The Little Hawke and The Possessed Kossith(Post DA2 - Anansi n' Myself)

Dec 13, 2011
Pacific Northwest
Silah Hawke had just had her twentieth birthday and was listening to her father, The Viscount of Kirkwall, as he told her of his expectations of her, now a fully fledged adult. The young woman was a skilled warrior, trained and crafted as such by the woman she considered family, Aveline Vallen. Her father was a mage, as her mother had been, but somehow she had been born without a magical inclination; a once in awhile rarity, but an anomaly that did occur regardless. Hawke had been a little disappointed that she hadn't had magic, yet at the same time he had been relieved, knowing his daughter would never have to face the worry of becoming an abomination. Her mother and father hadn't much to teach her, so her honorary Aunt had stepped in and trained her in the ways of swordsmanship. Yet, as all things must go, The Champion and his friends were getting older and life was slowly winding down for them. The Templar/Mage war had gone on for at least ten years, giving Silah a great deal of memories to deal with in her childhood, her father and mother constantly leaving to fight incoming hordes of Templars once the Circles had broken apart. A miracle had occurred, somehow, Silah wasn't told the details just that the fighting would finally stop. And it had, for awhile, but then her mother had been killed in a struggle with dragons at the Bone Pit; Silah and Hawke had taken her mother's body back to Sundermount and buried her there, where her Dalish kin had been before they'd moved on, as they always did.

She didn't look much like her mother and, despite being part elf, Silah looked almost exactly like her father; icy, cerulean eyes and a halo of pretty, feather light blonde hair. The only features she had gotten from Merrill had been her dainty features, her small, pink lips and fine nose. Despite being so dainty, in frame and features, she was a strong swordsman and even carried a heavy two handed blade, much like her Uncle Carver did. The Grey Warden came around time from time, but she could count the times she had seen him in her life on the fingers of both her hands.

"Silah are you listening to me?" Garrett Hawke frowned and sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose for a moment. "Off in your own world are you again, dear?"

"Sorry, father," Silah gave her father a smirk and shrugged her shoulders, the heavy armor shoulder guards clunking a bit with the movement. "I am still young, must be my youthful impertinence."

Hawke's lips twitched, Silah could see it. As much as her father had often gotten fed up with her attitude, he had been the same way at her age; she'd heard the stories. Hell, who hadn't heard stories? At least with her honorary Uncle Varric around; stories were the dwarf's specialty. "Youthful impertinence aside, Silah, you should be paying attention. Aveline is going to be retiring soon. I want you to take over for her. You're her lieutenant. I may even want you to take over as Viscount when I get too old, dear. That's why I need you to...grow up, as much as I hate that." Silah started to shake her head, but her father's stern stare had her stopping half through it. "I am being honest, Silah. The war may have ceased, but there is no telling what could happen tomorrow, or a year from now. We can't all stay children and reckless forever." He sighed softly. "Just think about it, okay? Keep it in your mind."

"Yes, father, I understand." Silah stood, the cloth of her back skirt falling to swirl against the back of her long, pale legs. "I have patrols, excuse me, father."

With that said, Silah swept from her father's office without another word or friendly, family affectionate gesture. It was unfair, she thought, to be forced into growing up without ever really being a child, or a teenager. That was the kind of world she lived in. Thedas was just that kind of place. Children were often forced into circumstances that they didn't deserve, or want. With a sigh, her booted legs carried her down the steps of the Keep toward the Guard Quarters to pick up her route schedule, her shorts hugging her heart shaped bottom.

"The Wounded Coast," she read, a brow arched. Her shoulders rolled in a shrug, to no one in particular. Slim hands picked up her heavy, yet lean blade and she made her way from the Keep through Hightown, toward the city gates. Patrols on the Wounded Coast hardly turned up anything besides thieves and bandits, an occasional slaver. Nothing the young woman wasn't able to handle.

