The unknown darkness (Maxy x Creamy)


Dec 9, 2011
The world seemed to be rejoicing the anniversary of the day when 'he who must not be named' was eliminated from this world. It had been many years since that day and there was no sign of trouble since than. Of course people were still worried about him, Voldemort's grandson. Many thought it was just rumors and that Voldemort couldnt possibly have mated with someone. They were half right. No one was willing enough to mate with him. But he needed a prodigy who could carry on his legacy incase something was to happen to him. And sure enough he made the wise decision to use imperio on a female witch and have her bare his son. That son soon made another son and there he stood, infront of the train that was heading towards Hogwarts. He was wearing dark robes and was alone. It was the sixth time he came here so he didnt need his parents company. Being 16 year old was enough of an excuse to use to come alone. And he knew his parents were busy with their own matters, whatever they were. And so grabbing his bag, he jumped onto the train in search of an empty compartment.
Lily Potter, named for her grandmother, smiled and hummed softly to herself as she sat alone in a compartment on the Hogwarts express, occasionally flicking at some of her long pink hair. It wasn't exactly the natural ginger colour she had picked up from her mother, Lily had made some....adjustments with a potion she had learned. Pink was so much more fun than red she thought. Her parents had brought her as usual, but she had quickly waved them away once she was on the train, having forbidden them from hanging around by the window or chasing after the had always been so so embarassing. "Mmmm!" The girl stretched as she watched people bustling back and forth. The train was almost ready to go and so it was getting rather full, it seemed there were more students every this rate they'd have to make the train even longer than it already was. Virtually all of the other carriages were full already, Lily now in the only compartment where she was the sole occupant.
Derek sighed when he began searching for an empty room. It was an impossible task now because of the mass population of the students that crowded the small train. He wanted to give a few of the students a push and a nasty hex but he wasnt keen on getting detention so early on in the year. Afterall he had plans to fulfill so it was for the best if he tried to stay out of trouble.

He finally found a compartment that appeared to be empty. Of course he was looking at an angle that he didnt see the pink haired female in there. How could he possibly miss such a bright color that was sure to blind him. He opened the door and stepped in and sighed when he saw her. Well it was too late and so he took a seat opposite of her and began to examine her from the corner of his eyes. It was Lily Potter from his year. Oh right her father was the one who killed his grandfather. Well that was a good start for revenge. "Hello", he greeted with a half smile on his face and looked out of the window.
"Hm?" Lily blinked and glanced up as she heard the door opening, blinking at the boy who was walking in. He was in her year....she could remember that much...but what was his had completely slipped from her mind. Then again she never had been terrific with names. It had taken her 6 months to stop mixing up her friends after first starting at Hogwarts...perhaps this was why one of her worst subjects was History of many names to remember. "Hello there!" Lily smiled brightly when the boy greeted her, raising a hand to wave to him. "Lily. Lily Potter. Pleasure to meet ya" She grinned slightly, then blinked as he seemed to just look out of the window boredly. Hm, maybe he wasn't the social type....ah well, not everyone was after all. Still, that usually didn't make her shut up. "You're in 6th year right? Just like me?"
Derek was indeed bored. The last thing he wanted was to be bombarded by her curiosity. He sighed and cursed himself for even saying 'hello' which initiated this process. And than again he could use her to get his revenge. Maybe make her father suffer from lose of his daughter to the dark side. He grinned to himself mentally and turned his attention back to her. "I am Derek", he replied believing that his last name might either frighten her or just get him in trouble seeing how he didnt know how much of a capable witch she was. Afterall she was Harry Potter's daughter. "I know who you are. Its funny how your introducing yourself to be for the first time. Well we havnt talked much but we do share a few classes together", he said while running his hand through his short dark hair. Truth be told he never talked to her before. He thought that she would know about how he was Voldemorts grandson but surprisingly she didnt.
