The Little Hawke and The Possessed Kossith(Post DA2 - Anansi n' Myself)

He kissed along her stomach and up over her breasts then to her lips. He slowly ran his fingers up to the back of her neck he still cupped her backside with his free hand. He placed her onto a patch of grass and kissed her lips once again. His pants slowly slipped down his member coming into view. It hung down touching her stomach as he kissed along behind her ear before he ran his lips gently down to her shoulder now stripping off her clothing as he kissed his way downward. His lips ran slowly down to kiss along her inner thigh gently before looking over her panties and lowly looking up to her

(Short post being screamed at o get off phone by teammates)
[Don't sweat it, it happens. ^_^]

She blushed darkly, cheeks flushing red as he laid her on the patch of grass. She couldn't really pay attention when the massive man was kissing her again, his lips tormenting her own as his trousers came down, his large - well...that was inadequate word, wasn't it? - cock falling into view, touching at her. A slight shiver raced down her spine as his lips teased her ear, a sensitive place, before they dared to travel down her shoulder as his hands started stripping her of the last bit of her armor, the chest piece and her shorts, leaving her in no more than her breast band and small clothes. His lips on her sensitive thighs caused her to moan slightly, eyes widening as she looked down at Ari as he looked up at her. Maker help her. Was she really doing this in the middle of a pathway on The Wounded Coast; hell why not, right? Guard Captain wasn't likely to give her much free time to be wanton, reckless, and wild like most girls and boys her age.

