the two giggling brightly as Victoria scowled at Jack, clearly not believing him before smiling at Rich. “i just so happen to have a good friend who specializes in breathing Ailments. Little Tanya has it as well.” she admitted indicating her daughter. “i'll get his number and we'll set up an appointment for today.” “we would also like to allow one doctor and scientist the chance to study us.” Amal admitted. “i know your people are practically dying to learn more about us, and we would like to give them the chance.” Amal admitted. “they might trust us a little more.” Victoria hesitated and then nodded. “i will address the scientific and medical community and they can fight over who will get to examine you I guess...”
Dante smiled tilting his head as he pausued in the middle of 'stealing' tanya from Amal. "I suggest a military man. Or woman. They'll know there's rules and be able to follow orders to leave things alone better then a civilan." "You're a civilan now to Danny."Rich pointed out. "Yes, but I did serve, and I find obeying orders easier when I know there will be clear consquences for the actions. Civilan researchers don't understand that. They just think they'll go to jail or something. We need someone who understands that if they cross a line, they're going to get injured for it."He said not about to admit that it wasn't amal he was worried about hurting someone. It was rich he was worried about getting super over protective over his girl.
Victoria paused and then. “i might know someone.” she admitted. “he would be capable of examining without doing anything wrong.” Jack grimaced. “your not talking about?... but he's so OLD... and CREEPY!” he complained shaking his head, Alma giggling a little as she looked amused. “who?” “Major General Erthenut.” he grumbled, he was new to the military assets, he was considered a genius, a surgeon as well as a scientist he was capable of doing all the tests and examining the aliens without any personal feelings or urges getting in the way and he followed orders to a T, the few he got. He would be perfect, but Jack didn't like him because he was grumpy, grouchy, bitchy and just plain rude. “Erthenut?” Alma asked looking baffled. “that is a VERY strange name.” she admitted. “but I will agree to let him examine us.” “i will as well, if Victoria suggests him, he must be safe. But I would like to have Alma examined for, first.” he admitted Alma nodding. “it would be nice to run around like my brother does.” she agreed looking a little hesitant. “will it...hurt?” “i shouldn't think so.” Jack promised. “i'll call Erthenut and let him know he gets the honor of studying you two.” he did not look happy about that, he sure didn't.
Rich snickered a little, having met the doctor in question once and understanding jack's reluctance. The man was brilliant, but he did have a way of rubbing people the wrong way, and he was pretty sure Dante was going to have the same issues Jack was having. Smiling a little he wrapped his arms around Alma, kissing her lightly."No lovely, it wont hurt. It might be scary because he might make you run around so he can see what the 'attack' looks like, but he wont hurt you. I promise." Dante looked curious raising a eyebrow as he listened to the two talk about the scienctist nodding a little."Well then, let's get her to the doctor's then by the time we're done with the exam of her chest for asthma, the Major should be able to get here.."He said sounding thoughtful
she nodded and Amal sighed but followed them out to the car when Victoria stated that the doctor would see them as soon as they got there. The first thing the doctor did was explain what was going to happen, listening to her lungs before taking an X-Ray of them to see if there where any deformities. Then he put her on a treadmill hooked up to a heart rate minister, and breath analyzer and had her start off at a slow jog. She was fine for the first five minutes but after that her breath became labored, at ten it stopped and she collapsed, the Doctor paling, startled by the sudden reaction as he rushed forward, Amal gently pushing him out of the way as he gently helped his sister to sit up, gently whacking her on the back until she started sucking in air again, the doctor looking shocked. “i..i'm sorry I didn't know that was going to happen!”

“it's alright, I didn't think to warn you.” Alma wheezed, panting as the doctor gently helped her to breath, taking another X-ray while she was out of breath to see if there was any changes, nodding. “that's what I thought, your lungs are very large...” “all our lungs are that size.” Amal explained calmly, the doctor looking startled. Amal and Alma's lungs where twice as large as a humans, as was their heart, and located funny in the body. The lungs started at the breast bone, and ended at mid rip, and the heard was nestled in-between them, protected perfectly by the thick breast plate. “ah... well then, the problem Alma has, is that her lungs do not fill all the way when she breathes in, which causes them to collapse when she runs, and then reflate when she calms back down.” “can anything be done?” Amal asked, his head tilted. “there are breathing exercises she can do to learn how to breath properly, but aside from that there is nothing we could do except try to reduce the size of her lungs, which could prove to be even more dangerous than her breathing problems.”
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