New Job and life(Me & solitaryman)


Jan 10, 2009
Today was the start of a new job. She felt a bit nervous. Eva was a beautiful young woman at the age of 29. She stoof 5'10 ft tall and had a lean athletic build. Her bra squashed her E-cup breasts to her chests, finding they normally get in the way too much for her liking or getting too many stares. Right now she looked to be in between a B and C-cup. She wore ivory white slacks, a dark blue blouse and an invory white jacket to match her pants and dark brown leather shoes with a one inch heel. Her belt held her gun, but that was its only real function.

Eva had long, straight dark red hair, fair skin and somewhat big, almond shaped silver grey eyes. She walked into the bullpen carrying a box with some things. It was still early in the morning and she found the empty desk and put it down. The went to grab a cup of coffee, or what had to pass for one here. She seemed to be the first to arrive, no lights in the offices and no one here either. So she set to work and put her stuff away.
A dark blue BMW four door sedan pulled into the nearly empty parking lot of the Federal Building. Out jumped the Driver, Special Agent Dave Rossi. Standing about six foot tall, and medium build, he pulled a business briefcase out of the driver's side door before shutting it and then locking his car with the remote. He was dressed in a pair of dark dress jeans, and a tucked in, blue button down shirt with the collar unbuttoned. He was not one for ties, and wore a black suit jacket. A neatly trimmed beard connected his sideburns and ran along his jawbone. Under his jacket was a holster against his right hip, clipped onto his belt, that held a standard issue 9mm Blackhawk automatic. A cuffs holder with a pair of cuffs rested on his belt against his back, and a clip holder with two extra clips on his left hip.

He walked into the Federal Building, greeted a couple of people along the way, and went down the hallway to the entrance to the BAU section. He opened the door and walked in, not noticing anyone being there at first. He headed through the bullpen to his office, and smirked when he looked on the door and saw the name plate of his predecessor still there, "Tsk, things haven't changed in that department." He opened the door and walked into the office, turned on the overhead light and saw the boxes that he had left there, still full and still needed to be emptied.

He got to work, putting up the plaques from his days in the Marine Corps, as well as the extensive amount of memorobilia that showed his love for the Chicago Cubs. His desk plate was the last to go up, "SA DAVID ROSSI" spaced across the brown surface in black letters. He sighed as he stacked the empty boxes in a corner of the office behind the door, then retrieved his Chicago Cubs coffee mug to go look for a cup of fresh brewed coffee, or the closest thing to it.

When he finally found some coffee, and added some french vanilla creamer to it, he noticed that some was actually there. He walked towards her desk, and smiled, "Good morning, I apologize for my manners, I didn't know you were even here," as he then took a sip of his coffee, " Special Agent Dave Rossi, " he extended his right hand, as he held his coffee cup in his right hand by the handle.
Some guy came in, well not just some guy she'd read his books, but he didn't seem to notice her as he went up to what she guessed was his office. But didn't he retire? Well it wasn't any of her business. After unpacking she began to look through the computer and the system and sipped her coffee. She made a face, it was the typical bad police coffee. Tomorrow she'd buy some real coffee on her way to work.

Some time later he came down again and this time he seemed to notice her. "Apology accepted. I'm special agent Eva Jarvinson, it's nice to meet you." She said and shook his hand..
Rossi smiled, as he shook her hand, "Eva, pleasure to meet you too. I notice by your face the coffee still sucks around here, had the same problem my first tour here. The question is which crank shaft did they drain over night to make this crap." He walked over to the water fountain and emptied his coffee mug down the drain. He returned to Eva's desk, "You're new here aren't you? How about you and I skip this joint and go round the corner. There's a coffee shop that serves coffee 200% better than this crap, as well as some tasty vanilla twirls. On me, my way of welcoming you aboard and, since we are both kinda new here, we can work together to get up to speed."
"I guess some things never change." She said as he mentioned the coffee and chuckled lightly about his joke. "I don't think I want to know." She told him. "Sounds good to me." Eva said and turned off the computer and dumped her coffee down the drain. Well if that coffee shop was on route and had reasonable prices she knew where to get her coffee on a daily basis now.