She bit her lip and tilted her head curiously, feeling slightly self conscious. "What? Why are you staring?"
He kissed and nipped and licked his way along her legs. His lips and tongue toyed along the thin layer of her clothing. His fingers followed soon after in tracing her body. He was in no rush. The bandits in the area were gone, others were too spooked to travel, and they'd likely hear people before they saw them. Yet his heart was pounding in his chest like it never had before. He ran his fingers gently up to begin stripping off her undergarmets, peeling them away like one would decorative paper. He followed the appearance of flesh with soft trailing kisses. When she spoke to him he crawled slowly upward on his hands. His palm met the grass on either side of her, his knees betwee her legs as he looked to her and raised a hand to brush away her hair. "You're gorgeous." He simply said. "And strong, and sweet." He said slowly to her before he ran his finger under her chin. Leaning down he kissed her deeply.
She tried not to be terribly self conscious as he stripped her of her remaining clothes, nothing but her small clothes having remained behind once she'd been stripped of her armor by his large hands. Soft moans and gasps of pleasure left her lips as his lips teased and taunted the flesh of her long, pale, but strongly toned legs. Her tall, yet feminine frame was completely bare to him now; strange to think at her age, she'd never been undressed by a man. Her breasts were full, easily enough of supple flesh to fill his large hands, tipped in slightly dark nipples, due majorly in part to her mother's heritage. His knee between her leg made her heart stutter and she swallowed, biting her lip as he brushed her hair away from her iridescent eyes. Before she could make a denial to his words, he was kissing her again and she was helpless to resist, her hands sliding across his chest.
He dwarfed her but not as much as it had been with some others in the past. Running his fingers slowly along her stomach then on to her pubis His lips trailed down her inner thigh and finally came to rest upon her sex. His lips brushed her flesh slowly his tongue dragging up along her sex then up along her clit to suckle it. His tongue trailed down and over her sex before pressing into her and swirling about within then trailing back. His fingers ran gently along her hips as he moved in his tongue swirling about the tiny nub before suckling once more. He savored her taste as his hands slowly roamed her body his fingers toying with her nipples briefly before cupping her breasts and giving them a stroke. She seemed more unsure now that he had her undressed. He pondered on why briefly before he smirked and kissed up to her lips.
As soon as his tongue touched the flesh of her sex, she nearly came undone. She gasped and moaned, her body shuddering as he suckled her clit, nearly driving her insane with the new feeling as it swamped her nerves, stimulating her. She whimpered with pleasure as he pressed his tongue into her, swirling it around in her virgin hole, her body trembling as her arousal was apparent to his tongue, her taste uniquely exotic. She pressed her breasts up into his hands, her hands digging into his shoulders as she trembled, her nipples hard peaks beneath his hands as they explored her supple mounds. When he pulled up from her, kissing his way to her lips, she let out a breath, slightly relieved, but at the same time, slightly disappointed. it was all new to her, she didn't really know what she was feeling, or how to feel. Her lips moved back against his as he kissed her, her hands cupping his cheeks in her surprisingly soft palms.
He arched slowly to line up with her sex as he kissed her. He wished to be delicate as he was sure this was something to be savored. Running the tip of his member along her dripping sex he kissed back and forth along her throat briefly. Savoring her taste and feeling her heartbeeat against his lips he thrust forward and penetrated her spread legs. His thick member stabbing downwards into her parted sex as he pushed in. His hands held her hips, his lips pressed agaiinst hers almost with a crushing strength to them. He just wanted to be a part of her as he slid forward not concerned for their lack of privacy or birth control, he simply wanted her.
She was caught up in kissing him, she didn't expect to feel his cock rubbing at her wet sex. The sensation was enough to make her moan. She arched her head back as he kissed fleetingly over her neck, her heart skipping a beat against his lips as he thrust his length straight into her. It was a good thing he had a hold of her hips, as she nearly sprung from the ground beneath her, a cry slipping from her lips into his as he pressed further into her. There was brief moment of pain, making her stiffen, but then she soon melted, his cock stretching her small hole in an almost painful yet unbearably pleasureful way. Her nails clawed against his back as she panted against his lips, her sex tight like a fist around him as he speared her.
He felt her body press up against his and felt something taut before the embrace of her sex. Was she a virgin, or at least virginal he wondered. His eyes ran over her face once he leaned back. Kissing her lips softly he savored them as he arched his back and slowly pressed forward. He tried to be delicate and go slowy, her nails couldn't break his skin but it sent prickles along it. His member swelled slightly inside of her before he kissed along the side of her neck and down to her shoulder. He was rarely this gentle, part of him wanted to drive deep into her and satiate his desire, but he wanted her. Not just to screw her, but her. He shifted slowly before kissing her again, he was finding it harder to resist so he shifted. He lifted her and shifted over so she was atop him his back now to the ground. "Mmm my dearest did you just give me your womanhood?" He teased her softly before his hands ran along her hips. Stroking over and along her backside before gripping softly.
Each time he thrust within her, she would arch and press back against him. Her nails did not indeed break his skin, but held tight as each moan slipped from her lips in response to his large cock spearing her, stretching her in a way that she never thought possible. Such an impressive length for her first time; no regular man would ever do it for her again, not that they had before her now. His lips were over hers frequently, gentle, such an odd thing from an almost inhuman man. She didn't expect it, but it was nice. He shifted, lying back on the ground and pulling her atop him. The motion caused her to moan loudly, his cock spearing her deeply, touching her in every way. She blushed at his words, her body shivering as his hand stroked and groped her backside. "Ah...I have never been with a man before now..." she whispered.
He ran his fingers along her hips and enjoyed the play of the subtle curves along their tips before he kissed along down her throat and smirked. Once she was on top he looked up to her violet eyes gleaming, he had been joking when he'd said it, partially. Now however he wondered if he had not been too rough with her. Leaning up he kissed her once more his lips brushing against hers. "Oh and look at me just thrusting away into your delicate flower." He said as he shifted his hips and pulled her down to drive deeper into her. "But you just fit me so perfectly" he cooed as he looked to her.
Silah shivered subtly as his lips trailed over her neck, the feeling almost surreal, almost heavenly. Every nerve ending on her body was suddenly in overdrive, making his every touch nearly mind consuming. She kissed him back when he pressed his lips to hers. A moan slipped from her as he shifted his hips, thrusting his cock into her previously untouched womanhood, even deeper. Her body shuddered in appreciation, her head falling back as her hands trembled where they were pressed against his chest, her breasts thrust forward as she arched her back in pleasure. "It's alright...mmm, it feels good...there's no pain now," she moaned, biting her lip.
He kissed her once more, due to his hulkin figure her being on top merely meant that he was only slightly taller than her now. Kissing down to her throat he could feel the prickling heat coming off of her skin. His fingers gripped her backside firmly as he pushed upward into her savoring the feel of her sex clutching his member. He kissed her breasts and nipped at them then had a thought. Unlike all the others her body might actually embrace his tainted seed than reject it. His member swelled as he thought of the possibility of impregnating her. It was unlikely from one simple act, yet possible. Rocking his hips faster he looked to her. It would assure that she was his, he could only imagine how full her already wondrous shape would become. Kissing along over her collarbone to her shoulder he wondered if she was just too blisfully delirious to consider it.
She hadn't really considered it. As a virgin, safe sex hadn't exactly been her primary concern. She had not planned this, hell, had not even considered the fact that she would be riding a beast of a man in the roads of the Wounded Coast. Getting pregnant by him hadn't crossed her mind in all this. Given her lineage, it was a very real possibility. Hawke's were probable to do incredible things, and most likely to. She moaned as he nipped her breasts, her nipples hardening into points at the contact. Her sex clung to his cock, just as her hands now clung to his shoulders as they rocked together, the position allowing his skin above his cock to rub at her clit with each contact, making her shudder with pleasure.
"Oh my" He cooed into her ear. "If it weren't for the slight pink staining the base of my member I'd think you a rather bad girl." He whispered as he thrust faster upward into her. He fully intended to make her his during this time. He wondered on how, then it came to him.He gripped her hair, enough that it would be more of a firm grip than painful and pulled. His strength made it easy for him to pull back her head for a kiss, then after he bit her throat. It was at once sensual and feral, his claiming her as his own, making sure to press every tooth down. It wouldn't draw blood, but it would mark her. He slowly pulled back after lapping at the reddened flesh and planting soft kisses along her throat then down to suckle and nip at he hardened peaks of her nipples.
The teasing words made her blush faintly; she did feel slightly like a bad girl, indulging in such an act as intimate as this in such a place. She gasped and moaned loud as he thrust faster, harder upward into her now intimately violated sex. She kept hold of his shoulders as he moved within her, her knees astride his hips on the ground. Her body shivered as he gripped her hair, pulling her head back after the kiss to expose her long, elegant neck. A sensuous cry left her parted lips as his teeth took hold on her neck, not quite breaking the skin, but putting enough pressure there for her to be certain of a bruise, and indents of his individual teeth. His tongue soothed the ache, her body shuddering pleasantly as he suckled at her breast. There was a strange tingling, an urgent sense, beginning, one she didn't understand. And, then, after a few more of his cock's thrust, she stiffened, crying out as her sex bathed him in the warm juices of her release, her first orgasm making her see stars behind her now closed eyes.
He looked up to see the deliberate bite on her throat with a smirk. It labeled her as his, anyone could see it and know it belonged to a large humanoid creature. Kissing along her breasts he felt her clasp his member deep within her and shudder. His member swelled within her as she milked it and pressing upward he gripped her hips and pulled her down onto his thrusting member as he joined her. Kissing her roughly his seed fired deep into her bathing her womb in his seed before slowly beginning to fil what little it could. His hands gripped her backside as he continued to thrust member throbbing wildly within her as he trailed kisses along her form. Slowing somewhat he looked to her and held her in place as his member pulsed occasionally sending another gush of his seed into her body. Moving back from the kiss he looked to her before nipping her lower lip. "Mmm that was..." He trailed off as he was now well aware he might have been knocking up the viscounts only daughter. Rocking her hips with his hand he simply kissed along her throat before he shifted her legs and moved to the side all without removng his member. "And now from behind." He simply said.
[Sorry, busy busy - bleh]

