The unknown darkness (Maxy x Creamy)

"You're bluffing!" Lily growled, then gasped as he tightened his grip on her hair. She had been about to try and scream when there was a sudden knock at the door. Perhaps she was saved? Before she could call out she was thrown back to her seat, reaching up to rub the back of her head softly as the door opened. Why was he talking about hsi grandfather all of a sudden? Dark Magic? his grandfather was probably a Death Eater or something.....well she'd remember that. When the door was open and the trolley lady spoke, Lily had wanted to call out for help, ask her to fetch whatever teachers may have been aboard. But as her lips started to open she winced, clutching at her head quickly. The pain....the pain was was like it was burning at her soul. " I'm fine..." As soon as the words left her lips the pain started to could he have done this to her...? What kind of spell had he placed her under...?
Derek watched the trolley lady leave before he shut the door again. He walked over and took a seat next to her this time. "Good girl", he whispered as he leaned into her. He could tell how much hatred he already created and it wasnt all intended. He was actually hoping to get her on his side. But things dont necessarily turn out as planned. That was life. "We dont need the sweets on the trolley. You have a nice sweet dessert beside you. If you take a good look in my pants that is", he chuckled but quickly stood up again and distanced himself. He now sat opposite from her and started to examine her wand. "What a lovely wand. Do you want it back?", he asked which was obviously a stupid question. But he was sure that once she got hold of her wand again, he would be in big trouble. Not because he couldnt handle her, but because of the false sense of hope she would gain from it.
((Nice new Avatar XD))

Lily growled as he whispered into her ear, then went to push him away, before shuffling away into the corner of the cabin, staring mostly at her reflection in the window, but still glaring at him out of the corner of her eyes. The pain in her head was still there...dulled since she had contemplated asking for help, but still there....still steadily getting worse, her head thumping with every heartbeat. "Of course I want my wand back!" She hissed at him. If she could get her wand back then perhaps she could undo whatever spell he had cast...her father had always made a special point to teach her more advanced Defence against the Dark Arts after all....surely he couldn't have cast a spell she couldn't undo. Then when this spell was undone....she was going to make him suffer....oh she had such glorious ideas about what she would to to make him pay for this....
((thank you kindly ))

His smirk was literally plastered onto his face while examining her wand. "Mmm here you go....", he said while extending his arm out with her wand. But of course when she was about to grab it from him, he quickly retracted his hand back and chuckled. "Ah really think I am that stupid", he added and mumbled a spell with both the wands in his hand. Both started to glow in sync as he placed a controlling curse on her wand. " it wont even harm me", he grinned before finally handing her wand back and this time for real. "See Dark Arts is so useful. You have so much control over someone".
Lily's fingertips had brushed against her wand before it was cruelly snatched away from her, a gasp of frustration escaping her lips before she growled at him. Once again the urge to simply lunge at him was rather strong, but then there was that pain in her head again, Lily falling back into her seat as she winced in pain. She didn't notice him placing the curse on her wand at first, only opening her eyes in time to see the glow fading before he tossed her wand back to her, Lily quickly snatching it and holding it close. " think I'll do a thing you want? You can do whatever you want to me....when my parents find out...and they will find out....they're going to make you suffer"
((is he eventually going to use force on her? ))

"Yeah your going to rely on your parents than? And here I thought you werent going to take any pride of being his daughter. Cant do anything yourself? I suppose your just too weak", he mocked her while combing his short hair with his fingers. The truth was he wanted to see her try and only fail. It was that misery in her eyes that was sure to turn him on. "Now you dont mind me....trying to relieve some pressure in my pants", he said while unzipping them and pulling out his hard throbbing cock that was suffocating inside. He was a good 9 inches, already standing up and ready for a good fuck. "How you love my pride here? Apparently Voldemort had a 11 inch one. So i'm still short", he chuckled while stroking it with one hand, the other still gripping his real wand.
The second Lily got her hands on her wand, she was so tempted to use it....she wanted to curse him, hex him, but she had a nasty feeling that any attempt he could see coming would backfire with almost certainly disastrous results for her. Before she could think of anything else to do though, he unzipped his pants and had produced a throbbing erection, Lily squeaking slightly at the sight. Now, she wasn't exactly naive in sexual matters....whilst she was still a virgin she wasn't....entirely inexperienced. Still, this was certainly the biggest she had seen....though it wasn't like she'd seen a lot. "'re sick!" Lily turned her head away, but there was that pain in her head again, getting worse and worse. It only seemed to ease slightly when she looked at his throbbing erection again from the corner of her eye, but even that didn't seem quite enough. For some reason she felt slightly.....drawn to it. When she shifted slightly, bringing herself slightly closer to to him, the pain eased again, proximity to him seeming to ease her pain, as much as that disgusted her.
(Happy New Years)
Derek chuckled as the girl started to struggle with bringing herself to look at him or at his manhood to be specific. He was cherishing it with one hand, stroking it up and down. It had been a while since he last came. "Stop fighting with yourself. You know exactly what you need is right here", he said. Precum started to leak out from the tip, filling the small compartment with his scent. He began to massage what oozed out against the shaft and continued to stare at her. "You look hungry....give it a taste", he commanded but knowing full well she wouldnt go that far. So he used his wand, a quick spell to make her headache worse if she just stood there staring at it. "Any pain you give me, you will receive in return. So think twice before biting and I am in pain right now. Pain from denial of a nice release. Get to work".
((Happy New Year ^.^))

