An Icubi's Intent (FFX-2: Stormgale n' Myself)

Dec 13, 2011
Pacific Northwest
Yuna sighed and rubbed the bridge of her nose as her, Rikku, and Paine made their way out of the airship and down the path toward the little resort town they had decided to rest at for awhile. Rikku's insistent, hyper active attitude was endearing at times, but with the stress of not being able to find that Sphere, it was actually giving her a headache. She could actually be thankful for Paine's rather sombre personality for once.

"Soooo, Yuna! How long do we plan on staying? Not that I mind a vacation! Oh oh! What if we find some treasure here, you know, like in the waters!" Rikku exclaimed, giggling as she almost hurried down the path ahead of them; she was jumping from one topic to the other so fast and she really wasn't intent on figuring out if her friends were actually listening to her or not.

"She gets excited about everything," Paine mumbled, though a rare smile was found on her lips. Yuna found it infectious and only shook her head with a slight exasperated sigh.

Darkness was already beginning to spread across the blue sky, dusk just over the horizon, dwindling light paving their way to the INN where Yuna immediately secured a room for them. She made sure to get the suite, enjoying her space and, yes, even privacy sometimes. Rikku was ecstatic to say the least, being an ex treasure hunter now Sphere hunter. Yuna and Paine could have sworn she bounced her way to the room, with barely concealed amusement. They were ushered in and Yuna passed the bell boy a small tip, though he hadn't actually done anything but show them the way; the Y.R.P. group very rarely had baggage with them.

"Ohhh! The bed is so soft!" Rikku giggled as she face planted on the bed, almost nuzzling the bed covers with her cheek.

"Alright, Rikku; no more sweets for you, I swear," Yuna said with a small laugh. The three of them switched out their Spheres from their Sphere Grid and relaxed in their beds; Paine in one, Yuna and Rikku in the other. The young blonde snuggled up to Yuna side and promptly fell asleep; it always astonished her that the hyper girl could fall asleep in the blink of the eye.

"At least she's quiet," Paine mused with a small chuckle, before yawning and shutting her red eyes to allow herself to fall into a light slumber. The warrior was a light sleeper, honed that way by her instincts and her life.

Yuna allowed herself to hold the young Al Bhed, her opposite eyes of blue and green following suit to her friends. It wasn't long before she too was asleep, finally able to take a moment to truly rest, and once she was under, there really was no rousing her. She slipped deeper, dreams beginning to filter their way into her subconscious. It started like almost every dream she'd had before, since Tidus had disappeared from her life; she was back at that lake, where they had kissed for the first time, when she'd been crying and the world had felt so heavy on her shoulders as a Summoner. She sat at the edge of the lake, staring at the marvel of beauty that it was; she knew this was a dream because he wasn't there. She was alone.
The unsent smiled as he looked down at the three girls... it had taken him a while to sneak aboard, even longer to get access but now he was ready. He rested his hand on the Ex-summoner first, seeping into her dreams like a smoke, though the lake was the same the water was oddly warm, almost inviting as the summoner's legs dangled in it, the slow motions of the water against her like an endless caress. He inserted himself into her sleepy memories, a friend from the village, well built but lithe... a blitz ball player like tidus "So are we going to go in?" he asked her, voice smooth as he placed a towel down by the edge... after all that was why they were here right?
Yuna almost jerked when she heard his voice, the smooth timbre of it seeping through her like a soothing balm; he'd never appeared in her dreams before. Was she finally losing her mind? But wait...she turned her eyes to him and her brows fell down over them, her thoughts intense. Dream? No...not a dream; it didn't feel like a dream, but like he was really with her, like he had never disappeared to begin with. His question eased her tension and she nodded softly, the water warmer than she remembered but pleasing to her smooth skin. With a start, she realized she was in little else besides her undergarments, mere fragments of cloth over her most intimate parts; that was the point wasn't it, though? It would be a pointless endeavor to swim in the waters of the lake in her summoner robes, wouldn't it.