Lost in the overpowering sensations of her first orgasm, she only moaned as he thrust into her, spilling his hot seed into her soaked channel, and straight into her primed, youthful womb. She shuddered at the feeling, his seed violating her in possibly the most intimate way; call it absorbed in pleasure, or too caught up to particularly care, but conceiving wasn't even remotely on her mind. Not when such delicious waves of pleasure were cascading through her every nerve, making every limb tingle pleasantly. Once he slowed, and the whole experience seemed to settle, she sagged against him, catching her breath as the waves of pleasure receded. They didn't recede entirely, as his hand rocked her hips against him continuously. He shifted her and then himself, and she shuddered, biting her lip at his words. "Again?" she gasped, almost in disbelief. Not that she had any experience before now, but it was general knowledge to her that men came once, and then it was done. Her body tingled with pleasure, her sex clenching at the thought of him continuing on.
He kissed along her shuddering body and smirked when she slumped against him. He could feel the head of his member surrounded and slickened by their juices. He savored the feel of her heaving chest against his body. He shifted back her hair before he moved their positions. He lifted her hips before leaning in to kiss her. Her knees were between his legs, the difference in thigh length keeping them from touching ground. His gently throbbing member was slowly withdrawing. "Yes, unless" not giving her time to protest he pulled her backward as his powerful hips drove forward spearing his cock into her.
He didn't even give her a chance to think coherently, before they were turned and she was hefted up, being pulled backward onto his cock as it slid within her again. By the Maker, he really did intend to go again. Her vaginal walls clenched, trembling around his length, the pleasure beginning all over again, along with a bit of soreness from having just lost her virginity, and so randomly at that. Really, what kind of daughter was she being? Hell, what kind of woman was she being? Maker, if her father learned about this, no doubt she would be hearing from Isabella again. She couldn't think on that long, her body shuddering from the feeling of his cock stimulating her, her hands gripping at the ground.
Hr slowly kissed along the back of her neck as his speed built up. He fully intended to bury his whole length in her in time. Pressing her legs together from behind he bit the back of her neck. It was a rather posessive almost feral gesture as his thrusts became more frequent. His hands gripped her hips as he pounded his member slowly deeper into her body before he released her neck. Lapping at the now matching bite mark to the one on her throat he pulled her hair raising her up. A hand shifted up to play with her nipple as he whispered into her ear. "Mmm look at that" He cooed softly. "How you cling to my member, its like we were made for one another." He whispered as he nipped softly along her earlobe. "Debasing yourself like this for the sake of pleasure." He continued. "Taking the risk of my seed and in public where all could see." He added soon after.