Lily let out a cry when the pain in her head suddenly intensified, closing her eyes and clutching at her head, but that only made it worse. The girl ended up falling from her seat, dropping to her knees on the floor of the compartment, even if it was unintentional. Still, the added proximity to his erection seemed to ease the pain slightly, even if she couldn't see it. Slowly her eyes opened up, staring at his cock as it started to glisten with his pre-cum. The pain....the pain was starting to become unbearable, it only eased if she shuffled closer on her knees to him, whimpering slightly. She'd given a few blowjobs before but....never to anything this big. But still....she couldn't handle this pain...she'd never had to handle pain like this before. She didn't want to....there was just no choice. Slowly, Lily finally leaned forward, her lips parting, her entire body shaking as her mouth slowly came closer and closer to the tip of his cock, her entire body shaking.
He smirked while leaning back and watching the teen struggle to fight off the pain. Eventually they always gave in. And the pain was just going to get worse, making her head throb and it was just as worse as the Crucio curse. But as she leaned in further, the pain started to fade away. A little bit was still lingering about, just to remind her the position he held against her. His free hand quickly wrapped around her pink hair, pushing them to the side and out of her face. "Yes thats it. No need to be shy", he whispered now letting more bubbles of pre-cum start to ooze out from the tip. He could feel her sweet breath against his hard manhood. As she paused an inch away from him with her mouth open, he gave a quick jolt of his hips towards her face. The head of his cock was now buried in her warm wet mouth. "mmm yes....take it all in"
Lily had been preparing herself to take it slow, but then he suddenly grabbed her head. She knew what was coming next, but couldn't prepare herself either physically or mentally when he rammed his hips forward, forcing the head of his cock into her mouth much faster than she had been intending. "MMF!" She winced, trying to pull her head back a little, but his grip on her hair was too tight, making any movement other than forwards hurt even more. The only way to avoid pain was to start moving her head forward, slowly taking a little more of his cock into her mouth. Her tongue moved slightly, and she found that as her tongue slid across the shaft of his cock, it caused the pain in her head to lessen, almost to the point it vanished entirely. His pleasure was linked to her pain....the more pleasure he felt, the less pain she felt....damn...what kind of sick black magic was this? Lily Potter slowly looked up at him with hatred in her eyes, whilst more of his cock slowly disappeared between her lips.
Derek barely imagined he would have such a nice start with the year. His head was tilted back and a nice audible moan escaped his lips when the pink haired female swallowed down his hard manhood. His own hips were pushing up towards her face while his hand was forcing her face down, sandwiching her face and sliding his cock even further down her throat. He could feel the tip of his cock hit against the back of her throat. More of his pre-cum began to ooze out, rewarding her taste buds with some taste. It wasnt going to be long before he would release more. He just had to fight it back, make her work a little bit longer on him and let her come to realization. The wand in his other hand slowly lowered down beside him but well out of her reach. Reaching forward, he couldnt help himself but grope her soft breasts through her clothes.
Lily winced slightly at the taste of his pre-cum, not because the taste was entirely unpleasent, but simply because it was his, and it was spilling onto her tongue and whether she meant to or not she was swallowing it. "Mmf...." She let out a muffled growl, then once the tip of his cock was against the back of her throat, she started to pull her head back. Deepthroating was something she had never really attempted, and she sure as hell didn't intend to start now with this asshole. Her eyes were closed so tightly she didn't notice him lower his wand, then gasped sharply around his cock when he groped at her chest through her robes. Instinctively her hands went to forcefully slap his hands away, she had no intentions of letting him just explore her body like this.
He only got to get a nice feel for a second before his hands were smacked away. He gave her a low growl, not pleased with being rejected like that. And so with his anger, grew her headache again. Oh how fun it was to control a woman like this. He waited for a good 2 minutes for the headache to grow and make her realize her mistake. And he tried again. Reaching down, he slipped his hand down towards her breasts and gave them a light squeeze. And her headaches subsided again. His other hand still gripping hold of her pink hair, he tugged on it for her to go faster. "mmm should I save my seed for something else? Maybe give you some taste of pleasure as well. Not fair I am hogging up all the fun wouldnt you agree?", he whispered.
Lily let out a muffled cry of pain around his cock when the pain surged, her body barely able to resist the urge to bite down, though somehow she managed it, her teeth avoiding grazing against his cock. Her hands went to clutch at her head tightly, the pain almost unbearable, until he reached down for her breasts again. The second he squeezed them the pain subsided, then the more he played with them the more they seemed to vanish almost completely. She slumped a little from the relief, then blinked as he spoke, managing a subtle shake of her head, letting out a muffled cry, the sound of 'no' just audible through it. Giving him a blowjob was one thing but.....anything more than this? she couldn't...she just couldn't.