The trek took a couple of hours and by the time she reached the coast, the sun was high in sky; noon time, she figured, shielding her eyes with a hand as she gauged it. Without further delay, she went about doing her patrol, not really expecting much trouble.
Special That was what the men had called him as a child. If it had not been for the mass migration of the Qunari he would have likely had a different life. Half qunari, half summer islander, his platinum white hair and violet eyes made him stand out as much as his six ten frame. Golden brown skin with a hint of copper sheen to it made it so he couldn't hide from anyone, or thing. He had always just been called Ari. He knew his father had been killed long ago, his mother refused to speak of it. While they lived in hightown he always felt uneasy. They lived as though due to another's kindness, on occasion men would come and go on the behalf of some mysterious benefactor. He'd watch them come and go but when he asked questions the men quickly became replaced by nondescript couriers.

He'd pried no further into the matter. Rather he trained. He trained with the Tal Vashoth, he trained with the Crows, he did whatever he could to learn. He didn't train with the guard however, or the mages, he trusted neither. They seemed the types who'd looked at him with a mixture of fear, loathing and desire much of his life. His well muscled body had become the object of attention at a young age. He remembered lords being chased from his home by his mother telling them to go to the rose for pleasures rather than chase him. As he got older woman after woman came and lingered like hungry vultures awaiting a chance. He'd focused on training instead. He didn't know why, but he always felt as though his father had fallen in combat and the same fate might befall him if he let down his guard. Then, the voice came. Soothing and sweet. It cooed into his ears constantly. It put to blaze a hunger he'd never known. Had he been a mage he would be an abomination by now. But the demon existed for the desire he created, far more delicious than the mere thought of entering the mortal realm.

He'd found it harder to resist as it wore on him, so he ran. He found himself one day lost and alone. But there was still hunger. He lured in female travelers who eventually found themselves overcome, he left them barely alive husks. Those who actually made it back never seemed quite right to anyone. They told tales of an incubus who lived in the mountains who in return for what seemed like your life force offered unending pleasure. One who's touch had forever marked them, one they intended to seek out. He however got no reprieve. Sometimes he fought, other times he simply obeyed, the demon now a part of him. It gave and took, their symbiotic relationship changing with each day. Sometmes it gave more, saving him from dying when besieged by many, others it took lik when it had him take its toll from his attackers.

Today however it was oddly quiet. He sat near the road pondering on its purpose as he waited for a trader. His hair was wild, his eyes bright, but he had gold in earnest and knelt waiting for a caravan. He could interact with others so long as it did not awaken. He hoped his deep black cloak would hide his body well enough. He'd smeared his face with soot attempting to appear dirty. He'd only been here for a month, or was it two, but he'd never made the attempt due to the risk. This place was fairly new to him, but the path was well trodden. So sitting, he waited. His sword was at his side,not enough to be threatening, just enough for preparedness.
As Silah's long legs of her five foot eleven frame carried her along the road of The Wounded Coast, the young woman couldn't help but notice how quiet the road was. A good hour into walking the various roads, she had not come across a single bandit, or a single thief, and - though it was rare - not even a slaver; even when she checked one of the caves that was notorious for housing ruffians. She came across the usual spiders and even some wolves on the higher roads; but no people. That was odd, to say the least. Silah always found at least one person - whether or not they were hostile - on her patrols.

She hefted the sword on her shoulder and kept walking, taking the long winding corner road toward the actual coast. It was then that she saw that massive shadow, clearly almost a foot taller than her, standing on the side of the road. Her cerulean eyes took in the form for what it was; a potential threat. One that, by the looks of it, could over power her should it feel the need. She looked closely, trying to see beneath the hood of the cloaked figure.

Her gait stopped a few feet from the figure. Naturally, she took a defensive stance, her grip tight on the handle of her blade as it rested on her shoulder. "Identify yourself!" She said softly, warningly.
Seeing someone approach he stood. His garb rustling in the wind. He tucked his hair into his hood quickly and looked down. It was a woman by her movements from a distance. He saw only her feet as she approached, clad in armor as they were he didn't feel even the slightest of desire. He was curious but as the demon slumbered he dared not awaken it. She held her blade he could tell from the clink. His own blade still rested beside him. It was massive compared to her weapon, he'd been told it was his father's and there was another that went with it.

