Tiring night for us


Jul 1, 2010
Artemis and Zatanna walked among the streets feeling tired after the recent encounter with a troublesome brother with many many MANY issues towards his dead sister. It was a surprise that they were still alive after the close near death encounter but that did not mean that the night was over. At least, Zatanna had to help Artemis with her upsetting finding out the truth between superboy and miss martain.

Zatanna's father and master had her a apartment that was given for her needs now that she was going to get involve with the justice league although starting first with young justice.

Zatanna looked at Artemis who was quiet and seemly claimed. "So..." she started.
Artemis was tired from there job with Secret. That on top of the issues with Superboy added addition stress to her already tired mental state. Spending time with Zatanna had did her a load of good. As they walked down the street she enjoyed the time with Zatanna.

“So... this apartment, is it much further? My feet are killing me.” Artemis commented.
"Just a few blocks" she replied smiling. She causally endured Artemis' anger knowing that she was one who seemly experienced many troubling things even by her age as a highschooler. And other thoughts came into her mind.

"How are you feeling now?" She asked as they crossed another street before them. Naturally, they wore their pubic clothes and it was actually a surprise that none were out at this time at this safe part of newyork.
“Good, can't you just teleport us there?” Artemis complained.

Artemis thought about it for a bit. She was still feeling a bit upset about Superboy. Then the last case was a bit too dark and grim for her liking. She stood and silence as the question churned in her head for a bit.

“I'm feeling a bit better.” Artemis said.
"My magic does not work that way exactly..." She told her. "If that was the case, I would not need to use transportation to reach the base. Sadly I am not as skilled as my father." She added. "Besides, it's nice to walk out in the open night no? Surely you like this feeling of quietness and admiring the sky?"
“I do enjoy the quiet night but, sometimes its also nice to get inside and relax.” Artemis said as they continued on their journey. Artemis did enjoy the company of Zatanna, she was a good friend to have.
"You don't seem to get out often although you're a archer..." She commented smirking at what she said. "But were you always raised in the city?"

Although secret identity was a code of importance, both were one of the 'nobodys' who would stand out by pure appearance by name or facial features unlike robin who was strictly forbidden from even taking off his sunglasses which was a shame to Zatanna. (I wonder what kind of eyes he has...) She thought smiling at the thought even for one at his age.

"Besides, it gives you a chance to think of things that you may forget." Zatanna had said as they crossed another street.
“Yes I always lived in the city.” Artemis said.

Artemis had many things she kept to herself. There were many things she knew if others knew they would outcast her. However, after the last case they were on Artemis felt it might be good to talk to someone.
"What city exactly?" She asked gaining interest on Artemis' background.
"Star city." Artemis said, there was a hint of nervousness to her voice as if it scared her to tell her someone about herself.
"Wow never been there." She commented. However, everything of the subject changed when they arrived in front of a building. It was not classy but it was not cheap either in appearance as they walked up the steps which took them a few minutes before arriving at her floor. "My father rarely visits me..." Zatanna opened the door allowing her in. "You want something to drink?"

((question: Do you want this to last to a one night stand which is one sex scene and be done with the rp or do you want to continue after they had sex?))
"This is a nice place Zee." Artemis said and sat on the couch. "What do you have to drink?"

Artemis was clearly impressed by the apartment. She had to stay in a small place with her mom ever since her sister left. Artemis was happy that she could sit down and relax after the mission they had.

(We can continue it after sex)
"Just about...anything." 'Zee' had answered her. "Most of my 'needs' are magically given to me taught by my father. However, he never considered the possibility that I would use my own magic to get whatever I wanted." She led her through the kitchen. Opening the frige, it should basic foods that you would see. But closing it again, she opened it again and this time, every type of drink that would come to one's mind was available outiside of 'basic'.
"That is a really cool trick. It would be great for parties." Artemis said with a smile. "Umm.. I'll have what ever you have."

Artemis set her bag down that had her costume and bow down by the door and then joined Zatanna in the kitchen wondering if she could help in any way.
"You want something 'safe... or..." She held up something that looked to be expensive out of what money could buy. "..something fun?" She asked with a smile. "I have a few sweets as well." She gestured at the cabinet where she opened it of the same trick.
"Well a little fun never hurt no one." Artemis said as she looked into the cabinet and pulling out a bag of cookies. "So, how is it living on your own?"
"Slightly boring; hopefully i'll get involved more with the missions that the team gets if my dad will give me space..." She said honestly. "White or dark?" She asked her as she held up what looked like wine.

*1 hour later*

The two girls talked on the couch drinking decent alcohol and sweets that relaxed them. Particularly Artemis who was the one who talked more while Zatanna nodded with a few 'ah hum's every so on.
"... and that is how I meet green arrow." Artemis said having a few drinks in her. "Thats funny I never told that story to anyone before."

Artemis looked at Zatanna and she was a beautiful person, Artemis felt as if she could trust and tell her anything.
"So he's not your uncle?" Zatanna asked smiling softly as she watched how open Artemis was thanks to the drinking. "Or is that so that none of the other members 'question' you for your background?" She asked realizing bit by bit the truth about Artemis not that it mattered at all.
"It is easier to say that green arrow is my uncle opposed to my dad left me and my family when I was young leaving my mom to raise me and my sister all by herself." Artemis said.

Her heart was racing, she never told anyone this. It felt good to do so.
"I am sorry to hear that." She said showing a sadden expression. The drama and comedy mixed in made the night interesting as she continued to listen to the drunken girl before her.
Artemis looked at Zatanna and blushed a bit. It feels like I have feelings for her. Artemis thought to herself.

(Sorry writer's block)
"You falling asleep?" Zatanna asked snapping her fingers to get the attention of Artemis.

((If it's alright with you, I want it to be where Zatanna takes advantage of her))
Artemis looked at Zatanna rubbing her eyes. "Gosh Zee, I guess I can't drink as much as I thought. I'm already feeling it."
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