So he was back, interesting. But he could deffinately help her get up to speed. "So why did you come back?" She asked him while they were heading towards the coffeeshop. Eva always had liked older guys, daddy issues. She didn't need to be told, she knew it all to well but couldn't care less. Agent Rossi seemed like a nice enough man and he was handsome too.
Rossi walked with Eva down the street towards the coffee shop. The morning traffic was starting to pick up, not only on the street but also on the sidewalk. People stopped at the vendors along the way for the morning newspaper, or other periodicals, as well as coffee and other quick pickups as they waited for the bus or headed for the subway.

He looked over at her, "Agent Gideon departed, and of course I was the first one they thought of to replace him, instead of promoting in house. Not like I needed the money, but I guess they wanted my experience, good looks and good charm," he cleared his throat as he held the door for Eva and then went into the coffee shop. He walked over to the front counter, "Hey, Charlie, couple of the breakfast blend and those nice vanilla twirls."

As he waited for their coffee and pastries, he looked at Eva, " The big reason is what's been on the morning paper and news. Seems "The Undertaker" has made his appearance back in the limelight, and..uh...that is the big reason Strauss called me back, that and I just finished my last book tour and was just plain bored." He smirked as he took the tray with their coffee and pastry, paid the bill, and told the clerk to keep the change. He saw a booth by the window and made his way there to sit down.
Eva doubted the looks and charm had anything to do with it, though not bad they wouldn't have hired him back for it. Of course with the traffic picking up so was the noise and having a normal conversation on the side walk wasn't easy anymore.

Breakfast blend? She didn't even know there was one, but it couldn't possibly be worse than the crap at the bureau. "You're a regular here huh." she said, he even knew the guy working here and it wasn't just because of the name tag.

"'The undertaker?' It's been over what... twenty years." She said, looking a bit puzzled. A dorment period this long was very unusual. They never found him one and he woudln't have stopped unless forced to. She walked with him to the booth and sat down.
Rossi nodded, as he looked across the booth at Eva, "Let's just say I have a little investment in this place. And I can guarantee you this coffee tops anything you can get at the department. Just tell Charlie, that Rossi sent you, and you get the special discount."

He sipped on his coffee and took a bite of the vanilla twirl, enjoyed the bite and the taste of the coffee. "Yeah, it has been twenty years. His MO was kidnapping young women and burying them alive, in various cemetaries around the region. It's interesting he went dormant this long, which means either there were health issues, or possibly we got a copycat. One way or another the Undertaker is back at it."
Little investment? Probably not so little. She sipped her coffee and smiled. "Now this I call coffee." She said. Health issues could be possible. "If he's really back health issues is possible, but he's not getting any younger and this way of killing does require to be physically fit." She said and took a bite of the twirl. It was good as well.

"A copycat is more likely or maybe he found himself a partner since his body was no longer fit enough to do the physical labor? Unlikely yes, but not impossible." Eva said trying to think up scenarios since she didn't have the details on the new cases yet.
Rossi smiled at Eva, "Told ya you would enjoy it. You get the Rossi discount each time you come in, whether you're with me or not. Part of being the major investor." He winked and sipped on his coffee as he listed to Eva. "You have a point about the health issues. Twenty years ago, those graves were freshly dug, and unless he now uses a backhoe, he could not physicially do that himself anymore."

Rossi took the last sip of his coffee, wiped his mouth with his napkin and then cleaned up the empty cups, and tossed them into the trash can. He then walked over to the counter, "Charlie, the woman with me is named Eva, she comes in here, she gets what she wants on the house. So look her over good and remember that. Oh by the way, two large colombian blends to go." He looked over at Eva, "The partner or copycat is feasible too. Could have an apprentice he is teaching the ropes to, he's doing the work while he does the thinking."

Charlie came back with the large coffees to go, then checked out Eva to remember her. "Best we be heading back to the office, and take a look at the new case files," before he left, Rossi added french vanilla creamer to his coffee, then put the top back on the cup. He held the door open for Eva and then walked outside as he looked around at the traffic on the street and on the sidewalk. He then glanced over at Eva, "I'm inviting you to dinner, tonight, at Turillos. Hope you can make it."
"Wouldn't a backhoe draw too much attention. It makes a lot of noise especially when you're trying not to be seen." Eva said and finished her coffee. She took the last bite of the vanilla twirl wiped her hands on the napkin and tossed it in the garbage can.