"Of course," she said with a smile as she slipped into the water, letting it slide over her and caress every inch of her skin. It did feel heavenly. She broke the surface with a gasp, smiling as she smoothed the wet hair from her face, treading the waters as her multi colored eyes sought out Tidus, hopeful that he had followed her in.
He dived in after her, moving to hug her from behind "So are you relaxed?" he asked as he held her, warm arms keeping her safe as his hair tickled her, his muscled body pressing close against her letting her feel that athletic physice that enamored her so. Everything was so real after all, perhaps yuna would start blurring the line between memory and dream... perhaps she might not realise it was a dream after all or maybe she would just indulge herself knowing full well this was her fantasy. All he had to do was wait, after all he knew she would find it hard to resist her beloved, so close, the warmth of his body and the feel of his skin against her's
Yuna couldn't help but find herself leaning back into the dream Tidus' embrace, finding it much too nostalgic to allow it to slip away from her. She folded her own arms over his where they were wrapped around her waist, her head falling back against his chest with a soft, content sigh; her feet continued to lightly tread the water to keep them from sinking beneath the waves. Not that she would have minded. They had shared their first kisses beneath the waters of this lake.
He stroked his fingers along her hip, up her side and through her hair, gently teasing the auburn strands "Enjoying the water?" he asked with a smile, his other hand resting on her hip, fingers brushsing against her skin in slight motions "Or is there anything I can do to make your trip more enjoyable?" he asked seemingly innocently... of course his intent was anything but
There was no way that Yuna could have known otherwise. As far as she could comprehend, this was a dream, and nothing else; a dream that her poor, stressed subconscious had given her. "It's just so good to see you," she whispered as she turned in his arms and wrapped hers' around his neck. Her green and blue eyes looked up at him beseechingly. "I have missed you." Which was true; that was why she had become a Sphere Hunter...that one sphere...the boy had look so much like Tidus that she had been convinced he'd still existed. "Is this your way of telling me to stick with it? You've never come to my dreams," she sighed, almost wistfully.
"I came here to help you" he said with a soft smile "You are so worried, so tense, so stressed" he spoke, still stroking her hair as his other hand held the small of her back "Let yourself relax with me" he whispered into her ear, pressing a soft kiss to it "Let yourself go" he almost purred in her ear, stroking down her back, teasing her spine with shivering sensations... the unsent did enjoy the hunt alot
She found herself shivering at the feeling of his familiar breath against the sensitive shell of her ear; it really did feel like he was here. With her. Like he had been, what felt like forever ago. She let herself release a breathy sigh and leaned into him, tilting her face to that she could look into those eyes she had not forgotten, for a single moment.