He shrugged off his instincts to reach for it as her tone came across. "I am merely a wanderer seeing to trade." He replied in a slow practiced Kossith monotone. It was too dulcet though, too polished. His upbringing along with the demon's influence had rendered his voice and gestures tailored for appeal now however he stood still attempting to give no hints to anything of the sort. "There are no need for weapons" he said simply indicating his blade lying on the ground and opening his smudged palms to her. "I just wish to be left be to wait for the caravan or a passing merchant to trade for supplies." He replied honestly. He knew due to her frame and choice of weaponry even without his blade he could likely thrash her like a rag doll. He just wanted to be left to his peace.
Her iridescent orbs watched, ears taking in the obviously male voice; not that she expected someone quite that tall to be a woman. She was tall for a woman, and he made her look short - her own mother had only been five foot three inches. Just like so many other things, Silah got her height from her father, something he said was the powerful genes of the Hawke line. His explanation of sitting on the side of the road was plausible at least. However, as a part of the City Guard and the lieutenant at that, made her hesitant to move on. The wind stirred, lifting the strands of her golden hair to send her gentle scent, of lavender and spices, through the space around her.

"Very well," she finally said, noting that he had indeed left his blade on the ground beside her; hers was large, but his made hers look like a child's toy. Should the man decide the attack her, she could make a decent stand, but it would only be a matter of time before he took her out. Something she didn't want her father to have to live with; he'd already lost his wife, his daughter on top of that would break him, she knew. "Be cautious," she warned, "I am on patrol, but there are usually thieves and the like around here." She would come into sight now, even if he was looking at the ground, moving to walk past him now that they had decided that there was nothing further to discuss at this point, the skirt flaring out behind her lean, pale legs.
He caught her scent and his mouth watered. His eyes trailed upward slightly. Her legs alone caused a slight stirring. It was all it took. It began with a gentle whisper. What lovely legs...wouldn't you like to part them? She's so large for a woman..maybe she could take you better than he others. Strong supple thighs. He panted softly, he was going to get through this. "I'm sure you'd protect me were I to cry for help." He said slowly. His voice had changed, it was now playful and dulcet while retaining its masculinity.Gritting his teeth he added. "I mean thank you...for...your concern." He added in halting breath.

I bet if you were to lap between her thighs it would sate that hunger. The demon teased. He could feel himself swelling as he looked higher. In the darkness of his hood there was a soft violet glow, if not for the darkness of his face and the hoods confines it likely wouldn't have been so noticeable. "Ah patrol, a guard, and I'd hoped for an angelic Valkyrie to protect me, or maybe that's just your disguise." Came the voice again. He saw her backside and bit his lip before it came again. "You certainly look the part of an angel." His pants strained now to contain him and his body flexed beneath the cloak as he tried his best to keep from approaching her. He could only hope she blew him off and left. Though he struggled his arm came up slowly to wipe the soot from his face with part of his cloak. If lifted showing what most would have likely thought was a club he'd awkwardly hidden in his trousers.
His words stopped her. It was as if someone else entirely had taken up where the other man had been before. It if...he were flirting with her. That couldn't be, could it? She stopped a few feet from him, having passed him, and angled to look back at him, a thin brow raised in curious question. "Ah, yes, a Guard. I'm the Lieutenant for the Guard Captain in Kirkwall," she said softly. "I'm on patrol for the coast. It's my duty to see that no one comes to harm on these roads." It wasn't always a successful endeavor, but it wasn't one she would give up. It wasn't exactly like she had anything else she could do. Being so tall, it wasn't exactly like she had suitors lined up; for her looks, anyway. Guys hated women being taller than them, though some would sacrifice that for being able to marry the Viscount's, and The Champion's, only daughter. "Even if...they are appearing to be flirting with me," she added after a moment, studying him closely. Were his eyes violet? Such a strange color. Obviously the man wasn't a mage...or else she would have been a little more on edge with the strange behavior. Or rather, the 360 in behavior. He'd wanted her gone a moment ago and yet now, he seemed like he was trying to draw her back.