Taking her hand he placed it on her lower stomach. "Can you feel me within you?" He teased. "Making you whole...filling the emptiness within" he said before pulling her hair to one side to kiss her roughly. It was no longer gentle, it was forceful and thoroughly possessive. "Be mine,
His words were nearly lost on her, at the pleasure his large cock was causing her as he sped his thrusts, hitting her deep and hard. Moans spilled from her lips, the volume she was quickly losing control over. He marked her again, as he did before, her body shuddering in response; vaguely it occurred to her that, even if she was allowing the sex, she should not allow him to mark her. How would she explain it to her father, much less anyone else? She bit her lip as he pulled her up by her hair, his words making her feel dirty but arousing her all the more; like she wanted to be dirty, when she normally was as straight laced as the rest of the others that roamed about the Keep of Kirkwall. But really, who knew how depraved people were behind closed doors.

When he took her hand and placed it on her stomach, her eyes widened slightly; she could feel him there, deep within her, stretching her, filling her until there was room for nothing else besides his rod. She moaned her acquiescence to his words into his mouth, trying to return his brutal, consuming, and all possessing kiss.
He thrust deeply into her angling so he could lift his legs now up by her sides and lowering her knees to the ground. It allowed him to push deeply into her. Now that her knees touched he wanted to see if she'd push back against his member or merely take it. Kissng her throughout he slowed as his hand left hers and explored her body. He eventually settled on cupping her breasts before he broke the kiss and teased her ear with his tongue playfully. "Mmmm what will you do when these are too swollen with milk for you to put on your armor, stay with me all day indulging in sin?" He whispered slowly noting how loud she'd become. "Why am I falling for such a dirty girl, one with her knees in the grass who probably doesn't know where half her clothes are?" He knew why, no one had ever lasted this long, he'd turned the best into a pleasure brainwashed shell of a human in much shorter a time than this. But she not only held on, she enjoyed it. It was no longer a question of if he wanted her, he could no longer see an outcome besides having her. His rod throbbed within her as he stopped. What had she done that was making him consider settle down? Was she a desire demon possessed being as well?

He didn't care as he resumed with a particularly deep thrust. "You are mine." He whispered firmly. It was not unsure, or seeking,he said it without a hint of doubt or irony. "And I yours."He added before he kissed her once more. This time it was slower, more tender, but still quite possessive as he held her hair tight.
With milk? It was so hard to think when his cock was pressing into her. Pleasure made her normally precise thoughts and actions, jumpy and scattered, hard to follow anything other than the pleasure coursing through her. She half wriggled back against him when he stopped, not wanting him to cease when she was feeling the pleasure she was at his hands. She was strong and formidable, a warrior that no one usually dared to cross, yet he had managed to make her into a pleasure warrior, holding on with her strength, yet wanting more and more of the pleasure he was feeding her. It didn't even vaguely bother her much at that moment, when he claimed her, nor when he professed himself her's to claim. "Mmmm," she moaned into the kiss, letting it be slow and tender, enjoying this, this whole experience, this moment; she'd never had anything close to this every before. She wanted to hang on before it slipped away, as all things eventually did.
He thrust viciously into her feeling her wriggle back against him. Pushing harder and harder he felt something shift within her as he buried his prodigious length inside of the wriggling moaning woman. It was unlike anything he'd experienced before, her unbridled lust washed over him and caused him to feel something new for the first time in a long while. His lips met hers and he rutted into her violently before he slowly slipped back. "Mmmm" He smirked and stroked her hips before slipping his member up. No, he'd deflower her rosebud another time. Slamming his length back into her he simply shifted back and sat driving her down onto his member. "So dear, lets give you the chance to do something." He said as she now sat on his member his hand took hers and ran it along her stomach as he kissed the side of her neck and nibbled at her ear. He rocked his hips back and forth slightly, the sticky mess dribbling out of her coating their thighs.
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