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Nov 17, 2011
Alice stared up at the giant beast before her as her sword clattered noisily across the stone walkway she stood upon. Turning her green eyes to the side she could see the silver gleam of the blade. The beast practically smirked at her. With a steely breath in she lifted her shield, her blond curls moved in the wind as the beast let its raunchy breath flow around her. She wasn’t afraid, merely calculating the distance and effort it would take to get to the fallen sword. She was quick, but not terribly so. Noticing the way the beast angled itself made her realize he was determined to drive her from her sword, where she would wear out and eventually make a treacherous move.

“I will not let you destroy their land; it is their home, much like yours. You don’t have to follow what the Red Queen says. You have your own mind to use.” She yelled as she dodged and ran, and slapped away the snout of the beast as it drove her towards the thorny woods. Rolling across the stone she moved away from her sword and the beast did as she hoped and knocked her toward. She’d confused him, but in doing so felt the side of her armor twist in to pinch her side and injure her. Gasping for breath she stretched before the beast had realized its error. She was too short and her arms weren’t long enough she scrambled trying to move, but she was knocked in the opposite direction. Blonde curls splayed over the dark grey stone. Her chest heaving as she gasped for breath.

“Show her beast, show her she doesn’t have control over you,” She sputtered trying one last time in what seemed like vain to persuade the creature. She didn’t know that following the white rabbit, falling down the hole and standing up for others would ever take her this far. The thing stared down at her before lifting its head, a screechy voice declaring

“OFF with HER headdddddddddddddddd! NOW, what are you waiting for? Do IT!” The unmistakable voice of the Red Queen filtered clear across the terrain. Alice shuddered and closed her green eyes for what appeared to be a final time.
The Hatter had been rather brutally ripping through enemies for quite some time paying attention only to his enemies, his huge claymore merely an extension of his arm used to wrench the pathetic soldiers out of his way. A swipe this way, taking off the head of the nearest enemy, a stab and a twist here, spilling blood so that Alice may have the chance to kill the dreaded Jabberwock.

Alice! Yes! How was she doing? He carelessly discarded the last in his way and strode toward the stonework on which the beast loomed ominously. He thought he could make out a shape on the ground. Was that Alice?! He broke into a sprint, ignoring the cuts he was receiving from the surrounding chess pieces and cards. "Alice!" He shouted just as he heard the Red Queen shout “OFF with HER headdddddddddddddddd! NOW, what are you waiting for? Do IT!”

He reached the edge of the stone and saw the discarded Vorpal Sword. Tossing his blade aside he grabbed Alice's and ran up the stairs till he was above the Jabberwocky. "Hey, ugly! Looky!" he kicked rocks down on top of the Beast's head and it looked up. Without thought, he jumped down, the sword pointed down at the Jabberwock. He stabbed it directly in the eye, entirely luck. And then fell with the beast. It landed on top of him and everything went...


She knew he dark well. Hated it, but knew it well. A wretched screaming drove her into the light.

“What have you done?” the voice asked in obvious agony.

Another voice piped in sweetly, “Simply what she was slated to do,”

“But she didn’t, HE did!” There was a pause before her trademark saying.

“No one’s head shall be going anywhere, not while I’m around that is,” She lifted her hands to the Rolly-Polly set of twins, once on her feet she stared down her straight nose at the Red and White Queen. “You’ve been defeated, plain and simple.” The White Queen giggled. Alice merely ignored all else as she saw him. “Hatter?” Panic in her voice would not allow her to calm. She rushed to his side, it didn’t matter that the others stood looking at her as though she had lost her mind.

Brushing cool fingers over his skin she felt for a heartbeat. “He’d alive,” she whispered breathlessly.

“Oh goody”

“Hush you.”

“Please.. Now is not the time,” She said and shook her head at them both. Upon seeing his eyes flutter she leaned down to his ear. “You silly man, you did the bravest thing anyone could ever do. You risked your life for mine. Tell me how one might repay such a deed as that?”
The darkness was... frightening. He faced it head-on, with only the tiniest bit of trepidation. If he died, he died saving his world and just as importantly, he died saving Alice. She had risked everything for his home and he would do the same for her. But suddenly, he heard a voice... a melodic, ringing voice, clear as a bell.