Silah wanted to move on, yet at the same time, something was causing her to hang back; he'd went from inconspicuous to suspicious in a matter of moments. Was he really here waiting for caravans and traders? Or was it something else entirely?
He actively fought it within his mind. He tried to hamper its attempts at beguiling her. His hands slipped off his hood regardless revealing his flawless skin and slight smirk. "Oh..even if they are? So as to say you disapprove of my words. I'm just saying it as I see it, one may as we'll disapprove of me saying the sky was blue dear." It was gaining ground in its influence as he did want her. He looked to her face and smiled softly. His human genetics softened his kossith appearance making it more pleasing than stern. He gave a soft laugh and shook his head. "Ah but a lieutenant, so you must be a woman of skill then." He added before tilting his head and eying her weapon. Its edge was perfectly smooth, she'd obviously not used it to cleave anything in two meaning her strikes weren't hard enough to cut through his bracers.

"In any case,the brigands in this area are...gone let's say." He'd killed them earlier and looted their bodies to take their gold and make his cloak. "As it were why patrol, why not..relax?" He asked. He'd not even noticed that he'd begun advancing toward her. It was meticulously slow, covered by hand movements and slight bodily gestures.
Oh well, that would explain why he's so tall and built... Silah thought once he'd pulled down the hood of his cloak; he appeared to be part of the race that The Arishok had been. They'd all always called them Qunari, but she knew that wasn't exactly what they were called. Her father didn't have much knowledge of them besides the ones that had tried to take over Kirkwall, and who'd killed the previous Viscount. Why in the Maker is he flirting with me, though? She supposed she could be attractive to him, but it wasn't exactly ideal. He could be meaning to harm her. Her grip tightened on her new blade, one she'd barely used thus far; the edge was sharp and, because of her lithe frame, her enemies always underestimating exactly how much strength and force went into her swings. That was to say she could put up a decent fight but it was unlikely she could do more than lightly damage such a man.

"I...I am on duty," she said finally, a little wary though his advance looked genuinely friendly. He was quite an interesting looking man, almost...exotic, with his looks. Violet eyes, white hair...something that wasn't seen often. Hell, if at all. "I would be lax in my responsibilities if I relaxed simply because there are no thieves about." She glanced away, toward the road, sucking in a breath. "If the road is indeed clear, I should return to Kirkwall for a new route assignment."
He smirked to her. "I see, well isn't your duty to his route, besides by the time you return it will be halfway to dark and thus too late to start a whole other route." He said slowy before he undid his cloak. He slipped off revealing his muscular upper body. His breastplate had long since been abandoned. His arm guards were of a refined steel that glinted like stars. His leg guards the same. He coudnt hide the massive bulge traveling along his leg but she seemed more concernd about his size overall rather than in some areas. "Am I making you nervous?" He asked as he stretched forcing his muscled abs to flex. "Surely as lieutenant you could take me unarmed dear." He said now more teasing than reassuring.

"Ah, hmm I mean you looked away a minute ago, were I really a brigand I could have rushed you." He said simply before he advanced a few steps in a single rapid bound. He was now within her striking range, and he his. He had left his sword in the dirt behind him. "I guess if you desire to leave, we could play guards and thieves for a bit to give you a diversion". Unlike her he'd been trained by cutthroats and assassins, despite his size he could move quickly and quietly even while being assailed by an opponent.
"I...I suppose you have a point," she said softly, her faintly pink lips finally relaxing some as she turned to look back at the man. He took his cloak off, revealing a very fit and muscular form. She had to swallow, almost reflexively. By the Maker, it wasn't as if he wasn't attractive...he was, very much so. He looked for exotic. She found herself almost unable to tear her eyes away from him, her tongue subconsciously touching at her lips. "N-nervous? Ah, no." She cleared her throat and allowed herself to lower the blade from her shoulder and set it against the rocks just behind her; close enough to reach should she need to use it, but not actively wielding it against him.

