I have problems!
OKAY, why do game companies do crap like this?
While this specifically does not apply to moi, I have something FAR WORSE. I have a broken DS. I skipped the 3DS since its a new technology and knew they will come out with something better in a few years. XL was announced, I pulled back 200 USD, and shortly after the announcement brought 2 DS games who's Amazon box I didn't even unpack till I got my XL.
Which came out less than a week before Dark Souls.
Which came out about the same time as Sleeping Dogs, which does something I wish more open world sandbox games do and MORE. Saboteur is overall my favorite because you play a good guy being given permission to do bad things. Plus its a “silent in, noisy out” unlike Assassins Creed. I resisted buying it. Oh how I resisted. But the fact it is melee focused instead of just gun play (plus I was screaming at one doing a Let's Play of it) that I ended up getting it. Using the excuse I worked 20 hours this weekend and only had Wednesday to catch up with my domestic (and gaming) life. Excuse being extra money.
So yes, as you may have noticed, I have it. And its wonderful. Till I get in a car and find the mouse/camera controls SUCK.
The only good thing is there is no 3DS games really catching my attention... FOR NOW. DQ9 will be good enough along with Radiant Historia I hope. Again, I was long time planning on getting this. But why NOW?!?
[Patricio checks the coming soon page]
Borderlands 2, preordered, next month. Oh, and Torchlight which I preorded months ago. Dishonored is seducing me. And what's this? Assassins Creed 3?!? Oh thank goodness I can't preorder it! And look what Steam is doing to me today, the day before I can start downloading Dark Souls finally.
“Choose one of 141 class combinations and journey to an infinite number of dynamically generated towns with vastly different problems.”
[Patricio lets out a whimper and clicks the link to the forums] BUGS! Well, that is a relief. After buying Legends of Pegasus IN ALPHA.
I think this is a good example of First World Problems.