"He's alive."

His eyes fluttered and he was greeted by Alice's face hanging over his. She was so close he could smell her. The scent was intoxicating and she was oh so beautiful, despite the fair bit of grime covering her face. "Alice! You're okay! My oh my isn't that something. The logic is a little iffy, but it seems I'm alive as well! Have we won?" He reached for her face and brushed his fingers against her cheek before her question really registered.

"Repay me? And I'm the silly one? Alice, I did what I did to repay you for your selfless sacrifice, for all you've done for Under-or should I say Wonderland? But you're not the type to agree to that are you? I s'pose not... I would fancy a kiss, if you could find it in your heart, dear." He was so... tired.
Laughing at the man before her Alice dips her head back. Sitting back she rested her rump on the stone, and began her armor off. Using her sleeve to wipe her face, “Of course we won.” His touch to her cheek caused her to blush. She watched his face closely as he understood what she’d asked. It felt like years she’d spent here but it had only been one day. One long, exhausting day.

As he blathered on about how she was truly the silly one, she didn’t see it , but coming from one known as the MAD Hatter. She nodded her head in agreement, she hadn’t saved his life directly, but he had saved hers. “A kiss?” She smiled down at him as she stood, “Well stand up then and let’s turn you into a toad, or is it me…” She laughed as he stood.

“Don’t kiss him, OFF with…” She began mumbling as a hand fell over her mouth.

“Now, now dear… let’s not be cruel now.”

Alice leaned in, her pink lips aiming for his tan cheek. the slight bit of scruff beginning to appear. she closed her mint green eyes as she made contact. Something was different…


Groaning the blonde shoved the masses of curls from her face and sat up.

“ALICE! Oh thank heavens, your Papa was so worried, and Rufus is beside himself.” Mallory, her cousin, pulled her to her feet. Looking around she stared at the tree, “Alice… whatever are you looking at? Come along they are waiting for you.” Mallory began the trek back to the party.

Alice stood there looking at the tree, she circled it. Nothing made sense. Lifting a hand to her lips she could still feel them tingling, it was real. Hatter had kissed her, “Silly man,” She muttered and followed her cousin.
The Hatter smiled and looked away, not truly expecting to get his kiss. It was more of a playful suggestion, but he really didn't mind if she laughed. It was a great sound to hear anyway. So he turned just in time to see her face incredibly close to his with her lips against his own. It felt... amazing, like electricity but suddenly... it was over. She was gone, into thin air. "Alice?! Alice?! ALICE?!?!?!"

He spent 3 hours searching the surrounding area, even as the Tweedles shouted that she was gone. The Red Queen continued to shout decapitation at anyone nearby as the Hatter fretted and fretted. "Where could she be?!" He mumbled to himself. "I MUST FIND HER!" at some point he fell to the ground, laughing hysterically. "It's too much to bear! She's not here but she must be, but she can't be, so the only explanation is that she isn't here so she must be there! Of course but... where is there? I know! I'll ask Absolum! Absolum! Absolum! Get your caterpillar ass right here! I need your help!" Suddenly the butterfly that was Absolum landed on his shoulder. "Yes, Hatter?" "
"I MUST find Alice! Take me to her"
"As you wish, Hatter."

And then there was Dark

Hatter awoke in the middle of a field. His eyes opened to the sight of wings. Suddenly a butterfly took flight from his nose. "Absolum?" He staggered to a standing position and unsteadily made his way to the nearby road. He saw a man sitting on a great wooden thing standing on four round wooden... things! It was pulled along by four large animals which loosely resembled Swotternods in his home. He shouted at the man. "How do I find Alice?!" He would find her.
“Rufus is always beside himself,” Alice said and laughed at Mallory’s sour expression. It seemed like just yesterday the two of them were running through the field collecting wildflowers. Moving behind her cousin she realized she was in her robe. “I must have wandered away, but I don’t remember.”