Silah noticed that he'd left his blade in the dirt and was coming toward her, unarmed. He did look...harmless enough, despite being as large as he was. "I concede that you are correct, though there are night patrols I could be assigned once I returned." She sighed softly. "However, I do admit it has been awhile since I have been allowed to relax and all, being the daughter that I am."
He smiled as he saw the lick, he and the demon were more in line now. She wanted him, he would allow this to continue. He shifted forward again as she lowered her blade and smirked. "Mmm like what you see?" He teased her before changing the subject. "Its a lovely area I mean." He added as he gestured to the mountains. "Also rather..private." He had moved closer an closer. When she took a look back to put down her blade he shifted in even closer. "I feel so safe knowing someone like you is about, your diligence almost matches your beauty. "

"Relax indeed." He said before he took her lapse to advance further, his speed was unnatural being as big as he was. His face was now inches from hers and his hands on her hips. "Night patrols, surely a woman as lovely as yourself has better things to do at night, and from the look of you iit doesn involve beauty sleep." He teased. His large hands brushed back slowly. "But how rude of me to be so forward." He added as he slipped back from her. "I just wanted a quick touch, make sure you weren't an illusion"
"I assure you I am no illusion; wouldn't be very good at my job if I was." She chuckled softly, though his quick touch of her nearly put her on edge. He'd gotten too close to her without her noticing, leaning over her almost intimidatingly, though his posture and flirtatious words opted to tell her that he meant no harm, at least not yet. In fact, he seemed quite intent on making her act upon the dubious sensation she had when she looked upon him. He had to lean over her to be so close to her face. She had always felt tall and powerful, but now she felt short and weak.

His touch had made her shiver, whether from fear or desire she wasn't certain. He was such an entrancing thing to look at. One never saw a half Qunari - that's what she called them - around. If they did, she was sure she would have heard stories. Who wouldn't talk about such a creature. "You seemed eager for me to move on few minutes ago. What's changed? You...have almost seemed to have done a complete turn around on your standing with me."
"Mmm well be that as it may one can't be to trusting of just th eyes and ears." He said with a slight snicker. His hand came up in a quick fluid motion to grasp hers and bring it slowly to his lips. He stooped in doing so. "I'm Ari."He said slowly before lowering. He didn't release her hand however he held it daintily between his fingers as though holding a delicate piece of glass. Shifting forward again he smiled broadly. His gleaming white teeth at eye level for her before he released her hand fully.

"Mm well let's say you..awakened something in me." He replied. "I mean who could let a woman such as yourself just walk by?" He teased before tilting his head an eyeing her. He could feel her desire.the demon within him savored it, it was..different. He moved in again his eyes peering down into hers as he took her hand and placed it on his chest. "You look at me like I may not be real.." he teased before leaning close, his skin's slightly higher warmth obvious at this distance.
She nearly blushed as he took her hand. " name is is Silah Hawke," she whispered, and for some strange reason she didn't realize, she let him keep hold of her hand instead of pulling it away. His smile made her tremble slightly and she bit back a curse; some warrior she was. Ari took her hand and placed it against his chest, the warmth seeping into her palm as it settled there against his skin. "Ah, that's because I have never seen you. The hair, the eyes...your look almost exotic, like you shouldn't be here, or that you should be an incubus who sneaks into young girl's dream to seduce them and steal their life force." She said with a small chuckle, brushing blonde strands back from her eyes with her free hand.
She touched him and he could almost feel her life force. She was different, as she said her name he reconized it, two powerful mages had left a daughter that possessed a powerful will and life force. She could be the answer to his dilema. A more permannt solution. He ran his fingers along her arms gently stroking back and forth before he leaned in closer then without thinking pressed hs lips to hers. He could taste desire flooding into him for the second. He pulled back before she'd have had a chance o stop him. "I...couldn't help myself." He admitted.