"Well it's nice to meet you Derek!" Lily smiled as she practically chirped out the words. She wasn't entirely surprised he knew who she was, with a father like hers who had beaten Voldemort not once, but twice, it was only natural that the entire Wizarding world would know about his family. Then when he mentioned about how they might have talked and shared a few classes together, she just blinked. "Hm? Oh, sorry, I must not have noticed. I'm absolutely terrible with names and faces to be honest" She chuckled slightly and leaned back in her seat. "So what house are you in anyway? I don't recall seeing you around Gryffindor so it can't be" She reached up and tapped at her chin. "You don't quite strike me as a Hufflepuff....." Lily had heard the rumours that Voldemort had not only a child, but a grandchild, but like almost everyone else she simply dismissed them as nothing but rumours. Even if she heard his full name she'd probably just shrug it off as coincidence.
Derek couldnt help but chuckle at her naive nature. "I'm from Slytherin", he admitted. "And your a Gryffindor just like your parents. They must be proud", he said with hatred in his words but not displayed in his tone. "Tell me how are your parents doing? Busy with work I assume", he asked while grabbed in the daily prophet that was on the seat next to him. He gave it a quick glance and found a page with his grandfather's picture and how rumors were that his grandson was going to take over his legacy. Heck they got that right. Thankfully he was protected under a fake surname. "Do you have a boyfriend?", he asked casually. Alright someone really needed to teach him manners as he wasnt so equipped with them.
"Oh yeah, of course they're proud, though I think they'd be proud whatever House I was sorted into really. They really didn't make a big deal and told me how every House would be a great one to be in" She smiled brightly and nodded. She wasn't entirely surprised to hear him say he was in Slytherin....he did have that...kind of feel about him. Wasn't necessarily a bad thing mind you. "Hm? My parents? Well sure, they're both pretty busy with work really, they always are" She nodded and leaned back in her seat, about to reach for her bag to pull out a book when he suddenly asked her about a boyfriend, the girl just looking up and blinking. "Uhhh....well you are a bold one aren't you? Well no as a matter of fact, I broke up with my boyfriend not long before we finished 5th year"
He nodded as she spoke, trying to keep himself awake. It wasnt her but the train they were confined in. Something about it made him sleepy. He didnt enjoy the ride and would rather apparate. But he didnt have the licence to do so. "Oh sorry was I really that up front? I should know the cues when to stop speaking my mind out sometimes. But yes you are beautiful and so i assume alot of men ask you to be your boyfriend? And not to mention you are famous for being Potter's girl", he added. Yes she was beautiful and he could rape her in the compartment if he wanted and use oblivate in the end. But he wasnt in the mood for a fuck. It would be fun if he won her heart.
Lily blinked as he first spoke about knowing when to stop speaking his mind, then just carried on doing so anyway, being rather forward once again. "Uhh...well uh...thanks" She laughed nervously, rubbing the back of his head. He was right, she did get quite a lot of offers from guys wanting to be her boyfriend, everything from first years to seventh years, though she usually just politely declined. "Oh come on, you're exaggerating. I mean it's not like everyone in the school is trying to ask me out or anything" She chuckled and shook her head. "And come on, you don't have to keep mentioning my dad. I'd prefer to be famous for my own reasons rather than just because of who's daughter I am"
"I admire that about you. You rather not live in the shadows of your parent's fame. But pity because that is what will define you for the rest of your life. No matter what you do, people will not see you any differently", he sighed. Yes it was hard for him. He didnt mind being the grandson of the most evil wizard but he hated how he could never reveal his identity to anyone. "Hmmm do you believe in the rumors of the existence of Voldemort's grandson? I heard them to be true. People dont know who he is but already fear him because of his grandfather's reputation".