“Of course you don’t remember, with so much on your mind lately… Tell me Alice, do you even know what today is?” Mallory asked as they walked along the small trail toward the manor. Mallory laughed when she guessed different days of the week. Mallory kept quiet and let her guess until they pulled open the doors to the manor. “It’s your wedding day silly girl.”

Alice stood their wide eyed staring at her mother and other various guests.

“Oh Alice.. Thank you Mallory for finding her,” her mother’s voice reached her ears. as she was encircled by her arms and squeezed. “We have to get you ready.”

Being drug by her mother up the stairs Alice scoffed, “No… I will NOT marry him.” She stamped her foot and clawed at the bannister until her mother stopped.

“What on earth are you talking about, dear?” Her mother and Mallory stood there staring at her their jaws open.

“There is so much more out there in the world than Rufus,” Sighing at the looks on her mother and cousin’s face . Alice blinked and touched he lips, they were still tingling. Perhaps it was only a dream… and incredibly, wonderful and amazing dream. Closing her mint green eyes she imagined him in her head one last time. “I am ready, it is just nerves talking.”

** An hour later **

Standing before the full length mirror she barely recognized herself. The dress she wore was cream lace and a train of tulle. on her head she wore a cream veil edged in lace. Her golden hair was rolled up and the ends pinned up as well. Staring and staring she thought of nothing but Hatter, why was that? “Curious,” she mumbled.

“What dearie?”

“Nothing…” her voice was cut off by a knock. Paling she moved toward the door, Her father simply held out his arm to her as Mallory and her mother hurried down ahead of her. Blinking slowly it felt as though time was flying past now, faster than even the white rabbits pocket watch. The aisle seemed so long but each step brought her closer to Rufus. The wiry man stood prostrate at the aisle, looking as white as a sheet and nervous. She took his hand and joined him at the altar.
"FASTER! I MUST FIND HER!" He was shouting at the driver. He was apparently taking him to her "wedding" whatever that was. Perhaps a fancy kind of house? Who knew. But he already missed Alice. She was all that was on his mind and he couldn't do anything to see her sooner. "We're here" the driver shouted. "Now get out of my bloody carriage, ya loon!" Hatter obeyed, thinking it best not to anger the man and as the carriage left in a cloud of dust, the Hatter walked to the small gathering of people. "Where can I find Alice?" He asked and they pointed at a woman in a gorgeous dress. "Oh my! What's going on?" he asked.
"She's getting married, of course!" He pretended to understand what they were talking and he marched up the aisle towards her. "ALICE! I'VE FOUND YOU!!" he shouted, pulling her into his arms as he reached the top! "We must speak immediately, my dear!" he said smiling widely
The minister had just cleared his throat and already she was zoning out, the droning of what he was saying was dulling her senses allowing her to drift away. What did it all mean? Why was she marrying Rufus when she didn’t feel anything for him, had she at one point? Her mind was flustered to come up with an answer. She noticed the face of the minister, appalled. Blushing she looked to her shoes she’d been caught daydreaming when she was supposed to be doing something more. Noticing the rotund man did not continue she heard her name on a foreign tongue. Turning she stared down the aisle at the newcomer. Though, her eyes went wide as he drug her into a hug.

“Alice… who is THIS?” She shrugged looking into Rufus’ dull eyes. “Then stop hugging him!”

Alice found her arms were in fact looped around the strange man’s form. “Oh come off it Rufus. I am not your wife, yet.” Grimacing at Rufus as he stammered for a retort. “Follow me,” she patted his arm and moved to the small garden off the side of the house. lifting her skirts her tan legs and bare feet exposed as she skimmed over the grass and turned to speak to him as she stopped and dropped her dress back down. “What is that could not wait until after I was married, good sir?” She stared at him, who was he?
The Hatter took in the dull man whom Alice was addressing as "Rufus". He smiled to the man in what he hoped was a reassuring way. "Much obliged, Rufus!" he tipped his hat to the man and followed Alice at a leisurely pace, looking around and admiring the strange surroundings. "Nothing like Wonderland, why I see not a single Wabe or Bandersnatch." he mumbled to himself. Once he had caught up to Alice he stared into those green eyes. " I quite missed those colors! Speaking of colors, why is everything so oddly colored here? And I haven't seen a single toadstool. Where are we, Alice?"