"Ah, Tidus...I could always count on you."
"Of course you can" he said as he continued to stroke, his fingertips moving down her back and tracing slow patterns against it "So tell me yuna what you desire?" he asked even as he pressed against her, his muscled body so close and warm against her own, his hands firmly holding her by the waist, his lips against her ear and neck in teasing kisses
The Ex-summoner sighed into the teasing kisses and nips, that made her skin prickle with an almost forgotten desire; not forgotten, subconsciously suppressed, to further avoid any more pain than she had already suffered at his loss. That's right; he really was gone...she could at least be with him, in her dreams, while she tried so desperately to find him outside of those dreams. Why had he waited so long? Her thoughts became jumbled and distracted at the feel of his hands on her, sending shivers of pleasure racing up and down her nerves. "I just miss you, Tidus," Yuna murmured, returning his kisses to his jaw and the corners of his lips. "Would you kiss me?"
"Of course I can do that" he whispered, pressing his lips to hers... more skillful than she remembered, fingertips teasing the strands of her hair and stroking down her back as his tongue brushed against her lips, his own locked in a heated kiss. "Is there anything else you desire?" he asked in a heated whisper, returning to kiss her as his hands wandered her frame, along her sides, her flat stomach, teasingly close to her chest.
"Just you," she gasped against his lips, her arms around his neck as she allowed herself to kiss this dream version of her lover. The kiss was better than she recalled, but she didn't think much of it, having been without his kisses for so long, it was likely she had forgotten how good they had been. Her body trembled beneath his stroking hands and fingers, her tongue wetting her lips as she looked into the face she had missed. "Just you," she added again, a soft smile following suit.
"Just me?" he asked as he stroked her hair "Not me doing anything in particular?" he asked, his hand cupping her rear and pulling her close, nails scratching light patterns on her skin, his kiss becoming hotter, needier, lips pressing against hers in a firm kiss as his tongue flicked over her lips until they would part, his eyes shut as he seemed to lsoe himself in her... perhaps she should just let go too?
He seemed to become lost in her and she wondered if she should do so as well. She did, sighing into his lips and pushing her body into his, her breasts mashing against his well built chest. Her rear fit nicely in his hands, like she remembered; they'd only ever made love once, but it had haunted her since the moment he'd disappeared. It had made losing him a little easier, though it was still not easy to begin with. Her hand gripped his head, so the kiss could deepen.
He pressed his tongue past her lips, exploring as his hand kneaded her perfect rear "What do you desire?" he asked her as he pressed close,. firm body grinding against her, his arousal quite obvious at it ground against her swimsuit "Let me give it to you" he added, nipping her ear as he undid her top, letting it float in the water as fingers cupped her bare chest "Let me pleasure you" he added, voice husky and lustful
Yuna gave a soft sigh of pleasure and shuddered when he undid her top to leave her ample breasts bare, nipples pebbling into tight peaks almost begging for his attention. His words made her bite her lip with a moan. "Mmm, yes, Tidus..." She whispered his name and arched her body against his chest, shivering with a soft noise as her breasts pressed to him. "Touch me, Tidus, I missed you..." Her lips touched his neck, teeth nipping and tugging his skin teasingly.
He shivered softly, skin tating sweet to her lips as his hands cupped her breasts, perfectly fitting them as he started to knead and tease the flesh. "Did you miss the way I touched you?" he asked, brushing his palms against her nipples before pinching them slightly "The way I drove you wild with desire?"
"Mm, yes, yes I did," she murmured against his neck. Soft moaned wafted from her lips as he kneaded and massaged her breasts, his palms rough against her tender nipples. She couldn't help but press herself into him; as she kept saying, she had missed him so much. One hand slid into his hair and gripped it, her lips finding his so that she could kiss him deeply. Her tongue dueling with his as she hooked her leg around his to bring him completely up against the length of her young, soft body.
"Good" he purred against her lips, his tongue deftly rubbing agaisnt her, drawing out pleasure with every dueling stroke, his hardness now pressing right against her soft desire, shifting to slowly grind against her, his muscled body against her soft supple one, his every motion almost moulding her, drawing more and more pleasure and desire from her. Of course this was the incubi's point, he wanted the girl to almost go mad with desire, then he could have his fun with her
Yuna shuddered and bit her lip, grinding herself back against her love, her center becoming more and more warm, aching for the touch of a man she hadn't felt in what felt like ages. She almost growled - he never teased her thusly - her desire beginning to override her ability to think coherently. She wrapped her fingers in his dirty blonde hair and whimpered, rubbing her pelvis up against his, against his stiffened erection, to cor rose him into giving her the pleasure she needed, had needed, since he'd disappeared. His appearance here was making it so hard to keep her desire and passion and longing for him in check.
"what do you need?" hewhispered in her ear as he stroked his hand down to her rear, holding it so they could grind firmly against eachother, his hardened shaft against her heated core. His lips kissing heated trails down her neck "Let me hear it Yunie" he purred in her ear, his hand kneading her rear now, lewdly squeezing and teasing the soft flesh.
She gave a heated moan, his words arousing her further. Why wasn't he...? The last time, the only time, they'd had sex, he'd been more than eager to take her. Now it seemed as if he almost wanted her to beg for it. "I need you," she whispered, rubbing back against him, her body shuddering at the sensation.
"what do you need me to do?" he asked, slowing his grinding, making his touches lighter, his kisses softer... slowly dialing back the sensation wanting her desire to ache and block out all reason. His muscled body pinned her to the edge of the lake, eyes looking into her's with a fiery desire.
"Tidus," she almost whimpered his name. She was trying to think, but she couldn't, not really, not when he was pressing up against her. She could feel his cock pressing at her and then he lightened his touches, making her whimper at the loss of his intensity. "Tidus, stop tormenting me...I can't think straight...I need you, please...take me, take me like you did before," her voice husky and low with pent up desire and suppressed lust.
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