She walked with him to the counter. So far she'd been thinking he was just being friendly, but as soon as he mentioned she could get things on the house she had the feeling he was coming on to her. Not that she minded, not at all, of course bureau rules forbid an affair between colleagues. "We'll know more when we see the new files." Eva said unless they left no evidence behind, but if he did have an apprentice a rooky would more easily slip up.

She accepted the cup of coffee, wondering how this blend would taste. She didn't bother with sugar or cream she preferred the natural taste. "The rest is probably arriving by now." She said as she noticed the time. She stepped outside and began the walk to the office with him, sipping her coffee every now and then. "Well I didn't have any plans yet, but with our jobs... By the way where is Turillos?" She asked, never having heard of the place before.
Rossi walked with Eva along the busy sidewalk towards the office. He weaved his way through the people coming the opposite direction from them. He sipped on his coffee from time to time. "Yeah, the backhoe idea could be a longshot, as you said we'll have to have a look at the new files." He continued to walk and then stopped at an intersection to wait for the "walk" light to come on. "Hope you like the coffee and don't worry about the freebees. I want to get to know who I work with, its important in this business. That is where the bureau chief and I had problems in the past. And frankly, they can take that rule and shove it. This new school crap is for the birds."

The light changed and Rossi stepped out into the intersection and then continued towards the Federal Building. He glanced over at Eva, "Turillos is a real nice restaurant over on Franklin. I've gone there a lot and had meetings there with publishers. Real nice steak and seafood menu." He reached the Federal building and walked in the main lobby through the circular door. Once back upstairs, he walked into the BAU section, and smiled as he saw the rest of the section had reported. "I'm baaaaaaaack," he announced, and then went into his office and sat his coffee cup down on the desk, then proceeded to take off his overcoat and hang it on the pole hangar in his office.
By now it was so busy they had to make their way through the crowd and not loose each other, this wasn't particularly easy. Though the columbian blend wasn't as good as the other one, it was still much better than anything at the bureau. Eva chuckled about the rule thing. Of course there was knowing each other and screwing each other's brains out, two very different things.

The walk was uneventful on itself. Just a walk with a nice conversation. Franklin? He meets his publishers there, great. No wonder she hadn't heard about it, it was way out of her budget line. She still had two years to go until her student lones were payed off. A scholarship alone couldn't cut it and she was the kind who focussed on her studies, only taking jobs during holidays, but then full time of course. But it still left some open, but it was only two years and it wasn't as if she'd need a big home with a job like this, she'd hardly ever be there anyway. It was why there was no real fruit in the fruitbowl and the plants were either ones that could go without water for quite sometime or fake. "Sounds good." Eva said.

They were back again and of course while Rossi went to the office the others in the bullpen overloaded her with questions. Her stuff was already there and since Morgan was now team leader since Haily had gotten Hotch to transfer Reid and Emily would be her company down here. They were curious about her, but mostly Rossi it seemed considering his reputation.
Rossi went back into his office and made a couple of phone calls. He then came out of his office and into the bullpen, "Announcement, announcement, time for the morning pow wow, conference room please. He walked into the BAU conference room and sat down at the head of the table. His coffee cup on the table as well as a legal pad to take notes. Once the rest of the BAU section came into the conference room, and sat down, Rossi made sure the door was closed and then came back to the table, sat down and looked around the table.

"Before we get much further into this briefing, I would like to welcome aboard SA Eva Jarvinson. Make sure you make her feel at home, if you haven't already. I'll let Agent Jarvinson fill us in a little bit about herself and background, as she so desires. Agent Jarvinson, you have the floor."

Afterwards, Rossi looked around the table, "Time now for Morgan to fill us in on the ongoing cases. The Undertaker has risen his head again, and the reason I was brought back. I know it wasn't for my good looks and charm." He smirked and cleared this throat, "Morgan, bring us all up to date on what is going on."