Hatter heard her question, suddenly. "What is this wedding thing of which you speak? Gah! Well, what was so important is that I've missed you! So very much. And I wish to ask you to come back with me! We can have so many adventures, but I feel like you have to be there! You belong with us now!" He took her hands in his. "And... we have to talk about what happened before you left... Alice... We MUST talk. At length. Shall we go to the woods?"
“What colors? Everything appears normal to me. Toadstools?” Alice furrowed her brow trying to make sense of what the strange man was saying. “I’m sorry, but have we met before. You know my name but I don’t recall yours.” Looking around she smiled. This is my home, my garden to be exact…” her sentence was cut off by his questioning of weddings, she laughed he was such a silly bit of a man. His mannerisms pulled to her heart strings, he seemed so familiar yet she couldn’t place him.

“Rufus is to be my husband; I’m to be with him forever. Missed me? But I don’t even know you…go back, back where? Who are these us and… I belong here.” She stopped herself from saying -with Rufus- as it only upset her to think it. Looking down at their conjoined hands … it felt nice. Familiar and calming. Tugging her hands away she stepped back from the strange man. “What happened before I left? And left where? I don’t understand you. We can talk here,” she motioned around them. “In the garden, I don’t want to get lost in the woods.”

Stamping her bare foot on the ground she crossed her arms. “I don’t know who you are, so for you to think I’d go ANYWHERE with you is ridiculous!” Her green eyes flitted about his smiling face, she didn’t know him, it worried her, as though she were missing some intricate piece to a grand puzzle.
"Why... it's me, Alice! Me! How can you not remember me?" he was rather dumbfounded. She didn't remember him.. but... then why did he even come for her. She would be happier here, he supposed. But he would miss her... and always fondly remember her. "Alice... we need to talk alone... What is a husband? Gah! I'm so confused... please come with me! At least for a little while, then I will respect whatever you decide dear." His eyes searched hers for some glimmer of recognition... something... anything. "Alice! I beg. Give me 5 minutes alone and then you can do what you wish! There's just something I need to know."

He looked down at the ground and removed his hat from his head in a half-hearted bow. "Please..."
“I don’t know you and I am sorry.” She stared at him. Even her dream came back to her but he didn’t look like any of them. When he mentioned going back she smiled, “Sir we are alone, in this garden no one is about. Speak freely.” She patted his arm, “A husband is a man a woman loves and spends her life with, they would have children…” She sighed, she didn’t love Rufus and she didn’t want to have his children. “Come with you? Where would we go?”

Alice met his brown eyes with her green, they flitted over his face. He seemed so familiar. She stood watching him her heart going out to the confused gentleman. She knew if she were confused she would want someone to give her the benefit of the doubt. Slipping her small tan hand under his chin she lifted his head to meet her eyes again. “I will give you five minutes. I wish I knew who you were, I truly do.” Looking around she placed her finger on her lips and motioned for him to follow her. She ran across the small garden and slipped out the back gate.

Her tan feet moved swiftly across the blades of grass. Hands held her dress up so as not to ruin it. Though in her heart she knew now that she was away she would not be going back. Leaning against a tree trunk in the darkened woods she released her dress and closed her eyes trying to catch her breath. Her hand clasped her breasts, the lace covering them heaved with the efforts of her lungs. Once under control she smiled at the man, tilting her head she regarded him. “Tell me what it is you need to know?”
Shedoesn'tknowwhoIam!WhatshouldIdo?Whatdoyousupposecrumpetsare?Whatwouldmakeherrememberme? His thoughts were racing, a thousand miles a minute and it was all he could do to listen to this nonsense about a husband,-So she loves that frumpy, unshapely sack of flesh? No accounting for some peoples tastes-children,-She's too young to be a mother!-and them being alone-Alone?! There are three flowers right there? Doesn't she know they talk and listen? She spent enough time in my world... All and all, the Hatter had quite a bit on his mind as he shuffled a bit clumsily after Alice, his large feet leaving trails in the grass outside of her garden.