Lily twitched as he accused her of never being able to step out of her fathers shadow, folding her arms. "Hmph, so you say, but I'll prove you and the rest of them wrong. I'll make my own name, just wait and see" She leaned back in her seat and nodded, both ot him and to herself, then blinked as he asked her about the rumours of Voldemorts son, just rolling her eyes. "Ugh, of course they aren't true. For one thing, who in their right mind would let that asshole sleep with them? Even the Imperius curse isn't that strong. He's dead and his whole line ended with him thank god. Dad made sure of that"
Derek was amused but at the same time had the same temper as his grandfather. He didnt enjoy hearing people insulting his own grandfather like that. "Alright daddy's little girl, if you say so. I am sure he wont come to you at night and rape that nice little ass of yours. Just saying. I heard he is a handsome young man like myself and not alot of women can resist him. But again...rumors", he chuckled at his heartless joke. He was a Slytherin afterall so it didnt bother him to say his mind out.
Lily blinked as he spoke, then frowned and shook her head. "Ugh...what the hell is wrong with you? How can you even say things like that? You're sick you know that?" She would've liked to leave the compartment, but her things were all in here, it'd be a hell of a pain to move them all. "Why don't you just shut up for the rest of the trip? You've got one sick mind you know that? Joking about some imaginary monster sneaking in and raping me?'re disgusting"
Derek rolled his eyes at her over reaction. "What does rape bother you so much? Fine fine...we will make it willingly", he added with a perverted smirk. He than slowly pulled out his wand from the side of his pants and mumbled an immobility spell. Lily was left immobile but could still talk and blink. "What if I told you my last name was Riddle?", he said and fired a spell towards the door to make sure it was locked from the inside. He than got up and dragged himself towards her.
"Of course the idea of it bothers me! It would bother any normal person! God, you really are sick. No wonder I've never spoken to you before" She just ignored his comment about making it willing, looking away from him in disgust, though it left her unable to see him discreetly withdrawing his wand. By the time she knew he had even cast a spell it was already too late, her body suddenly going immobile. "H-huh? What...what's going on? I...hey! What the hell did you do?!" Lily tried to move, but her body simply wouldn't respond at all. All she could do was move her eyes to look over at him. "I couldn't care less what your last name is!"
((Didnt mean to control your character x.x She will be released in the next post))

Wand still in his hand, he mumbled a nasty spell, a spell that was to get her aroused with a slight touch of his hand. Derek pressed his body next to her. He tried to ignore her yelling and instead focused on observing her. He reached over and slowly stroked the side of her face, getting a good feel of her smooth skin. He than moved his hand down the side of her neck. He looked up at her reaction but continued to move his hand south. He got hold of her breasts and gave them a nice squeeze. Oh yes she was nice developed woman. "Are you a virgin?", he asked while still holding her breasts.
((Hey no problems ^.^ In a game like this with magic spells for paralyzing and such, somtimes it's gotta be done. It slows things right down if you just post "He cast the spell hoping it would work" when we both know that it will anyway, heh))

Lily's eyes followed Derek as he moved around her, noticing a slight movement of his wand...she thought she heard him mutter something, but she couldn't make out the words, and the movements of his wand weren't for any spell she recognised, if it was a spell at all. Maybe he was just trying to freak her out. She just growled as he sat next to her. "Just wait until I can move....I'm gonna break every one of your fingers and make sure you can never hold a wand again...." She tried to spit in his face, but when when his hand made contact with her skin she gasped, eyes going wide as an odd, hot sensation shot through her body. What was that? Was couldn't way that touch had aroused her. But then his hand moved down, across her neck, then grasping at her breasts and squeezing them through her clothing, another gasp escaping her lips. Though when he asked his question, she just growled again. "F-fuck you!" A muggle expression she had overheard her father saying once or twice to less than savoury seemed somewhat appropriate right now.
Derek just chuckled at her reaction. "Maybe I should put a obedient spell on you as well", he threatened but really didnt make an attempt for it. His hands were still groping her nice soft breasts and he wondered what size she was. He than grabbed her head by the hair and turned her around. He smacked his lips hard against her into a nice rough kiss. Yes Derek liked it rough but he could be passionate at times. His other hand was still cupping her right breasts as he devoured her mouth with his. But he quickly withdrew as there was still a possibility that she may bite. "I see you have a problem. You know I can take care of it", he whispered into her ears and sucked on her ear lobe. His hands had now moved far more south and brushed against her crotch and than inner thighs. He was searching her for her wand and once he got hold of it, he pulled it away from her and undid the spell. "Now behave. I dont like it when I have to immobilize my victims. It takes out all the fun".
