Tiring night for us

"Why do you call me that?" Zatanna asked her with a raised eyebrow. It was a funny moment as she added, "Do you have a nick name with your boyfriend wally?" She asked referring Kid Flash as HER boyfriend and that Superboy was just a cover up if she was hiding it.
"Zee? It just rolls of the tongue well. I'm not saying Zatanna is a bad name it just... me Wally!? No we are NOT going out." Artemis said in defense.
However Zatanna laughed. "You know, they say that true love happens around those who do not realize it." She continued to tease Artemis. "Besides, he's not THAT bad is he? He seems friendly around you..." She gently trailed her finger around Artemis' shoulder.
"He is impulsive, loud mouth and an idiot sometimes. You know he doesn't believe in Magic? How can you have that stance when people like you and your dad are out there." Artemis said not minding Zatana's hand thinking it was a friendly gester.
Zatanna's smile lighten a bit. "Yet he's keeping doctor fate's helm...you think that maybe he's only denying it yet is starting to believe at the same time? I've been told how much of a difference he's changed since he's been around YOU." She giggled as she took another slip and pulled her finger away.
"Well maybe it is because I'm more willing to voice my opinion." Artemis said not accepting the idea that she might like Wally.
Zatanna could not stop giggling up to the point where she was now laughing. "Artemis you're such a bad liar it's adorable!" She exclaimed much to annoy her. "No wonder everyone thinks you're cute~"
"Well me, and a few others-" She stopped as she saw Artemis about to faith likely because of the alcohol. "You staying with me?" She asked as she snapped her fingers realizing how it was now really effecting her. "Don't tell me that you're wasted..."
"Just a bit." Artemis said, "Is it alright if I sleep over? Wait, you find me cute?" Artemis was really feeling the effects if the alcohol.
"Of course I do Artemis, what you think that none find you cute?" She asked her.
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