Soon, however, he caught up to the woman. I wonder why she runs so fast if she's just going to get winded when she stops? What a queer lady! "I need to know a few things! First and foremost... you really don't remember me?" that was truly what worried him most. "And... do you really love that...er...thing back there? You want to have children with him?" There has to be a way to make sureshe remembers me! It might have to be something drastic. Would she remember... No... but, she might....

He pulled her to him, her body against his and kissed her. First just a gentle touch of lip to lip, but suddenly it became more. Soon his lips were on hers quite more substantially. It was beyond anything he had ever experienced, and for a few seconds his mind was... clear. There were no queer thoughts. Only he and Alice existed and he liked that just fine...
“You seem familiar, like I should know you… but I don’t. I just don’t,” her face was one of pure frustration. Her green eyes watched him for a moment. “No I don’t love him and I want to have children, just not with him.” Her voice was quiet. Wasn’t sure why she was confessing this to a complete stranger, but she did. Looking up she found him in a battle with himself. Suddenly she found him pulling her to him, at first she struggled. Her hands against his chest pushed him away, but the first brush of his lips and she was pulling him closer.

“Hatter,” she moaned against his lips, one hand slid along his neck and up into his hair and the other gripped his shirt front and pulled him closer. Her lips welcomed his as her body melted against him allowing him to hold her properly. He was a true male, unlike Rufus. Here lungs burned but she didn’t want to break the kiss afraid she would lose everything again. Her heart beat rapidly in her chest as she pulled back from him briefly. “You came for me, I thought you were a dream… a figment of my overactive imagination.” She held to him, her body still pressed to his as she initiated the next kiss.

Her lips brushed over his, the dainty pink tongue flicked and traced lightly against his lips begging for entrance. Once that was granted, it was like a new world. Something she had never felt before wrapped around her body and anchored her to him. She felt like laughing and crying at the same time. It made the world flip upside down and she realized she was marrying the wrong man. The one she wanted and needed was entwined in her arms and lavishing her with attention. Making her feel like a woman instead of a possession.
Hatter was surprised as she began to kiss back, but only for a moment. The instant she moved closer her was hooked. The moaned "Hatter" made him laugh lightly and whisper in her ear: "Looks like I was right, my dear Alice." He had only meant to kiss her once in the hopes that it would remind her. But then she kissed him. He almost lost consciousness, his eyes fluttered shut. He held her hips, and began to grind into her, just slightly. "If I was your dream, you'd be mad. Although I suppose you might be. You are quite queer." Then he felt something unexpected, her tongue on his lips. He didn't know what to do, but it felt right to just allow her tongue and he used his own tongue to massage hers, gently.

He turned and pinned her to the tree they were standing by and laughed again. "Alice! I have a question." he said and then began nibbling on her lower lip. "You said you did want to have kids... with who?" he asked before kissing down to her neck, nibbling and sucking there.
upsıpǝ poʍu OR яιgнт ѕι∂є υρ??

The way he ground his hips into hers had her head spinning, the emotions she felt welling up in her were new. Feelings she had yet to feel in her mere twenty years. Thankfully he returned her kiss which made it more amazing. Her heart beat so loudly she feared he would hear it. Did it really matter? She pondered this as her own slim hips pressed against his; she felt something through the layers of lace. Something her body moved against before she groaned as he pulled back from her.