After Morgan's briefing, Rossi looked around the table, "I'm not sure what we have here, is it the Undertaker himself after this hiatus in a reduced role because of health issues, a teacher instructing the next generation, now becoming the brains and the younger subject doing the work, or is it a copycat? We need to figure this out before things get dicey like they did before he went to ground." He took a sip of his coffee from his Chicago Cubs mug, "Alright, let's get to it and be careful out there." He got up and carried his coffee mug on his right hand, by the handle, and his legal pad in his left hand, as he left the conference room, and headed back to his office. He glanced back at Eva, "Jarvinson, my office," and then walked into his office, put the coffee mug and legal pad on his desk and sat down in his desk chair.
Eva was rather relieved when he called them to the conference room, no more questions. She took a random seat and was hoping to get the attention off of her for the time being. However there was no such luck. She felt a bit nervous when he put the attention on her. "Not much to know really. Born and raised in New York, average family. I went to the academy after college and now I'm here." She said, this was the summary and that was all she'd tell them, she thought of herself as an average woman with maybe more guts than most considering the job she held and had worked towards for some time. She was glad when they focussed on the case at hand.

Well there were a few details that this guy had done right that hadn't been made public so whoever this was at least had had contact with the real undertaker at some point. But that was all the new information they had really. She was surprised when Rossi called her to his office and just followed. She closed the door behind her and looked at him. "What's wrong?" She asked him, she doubted he'd called her in here for a social call.
He watched as Eva entered the office, "Shut the door," and then took a sip of his coffee. "Damn good stuff, definitely an upgrade from the office coffee pot," he smirked. Then he rubbed his chin with his right hand, "Hmmm, wonder which of these people out here could be designated to make coffee?" He then got out of that zone of thinking, and looked back at Eva.

"Nothing's wrong, figured you might need this to help bring you up to speed on things," he then produced a large manila folder that was titled "UNDERTAKER." He slid it across the desk. "This was the work I did on the weasel before he went to ground. May help to start crosschecking any information we get to see how close this hybrid is to the original. Meanwhile, his latest escapade was at Union Cemetery, guess we should take a look about."

He got up and started to put his jacket on, "What time tonight at Turillo's say 7 or 8?"
"I don't think it's the people, it's the ingredients. It can't be that hard to operate the office coffee machine." Eva replied and sat down.

"We'll take a look once we get there of course and I'll try to get through this bookwork before then." She said, it was quite the amount to read. She was glad she'd invested in a speed reading course in college, though she couldn't quite catch up to Reid.
"Assuming we make it back I'd say eight, but to be honest I think this case is going to take a while." She replied. Of course there would be restaurants in the city where they were going. "Let's get going it's wheels up in fifteen." She said and took the folder for now. She grabbed her go back from her car and headed to airstrip and got onto the plane.
Mera1506 said:
"I don't think it's the people, it's the ingredients. It can't be that hard to operate the office coffee machine." Eva replied and sat down.

"We'll take a look once we get there of course and I'll try to get through this bookwork before then." She said, it was quite the anount to read. She was glad she'd invested in a speed reading course in college, though she couldn't quite catch up to Reid.
"Assuming we make it back I'd say eight, but to be honest I think this case is going to take a while." She replied. Of course there would be restaurants in the city where they were going. "Let's get going it's wheels up in fifteen." she said and took the folder for now. She grabbed her go back from her car and headed to airstrip and got onto the plane.
Rossi nodded, and went into the closet of his office. He pulled out his old P-15 ready bag, worn but still quite sturdy and useful from his days in the Marine Corps. He always had it packed and ready for times like this. He grabbed his laptop bag, and followed Eva out of his office.

Rossi had instructed Morgan to contact the local FBI office where they were heading, to arrange transportation and updates on the crime. At the airport, he was greeted by Special Agent Steven Rhodes, and handed a file that was current as of their arrival. Rhodes informed that the CSI team was still at the scene. Rossi got out his reading glasses and perused the file as they were being driven to the crime scene. He saw the sign for Union Cemetery and the deluge of police cars and FBI unmarked cars still at the scene.
During the planeride Eva read the file and handed it back to Rossi. Once there they'd be heading tot he local FBI office. "Whoever is doing this is spot on." She said. It seemed to look more and more that the original undertaker at least had a part in this. Eva sat in the back listening and thinking mostly, they were missing something or that it felt like, but she couldn't quite put her finger on it.

The ride was short and she got out. She hated cemetaries, but didn't show it. They were still busy as they got there JJ and Reid were at the station to bring the local feds up to speed and make a possible geographic profile. The digsite looked just like a grave, but the marks betrayed it had been dug by hand, the partner theory was becoming more and more plausible.
Rossi got out of the left rear passenger side of the unmarked FBI vehicle. He already had his badge wallet in the chest pocket of his suit coat, the FBI badge clearly showing. He looked about as he put on a pair of plastic gloves used during investigations. He talked to Special Agent Newman, the on scene team leader. "Find anything?" Newman shook his head, "It's like the place was wiped clean. The only thing we found was the shovel that was used to dig the grave, and we sent it to the lab. Rossi nodded as he looked about the area, cordoned off in yellow crime scene ribbon.