"You wouldn't dare. Just you wait unti-" Lily was cut off when he suddenly kissed her, caught off guard by the sudden attack. It wasn't her first kiss by any means, but so unexpected...and so....powerful, she had never been kissed like this before. By the time Lily got her mind back to where it was supposed to be, intending to bite down, it was too late, he had broken the kiss, causing her to miss her oppertunity to bite on his tongue. "P-problem? What the hell are you talking about?" Lily frowned, then gasped as she felt his hand starting to move lower. She tried to move her arms to stop him, but she couldn't move an inch, letting out a loud squeak as his hand came close to her crotch, then moved around and searched for her wand, pulling it from its hiding place within her sleeve.
When the binding spell was undone, Lily's first instinct was to just lunge at him, to beat him into submission and take her wand back....but it was too dangerous. He had not only his own wand but hers as well, both pointing right at her. If she made even a slight movement to go for him then he could certainly immobilize her again. "B-bastard. What do you want from me?!"
He grinned as he waved his wand back and forth as if mocking her. He than sat comfortably infront of her, his legs well wide apart for her to get a glance of his nice hard bulge. "Good girl. Ah and here I thought you wouldnt ask. Well now that you did, mind taking care of this?", he said poking his hard on with her wand while keeping the other wand aimed at her. "Of course let me tell you this. The spell I used is a powerful one. You have to obey me or else you'll just feel a nasty headache take over until you fall dead. Now we dont want that now do we? Oh and dont think of biting either. It'll just kill you as much as it will kill me". He watched her, wondering if she will actually please him or rather die.
Lily just glared at him as he moved to sit back down, watching him move her wand then recoil in disgust as he used it to tap the bulge in his crotch. Disgusting....she'd be washing her wand for months now. "Hmph, you're just bluffing, there's no way you'd use a spell like that" Lily folded her arms and turned away. "Like hell I'm going to take care of that! There's no way I'd do something like that with someone like you even in my worst nightmares!" Lily felt a slight twinge of pain in the side of her head, but she just ignored it. It was probably just her mind playing tricks....he was playing mind games with her...that was all. Had to be.
He could tell she was going to be defiant against him. Usually girls would be happy to please him but this one was playing hard to get and he liked it. He licked the corner of his mouth and just waited. "You will eventually. If you want to get rid of that nasty pain than do what I request. It is already ready for you just to save some time", he smirked. Reaching over, he grabbed a lock of her hair and pulled her down onto her knees infront of him. He was surprisingly strong as he had a tight grip around the back of her hair and forcing her face into his hard bulge, making sure she got a good smell and feel of it.
"Feh, just wait until we get to Hogwarts and I report you for this....any spell you've done I'll get undone and you'll be thrown straight into Azkaban for this...." Lily looked at him and growled, then winced again, closing her eyes and raising a hand to her head. The momentary distraction meant she couldn't react when he grabbed her hair, the pink haired Potter letting out a yelp as she was tugged down to her knees, growling up at him as he kept her head near to his covered bulge. "I'll bite it off before I suck on it you asshole. Nothing you can do can make me ever want to suck on you"
"No one will know. If you even open your mouth and hint at it, you will experience enough pain to make you go insane", he added. He was starting to grow impatient but so was his need. His grip around the back of her pink hair tightened and he was just about to take his need out of his pants and shove it down her throat but a knock on the door saved her. He got up and tossed her back on her seat and headed towards the door. "Say a word and you will be sorry. Like my grandfather I know enough dark magic to make you suffer", he said before opening the door. It was the lady with trolley of sweets. "No I dont want any", he answered and the lady looked inside to ask Lily. Lily could feel a slight painful headache, reminding her of the possible consequences if she was defiant.
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