“No..” she whispered and was soon pinned to the tree, her lips curled up into a smile. Everything had come back; she remembered wonderland and the battle and him saving her life. And the kiss that sent her back into reality. Now he was here, in her world, and the kiss he’d just given her set her on fire. Green eyes, half lidded stared at him as he asked her the question. Whimpering as his lips travelled over her flesh. Tilting her head she opened it to him, giving him more. “With you Hatter?” she moaned softly. She wasn’t sure what had come over her, but she knew in her heart that it was the truth.
The Hatter was so enjoying the flavour of her neck that he quite forgot about his question. For a second. However once she answered, he stepped back, shocked. "Alice! Me?" he was confused, dumbfounded and befuddled. Me? A father? What a strange strange thought! How can she be so mindnumbingly odd!? But he found himself drawn to her, regardless of his fear. "I can't... I can't" He started nibbling and sucking on her neck again. "I don't think I could be a dad, Alice...But... for you I would do anything, darling." He looked up at her and kissed her dead on the lips. Soon he was slipping his tongue into her mouth and grinding into her, even harder than before. He was sliding his hands all over her body, first her hips, then her ass, he had pretty much lost control at this point and he wanted her.

He pulled her off the tree and took off his coat, laying it on the ground before laying her down on top of it. He crawled next to her and kissed her, resuming his exploration of her body with his hands. "You taste so amazing, Alice."
Noting the shock she bit her lower lip. She was flustered and when his lips nipped at her neck she was even more confused. “I understand, I’m sorry, I just thought you felt the same thing… I’m sorry.” she stammered through the sentence. Moaning when he sucked she quivered, a chill of delight racing her spine. She accepted his kisses, her hips pinned between his and the tree. She closed her eyes as his tongue invaded her mouth. Everything happening at once she wasn’t sure what to react to. Her hips moved and her tongue twirled around his in their dance of heat. Her hands just held to him, afraid he’d pull away again.

She blinked and she was on his coat on the ground. lifting her hands she pulled the veil out of her hair and unpinned it as well. Her hands then trailed over his chest and stomach. “You do as well Hatter.” she pressed her lips to his and looked in the way of the manor. She wanted to be with him here and now. Perhaps runaway with him to Wonderland, never go back to Rufus and her old life. She kissed his lips gently, “Is there something you would rather I call you than Hatter?” She asked with a small smile. Her green eyes sparkled with passion.
The Hatter grinned at the compliment. "You taste better'n tea." he said, winking. Then his jaw dropped. "Something... other than Hatter? But... that's my name! Ever since I can remember that's all I've been called!" he brushed his hand against her cheek, tracing patterns over the soft, tan skin. "I guess you could call me Hatta? It sounds more like a name and it's what the Hare calls me." he smiled, unable to do anything else when he glanced upon her gorgeous face. "Alice! I have a question. How badly do you want to have children? And... a follow up question! How... exactly do you have children in this world? I'm assuming it's not like wonderland where we all just sorta... pop into existence?"

There was alot he didn't understand about this woman, but he did understand one thing. He understood how much he wanted her. He wouldn't let anything get in the way of that either. "If you really want children, I will oblige you, darling" He smiled and kissed her, crawling on top of her and nibbling on her neck once more. "How does that sound?"
She knew with him better than tea was the BEST a girl could get; though his jaw going slack was worrisome she only smiled. Honestly she wasn’t sure if he liked being called Hatter or not and meant only to ask what he wanted to be called. “I don’t want to call you Hatta, I’ll stick with Hatter because it suits you!” His hands on her cheek was delicious, she adored this new side to him. He was so different from Rufus. Alice wasn’t able to stop touching him but his questions stopped her. Laughing gently she smiled at him, “Oh Hatter of course we don’t just POP, into existence. I don’t know when, and it’s not really something one can truly plan for. I mean, you can try and be ready for when it does or try and not be ready when it does, I suppose.” Her brows furrowed in thought of her own statement, she found it confusing.

“I have never tried so we can learn together… I do know that here when a…” His words stopped her. Looking up at him as she crawled on top of her she lost her train of thought, though her lips lifted to greet his. Moaning as they caressed her neck once more, “When a man and a woman care greatly for one another they come together and make a child. Men have parts that fit in the ladies. The move about and things feel good I suppose until they are done. It is some time before the baby comes, but couples often keep practicing.” She smiled up at him as she caressed his face.