"Silah" He said her name in slow soft wonder before his fingers trailed along the side of her neck. He wanted to step back and continue..he had a plan but he was transfixed.
Ari leaned over and pressed his lips to her own pink, supple ones. A shiver ran down her spine but before she could do anything, he was already pulling back from her. Her icy eyes warmed slightly, uncertainly, her lips parting on a soft breath. She shivered as his fingers trailed along the side of her elegant neck, her throat working as she swallowed reflexively. Hands trembling slightly, she place the other right beside where the first one had been lying against the wall of his chest. Again his warmth seeped into her skin and she looked up at him, wondering at his sudden intense interest in her; as unusual as it was, it was a nice feeling to have someone unable to help themselves around her. She intimidated all the other men in Kirkwall.

"Ari..." she breathed his name softly, uncertainly.
He gave a soft pant and tried to think. The demon for its part was staggered, and he stopped, staring briefly. His arms slipped down of their own accord. They slipped about her waist pulling her close. He wanted to hold her a second draw it out, the demon feasted on her desire but he wished only to be close. She was stronger, yet able to admit to weakness. It was so strange, so foreign, out in the wilderness he'd seen nothing like it. He leaned his head down touching his nose to hers, his lips a mere centimeter from hers, with every breath they each inhaled some of the other's.
He shifted closer, the connection had been slightly shocking before. He wanted to go slowly. He would have her, but..he had to take his time.

His member pounded in his trousers, its thick length now pressed to her stomach and stretching down past her navel, he was large even for his size as Kossith continued to grow well past human age confines. His eyes met with hers, unabashed unashamed before he lifted her and once again pressed his lips to her and for another few seconds all senses unrelated to her dulled.
Silah couldn't help but blush when she felt the length of his cock against her stomach, the appendage feel much larger than what she knew to be of normal stature. She squeaked as he lifted her, like she weighed nothing at all, pulling her against him before he pressed his lips to hers again. What the hell was she doing? She tried to think coherently, but the feeling of his lips against hers made it nearly impossible to think at all, much less reasonably. She should be patrolling the coast, not locking lips with a traveler on the road. Yet, a part of her wanted to. The part of her that hated her father for his insistent need to force responsibility on her. She didn't pull away; in fact, she moved her hands up from his chest to wrap around his neck, though she was careful of her armored bracers.

The thought was there, to pull away from his hard, yet kissable lips, but she found she didn't want to. In actuality, she probably couldn't, even if she wanted to, with the way that he was holding her. Finally, she pulled her a lips a hair's breath apart from his. "S'probably not a good idea..." she mumbled, though she was smiling and her cheeks were flushed.
He was aware of how he felt, how he originally intended to drive her away, then to drain her dry, now he was simply swimming in sensations he'd not experkissienced before. Her kisses were ravenous, her tiny hands had locked him into an embrace firm even fo a man yet gentle. He could feel her emotions coursing into him, yet the demon within was already sated. Was it her lineage that caused this? Was it some gift or curse that powered her? Or was it simply years of something else. She was rather delicate, usually he drove them into a frenzy but she acted as though worried she may actually hurt him. It was a curious thought. Her injuring him.