He chuckled at her resistance. She was indeed a strong minded female. Most likely got that from her father. Which was at the same time irritating as he was use to having girls falling all over him. His naughty hands continued to explore around her breasts, giving them another squeeze. "Hmmm rather a nice size we have here eh?", he whispered. His other hand loosened the grip around her hair and in fact pulled her away from his cock, giving her a chance to breath. His swollen need was throbbing like mad and was begging for a release but he tried to fight it back. It was uncertain when he would get a chance like this at Hogwarts so better make good use of the time. "Now lets get rid of those clothes", he suggested and with a wave of his wand her clothes disappeared just like that.
If her mouth wasn't full of his cock at the time Lily would've scowled when he mentioned the size of her breasts, she had to admit she was rather proud of them. When his cock suddenly withdrew she let out a loud gasp, taking a few deep breaths. With him being so big it had been a little difficult to breathe normally. She swallowed nervously as she looked at his cock, it looked even bigger than before, glistening with her saliva. "Huh....? My clothes?" She blinked, then before she could protest her clothes had vanished, leaving her completely naked. She yelped, quickly covering herself up with her hands, her cheeks turning as pink as her hair. "Wh-why in the hell did you do that?!"
He rolled his eyes at her annoying question. "Really? Shouldnt that be obvious by now....especially how things are moving so smoothly", he joked and using the wand to remove his own clothes, displaying a nice 'death eater' like tattoo on his chest. A few more smaller tattoos of snakes and other creatures/ancient runes were along his arm, thigh, leg. His body was well toned. Not alot of fat but not alot of muscle either. Just a nice fit between the norm. He eyed her from top to bottom, grinnning at her failed attempt to cover herself. "Beauty", he commented. Taking a few steps towards her, he slowly cornered her to the edge of the small tight compartment near the window. His wand was still in his hand with a loose grip around it. "Now remove those hands...and let me get a better look at those"
Oh it was obvious yes....Lily just hoped she was wrong and that he just wanted to see.....look but not touch....more and more though she was getting the impression that she was sadly mistaken in that hope....that he wasn't going to be satisfied with just her mouth or hands. She gasped when his clothes disappeared, staring at his tattoo's. She was almost scared when she saw them....she'd only seen those sumbols in history books. She winced when he asked her to remove her hands...her first instinct was to refuse, but the twinge of pain in her head acted as a reminder what would happen if she did. Slowly, or as slowly as she dared, Lily began to move her hands away, revealing her body to him.
He kept his eyes well fixated on her angel like body and smooth rarely touched skin. Taking a few steps towards her as she loosened her grip and was literally 'forced' to push her arms out of the way from the induced headaches. His cock was still hard and pointing up for attention. He stood a few inches away from her but she could still feel his breathing. Bringing his face closer, he took a deep breath as if inhaling her very existence. "You smell good", he commented and quickly grabbed a nice lock of her hair with his hand. Pulling her face forward with a nice tug on her pink hair, he pressed his lips against her own into a forced yet heated kiss.
Lily growled slightly when he commented on her smell, continuing to look away from him, at least until he grabbed her hair, forcing her head upwards, her resistance light at best. She let out a squeak at the sudden kiss. It was just her lips at first, but then suddenly his tongue was in her mouth, exploring her mouth, tasting her...letting her taste him. God...she hated the taste...hated it. The urge was there in the back of her mind to bring her teeth together as fast and hard as possible...but before she even considered it she dismissed the idea. She knew it would bring pain...incredible pain. All she could do was close her eyes, try and pretend it was someone else kissing her, someone elses' tongue in her mouth and hands on her body.
His kiss was rough but still had some hint of passion to it. He moaned at the sweet taste in her mouth, sucking on her tongue as it was trying to duel him. He felt her body tense under him as he released his strong grip around her smooth hair. Instead he lowered it down, rubbing the back of his hand against her skin. Sliding down towards her breasts, he grabbed one and gave a nice squeeze. "Soft...", he commented after parting from the kiss for a brief moment. Kissing her a few more times, he started to press his lips down her jaw and neck. Implanting kisses along the way until he reached her left breasts. Sticking his tongue out, he flickered it against her pink nipples. Teasing her superficially, he wrapped his greedy lips around her areolas and began to suck.
Lily relaxed a little when his grip on her hair was released, a different pain in her head at least being somewhat relieved. She shivered from his touch against her sensitive skin, then gasped into the kiss as he grasped one of her breasts, breaking it as he spoke, panting whether she wanted to or not. "P-please...d-don-" She cut off as he kissed her again, unable to resist for fear of the pain it would bring, then shivered as he broke the kiss again, starting to kiss down her body instead. "Hnn...." She shook her head slightly, then yelped as his tongue flicked against her nipple. She had to resist just slightly....if she could keep this delayed....just....keep him from going too far until the train arrived at Hogwarts then maybe she could be safe....for a little while at least.
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