“I would be happy to try and bear your children, Hatter. I’m just worried about the responsibility it would take to please you and care for a child.” Her green eyes floated up to his and then to the way of the manor. “We should go further from the manor, lest they hear us; I think the two of us might be cause for great noise… unless you don’t care if they hear.” Lowering her voice to a whisper she smiled up at him, “I want you to have me, I feel it is right AND I want to stay with you forever, please?”
Better than tea, definitely. This girl had the Hatter's heart and mind racing. And her statement sounded like a contradiction, but he just laughed it off. He liked contradictions and this girl was chock full of them. "Ah, I suppose you mean my...er... thingamajig? Where does it fit inside of you, Alice?" He was confused. Wonderland sex-ed was certainly lacking. "I hope you don't mind all these questions. Just not something I've ever thought about before you, Alice! Regardless, I would love to try, especially if it feels good." He laughed again, incredulous. "You bearing my children... What a queer, queer girl you are."

He stood immediately when she mentioned leaving. He leaned down to pick her up in the bridal style and wrapped his jacket around her. "Sure, let's leave!" He said and began walking deeper into the forest. He smiled back to her "Forever" he said with a wink and picked up the pace softly. He worked his way through trees and brush, all the while thinking of what exactly she meant when she said she wanted him to have her. And what would this... coming together feel like? But it certainly seemed right. Especially with her. He definitely wanted to try. For her at the very least. "Tell me when you think we're far enough."
She blushed deeply, “Yes that and it’s hidden, for now,” She brushed her soft hands over his face, “Your questions are fine, I don’t mind but it might be easier to just try it out and not worry about knowing beforehand. “That’s how it is done; I will carry your child in my body and bear him or her.” Talking it out loud was scary. She bit her lower lip as he lifted her into his arms. Grasping her bridal train in her hands she balled it into her lap as he carried her. His forever rang in her ears and bounced around her head.

Smiling up at him she slid her arms into his jacket sleeves and wrapped her arms around him. “I will let you know.” She loved that he walked quickly, she that he wanted her to go away with him, her heat beat quickened with each step they took that landed them further and further from the manor. When she could bear it no longer she kissed his cheek, “This is good.” When he set her on her feet she smiled at him and fixed the train of her dress. Turning she laid the jacket on the ground, biting her lower lip she shivered. “I can show you if you help me with my dress.” The buttons lining the back were numerous; it was a trick for the groom.
He smiled and set her down when she said they were far enough. They were deep in the woods, with just enough light filtering through the tall tree-tops for them to see clearly. The twilight framed her face beautifully. Her mint green eyes shone in the low-light and in her dress she was the picture of beauty. He stepped closer to her and took her hands in his. "I'll help you, dear..."

He stepped around behind her and slowly undid the multitude of buttons on her dress, one at a time, his breath quickening as he revealed each inch of flesh. Her skin was perfect, tan, and soft. He pulled he hair to one side and kissed her from the jawbone down to her neck, her shoulders, still unbuttoning her dress. Soon he was done and he pulled it down. With each inch of skin bared he laid a kiss, trying to kiss every small piece of flesh he revealed. "Alice... this isthe best thing I've ever experienced..."
Her eyes flitted over him, her heart was beating so rapidly as he held her hands . Nodding her head she smiled at him over her shoulder. Her body was bare save for a thin pair of panties, her knees weakened with every button he released from its silken thread. Gasping as his long fingers barely brushed her skin. When he kissed her she quivered, her voice just above a whisper as she said his name. Her body quivered as she helped him pull her dress down and off her body slowly. “Me too Hatter,” Letting the dress fall to her feet she stood with her back to him, she wasn’t sure if she could face him yet.

Turning around slowly she faced him, her hands at her sides, white lace pooled at her feet. She moved forward nimble fingers unbuttoning his shirt as her lips caressed his. Then slowly she kissed down his body, each tantalizing inch of hard muscle and skin. Pulling it off his shoulders she bit her lips and closed the space between them her hands stroking over his skin before undoing his pants. Her hands nervously slid up his body, scared to go any further down she gripped his hands and brought them between them. “You can touch me Hatter…” Her eyes lifted to his as she smiled.
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