Then she did something no one had done since he'd been occupied by the demon, she broke a kiss of her own volition. He looked to her in shock briefly. "No ones about, and I...I want you." He kissed her throat as he lifted her, pressing between her legs he raised a hand to her thigh and another to cup her backside. "And unless somehow kissing ignites your loins from the heat I feel, you want me too." He said slowly. He didn't just mean sex though, he wanted her, all of her. He found himself unable to see outside this moment which with the creature that occupied his mind's powers was disturbing. He looked to her and kissed along her throat, down to her collar bone after tugging her breastplate with his teeth. He showered her chin and cheeks, the side of her neck and finally her lips again affectionately. He'd usually be thrusting into someone by now, what was wrong with him?
His kisses to her neck made her shiver softly, even as he pressed himself between her long legs so that she had to set them aside his hips. What was wrong with him; no, really, what was wrong with her. This was so unlike her, but it just didn't seem to bother her as much as she expected it to. Something about him was so intriguing to her, whether it be the call of his demon to her untapped magical lineage, or the way her body seemed to heat up at his presence, his touch upon her. His hand touched her pale, smooth thigh, the other sliding behind to grip her supple rear end through the fabric of her breech-like shorts. A flush of red tainted her cheeks; to think someone, someone like this, had his hand on her ass.

"I..." She wasn't sure what to say, but shivered when his teeth pulled open her neck plate like it was nothing but cloth, the armor falling off her to land on the ground with a slight thump. His showered kisses made her shiver, her pale skin rather sensitive to stimulating caresses. He had a point; could she argue with him at this point? "I find myself at a loss," she sighed, tilting her head back as he explored her long, elegant neck.
He laughed softly before he kissed downard now only cloth between her flesh and his lips. He ran his fingers along her thigh to the back of her knee lifting higher as he kissed down over her upper breasts. He looked up to her now as he lifted her. His eyes peered up to her in adoration. He should have had her on her back and drained by now he figured. He slowly pawed at her backside and set her down atop a nearby boulder. He kissed downward after his warm breath passing through to her stomach before he began to kiss along her thigh.

"I find myself at a gain." He said with a laugh before leaning up to kiss her once more. He ran his fingers along her cheek before he kissed down to her shoulder then back up along her cheek. "Mmm" he cooed into her ear before he slipped of his arm guards thn soon after began to undo his tunic.
She bit her lip as he kissed down her neck toward her ample cleavage, more than adequate breasts held in there by what looked like very little, the swell of them pale and enticing. A slight shiver ran along her at the feel of lips over that sensitive flesh, embarrassed to feel her nipple hardening beneath the meager armor. Her hands, palm down, held the boulder as he set her down upon it, her body leaning back as he began to kiss his way down her tall, yet lanky frame. Thighs trembling as he dared to kiss along the untouched skin.

A slight smile twitched her lips at his amused laugh, that she felt at a loss, and he at a gain. She didn't pull back from the kiss this time, instead leaning a touch into it, before he broke it, kissing down her shoulder, then back to her cheek. His voice in her ear made her nibble her lower lip, feeling a shiver skate down her spin in response. Feeling a little emboldened by his removal of garments, she started unstrapping her arm guards, and bracers, followed by her shin guards.
He stripped off his shirt revealing a torso and arms with light scars over it. His training had not been without its risks but the scars were faint on his skin more like decoration. His muscular frame rose and fell with each breath as he leaned into her. He almost wanted to wait, to savor her but he pressed slowly down after her guards came off to kiss along her legs and removed his own leg guards during. Taking herhands he placed them on the edge of his trousers before he kissed her again.

Feeling her return his kiss this time he smiled into it before lifting her off the boulder and kissing her deeply once more. He was fumbling with what to do, he wanted everything at once.
Silah swallowed when he stripped off his shirt, revealing to her his massive chest, her hands, almost of their own violation, trailing across the expanse of exposed flesh. His kisses then on her legs, made her shudder, the delicious sensation shooting along her nerves straight up her spine. He took her hands and pressed them to the edge of his breeches, her fingers trembling with indecision. What was she doing? She asked herself, for what had to be the thousandth time. He lifted her, before she could decide what to do, kissing her, so she wrapped her arms around his neck and nearly held on for dear life as he set her world in spin. She could be thankful that he held her, she was uncertain that she would have kept her balance if he hadn't been holding her. She did return his kisses, a tad hesitant, like she was afraid to touch the flame. Oh Maker help her, what had she wandered into, to be tempted this way by flesh. Vaguely, with humor, she wondered how a chantry sister would have fared if she'd come across Ari.
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