He walked over to Eva, "I like his ponytail, " he nodded towards Newman as he worked with some of the other crime scene people. "Looks like we got a pro on our hands, only thing they found so far was the shovel, and sent it to the lab. So far the place is quite clean."
Eva had to show her badge, she took it from her pants pocket, it was in her wallet. Then it was putting on the crime scene gloves. "It's not bad I guess." She said, she couldn't care less about the ponytail, obviously the man liked having hair and keep it out of his face. "That's the same as the original, he's trained his understudy well. Or maybe the new one already had knowledge on crime scene investigation and I don't mean the tv-series." She told him. She doubted they'd find anything on the shovel other than earth and possibly DNA from the victim.
Rossi walked about the crime scene a bit longer, then looked at Eva, "I've seen enough, let's head to the station. He got back into the car, and the driver left the crime scene. Rossi was deep in thought during the trip, the driver weaving in and out of traffic, as he headed to the FBI office in the Federal Building downtown.

At the FBI office, Rossi sat down in Rhodes' office and put on his reading glasses, as he went over the file. "Steve, looks like we got the original back in business, or one hell of a trained understudy, still not sure yet. Need a copy of the lab results as soon as you get them. Also copies of any statements or interviews conducted by the first arrivals and subsequent investigators. Meanwhile, looks like BAU has some heavy backtracking ahead." He glanced over at Eva, "Anything you need to add or request before we bolt out of here?"
Eva was also thinking. Since they had no clue who the original was tracking the understudy would be hard. Normally an understudy would slip up at some point, the fact that he didn't suggested he probably wasn't new at forensic counter measures and maybe not even to death. Rossi seemed to cover anything case related. "How's the coffee here?" She asked.
"Lousy, though there's a restaurant around the corner that sells pretty good coffee." Rhodes said and grinned.

Eva's phone rang and she picked up and she recognised Garcia's number. though she hadn't yet personally spoken Hotch had given it to her and she had listed it under Garcia's name. "Hi there Garcia" She said.
"Hi Eva, nice to finally talk to you. We should get together sometime I like to know the whole team. But first things first. The shovel was a cheap one you can buy in many stores in the area. I've also looked into long lasting recoveries from injuries and jailtime from the day the undertaker stopped to two days ago when the victim was taken and I have a list of candadites, though it's pretty long, it's on your phones. Garcia out." She said.
"Bye." Eva said and hung up. "Well the shovel is a dead end and Garcia sent us a list of people who were either incarcerated during the dorment period of the undertaker or recouperating from serious injury." She told him.
Rossi nodded, "Well let's hit the coffee shop, and we can take a look at the list," he stood up and shook hands with Rhodes, "Keep us updated," then nodded to Eva and walked out of Rhodes' office. He glanced over at Eva, "Shovel's definitely a needled in the haystack, but worth checking out." He walked out of the Federal Building as he talked, and headed for the coffee shop around the corner from the building. The traffic on the sidewalk normal for that time of day. People on the move to offices, appointments or shopping downtown.

He treated for coffee, getting himself the breakfast blend and a creme filled donut. He sat down at an empty table, and took out his cellphone. He found Garcia's list and then started to peruse it while he munched on his donut and sipped on his coffee. He looked over at Eva, "A lot of digging to do, and a lot of interviews to either redo or revisit. This sudden ability to clean up a crime scene concerns me a bit, the old Undertaker was like he wanted to leave you a clue hear and there, kinda like cat and mouse. Now it seem as if it's like, 'in your face I'm better than you are." He sighed and continue to peruse the list as he sipped on his coffee.
"Sounds like a plan." Eva said and walked with him. This was going to be a looooooooooooong day. "It is, but we should narrow the list further down first." She said. The coffee shop was easy to find. Eva decided to go for a latte machiato this time around and sat down at the table with him.

She looked through the list. "Let's start with trying to find out how many of them were near where the murders were commited around the right time, that should bring down the number." She said and pulled her tablet out. She began to look through the system, Garcia was good, but only one person.
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